Avatar of Prosaic


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2 yrs ago
It's my birthday so I'm making it everyone's problem.
2 yrs ago
I figure my presence on this site is more of a curse than a blessing.
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2 yrs ago
Be the superhero roleplay that you want to see in the world.
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2 yrs ago
Don't mind me, just making another reappearance.
3 yrs ago
By no popular demand, I'm back.


Years after writing my original post and funnily enough, I'm still Prose!

I'm twenty something, I like superheroes, magic and well... anything that happens to catch my eye. Sometimes I take random breaks from this site and reappear when you least expect me. Sorry about that. It's the mental health. I thrive in high casual settings and I like to write the same characters over and over so expect to see them regurgitated across different threads.

Most Recent Posts

@2plus2isnot5 I'll have a first post up in ASAP!
I wouldn't imagine David running to Martin's rescue in his current state

Martin is a terribly proud person, he would have probably been offended if David had helped him. It would have been a case of "OH SO JUST BECAUSE I'M SMALL AND TERRIBLY UNFIT FOR BATTLE, I CAN'T HANDLE HAGAN???"

<Snipped quote by pokemad1>

You know you want him to join in. \( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)/

I'm also working on a quick post.

I'm wiggling my eyebrows in spirit.
Destroy him, Hagan.

@Altered Tundra @Dirty Pretty Lies

Have a Zeke.
@Altered Tundra If no one else has claimed him, could I claim the second Brady son? I'll try to get a CS up sometime today.
I'm interested!

Grand Ridge Academy - The Hallway to the Male Dorms.

Well, he was almost right.

"You can see th-"
When the arm wrapped around his throat, he immediately knew who it belonged to. It was hard with muscle and it immobilized him enough that kicking his feet did little to no good. He wasn't strong enough by a long shot to knock Hagan off balance or to throw him off. Mostly, he did a lot of squirming and trying to get an elbow into his chest. He had never been good at handling these situations.

No amount of black clothing and keeping his head down could ever completely get him off the radar. Avoiding Hagan wasn't impossible, not when he was careful. He'd had his head up his ass for awhile now though and he might as well have signed a death sentence for loitering in the hall like this. Sue him, he'd assumed that Hagan might have evacuated or been anywhere but here.

He shouldn't have done any assuming, assuming was the downfall of perfectly established society. Why assume that he was safe when he could always assume he was in danger? He sometimes wished that he'd had the initiative to actually learn to defend himself. It would come in handy in situations like now if he could do something but no. All Martin had to throw at Hagan now was some good old fashioned sarcasm.
That would get 'em.

In a somewhat strained voice, he started to say, "If you wanted a hug, Hagan, you could have just asked-"

Into the closet.
His snarky comment was cut off by a slight cry of panic before he toppled inside. He crashed straight into a broom and managed to knock down a small tower of cleaning supplies. An industrial bottle of bleach hit the ground beside him, it missed him by about an inch. He wanted to laugh at the irony of Hagan choosing to jam him into a closet but he also wanted to slam his head into a wall because it had happened in general.

He had been shoved into a lot of tight spaces in his life, this was nothing, it was spacious even. It was like a hotel compared to some of the things that people had managed to jam his small body into. "If you keep holding me real close like that, I might start to get the wrong idea, Hagan. I always did have a thing for guys that could kill me." his mouth tipped into a very unfriendly smile.

It was a dangerous game that he was playing. This defense mechanism of smart ass comments usually ended with a fist in his face. He couldn't really help it, if he couldn't shove Hagan aside then he had to do something. His only way of fighting back was to use his words. He liked to try to strike a nerve, though it was hard when he knew little to nothing about Hagan. He knew he was big, mean, and seemed to think that Martin's name was "faggot" but that wasn't much to go off of.

What did people who called him "faggot" usually have in common? They hated the slight implication that they could be gay themselves. So, that's exactly what he did, he implied that Hagan choke-holding him could start to blur the lines of romance. He just wanted to see him squirm a little, hopefully not get punched in the face a few times, and walk out of this closet like nothing had happened.

Challenging guys that could crush him like a bug was only a little less stupid than taunting axe murderers but since he'd already crossed that off his bucket list. . . What else was he going to do?

Grand Ridge Academy - Bathroom.

Penny Lawson.
That was someone that she knew, someone that she knew pretty damn well. From the looks of it, she was shooting off at the mouth and getting blamed for something that she didn't even have a hand in. It was hard not to admire just how well a speaking etiquette that Penny had, she was certainly not someone that anyone should mess with.

She nearly laughed when the reckless blond threatened the security guard but she did well in keeping her mouth shut. There was no need to blow their cover now, they had just barely made it through this. They'd be lucky if they didn't get seen on their way out.

A distraction was exactly what they'd needed and that's exactly what Penny had accidentally provided. She was going to have to thank her for that, though she wasn't sure how she'd explain the invisibility thing. Hell, she was still reeling a bit about that. When Lynette began to move, she was quick to follow because she wanted out of there and she wanted out of there now.

Whatever this was, it had taken a lot of concentration to hold in place. If her mind wandered even a little bit, it had rippled and their reflections would waver across the glass below them. It was weird, like a bad magicians trick and she couldn't help but wondering why it had happened. It wore off as they moved, she hadn't been paying enough attention to it to keep it in place.

She kept pace with Lynette easily, despite the slightest fatigue that she was feeling. "Penny, you absolute life saver!"
Huh. How did Hagan shove Martin into a closet if Martin's already out of the closet aaaaaaaand guess I'm going to go away again goodbye goodbye goodbye.

I shit you not, one of my original writes of this reply included this comment: "You're not impressing anyone with this, I'm no stranger to being in closets."
@Surtr Inc I have Martin's response done.
He made a smart ass comment and is probably going to pay dearly for it.

I'm going to wait to post him with Aliana after you get Lynette up.
In --- 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

Osmond Wright

EZ PZ Docks - Miami, United States

The sea was a close friend of his and the idea of being on a boat was not a foreign one.
Though water had a tendency to nullify his abilities, he still loved it. He had been surrounded in water throughout his entire life, his childhood had been spent on beaches. He had always had a fascination for the creatures that moved beneath the depths. All in all, this voyage was just going to be fun. He couldn't see any negatives about being surrounded in the element that he loved and understood almost as much as fire.

The flight hadn't been too long, he'd spent most of it in first class with his feet kicked up. He'd eaten a lot and had gotten pretty woozy but it had been fine, for the most part. He had even found time to flirt with a nice young lady that was sitting a seat away from him. He wasn't sure if she had been nice to him because she found him cute or because she found him pathetic. Either way, it was fun.

Leaving the plane, he booked a cab to ride down to the docks, he was left with a lot of time to think during that ride. It was hard not to wonder what sort of adventures he would have and who he was sure to meet. He knew they were headed to an island and it would probably be sort of creepy. The crew had sounded interesting enough and Mr. Smith didn't sound like he'd be a pain to work with.

Mostly, he wondered if he'd like anybody. He was generally pretty good with people, but he wasn't sure that he'd want to be trapped on a boat with people that he didn't click with. They'd be very different than what he was used to, they'd be from all walks of life. It would be exciting to hear about places outside of Hawaii, he had never really traveled before. Even Florida, despite its similarities to his home, was new and intriguing for him.

When the cab rolled into a parking space, he handed the money over to the man and stepped out. He casted his gaze around the area, the sea breeze tousled his dark blond locks. The ship was impressive and huge. It was really kind of magnificent, he couldn't wait to be aboard it. He raised his hand in greeting, a brilliant smile spreading across his face at the sight of his new crew.

"Hey, I'm Ozzie." he greeted them, taking in the site of his new team. "Sorry if I'm late, I tried to get here as fast as I could.
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