Avatar of Obscene Symphony


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11 hrs ago
Current My jokes are of utmost seriousness
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7 days ago
Days like this it really pains me that the guild loads with the status bar open automatically
2 mos ago
revert back? we never left!
2 mos ago
@Grey you joke but I have absolutely heard exorcists call demons lawyers
2 mos ago
Happy Easter guild!


child of the storm

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  • Birth year 1998
  • Female
  • Canadian RIP
  • Time zone: Atlantic, GMT-4 (one hour ahead of EST)
  • Currently judging your grammar
  • Not usually looking for 1x1s but if you're really jonesing, my PMs are always open
  • Discord Obscene#1925

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<Snipped quote by Obscene Symphony>

Yeah. It's kind of like Fate RPs on the guild, seeing as most tend to have the same people.

Off the top of my head, there's Sol City, Palm Royals, Beverly Hills High, Carnation Island, Moonflow, Monster Cafe, Emerald City, academy RP #25290 and so on and so forth.

Definitely. Off the top of my head I think Palm Beach, Carnation, Beverly and a bit of Monster Cafe have a lot of the same people, don't they?
Slice of life is popular as hell (both IRL and anime SoL)

I'd say it's more popular within a certain portion of the site community. It's pretty active, but if you do much SoL it seems like you'll eventually run into the same people a lot, whereas fantasy tends to have a wider audience on here.
@hagroden Thank you for your character submission! First off, I really like how you incorporated the side effects of being Fragmented into Breck's social difficulties. It's a great example of how being Fragmented can impact you even before you become Reunited or Lost, and I'm glad you took advantage of it.

Small detail, but important: Fragmented marks only appear on the right wrist. So if Breck lost his right arm, his Fragmented mark is just gone, won't reappear on his left wrist or anything like that. His Reunited mark, however, will appear somewhere on his existing body when he finds his soulmate. Along that same vein, it's not quite plausible for Breck's family not to have considered him being Fragmented; while it is very rare, doctors all over the world are aware of it, and would see the signs and explain the situation to the parent(s) when a Fragmented child is born. It also would be noted on his birth certificate, medical records and any other official identification, such as his passport and driver's licence/state ID (or whatever Americans have in place of a driver's licence for ID when people can't drive).

While I like the character concept, I have to admit that his education and business, well, you're squeezing a lot into 25 years. I'm also a bit concerned about his company specifically, since it does clash with some existing world lore. I'd love to talk to you over discord if you would, so we can discuss more easily ^_^
@Ejected Everything looks great, thank you!
@Ejected I am so glad Tommy is already in a relationship. I was hoping we'd get some people who were already attached!

I really only have a few trivial questions. What sort of build does Tommy have? I only ask because the height and weight don't seem to quite match up with the image you have for her, so some clarification would be great. As well, she would have just graduated, right? She took music production; does she play an instrument? Think Tommy will be miffed about the smoke-free environment at the estate?

Was Tommy worried at all about becoming Lost? Or was that not something she really thought about?

Otherwise, if you could brighten her text colour up a little bit, I'd appreciate it. Blame my eyes, they've been my downfall on this site for years XD As well, I don't mind the coloured body text in the sheet, but if you could use the default white when we get to the IC, that'd be fantastic.
I would like to play a Seeker fuckboy who dances on the graves of his enemies pls
Fragmented is still accepting applications until July 30! If you're interested, come see the OOC!
@Ejected @Days @Hedgehawk and anyone else who's interested in submitting a character, there is now a character sheet deadline! Please have your sheets submitted by this coming Tuesday (July 30)!

(And if any of you have withdrawn your interest, please let me know!)

oh fuck, explosion
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