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No worries! I just thought my English comprehension had failed me again. Curse you brain! XD

I'll keep my fingers crossed for a nap filled future.

Alright. I was just going off what I saw in the character sheets and in the OOC. Whoops. So, I guess I missed that! I'll retool my idea and get something up for review. I'm thinking mechanic if that's still open.
Color me a sepia tone of interested. I have quite the idea for a pilot character and hopefully some sardonic comic relief.

Currently, I am visiting family. But I should have a sheet up in a day or so. I especially want to make sure I've read everything thoroughly. Also, I'll probably slap together some graphics for extra points.
Alright. Here we go. Expect a PM within the next day with discussion points for your backstory. After that, I'll get the first post up. In the interim, I encourage to discuss and fill out your character relationships with everyone. You've been traveling together for a few weeks now, you should know the broad strokes.

The only thing I ask is for his flaws to have more of a detriment to them. They seem like flaws that are not always bad but can be viewed as virtuous in a vacuum.

It all looks good. And yes, you can give yourself that riding horse. I expect it to be named... so it hurts more when I kill it.

I love me some superstitious Chasind. I'll make sure to take note and use that.

Way to use that character-building economy to fence yourself some more foci. I'm kidding. While reviewing your sheet I forgot how my own game worked. I as about to ask how alcohol could be an equipped item, but your CS does say he keeps it on hand.

Awe, yeah, scary Vashoth. I'm down. Just a small nitpick, to clean up the boxes by the attributes. My mean ole OCD wills it.

I know you mentioned the coding messing up on your sheet. I've fixed it and put it under the hider below. I like what I've seen on the sheet, but I need your "Specialization" area and the "Warden Rank" answered. Once you get that sorted, I think you're good to go. Also, you can put your character's animal companion (which I'm assuming is a mabari, the best boys) and mount underneath "Equipped." Technically they're there all the time. Oh, and clarify the type of armor he has on.

I just need a brief clarification. Does your character have no specialization? Otherwise, Combat Magic isn't one that's listed. Also, you're short a spell on your list. And if you do wish to have a specialization, you can add that spell. If not, we can talk about your character having no specialization as of yet. I recommend Force Mage, if you're unsure, as they would be a good fit with someone wielding a weapon and out for blood. Just let me know.

| ๐–ฃ๐– ๐–ณ๐–ค : 10 APRIL 2018 | ๐–จ๐–ญ๐–ณ๐–ค๐–ฑ๐– ๐–ข๐–ณ๐–จ๐–ฎ๐–ญ๐–ฒ : ASSHOLES TEACHERS & CHICKEN GUY| ๐–ซ๐–ฎ๐–ข๐– ๐–ณ๐–จ๐–ฎ๐–ญ : HINOTORI HIGH |

Maki gave a somewhat disparaged thumbs-up to the teachersโ€™ words and the suggestion that she travel with chicken boy. โ€œThank you,โ€ she said, smiling. She then bowed as she had when she entered before exiting just as quickly. Of course, they were going to make sure that she was held accountable, and that they would invite the other boy to come along with her. Maybe heโ€™d want to skip out on this as well? Maki remembered his complacency with his other friends last night. It was probably easier to fight a cat for a piece of tuna than to lead him away from social acceptance.

Maki looked left and right in the hall as if they were the object of interest to anyone besides themselves. She turned her attention back to the tall blue-haired kid. Her lips pursed. โ€œYou really do love that chicken, do you? Fucking weird. But I was going to ask if you wanted to skip this whole stupid thing. But youโ€™re right, we need to check-in, at least. The teachers said they were going to make sure that we attended.โ€

She moved towards the student council office. โ€œI mean, I have work to go to. You could also have work? Check-in and then check out because weโ€™re reeeesssppoonnssiiibbllee.โ€ She waggled her eyebrows as she started to book it towards the Student Council Room. The quicker they got this over, the quicker she could leave. Honestly, Maki didnโ€™t want to bask in whatever smug-ass smile that was going to be plastered all over Nakanoโ€™s face when she received this news. She feared if she stayed too long, sheโ€™d want to punch President Bitch.

| ๐–ณ๐– ๐–ฆ(๐–ฒ) : @Hero @WXer|

Migi wouldnโ€™t call herself useless in situations like these. Sure, she was more of an urban ranger, but paths were paths. She just wished for less mud and the suffocating nature of the trees. Whatever creature had taken care of that mannish folk was still out thereโ€ฆ somewhere. Hopefully still gnawing at the bones like a harbor dog. It was fortunate she was so short. The tall grass and leaning branches obfuscated her unlike her companions, who steadily grew in height. The dwarf acted as if he had some training in these sorts of surroundings. Migi noted that it if they had to split apart, to stick with him. Not only did their heights compliment each other, heโ€™d probably live longer than the rest.

It wasnโ€™t long before they came to the source of the smoke. Sheโ€™d wanted to believe it was something else, but here she was witnessing further depravity by mannish folk. In her time underneath her pirate patron, sheโ€™d learned about taking from the wealthy, noble, and the commoner without batting an eye at any of it. Money would find its way back to pockets and belongings to shelves. Yet, there were two things that Migi viewed as sacredโ€”a roof and a life. These bandits were taking both without pause. She refrained from spitting on the ground, trying to keep her head down. Then she remembered that they had a singing giantโ€”good fucking luck.

Migiโ€™s eyes narrowed as the mannish folk barking orders followed in after a pleading woman. โ€œNo matter the situation, you tall folk only think with the wicked snakes in your trousers,โ€ she growled underneath her breath.

She let the giant and dwarf chitter as she surveyed the burning buildings. Crossbows were pointed at the villagers, and as much as that seemed like a petty deathโ€”hers would be too if she tried to interrupt it. There had to be a smarter solution to this. Sheโ€™d commandeered ships, piloted them, and sunk them in fire, waves, and harbors. Making the big thing go down was always ones first point of order in a fight like this.

It was then that the giant spoke to her. โ€œDonโ€™t you have an ability that lets you not be seen? Oh right, itโ€™s to shut that pig sized hole of yours.โ€ Migi went to say something else, possibly agreeing with the giant, but the pretty one kept her from being so amenable. Her eyes widened behind her tallow bangs. โ€œOh no.โ€

The following series of events could only be classified as a group of people that werenโ€™t aware of each otherโ€™s skills and acting as if they were. The giant man was now a tree. Charming. The fancy boy readied himself as if he could something beyond just pissing himself and crying. At least he had his wooden wife to pat his pants dry. Migi looked at the dwarf. โ€œIโ€™ll follow blondie. Maybe I can get an idea of what theyโ€™re packinโ€™ since weโ€™re doinโ€™ this now, mate.โ€ It was then that she vanished from sight.

Migi followed behind the pretty one, quickly. Once she reached her, she placed a warm hand on her back. โ€œI have your pert ass covered,โ€ she whispered into her ear. โ€œDo somethinโ€™ to let me know when youโ€™re about to do whatever you came out to do.โ€ She then took a few steps back and stood still.


If you guys need any help or have questions, feel free to join the Discord. I'll be able to answer questions and fence ideas a lot quicker.
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