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1 yr ago
Current i dont recommend getting a pinched nerve, especially in your leg
6 yrs ago
Just a few more hours and i get to dissappear for 10 days. The place we are going has some wonderful views.
6 yrs ago
wow talk about nostalgia. Things to do while your bored, look up "the cluefinders."
6 yrs ago
6 yrs ago
what? its already been a year here? *looks around* well other than loseing a bunch of wieght not much has changed.
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Sup im sword just got here and am getting a feel for things.

Most Recent Posts

Ardur The Pixie
Preparing for a fight >>>> Here comes the thunder /// day 8 // Evening

Ardur worked for the next few minutes diligently stacking stones of various sizes all over the earthen pillars. It was tiring and straining work but with the help of Physical Conditioning I found it to be almost enjoyable to be working out again. It reminded him briefly of his child hood and helping his father break up and move concrete. He couldn’t help but look down at himself after he did what he could do to prepare for the coming battle. Noticing that he was still naked from his earlier conflict he guessed he still had a little time left to go home and ‘change’.

Knowing that Lesser Flight III allowed him to travel farther, faster, and lighter. The pale pixie found himself taking his time to practice his flying skills by chasing down a few flying insects. Toying with them for a moment as they tried in vain to elude the predator behind them. He would continue to chase them before catching them and returning home.

Entering the small stone abode he could see that the small crystal nodes had grown slightly but still were not at the size to be used. Steve didn’t seem to be home but a gentle tug of some of his webs got his attention. The small spider acting on instinct to the sudden vibration charged from a crevice and reared its front legs up with a hiss towards Ardur. However, once the spider realized who was standing before it either by sight or scent slowly lowered its aggressive posture and seemed to wait.

Ardur did find himself flinching slightly at the response from his roommate. But everything seemed to settle down when he tossed several of the small insects onto the spider’s web. Steve instantly started stinging and wrapping its food while Ardur began to gather the silken strands and coil some of them together to make stronger strands. This was how he made his clothes last time but this time he didn’t have any grass but had a different idea instead.

After gathering and spinning the web together using his shield spell to keep the silk from sticking to him. Ardur made his way over to Steve to give it one last heal spell before stroking the creature for a moment. For whatever reason he felt a bit calmer from this act but eventually stood and walked to the entrance with a sigh. “Bye Steve, ill hopefully see you again later.” He said as he dropped out of the entrance and into the air.

The trip was rather uneventful, the cave was stricken with an eerie silence. It was almost like the other creatures knew better than to poke their heads out or scout out around their homes. It was something he would see now and then, all the animals taking shelter before a storm. Even his instincts told him to keep a low profile and hide. A feeling he swiftly suppressed to the back of his mind. Now wasn’t the time to hide, it was the time to fight.

Stopping only briefly to take a few more chunks of one of the nearby dead goblins. Ardur found himself perched up on a high shelf looking off toward the entrance. If he was to see any movement coming from that direction, he would be the first to call it out to the others. While the pixie ate, he began to fix small pebbles in the spider silk clothes he had woven together. Although it wouldn’t be considered armor by any means, he still felt like it was better than nothing.

Looking back out across the cave with one leg dangling off the side and the other sucked up towards his chest to give his head something to rest on again he sighed. This was the first down time he has had in some time and while his mind went over his game plan for the battle he couldn’t help but let his mind wander to Sara and what he left behind to come here.

He was sure the short red head would end up here after she passed of old age just to yell at him about how stupid he was. Then having it followed up by how strong and handsome our son had grown to be. Yet for some reason he didn’t want her to see him like this. He had indulged his new instincts a little too much and in the end hadn’t really helped anyone. What the hell was he doing? Who was he trying to fool being a chaotic pixie with no regard to others?

She would be disappointed in him, he was sure of it.

“Merciful Sun god, I have squandered my days with plans of many things. This was not among them. But at this moment, I beg only to live the next few hours well. For all we ought to have thought, and have not thought; all we ought to have said, and have not said; all we ought to have done, and have not done; I pray thee God of the sun, for forgiveness.” He spoke a quote from one of his and Sara’s favorite movies as a prayer and caught himself beginning to cry.

When the time came to attack the goblins Ardur would be sure to help and do his best. Either by bombing the goblins from above with stones while they fought the other reborn. To running interference by quickly flying around the goblins and distracting them using his new-found speed and dexterity to aid him. But most importantly, he would do what he does best, help. Keeping close to the others and checking up on them to make sure they had proper heals or delivering mana crystals from the stash to them. He won’t just stand to the side and watch this time, this time he will make Sara proud.

((OOC: So as I’ve stated before I’m leaving for a training for 10 days and as stated above after his prayer. It lists what he will be doing during the fight that I’m sure is to happen while I’m away. So just regard him as a temporary NPC and I’ll catch up when I can… just don’t get him killed please. He will follow orders, when he’s tired he will rest, and when he’s low on mana he will seek out a crystal or two. But have fun and I’ll be back on the 13th.))


Keenly aware of his surroundings the Mando warriors pressed on through corridor after corridor. The tight places where exactly the kind of room clearing the barbell wanted. Cutting down foe after foe with either the heavy pistol or his Sabre. The imperials stood little chance to get away from their impending doom. If the Barabel didn't get you, the others that followed would.

Roak knew what was coming up next. The open courtyard before the safe house was going to be a problem they all knew it. The Imps would too, the last choke point, the last place to get them into the open. It was in the floor plan that they had received and Roak had spent many hours going over the layout of the building. Even going as far to building a holographic simulation of the building back at base so that he wouldn't have gotten anything mixed up.

That was another thing Elder Resol instilled in them was to be prepared for anything. To be able to think and adapt, be problem solvers. Roak normally wouldn’t put that much effort into a strike, but he was well aware that if this one went smoothly then they would get much more dangerous and high profile missions. Speak the words and where the armor, and we will do great things. That’s all the old man had to tell him. That was all he needed to hear, having a purpose was all he ever wanted.

The door was coming up on them quickly, they were even a little ahead of schedule. The diversion that the others were making was working. A scream overhead, the unique sound of tie fighters reminded the Mando what was at stake. Holstering his pistol and sheathing his sword he grabbed his rifle with one hand and took a cryo grenade from his belt. The courtyard was too open for his normal tactics.

Bursting through the large heavy doors they were met with a peaceful sight of colorful flowers and ornate stone carvings. These beautiful sights were soon stolen by blaster fire from implaced E-Webs on the opposite side of the courtyard. The Imps had placed themselves in a rather well situated position, but he knew it wouldn’t be enough. Taking up a position next to Elder Resol Roak could only nod at his teacher as a sign of ‘ready when you are’ the Barabel would be sure to throw his grenade at the nearest position but would otherwise follow his lead with his short blaster rifle in hand.
I will be waiting for a post from gina before I post again.

also it should be noted I will be away at training from the 3rd to the 13th, I am considering letting jangle control him but we will see.
Ardur The Pixie
A Hope and A Prayer >>>> Preparing for a fight /// day 8 // Afternoon > Evening

This new flight spell sure was something else. Tier 3 lesser flight was more than a bit faster than the last upgrade. He felt lighter and more agile, a bit limber too. The pixie found himself twisting and twirling through the air performing aerial acrobatics. Eventually he would have to get used to walking as well. He knew he couldn't fly forever and it was more than likely part of harder, better, faster, stronger.

The pale pixie definitely was taking his time. He wanted to get used to the new flight upgrade. He had too if he wanted to be the bomber for the group. His careless attitude soon turned serious as he suddenly remembered he wasn't prepared for the fight yet. Gaining altitude the pixie quickly glided toward his destination at the bonfire. His flight time was aided by his new skill that seemed to boost him forward slightly.

Arriving at the old bonfire he glanced around at some others but didn't concern himself too much with them. For the most part they looked okay, so he didn't feel that bad about doing his own thing even if he didn't tell them what that entails. Moving to the pile of mana crystals that looked a little smaller than the last time he saw it. Ardur quickly consumed one crystal and picked up three more.

1 Mana Crystal Used.
Mana Fully Restored.

Moving quickly to half-way up one of the nearby stone pillars. The pixie stashed the crystals roughly half-way up and somewhat out of sight before dropping down again. Picking up another three crystals he does the same thing but on another pillar close to where the fighting will more than likely be. Again he slightly hides the crystals on small platforms and in shallow holes.

Ardur would stop only for a moment to quickly take a few bites out of one of the nearby dead goblins. Stopping only to check his surroundings before going back to the task at hand. That task being finding small and large stones around and piling them on platforms around the pillars. However, Ardur would make an effort to attempt to conceal the crystals he had placed on the pillars before stacking the stones elsewhere. Eventually he would check in with the others and see if they were okay with him using the fire crystals to bomb the goblins when they came but for now this was enough to keep him busy.


Hobgoblin Gird
Talking to the Goddess >>>> On the Hunt again /// Day 5 // Afternoon > Evening

Gird watched the others get their things together and start to follow him out of the webbed forest. The walk was rather short before the sun was beginning to draw closer to the horizon. The thought of darkness breathed an air of caution but not fear. No, his goddess was the ruler of night and darkness, giver of the moon, and a guide for lost souls. The dark was not to be feared only what lurks in the darkness. As they walked he did start to use the abilities he was granted, seeing small spots of different colored auras around them. Obviously small insects or vermin, all of them seemed to only come up as an aura when he looked at them.

The hob goblin paused mid step as Luz spoke up, “I know I can see them too” he paused for a moment as two of those life forces ran off. One of them was very large as he could feel the thunderous footsteps as it ran. By the way it sounded as it ran the creature almost seemed injured or scared. Thinking on his feet and knowing that this had to be what the goddess spoke of the pale hobgoblin quickly turned to the others, “Luz you’re in charge of them. If they don’t want to stay out in the night, take them back to the stone place. If they want to follow, help them stash the spider in a tree and catch up with me.”

Issuing his orders Gird turned and followed after the two auras that ran off through the brush. He would track them where he could. But otherwise, he would begin to rub mud over him and pick up some vegetation to stick in his harness as he followed them. The trail the big one left wasn’t hard to follow, and he could see that something quickly followed after it without fear or thought of hiding its tracks.

Moving with purpose but still somewhat slow, Gird made his way through the brush but soon noticed that the smaller foot prints disappeared and the subtle blood trail from before was now a bit more prominent. Gird would continue to follow the trail until he caught up with them but would still try to hide.

@Crusader Lord

Ardur The Pixie
My First Kill >>>> A Hope and A Prayer /// day 8 // Afternoon > Evening

After catching his breath and listening to the others Ardur smiled and quickly followed after the other pixie. Another chance to possibly earn some Levels and get new skills. Following the others lead He picked up a side of the rubbery membrane that seemed intent on simply devouring the rat it held. With most of his strength he began to lift the creature who was many sizes larger than all of them until it was several feet off the ground.

Having moved it this far and it was already trying to swing at the others. The trio dropped the large membrane on the rock spikes below. The ooze seemed damaged but not dead. Part of it still held onto the rat while the rest began to slowly make its way out of the jumble of stone. Looking to the other two for a moment Ardur gave them a smile, “Ooo lesser flight level 3” before looking around the cave again.

It was beginning to get darker the small holes of light in the ceiling was growing dim and the activity of the other monsters in the cave was beginning to wind down again. “The goblins will be back soon” he spoke to both of them. “Quickly grab some stones to drop on it or get your wisp friend to shoot the slime if you’re out to kill it.” He ordered as the pale pixie turned back towards the other two. “When they come fly high out of their reach if you must run. Hide in the crevasses. Stay safe and survive and hopefully we will meet again.”

Ardur began to look around again for some larger stones that he could dive bomb onto the slime and get some practice in before regrouping at the bonfire. “O and my name is Ardur” he forgot about introductions earlier. Swooping down to the ground he was quick to pick up a large stone. The stone was oval and a little heavy but nothing he couldn’t carry. Quickly he flew up towards the ceiling above the slime and swooped down toward it drop the stone above the slime but still out of what he hoped was its reach.

Ardur only did this once the other two times he dropped the rock from high up to practice his aim. He only hoped the others hadn’t used all the flame touched crystals because he was hoping to be going on a bombing run with them. Stopping for a moment on top of a nearby tall rock formation to rest. The pixie again found himself looking around, “I wish you all good luck in the fight to come, I’m sure we will all need it.” His voice seemed a bit more brooding as he slowly began to meditate for a few more moments, focusing on his breathing and then all the small sounds around him.

Just for a moment he sensed a slice of peace in the cave. Perhaps it was the calm before the storm, maybe even a sign of things to come once the goblins were dead and gone. Either way he continued to meditate for a few moments longer letting his stamina recharge. “I’m not entirely sure if anyone is listening but for whoever might be watching or listening I pray to you.” He was whispering now, his words intended for some higher unseen power who he might relate too.

“I pray that you may witness our plight and give us luck on what comes next. That you would fill our hearts with courage and give us the opportunity to be great, to be mighty.” He wasn’t entirely sure why he was doing this but anything would help at this point. “I pray that you would see through our faults and the wrongs we may have committed in our past lives. That you would see us for the creatures we are and not see monsters but beings who are doing what they believe to be right. To protect each other and grow strong together to tip the scales of balance and just maybe throw a bit more light into this world.”

Ardur was a pagan believer in his past life, worshiping old gods of thunder and wisdom from the Viking era. He was taught to treat the gods like friends or companions, to talk to them like he would family. But here he felt that if there were gods they might just be a bit more regal than what he is used to considering them. Standing tall from his bout of meditation and feeling rested he took one more glance at the slime and the others before taking off toward the bonfire.


Death to the non believers
@Jangel13 should follow anyway dont want gina to get killed
@demonspade64 i would think all we could do was follow the one that ran. They killed the other one.
@Jangel13 made some light armor, received guidance from his goddess, and is getting the others together to head west.
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