Avatar of rebornfan320


Recent Statuses

10 mos ago
Current Pondering an idea, kinda want to do a rp that someone gave up on and want to try it here..
10 mos ago
This EVO was insane! Definitely over 100K watching and the building was stacked full! The energy was incredible!
1 like
10 mos ago
Arslan Ash is the T7 GOAT! 4th EVO title that is insane!
10 mos ago
After a insane day 2 of EVO, with today being the last day and day 3, I hope there is just as much excitement today!
10 mos ago
After a loss...I don't know like what else to do...Keep your guard/shell up and life finds a way to hurt you when you want to protect yourself from prior experiences...


Pen Name: Alexander
Aliases: Kyoya, Terra.
Birthday: September 1
Ethnicity: African-American.
Ancestry: English, Irish, African.

Occupation(s): Part-Time Parking Event Staff, Student (school-year; part-time)
Major: Cinema and Screen Studies

Sources of Writing: Laptop, Desktop [maybe in the future]
Years of Experience: 10.
RP Level: High-Casual to Low Advanced. It varies on mental state, knowledge, and time.
Commitment/Dedication Level: Very High.

Personality: Nice, Shy [when not pushed], Introverted, Caring/Compassionate, Understanding, Friendly, Honest, Imaginative, Organized, Protective, Loyal, Stubborn, Determined, Opportunistic, Sarcastic, Obsessive (somewhat)
Habits, Tics, and Quirks: Daydreaming, Repeating things [at times or when pushed/provoked] Fixated on thoughts, Autistic (Learning and processing information is affected)

Biggest RP Pet Peeve:
Ghosting, Whereabouts, Dishonesty.
Please be present and keep me updated from time to time. I'll do the same for you.
It's annoying when people become invisible or ignoring, miraculously appear out of nowhere, and complain, once they find a story canceled.
And be truthful in RP's and out of them.

Close Peeps: @AngelBites15, @Vampiretwilight, @SilverRain, @Polymorpheus [RIP]

Basic Comforts:
~ Primarily 1x1, since groups one time died on me quick
~ Mainly male OCs, though I'll take on a female role [npc].
~ CanonxOC, OCxOC & (sometimes) CanonxCanon. I can play various canons for both of the two.
~ MxF, FxF. I mostly do/lean into the dominant-role, depending on character and plot.
~ PM's more than threads [doesn't mean I am open to them], but stories with strong adult content belong in the PM's only.
~ Open to dark themes (drugs, abuse, etc.)

Genres - Action, Adventure, Anime/Animation, Comedy, Drama[a bit], Family, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Sci-Fi, Superhero, Western, Fandom, Video Games
Themes - College/High School, Martial Arts, Medieval, Post-Apocalypse, Supernatural, Fantasy, Modern, Slice of Life, Futuristic [maybe]

Music: '80s-'00s Heavy Metal/Rock/Rock and Roll,/Electronic-Dance, Pop, R&B, '90s-'00s Hip-Hop/Rap & Blues, Jazz, Country, Video Game OST's, Anime OST's.

Most Recent Posts

I have a shirt with a wolf on it and stayed up all night.
In Deify 4 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
God of Muscles
In :<< 4 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Welcome. Just look around and take things slow
Perhaps, I can chalk up this whole year as my greatest roleplaying failure. Since it's been the first one in a long while that's made me not want to keep trying. (A mindset that I acknowledge doesn't really help anything.)

Though I've probably written a full novella's length of content, with just all the introductions or beginning posts that have been almost entirely wasted. Due to usually unexplained reasons that I still understand wholeheartedly. But everyone else's motivation slump, has most certainly impacted my own. (With the single positive caveat, that I don't think any of them ended on bad terms.) But there's only so much a single man can hear. "Wow, your post is excellently written." from a partner that never ends up replying/posting more to it. Which feels like how half of my year was spent.

Yet the other half is arguably worse. Since almost all of my long-term partners have also needed to take a break in recent months. So, whether it has anything to do with me or not. I don't think that it matters. Since the worst 'failure' that can happen in roleplays, are things that kill the fun in them. (And boy, has this year managed to do its damndest.)

So I suppose my biggest personal issue that I can find and work on in the future, is that my time management has gotten abysmal. But the fact that I'm posting on a spam forum page at midnight, is probably not a good step to fixing that problem. (But there's always another day?)

This may not be at least wise on my part when it comes to "quoting" but there is some things here that I can at least add on. I think this year for me is one of my greatest RP failures and it has me on not wanting to try anymore (past experiences) and even three to four years back I can put on this list as a failure also.

I never really got like positive feeback like "your post was written great!" or "Your starter is very good" [sample writing fits in the realm of it too].

Interest for me and what I like I feel is very small to like next levels of impossible [Though this year has been fucking bad]. Though I feel like my biggest personal issue is like getting into my own head and feelings with stuff and it gets very hard for me to come out or see things clearly. I don't know what to expect next year [upon me thinkin the same will happen] now it will just be like exams and holidays approaching...[shrugs]
To me, the real takeaway of the thread is this:

The people who need help want it as everyone deserves help and a fair shot of success in an RP. Ghosters are dishonorable/"satan" as you put it and also everyone to understand another's viewpoint without needing to mob all over someone for speaking differently of their experiences and expect them to "not" be all sunshine and rainbows filled with positivity after their experiences before have been crap to them before with no real payoff despite numerous attempts.
I feel no one does listen to me and is against me for not being positive or even having a different experience. I disagree with your words Ammo at least here as I feel like I need to be on the defensive and guarded or lash out because i feel like no one understands me or even gets what i feel as i feel people are trying to invalidate what I experienced and feel.
<Snipped quote by rebornfan320>

You feel, you feel. Good job. Bravo. Doesn't mean they have any basis in reality.

Reality check for you. RPs die all the time. People ghost each other all the time. Starters go unanswered all the time.

You are not an unique case, and it does suck sure. Take the L and move on like a big boy, or don't. Just don't be surprised when you get "attacked" for throwing a hissy.

I'm not throwing a hissy at all. From my viewpoint it sure seems like i am always being targeted for stating something different than anyone else that wants to hear my side but don't understand at all. And with the amount dead in a year i have gone through I never said I was an unique case but I feel my side needs to be looked at with unclouded hate instead of being jumped on.

It's time to put the thread down and go get some sleep. Also, if you're constantly on the receiving end of these so called mobs, it might be a bit prudent to think long and hard about why you supposedly have to "defend" yourself constantly.

Then again, if you need to be told that constantly, it's not like sitting down and thinking about it will probably do much good.

I feel I constantly have to because I feel no one gets how it feels to have multiple RP's dead in a year, having ghosters drop you at planning or when you agree to start and you do but never get a reply back. I feel I have no choice but to fight for my side to be heard and understood in contrast to being targeted and attacked all because I express frustration.
@Click This
I wasn't warned at least to my memory of any sort of warning like at all. And like before and here, it feels like no one gets and I have to push and fight to make my side and voice known every single time it is like I have to defend myself against the “swords and pitchforks” or mob mentality as it feels like I always have to try to make my side known.

It felt like you were coming on to attack/bully on me. I just feel like I am not understood and no matter what I say it feels like I'm all alone and have to defend myself. I'm not always like this at all. I just want my fair shot is all.
Thought to give you at least my side of it.
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