Avatar of PerfectThought


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2 mos ago
Current Electricity may go out/stop working for 2 months sometime around Easter. (This sunday)
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5 mos ago
Got a stable place to spend the holidays. Should be around more. Life's hard man, but things are looking up. Stay sane these holidays.
12 mos ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… Biblically inspired vampire shadow cabal and Jewish priest vampire hunters?
1 yr ago
sorry y'all. back from homeless.
1 yr ago
The be callin' me Tom Foolery the way I be getting up to no good shenanigans.
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Hunting for the Perfect Thought.
Apologies for my lateness. Life is busy. Sometimes I struggle to write as well as I want.

Most Recent Posts


Niid locked his steely gaze on the strange feline ringmaster. While examining the beast, and thinking how exactly he should approach it, his attention was suddenly torn away as the two women that hadn't accompanied him crashed from above and onto the stage. A truly dramatic entrance. At least one of the two shared his raconteur-ish nature.

He blinked thrice, before acting. As chaos unfolded on the stage and his oppo quickly advanced and tore up the pair of little clowns. He crept towards the stage as the violence considered. He mulled over firing a couple shots from his current position, but he turned down the chance in favour of taking a prime position to take down his target.

He took a moment to dose himself with a new experimental chemical: Methalog. Yet another compound-in-testing. The sludge-like fluid entering his veins with a distinctive shocking cold. Almost immediately he felt the effects kicking in. As it improved his perception speed, slowed down his processing of time, increased his responsiveness, and improved his fine motor skills. This made it even easier for him to silently pad down the center of the theatre. Perfectly positioning his person to pugilise the pompous patriarchal performer.

Niid watched the ringleader square up to the feral undersized samurai. And though he had no doubt in his mind she could defend herself, he decided she would make an excellent little distraction. He began to tense his leg muscles, taking bigger and heavier strides as he wound up to jump straight up on to the stage. The tightly strung muscles in his robotic lower legs preparing to let loose and launch him onto the stage.

He took one last bound and the tension in his calves was let loose, launching him easily above the stage and into the air. He somersaulted elegantly, drawing his arms as he intended land directly in front of the ringmaster. However it seemed he had miscalculated, and he was a few feet long. He landed behind his target and came to a skidding halt.

He whipped around to the ringmaster, quickly aligning him in the rugged sights of his industrially furnished handgun. He let off a pair of staggeringly powerful shots vaguely at the supernatural's head. Finally, as little girl slashed the beast's crotch and rocketed past him as well, he lunged a few feet forward and attempted to lop off a limb with his crude blade. Hopefully he'd managed to finish the beast, but with his clumsiness likely not.
Gonna do some sneaky shit with Niid. B)

What a proper fellow! Very nice!

Looks great! Like them both!
Had 90% of a post written up but I passed out and it got lost. Ughhhhh
@Fading Memory Looks like paperboy is going to get wet! I aonder if his skin actually is vellum...
@OwO Good shit. I'll try to get a oost soon. B)

Looks great! Like the fact that thought her necromancy is no longer forbidden, her devilish deals are. Really like it. Mind adding in what exactly she teaches? Other than that no worries B)

Looks good so far. Very interesting choice of species. Can't wait to see her finished B)

Next post should be up soon. Can't lie, I've been slacking as of late. Sorry!
Holy moly my effort to reboot might've worked. Almost forgot to check back in. B)

Seeing as my merc RP doesn't seem to have taken flight, and I'm going to be back to full capability soon I'd love to participate. Ill definitely shoot a PM your way mate. @FourtyTwo
Maddening this is full. Any chance there's room for a hitchhiker? I really like the vibe of the premise and this group.@Zyx
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