Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
1 yr ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
4 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
4 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
4 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Guin Stark, Dominika Novikova, and Runa Blake

Location: Stark Tower - New York -> Human Resistance HQ - New York
Skills: Telepathy, Eldritch Magic
October had gone through the portal with Carolina, sensing that her wife needed her for the moment. Reality was going to be repaired and she would be dead again - these were the precious few moments that they would be able to have together. And while she was certain she would see Carolina again, October did not want to waste the gift of time that had been afforded to her. Not everyone in the world was so fortunate as to see their lost love once more.

"Ally, don't call him Mr. Stark - at least not when he's wasted," Guin commented. She hated seeing her father like this, a drunken mess scrambling to get to his feet. It reminded her too much of her own struggles with addiction and the potential wired into her genetic code to become a slave to booze and drugs once more. She winced as her father continued to drink, even with what was at stake. She hadn't seem him like this in ages, at least not in the real world. Here, her father's alcoholism was a normal sight... It broke her heart slightly. All of his progress was gone, his bad habits back in control thanks to Wanda Maximoff.

She had more options here though to help him. Figuring that she could try dumping a bucket of water on him second, Guin put a hand to her forehead and she tapped into her father's brain. Guin couldn't help but feel a bit sick as she did her very best to sober him up, using a great deal of mental strength in the process but she managed to pull it off. However, her nose was bleeding and she felt incredibly dizzy. "Okay, Iron Man is sober - let's get him the hell away from the booze and go back to your base. I think we've probably got enough to go up against Wanda now."

"Guina, don't hurt yourself," Pietro said, going over and steadying her.

Novikova rolled her eyes, hardly surprised by Tony's state. She was being mentored by Dr. Pym, working for him at Pym Tech after being fired from S.H.I.E.L.D. - and so when it came to the Pym-Stark rivalry, she was firmly Team Pym. When she saw Tony Stark, she saw a drunk playboy resting on the laurels of his father, unaware of the impact his actions had on the lives of others. She believed Pym when he told her that she should never trust a Stark - they were all vain and corrupt, even lying in bed with terrorists such as Quicksilver.

Runa stepped through the portal to Stark Tower after closing the one in the Baxter Building to the Human Resistance HQ, bringing Lance along with her before closing that portal. She was feeling very tired and drained, but her work wasn't done yet. They had gotten Stark on their side from what she could tell and Runa took a breath, before opening a portal from Stark Tower to the Human Resistance HQ. They would be able to see Niah and the others on the other side. "Please, step on through - this is tiring," Runa asked.

"If you fuck this up, Stark..." Novikova warned, before stepping through Runa's portal and arriving at the Human Resistance Headquarters. She looked around quickly, hoping to see Maria but there was no sign of her. She must not have returned yet from New Orleans. It wasn't that surprising, the New York group definitely seemed to have the more stable and competent of the two ex-Asgardian witches. She crossed her arms and went over to an open space, leaning up against the wall as she watched Sapphire tend to Niah. Despite her cool exterior, Novikova really did hope she was okay.

Guin then went through the portal, holding her nose in an effort to stop the bleeding. Once everyone was on through, Runa would then go through herself and close the portal, only to open one to the LeBeau Casino in New Orleans. It was time for the entire team to be reunited into one gigantic force.

Casper Theriot

Location: the LeBeau Casino - New Orleans
Skills: Mediumship
Casper couldn't help but pause for a moment and wonder if this was why there weren't more superhero team ups. It was getting pretty exhausting to go around explaining everything to everyone all of the time. Could this be the source of the rivalry between the Avengers and the X-Men - an unwillingness to spend more than a few seconds explaining the situation at hand? His train of thought was derailed by a feeling of almost dizzying happiness as James called him by his mutant name - he rarely used the moniker, but he was just giddy hearing it from his boyfriend's mouth. "I don't know if I could call it my turf, I don't have any memories of this world but... I did spend my teenage years growing up in New Orleans," he admitted with a sheepish shrug.

"You're fantastic at motivational speaking, Max," Casper quipped with a slight smirk.

"He fucking sucks at it," Ben complained.

"It's called sarcasm, Benjamin," Casper reminded him, trying to ruffle the ghost's head only for his arm to pass straight through. Ben recoiled slightly, never enjoying the sensation of having someone living go through him - especially if it was Casper. The inside of his mouth always seemed to taste like a Sephora store afterwards. Casper couldn't help but notice that his brother was more than a little bit tense, snapping at Anastasia. He vaguely recalled that she was a part of the Hellfire Club, but Casper was willing to work with his father's students and he had far more beef with them at the end of the day, so he didn't say much.

"Jackie... If you want to go and spend some time with your kid before this all turns back... I don't think anyone would blame you," Casper mentioned, guessing as to what was wrong.

A portal then appeared to the Human Resistance HQ and Runa was on the other side. "If you're here to bring down the King, come on through - we're ready to fight."

🏹 Arthur Twist 🏹

Location: Roof of the Big Bad's HQ -> Staircase -> Room with Cabinets
Skills: Investigation, Stealth
Perched on the rooftop like a bird of prey, Arthur surveyed the scene below. The four armed woman didn't strike him as an immediate danger to those down below and while he would save their lives if he needed to, they weren't his top priority. His mission was, and forever would be, to avenge the murder of his late father, Harrison Snow. The X-Factor members below - Mercury, Sapphire, Belladonna... He knew their abilities, why they had been recruited to the team his father founded. Spiral's history was not a mystery to him either and the only reason he hadn't killed her on sight was that he needed her alive. She was going to lead him right to the head of this beast.

The biggest curveball was the presence of Sapphire - he would need to keep an eye on her. He couldn't hear what they were saying, but he watched as Spiral led the assorted group inside the complex. While he could have shot an arrow to jam the door and keep it from locking behind them, he also knew that it would just draw attention to himself. He would need to find a different way inside. His eyes darted around rapidly, before settling on the roof access door near him. Moving over to it quietly with an arrow notched in his bow, he opened the door easily - it hadn't even been locked, something that struck him as an oversight.

There was a staircase leading down and Arthur quietly descended. Once he reached the landing he found himself facing an extended hallway lined with doors. At the very end, there were two corridors that split off. Stepping into the nearest room, he glanced around. Cabinets lined the walls and there was a computer on the desk. Pausing for a moment, he went over to the cabinets and ran his gloved hands over them, searching for a trigger or a lever. Eventually, there was a click and one of the cabinets moved aside, revealing an elevator.

Maybe he didn't need Spiral after all.

⚡John Watts⚡

Location: Outside the Big Bad's HQ -> Inside -> Andrew's Prison
Skills: Molecular Oscillation, Superspeed
Watts' expression hardened into a glare as Spiral knocked Belladonna's blade from her hands. She wasn't his child, but he still felt a certain amount of fatherly protectiveness towards her. Bella wasn't that much older than his daughter and was just a little bit younger than his son, after all. Of course, Spiral was at the very least helpful enough to monologue and share some key information on their opponents, including the revelation that one of them was a clone of the X-Man Jean Grey. The hallucination of Andrew apparently had been caused by the CEO and Watts couldn't help but shake his head slightly. If he were a villain, he wouldn't waste his energy on petty parlor tricks like that. There were far more effective ways to rid oneself of enemies and the hallucination had only increased Watts' drive to come here. In short, Rae's efforts had backfired.

"Let's go," he said, picking up the sword and returning it to Bella's hand in a flash. He followed after Spiral into the complex and listened to her instructions, tripping slightly but catching himself as he ran off at superspeed. The door was locked and he started to vibrate each atom of his body, phasing through the door and emerging on the other side. Immediately, Watts noticed the darkness of the room - and the faded singe marks on the wall that made the outline of door hinges. The lamps had been ripped apart and salvaged for parts and there were some components of the blasters in Andrew's suit.

"GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!" Watts screamed, his eyes glowing red from the speed serum coursing through his veins as he turned and punched the wall as hard as he could, creating a gigantic hole but it did nothing to satiate the anger burning a hole through his heart. "ANDREW! WHERE ARE YOU?!"

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-Blood - the Barrier
Skills: Superhuman Speed

Leda's breath caught in her throat and she was paralyzed temporarily, unable to swoop in and save the daughter of Hades with her speed. Just like everyone else there, she could only just watch the horrific act. The blood went everywhere, with the dead creature stabbing the poor girl what must have been fifty times or more. Her knees felt weak and it was just about everything Leda could do to not scream at the sight. Sure, she had seen some horrible things, she was a demigod but... This was a little girl. She could hardly believe it as her sister, Tammy, dismissed what had happened - as if Ash had just tripped and not been brutally killed. Kiera reacted similarly, acting like nothing serious had just gone on.

"Are you bloody joking?" Leda asked, incredulous. "All of you, really, a little girl just died and you're acting like it's the Queen's Jubilee!" Mona at the very least seemed to react like a normal human being and Mary, from what Leda could tell, was shocked. "I don't think I fancy going into town at the mo'," she told them all bluntly, scooping up Ash's body into her arms and getting blood all over her shirt. She couldn't find Ash's head and she took off with a loud BOOM as she rushed to the Big House, finding a secluded room where she set down Ash's corpse gently.

"Chiron! Mr. D! In here!" she shouted, hoping they'd come. At the very least, Ash's body was away from the prying eyes of the younger campers. She didn't want them to be exposed to that sort of thing.

✨ Rebecca Eventide ✨

Location: Camp Half-Blood - the Big House/Infirmary
Skills: N/A

Rebecca had been in the woods where they played Capture the Flag, communing with nature. So many people wrongly thought of the magic as some dark force, connected with demonic spirits and the screaming souls of the deceased. It was so much more than that - it was multifaceted, balancing the darkness with the light. Just as Rebecca could whisper to the dead, she too appreciated being amongst the flowers and giving thanks to the earth for all of her gifts and wonders. Her nature retreat of sorts had just ended and she had made her way back to camp. She thought for a moment about getting something to eat, but the harpies were likely cleaning up by now. She might as well head on over to the Big House and see what potions they needed her to replenish in the infirmary.

Dressed in black with a pull-over, she gently knocked on the wood paneling outside the infirmary to announce her entrance. Some of the children of Hecate had a bad habit of sneaking up on people - Rebecca considered it a courtesy to Zeke. "Hey, I'm going to be brewing quite a bit tonight at the witching hour... What potions do you need?" she asked, assuming she had gotten his attention. She stepped over the threshold and ran a hand through her hair, contemplating braiding it for a moment but she didn't quite feel like putting the effort in. "If you need any plants, I don't mind going through the woods to collect them - the energy is very peaceful there at the moment."


Principles of Biochemistry by Lehninger, 7th Edition (:
10/10 would recommend for books that made me cry

Washington D.C.: September 10th, 2020 - 9:50 AM

Requiem was nowhere to be found, leaving just Anastasia, the Three-in-One, and Jinx in the elevator. The hypnotic mutant must have already left the building, perhaps fleeing the bloody scene and abandoning the Hellfire Club entirely. Given that Emma and the others had just murdered Shaw, maybe he had a good reason to leave the Inner Circle. The Three-in-One couldn't help but laugh, hearing Jinx's thoughts - he was rather loud. "The box was Shaw's, Jinx," they informed him in perfect unison. "His name was Dr. Klaus Schmidt," the girls then added. "His mind was so... vulnerable at the end, we learned so many things." Of course, that was largely due to the efforts of Anastasia and Jinx.

"We need to get back on track," Esme interjected, pressing the button for the garage. They had some military grade vehicles there that the Three-in-One had in mind for this job. And while Anastasia held the title of White Queen, the girls still had more experience than her and they felt they could make these choices. It would be up to Anastasia to make a show of strength and power for them to see her as something other than an equal. Once the elevator reached the garage, the Three-in-One walked out and over to what looked like a military jeep, only it had far more toys. It was the sort of car that would appear in a James Bond movie. "We're driving," they announced, as Sophie got into the driver's seat. Esme got into the shotgun seat and Phoebe sat directly behind her. "Don't touch anything, Jinx," the Three-in-One added.

JFK Memorial Hospital...

It wasn't too long for them to reach the hospital. There was a visitor's parking lot where Sapphire would be able to park the car, but it wasn't directly in front of the hospital - that was where the ambulances were supposed to go, in order to allow them to get patients into the hospital as quickly as possible. Casper couldn't help but be slightly nervous at the hospital. In his experience, hospitals were some of the most haunted places in the world - so many people died in them. At least James was giving him easy questions, having been on these medications a few dozen times himself. "Methadone is a pain killer, but it also treats opioid addiction - I've had it injected and taken it as pills before, it's a white circular tablet," he explained. "Buprenorphine is the same idea, it's also a white circular pill... I think it might also be called Suboxone."

However, Casper wasn't really sure where in the hospital those pills would be kept. He had an inclination that it would be in the vault, just since that seemed to be about appropriate for their luck. Nothing could ever be easy.

"I'm surprised he isn't freaking out over your knowledge of drug addiction," Ben commented, hovering vaguely over Casper's shoulder in the car. "But are you sure you'll be fine in there, Casper? There's lots of souls... And if they notice you can see them, they might attach themselves to your soul."

"You mean like you did, Ben?" Casper replied rhetorically, but he nodded slightly. He was worried. He didn't want to see the legion of the dead floating down the hallway towards him, screaming at him to reunite them with their loved ones.

Colossus nodded at Feedback's suggestion, finding it to be an insightful and clever strategy. "Da, redirect doctors," he agreed. It was up to the three of them to create some sort of distraction, but they didn't need to do it instantly - they could wait until Casper, James, and Sapphire had made some progress in the hospital. They just needed to time it perfectly, to cause the perfect distraction once those three needed it the most. With the car stopped, Colossus hunched down and climbed out, holding the door open for Feedback and Moonwalker. "Come, let us go to hospital gift shop - we can buy bear for Illyana."

"We will cause distraction in ten minutes," he informed the other group. It would help them with their timings to know when they would make sure chaos occurred to draw attention away from them.

The Cherry Bomb...

Sunshine shook her head. "He was just someone in the crowd, not a witness or anything - and it's hardly like they let me go and talk to people to meet them once the judge passed his verdict..." her voice trailed off and there was a slight distant look in her eyes. That had been one of the worst days of her life. Her newfound family had been ripped away from her, all because Purifiers had burned down the apartment complex and blamed the mutant runaways. The police sided with the extremists and sent most of Sunshine's family to Mutant Super-Max, whereas she had been sent to juvenile detention as she hadn't turned eighteen yet. That was when Sunshine learned to hate humans - no matter what she did, they were always going to think the worst.

"... Sorry kid, that's rough," Havok told Sunshine sympathetically. Her behavior and mannerisms reminded him a lot of Sapphire at times. Both of them were incredibly scarred people, the past continually shaping their future no matter what they did. He grimaced, wanting to ask what she had been on trial for but he knew better than to ask. Somethings were better left unsaid.

"Yeah, well, whatever," Sunshine shrugged. "I don't need pity." And since Spark Plug had gotten up to go on after Veil, she didn't stop herself from eating the nachos quickly. Food was never guaranteed in her experience, and especially in juvi, she had to eat quickly or the bigger kids would take the food from her once they finished their own. It was all a survival mechanism.

"I don't pity you, kid."

It wasn't too long for the bartender to serve Max his drink and food, still waiting to hear what Leighton wanted to order. Veil pushed open the grimy door to the bathroom and she looked around the sinks quickly, hoping what she was looking for would be there. "Shit..." There weren't any hairpins - she was hoping to find one, just in case they needed to pick a lock. And beyond the general lack of hygiene in the restroom, there was nothing to tip her off to a conspiracy to kidnap mutants and turn them into drugged up slaves.

She turned around, seeing Spark Plug come in after her. "Nothing in here from what I can tell. How about I cloak us and we try poking around the door heading to the basement?" she suggested. As long as they didn't take too long, she doubted the bartenders would notice their absence. Judging from the state of the stalls, people spent ages in this bathroom doing drugs or having intercourse anyways. Worst case scenario, the bartenders probably would just assume they were a pair of lesbians going at it.
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