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❄Erika Olson❄

"A badge is still having at least one, right? That's so good! And winning a contest is something, too!" Erika praised Claire's accomplishment, but was secretly quite jealous that she had zero badges to show for her time as a trainer. This exchange didn't help her confidence as she really couldn't think of anything she did as extraordinary as Claire. Of course, Erika wasn't quite giving herself any credit for anything but that's how she was. "Oh well yea but I don't think that's something..." Erika mumbled, looking a bit embarrassed with herself.

It was true, she needed convincing but to be offered a battle so soon was something that took her off guard. "A battle here? Right now? Oh no.. Err I mean okay!" Erika sounded as she was wavering with a chance of just running off before finally finding some confidence in her answer.

"Well how about it, Eep? Want to lead for us?" Erika's first choice was a safe one. She couldn't help but pay attention to what Claire's team composed of. Bugs. Even though they sent a chill down her spine, Erika had a fire type and chances are, a thunder type would be effective as well. However, Erika should be reactionary with her advantage as Claire's Ralts and Chimchar would present a challenge, or so Erika predicted. It was a question whether or not Kay would be of any help but with these berries, Erika though she might be able to convince her. Thus, Erika wanted to subtly defer to Claire to make her first move with her first type.

Reina pushed through whatever she was feeling as she came down to the stairs. Apparently things were far worse than what she could imagine as she saw enemies crowd around a lone Grado knight. "They're down here, too? E-everyone get ready!" Reina shouted as she stepped around the pillar. With this being her first combat encounter, she was surprised at just how automatic her motions were. It felt like she wasn't in control as she charged forward, recognizing the axe user and deciding to engage him, not entirely realizing it was for the weapon advantage. As she approached, she slid forward on her boots across the stone floor, keeping low as she suddenly thrusted her rapier's end forward into the center mass of the fighter!
❄Erika Olson❄

It was Erika's first official loss and as briefly disheartening as it was, she wasn't going to let it get her down. After all, her mother had told her several stories of about it took several attempts to beat a few gyms when she was Erika's age. However, Erika was a bit of a poor sport, thinking the Flower Lady was a bit smug, shooting a wayward glare at Daisy before turning to head back to the reception. If Daisy was an indication of just how tough Stillwood's Gym is, then Erika had her work cut out for her. She wondered how far Claire had gotten. She probably had evolved her Pokemon already and probably had two gym badges.

Despite how Erika's apprehension about being inferior, she was still glad to finally catch up to Claire. After all, the two had originally planned on adventuring together and if her time with Joshua and Ewan had proven anything, it was that company really helped with the journey. When she finally saw Claire, Erika waved and looked sincerely happy to see her, as if an old friend. "Hi Claire! I hope you've been having fun so far and it is nice to finally catch up to you. I think.. but you probably have three gym badges by now!"

Erika would wait a moment for Claire's response but assuming the reality, Erika had no gym badges so having any was impressive. Hearing Claire's success would easily prompt Erika's next request. "Ooh, I bet you have a strong team then, huh. Here, let me show you what I caught so far."

Now unless there was any reason to, like if Claire wanted to keep the teams a secret for a potential battle between the two, Erika would pull her full team from her Pokeballs and introducing each one to Claire and likely her team. All except for Kay were rather polite and happy to greet each other which reminded Erika that she had done those Treetop battles for a reason. She dug into her bag pulled out a Spleon Berry. "Here Kay. Be nice to everyone." Erika would offer her Inkay a berry which it happily took and began nibbling on it. Erika looked relieved but her cheeks were a bit red when she realized Claire would probably notice. "... I dug her out being frozen in ice and Kay might be really old, same with Eep, but for some reason, Kay has been really bitter. It is kind of embarrassing that I'm such a poor trainer."

Meanwhile back at Kalmia's lab, Poli had been adjusting well to the change of scenery. She spent most of her time paling around with Kalmia's Slowpoke and generally being curious around the lab. In fact, Poli was in the middle of that curiosity as she was discovering that servers had produced a nice bit of comforting heat when someone entered the lab. With the Professor handing over a Pokedex much like Erika's then she knew what was happening. She wondered how Erika was doing and hoped to see her again soon but for now, there was another trainer in front of her!

Poli hopped down from the server and ran over to the trainer, giving the her a slight nudge in the shin with Poli's round body."Poliwag!" She cheered, offering her own way of encouraging the new trainer. Maybe one day she'll meet Erika?

Yes. You may still apply.

I am still having a tougher time with it but at least now I can understand it. What are your plans to developing this quirk? It seems really limited as is. Do you plan on your quirk to eventually be able to form psionic objects? If so, I guess I can see why they could only form an “edge” to objects as the physical object acts as a tether or point of focus. But why limit yourself? Psionic geometry (being able to generate physical shapes through mental projection) could make a good quirk and still accomplish what you are looking for.

Ink likes your Quirk but I just can't picture how it works ;-;

Could you explain it a bit more? Like how does it turn a sphere into something sharp? There are no edges!!

I really suggest the series. It contains plenty of happy, colorful themes but I think the series does well in exploring more complex themes within characters.

But sorry to see you go! To your credit, sound frequency is a good idea for a Quirk that would have a place in this world.

Judging form a bit of your wording, you may not be familiar with series beyond what research you did for your character? In BnHA, there is a central theme building that an idolized hero society has its problems. Deadlier, villainous Quirks are often looked at a bit negatively. For example a character with a mind control quirk is deemed "evil" in the eyes of characters and suggested they'd make a good villain even though he wants to be a hero. There is actually some oppression to characters in the series based on their quirks, essentially.

So the issue arises from your character actively wanting to pursue a more dangerous application of her quirk. Brain hemorrhages are really scary and by actively pursuing this application of your quirk, there is an implication that your character is okay with killing so long as it stops a villain because a person's survival after a brain hemorrhage would be out of your character's control. Thus, the staff Ishin would actively attempt to dissuade your character from pursuing this application of your quirk.

Hi there!

So one thing that Ink and I constantly bring up with your character is the Quirk. Arsenic, as you already know, is very deadly and a deadly poison would not emulate a prospective hero properly. I bring this up because one of the themes that I've managed to find in BnHA is that the Hero idolized society is messed up. It demonizes almost anyone who has a villainous quirk. I was hoping you might include a bit of that characterization seeing as your character is described as a "softie" but there wasn't explicit mention of this theme. But that's okay if you don't! However, I think we can hopefully agree that arsenic is too deadly anyway and picking a chemical agent that isn't so brutal is preferred.

Yes. I see your character.

Ink and I are still in deliberations but informally, everyone has looked good so far. With yours in particular there is one tiny thing. Well, two tiny things. Keep in mind, that we have just skimmed characters and this is what we noticed at a first glance.

Aconitum Datura takes the form of a syrupy purple goo that secretes from -
Sumire‘s body. The goo in itself is not dangerous, however the boy’s body is able to vaporize it into a gas and manipulate the purple-blue fumes.

Latin as a Quirk name is kind of funky in the setting.

Aaannd... since I was late on moving my character from the previous iteration to this one, you had no way of knowing this but syrupy purple goo secretions and vaporization are fairly similar to my character's Matter State Quirk. You aren't going to be denied or anything because of this last bit, however, I ask that you maybe remove the goo bit? Maybe secrete the gas alone? You can maintain the hazardous effect of inhalation if you wish, since that seems like something you are going for with this character.
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