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@Lady Selune Also is it okay if we play two characters?

Myself and @shylarah would both like to play two apiece.
*falls in*

Hiyo! I'm interested, if you're still looking for more people.
Reminder, @everyone!! Entries are due Monday the 16th, to be posted on the 17th as soon as I wake up.

I'm really excited, and restraining myself from opening the PM box and reading everything right now. Keep the good work coming!
@narcissisticpotato you're clear for Rynek. We can't afford to delay that group any longer. And of course Talli, too.
@Belle Hold tight for just a bit longer!! Layla might just have one sister-bride, but we'love get that group started as soon as we possibly can. (I mean if you want to stir up a kerfuffle you can but I can't promise that layla will escape uninjured)
@Framing a Moose We're going to get the group started. If you get your character done and intro posted before the rest of the group leaves the choosing room then I see no reason why you can't take part as well- but we can't delay that story line any longer. If you're lacking in interest please just say as much so that we quit holding the spot.
@karamonnom Ah, sorry to hear that. Well, best of luck to you in your future RPs!

@Belle I'm thinking, for the sake of continuity, would it be okay if you stuck with Layla? We'll get your group started asap.

Also, @Framing A Moose, how's the character coming? I'll give you another day, but if you've not got your char done by then I'm afraid we're going to have to start that group without you. Poor Belle is chomping at the bit.

@NarcissisticPotato are you still here? With Talli and Rynek? I'm all set to play Lienna for Rynek and have him come pick up Layla and Moose's new character- and I think Dorian will want to retrieve Talli soon.

Oh also, [@Saltwater-Thief] Thanks a bunch. Sorry to make you change it, it's just kinda hard on the eyes. If you darken it down even more, to almost black maybe, or lighten it up a bit, it should work?
Sorry to see you go, mate. It was a joy having you in our game with us. Best of luck in your future roleplays, @Cubix.

@karamonnom @Belle would you guys like to retcon Kalani and Amalia and have them start over or would you like for your group to fade into the sunset?
@Saltwater Thief :D

If it's okay can I ask that you change dorians color to a slightly lighter blue in the future? The one you've picked is a bit hard for me to read.

I'll write for liana and miry and sia today sometime.
I'm here.
@PlatinumSkink@Karkinos but also @everyone else Remember guys, we intentionally leave the prompts as vague and triple-meaninged as possible. We want to see your off-the-wall awesome creativeness. And so we try to pick as many multi-meaninged terms as possible- resolutions can be the solutions to conflicts or tense situations, but they can also be promises made for the future, or they can be how detailed an image is, but they can also... etc. It's entirely up to you all how you interpret it.

We will NEVER reject an entry for not adhering to the prompt. The prompt is there as a general guide that's supposed to mean different things for different people, not to try to force people into one line of thinking. Y'all are over complicating it!

Welcome back everyone!

It’s that time of year again. You know, that time of year where most of the adults are recovering from trying to drown the sorrows of the year in ethanol and most of the kids are recovering from the Darth Vader-esque “noooooooo” moment in which they realize that their time of freedom is slowly waning- at least for those chilluns on the north side of the equator. ANYWAY: One thing’s for sure, no matter where you are on the globe, and that’s that you’ve likely made yourself some promises that you have no intention of keeping! Which leads us into our prompt for this month’s contest… drumroll please….

RPGC #13: Resolutions!

Bonus Categories:

  • “She’ll NEVER sink!” - It’s perfect. It’s so simple yet so beautiful and amazing and awe-inspiring and absolutely flawless in construction. How could it possibly fall through the cracks? Unfortunately for us, the biggest things tend to also have the most cataclysmic resolutions...
  • “…That was anticlimactic.”What it says on the tin.
  • “The end of an era is upon us.”Empires rise and empires fall- we’ve all read it in the history books. So too have we read that history repeats itself. But in the heat of the moment, in seeking a peaceful resolution, these statements are likely to skip the mind of those involved.
  • “But the hidden beauty is the greatest of all.”Paint us a picture. Allow us to look deeper, and then let us question everything- but to do that, your picture must be sufficiently high-resolution, no?

And in honor of the sp00ky number of the contest…

  • SUPERSTITION.Superstitions are just traditions taken to the nth degree, right?

FRIENDLY PSA: Nowhere in RPGC’s write-ups has it ever said that entries are writing-exclusive. As it was originally started as a writing contest and the majority of entries we get are those of a written medium, there will be some issues to be worked out when it comes time for judging in the event that we have people take a more artsy spin but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it, if we come to it. I will say this now, though—All entrants regardless of medium will be eligible for bonus categories.

Now, here at RPGC, we’ve made ourselves some resolutions too. We’re all going to get at least six hours of sleep a night, eat all our veggies, remember to clean up our rooms, not prank our roommates by working necromancy when we think they’re asleep, do all our homework at least a week in advance—but most importantly, we are also going to do our best to liven up these prompts in the future- And we want YOUR input! Yes, you! Random…faceless…strangers…that we don’t know….but THAT’S OKAY BECAUSE YOU’RE READING THIS AND WE NEED HELP.

Let us know in the comments below how we did, and if you want to see more of this sort of content be sure to like this video and subscribe to our – wait, no, that’s the wrong social media. But seriously- Click the link to go put your ideas in for future themes, and feel free to leave us a post or a PM (send it to @RomanAria for her to direct to the contest staff accordingly) telling us how we did with our theme this month!

Oh, yeah, before we forget to mention: Submit all entries in a pm to @RPGC Entry no later than objective midnight on Monday, 16th January- entries to be posted on the following Tuesday morning as soon as one of us wakes up. Be sure that in the titles of your PMs you give us the title you want the story posted under, and be sure to somewhere in the body of your message indicate if you want your name mentioned- unless you specify you want to take ownership, we will leave it anonymous in the voting thread.

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