Avatar of pugbutter


Recent Statuses

8 mos ago
Current Fuck yeah, girlfriend. Sit on that ass! Collect that unemployment check! Have free time 'n shit!
2 yrs ago
Apologies to all writing partners both current & prospective. Been sick for two weeks straight (and have to go to work regardless). No energy. Can't think straight. Taking a hiatus. Sorry again.
2 yrs ago
[@Ralt] He's making either a Fallout 4 reference or a S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky reference i can't tell
2 yrs ago
"Well EXCUUUUSE ME if my RPs don't have plot, setting, characters, any artistry of language like imagery/symbolism, or any of the things half-decent fiction has! What am I supposed to do, improve?!"
2 yrs ago
Where's the personality? The flavor? the drama? The struggle? The humanity? The texture of the time and the place in which this conversation is happening? In a word: where's the story?


Most Recent Posts

@BiffleChump@Danelaw@Mr Irony II@Random Kitty@flowersrgr8@Andreyich Could fill one more spot, maybe two, where people inevitably ghosted. If anyone is still interested in kinda-Celtic-kinda-Proto-Germanic tribes, and big ancient empires, and political intrigue set to the backdrop of brutal bloodshed, the Discord and OOC links are below. Still accepting, and the IC is starting soon.


Wrote my opening paragraphs yesterday evening. Haven't seen Yeet since before then. We should probably try and get a full-blown collab session done sometime tomorrow, when I am completely free for this work-week.
Some sought to topple me, to have me poisoned or struck in my sleep. Their little bones are scattered on the riverbed.

Not much to nitpick here. Accepted!
I very much chose Oroulam 'cuz I figured it'd be the best environment for bandits looking to hide from sight and ambush people. They could do that Swiss pikeman thing of throwing boulders and logs onto the passes to trap people, and all kinds of stuff. So yeah, it's all accounted for 👍
@YeetMeister Did you wanna discuss an opening post or are you doing your own thing?

Edit: I got a plan for either so I'll follow your lead. Makes no difference to me.
Nah I agree. Fundamentally I'd prefer to show the convergence rather than tell about it.

assuming your plan isn't lame-o of course :^)
Started an image repository for the clothing and armor styles of each respective culture. I'll fill these out in full once Discord's servers are functioning properly again, since that's where I've been storing all the cool faceclaims.

We have just enough people who want to play chiefs (some rather grudgingly, but they've stepped up all the same), but 1-2 more retainers would help to even out the player factions. Come on down!
Was typing over in the "what is your favorite genre?" thread and realized I missed one.

Shoutout to @Aristo. I didn't know I like retrofuturistic sci fi until I saw Mobile Frame in Casual Interest Checks. Your RP's are consistently a cut above in terms of creativity but this is the one I'll continue to daydream about. What could have been. Hope you're doing well.
I'll give any Low/Dark Fantasy a shot which isn't Urban Fantasy (yuck) or otherwise set to a familiar, modern backdrop. I play Fantasy to escape this mediocre-ass garbage world, not to revel in it with the addition of minor gimmicks.

Science fiction is cool but usually as either post-apocalypse or as cyberpunk. Not fond of the generic Mass Effect aesthetic when weird and interesting shit like Dune exists.

Historical/alternate history fiction is always good, outside of Victorian/Steampunk stuff which is cringe af.

Things like horror, romance, and slice of life depend entirely on the caliber of the GM. He makes it or breaks it with the execution.
the king is dead.

Yeah but I meant the new one, whoever wins this war.
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