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Current Thank you, Match Day gods.
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Like...CerealKiller Hackers?
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Thanks, Dad.
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Shit, that's every God damn day.
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Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals.


Unless you want to offer RP, I don't care, you're better off not sending it my way.

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<Snipped quote by Ruby>
Get out of my head, Roobs ;)

I'd love for less "epic galaxy-wide plots" and something more planet-based, or perhaps city/neighborhood. I've always loved Coruscant for settings, especially the gritty underbelly and all [insert number here] levels since any faction can be apart of the madness.

From what I recall there were really great games-within-games in past SW PWs I've seen. The right planet, the right group of players, ya never know.

But it should be fun.
<Snipped quote by Ruby>
I don't think so, personally. I think there needs to be more checks and balances then "the GMs will get around to telling every application/submission needs fixing".

<Snipped quote by NuttsnBolts>

Yeah; I agree with your idea, although I wasn't necessarily implying the Mods/GMs should have to do it. It was more so me voicing an idea so that the setting could have something similar to the Wikia for Moon Guard, hence the "dedicated lorekeeper" comment. In the end, such an idea isn't truly needed as an integral component for the PW, but it would be nice to see something like that come to fruition.

Edit: Rereading what I said earlier, I can see why you came to that conclusion.

<Snipped quote by Ruby>

Where would one draw the cutoff between "Low level" and "High level"?

Not exactly sure yet. The example I usually give is, "Jedi Padawan/Jedi Knight."

No, that person thinking "but Padawans can be OP" isn't the first to think that but you gotta draw a line and that's generally the best example. For Imperials and Republic folks it may go by rank, or ship/reputation/wealth for other types. I'm fairly certain the GM group is on it.
<Snipped quote by Inkarnate>

Whilst I had not directly participated in the previous PW (though I did take a look at it several times while it was still running), I do feel in the Star Wars PW the character (or even group) application process should be more streamlined, though the main thing I had issue with EH's application process was the tiered system. I don't want to spend a ton of time worrying over my character's power level, I just want to make a character that's cool yet realistic (in SW terms) that the PW mods approve of, especially with how Jedi/Sith are already pretty OP to begin with.

Low level characters (including Force users) will need no approval at all. (If they're broken they'll get ignored IC, and/or fixed by a GM.)

Streamlined enough?
Player controlled Empire against player controlled Republic, with the outcome being decided by the timely arrival of player controlled smugglers and bounty hunters. Sith and Jedi players doing their thing, advancing their storylines with the larger battle as backdrop, boarding vessels, meeting blades planetside.

Actual winners and losers, even if it takes a week of refereeing OOC to get to as close to a mutual satisfaction with said results. New players having picked up characters and jumped into it all, some ignored IC because they broke whatever unspoken (or spoken) rule and will have to try again, some who get it right and have an action packed introduction to the RP.

Groups of players with IC families in fantasy sci fi settings. Hard darkness, bright neons, and cold rains in cityworlds where a pair of slicer players dive into a cyberpunk noir story.

Watching players actually realize what this is and really take ownership, in short.

Some player out there will probably be the Dark Lord of the Sith at some point if it takes off, and for some reason I find that fact endlessly entertaining.
Speaking of the old multiverse, the PW mods should really look at it and figure out what when wrong. Why did it lose interest so quickly? What should we do to ensure it doesn't immediately die? Those kinds of questions should be asked and answered to make sure this PW lives for a long time.

I've actually had this conversation with the community a few times; hence the reason people wanted staff to oversee the next PW attempt. Odds are we'll still be active on the Guild in six months.

If people want to have that conversation again, cool, just not on this subforum.
Coming Soon.
I've got to trust the GM, said to the girl with trust issues.

Fair enough!
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