Avatar of Nallore


Recent Statuses

3 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds Iā€™m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad Iā€™m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Anastasia "Anna Nine Fingers" Ridgeway

Location: Port of Tortuga - The Kings Arm

Anastasia was about to fire her flintlock, when Elissa came out drawing out her cutlass and cutting into the sexist pig's chest she wasn't expecting any backup. Looking over towards the woman giving her a grateful nod for the assist, then an Indian woman came into the fray as well but clumsily dropping her weapon. The man didn't take to her taunting well at all, she couldn't help but just smirk seeing the rage in the man's eyes and just yelling her and Elissa. Then Aravis ending up just decking the sexist pig across the face, which made him fall to the ground, ass up in the air.

"Might want ter git 'is arse chicken's greg oyt before yer man bleeds oyt!" Anastasia taunted them again, if the man died because of her she probably would careless about him. If the man survived maybe he would actually learned his lesson, then all hell started to break lose around the three of them. Anastasia turned her attention towards Elissa and Aravis, ducking the occasional object that was thrown through the air.

"Ah've certainly 'ad me fill av a boozer brawl, de names Anastasia by de way." Anastasia said as she took the red sash off of her belt and started to wrap her hand around it. "Shud git a doc ter chicken's greg it oyt, if yer two want ter come wi'" She offered Ana didn't want to stay here much longer, with her hand all cut up, though she did hate to leave a good old bar brawl.
@Morose Lol forgot to ask when we were gonna start that up. :P
Cassandra Reed

Location: Hanson Power Plant

Cassandra heard Oshea's voice over the radio, she then looked towards Starkette and gave a slight shrug the three of them were near the front entrance. When she spotted the window, that would be their way into the plant then but it was seven feet above the ground she wouldn't be able to climb up without a boost. Then she quickly turned around drawing out her sidearm as she heard the growl over the radio, and Marygold picking up something on the screen that Starkette had set up, along with Starkette's watch going off saying a hostile mutant was nearby. "Yeah, we are hearing it now, we will be fine and will keep you updated." She said, looking over at Starkette asking for orders. They probably wouldn't be able to take on Sabertooth if that is who was making those growling sounds they probably wouldn't stand in hand to hand combat, but they were packing their guns.

Cassandra looked towards Starkette as she quickly made her way towards the wall. "No i'll boost you up, then you help me up." She said as she got into position lowering herself somewhat cupping her hands together. "If Sabertooth shows up, we engage from the higher ground." She ordered motioning for Starkette to move with her head. Her eyes continued to scan around the area she wasn't sure where the noise was going to be coming through.
@BlueSky44 I'll get my post up once I'm back on my computer.
@BlueSky44 Day 6!
@Witch Cat Day 6!

@Morose Damn you took my thunder lol. :P When I checked everyone was on day 4 lol
@Witch Cat Day 5 lovely!
Post will be up later tonight.
Riley Ridgeway

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Riley looked over her shoulder at Chloe for a moment, blushing slightly as she rubbed the back of her neck slightly knowing that her sister probably wanted to get the dirty details of what happened last night even though they didn't do anything last night actually. Remembering all the times she visited Chloe back in prison before the outbreak on how her love life was, which really wasn't much she did have a serious relationship with a girl in LA for awhile. But she did screw that up by partying a bit to much, and word and pictures of her being at parties and kissing other women during those long tours she had done.

Riley also listened to Kristina as she spoke about her previous life about wanting to be an actress after high school, which did sound like she would have been passionate about. Then Chloe brought up her past which was pretty surprising since her sister didn't bring up wanting to become a surgeon, though it was mostly forced on by their parents. Riley continued to gently comfort Amelia as she ran a hand up and down her back looking at her with a concerned look. Amelia and James were friends as well she was friends with James looking over at Chloe at her suggestion about doing something for James before he did leave.

"That would be a good idea, anything would do I think I could help with that if you want Amelia." Riley said softly agreeing with the suggestion her sister gave, though she herself didn't have anything of sentimental value to give him. If she still had her guitar on her which was lost years ago, probably still in her LA apartment. "What are you going to be doing after breakfast anyway Chloe?" Riley asked, figuring that her sister would also want the details what happened last night as well. Riley looked at Kristina as she excused herself she gave her a nod as the girl got up to leave.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall) -> Building B(1) (Franklin Wall Beni & Peaches' Apartment)

Raymond continued to eat his breakfast as well as looking over at the girls table as the four of them talked, when Tiffany finished eating Raymond finished as well looking over at her giving her a smile and nod. "Just let me put my plate away." Raymond said as he stood up grabbing his crutch setting all of his things onto his plate, and started to make his way over towards the kitchen setting his plates there for them to be cleaned. Raymond started back towards Tiffany as he gave her a nod, the people probably would like to hear it from who were actually there as well.

"We should probably start with Lyon and Beni along with the Franklin people first since they knew Sana the most." Raymond suggested, he gave the girls that were there a friendly nod and smile as he slowly made his way out of the Mess Hall it was a good suggestion going to them first since they were also from Franklin as well and thought that they would prefer to hear it from them as well. Feeling the cold winter air, he slowly started to make his way up the sidewalk making sure that he didn't slip on any of the ice that was on the sidewalk. Ray walked through the Franklin wall, he then slowly turned his way towards the Mens Housing entering the building Ray leaned up against the side of the wall and started to knock on Beni's door looking at Tiffany. "Are you still doing alright" Raymond asked.

Kristina Smith

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall) -> On the Way to the Outer Wall

Kristina looked at Chloe as she mentioned about being a surgeon, she didn't look like she fit the role but gave Chloe a slight smile. "I was in high school, but I actually wanted to be an actress before everything started. My high school play was canceled just before things started to get really bad." Kristina said softly as she started to finish eating the rest of her breakfast, looking down at her neckless for a moment. It did belong to her sister, and she knew James and her sister were friends as well even though it wouldn't be something useful just something probably sentimental would help.

Kristina looked over at Amelia seeing her friend being quiet as well, it was hard on everyone she gently gave Amelia a gentle pat on her hand. "I should probably get to some work now." Kris said softly as she stood up looking at Raymond for a moment seeing him leaving the Mess Hall as well and returned the friendly smile and nod. Kristina opened the door as she slowly started to make her way over towards Agriculture figuring that the animals did need to be fed, and their stalls changed, also hoping to bump into James at some point before he did leave.

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building H (Vacant)

Once Meg had finished moving the bodies of Sana and Bryn out of the room and grabbing them one by one slowly out of the house, taking a few deep and heavy breathes as she wiped away some sweat on her forehead. Grumbling slightly to herself as she headed back into the house seeing the blood that was dragged across the floor. Meghna then grabbed the cleaning supplies putting the bleach down first then started to scrub it away with a wash cloth.

Meg then dipped the cloth in the bucket of soapy water getting the blood off of the rag, ringing it out as the bloody water dripped into the bucket. And started to scrub away at the carpet and floor Meg continued to do the process over and over again doing her best to try and make the house as clean and spotless as possible, letting out a sigh as she took a little break. Meg grabbed a nearby glass and filled it up with water.

She looked down at her bloodied clothes wiping a little bit more sweat away from her forehead looking up at the ceiling wishing that someone would swing by and help her out with the cleaning. Then she knew she would have to have help burying the bodies, that would take several more hours at least, and not to mention the ground being frozen due to the snow and it being muddy as well.
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