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4 mos ago
Current Thank you, Match Day gods.
4 mos ago
Like...CerealKiller Hackers?
4 mos ago
Thanks, Dad.
4 mos ago
Shit, that's every God damn day.
5 mos ago
Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals.


Unless you want to offer RP, I don't care, you're better off not sending it my way.

Most Recent Posts

Top shelf intro post.

Welcome to the Guild!

A Galaxy Divided

Peace… or so a teetering Republic calls it. It has been deceived. Hidden from the Galaxy and veiled from its guardians, the Jedi, the Sith menace had endured and rebuilt. Whilst the Republic had grown complacent and its vigilance waned.

Peace is a lie. After centuries, the Sith Empire has returned stronger than ever. Caught unawares, grasping in the dark, the Republic fought a desperate battle against an enemy they thought vanquished centuries ago. Nonetheless, stiffened by Jedi prowess, it put up a valiant fight. Until, with one fell swoop, their hopes and dreams were shattered. Coruscant itself was sacked and kept hostage, obliterating Republic resolve. Thus, the Empire could end the war on their terms.

Many believe the Treaty of Coruscant a diktat, offering but temporary respite. On either side of the divide, it is regarded as merely a delay of the inevitable. The depredations of the Great Galactic War have left the Republic weakened and hamstrung, as people and politicians scramble to make sense of the newly imposed status quo.

A Galaxy in a Cold War
An introduction to the Persistent Galaxy setting

The setting for the Guild’s Persistent Galaxy Roleplay is Star Wars. More specifically, the Old Republic Era, six years after the Sacking of Coruscant, some 3647 years before Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.

In this period, the galaxy is in a Cold War, with the Galactic Republic on one side and Vitiate’s Sith Empire on the other. Neither the Sith nor the Republic have a dominating position, though the Republic suffered hard towards the end of the Great Galactic War and with the Treaty of Coruscant that ended that war and started the Cold War.

Forced to abandon countless worlds to the Sith and withdraw its forces and Jedi on all fronts. The Republic has spent the past six years trying to recover from the war, even as it tries to build up new armies and navies for the next and almost inevitable war with the Empire. Many people throughout the Republic suffered during the war and still suffer now, living as refugees in overcrowded cities or on planets with ruined infrastructure, some of them in the midst of direct or indirect civil war. Formerly functional trade networks and supply lines are broken, prone to pirate raids and corruption.

In the eyes of many, there is little difference between the Jedi and the Sith, both posing a threat to galactic peace. Few among these accept the preachings of the Jedi Order that the Sith are evil and must be eradicated.

In the Empire, many Sith chafe against the reins holding them back from continuing the war. Even as imperial shipyards continue mass-producing warships, armies and new Sith are trained, recruits drawn from all parts of the now much larger empire. Existing armies, fleets and Sith are busy consolidating imperial territory, as the new worlds are being (forcibly) integrated into the Empire.

At the same time as all of this, the Hutts and other crime cartels exploit the opportunities that started with the war and only grew more varied with the Treaty of Coruscant. In their territory, the Republic and the Empire have the opportunity to squabble more than they do in their own, frequently stepping on the edges of the Treaty, but not quite breaking it, often being prevented from doing it by their own.

So long as they profit, the Hutts do not mind. In fact, they are having the times of their lives, wielding power they have not held in countless years. They dream of bygone days when they ruled not a medium-sized sector of space, but rather an entire Empire of their own.

Both inside and outside the territory claimed by the Sith Empire, the Mandalorian clans find themselves conflicted. Remembering the days of greatness when they were a force feared by the entire republic, they dream of regaining this glory, but they cannot agree on whether this is through working with the Galactic Republic or through working with the Sith Empire. While the current Mandalore believes in supporting the Empire, he has not yet quashed all opposition, some of which he considers good friends in spite of their differing views.

The Jedi Order, its main temple on Coruscant destroyed, has withdrawn somewhat, retreating to the rediscovered world of Tython. There, a new Jedi Temple has been built to replace the one they have not been permitted to rebuild on Coruscant. On Tython, as well as in a number of other locations throughout the Republic, new Jedi are being trained to replace the countless lost during the war. As always, the question lies in how well-trained they are… Will they be fully trained before war breaks out again? Will they stay true to the path? Will they be enough to win? No one knows the answers to these and many other questions.

Key points for the era.
  • Sith number in the thousands, they have a clear hierarchy of who answers to who and rules that keep them from openly killing each other.
  • Jedi also number in the thousands. Their hierarchy has firmer ranks and rules, but less of a controlled hierarchy of who answers to who.
  • The Mandalorian Clans are unique in how they are trained and run, completely unlike both the republic military, the Sith military and regular society. As such, we made a guide.
  • The society of the Republic is quite complex and varied, but it can be helpful to have a bit of an introduction.
  • While not as varied as that of the Republic, the Society of the Empire is complex and unique in its own ways.
  • There’s always some that desire to play scum and villainy, taking on the roles of criminals, bounty hunters, mercenaries and other unwholesome folks. The guide to that is in works. Questions can go to the GMs.
  • And finally, there are those who wish to venture into the cesspits of politics, such as Senators. The guide to that is in works. Questions can go to the GMs.
  • Open fighting between Republic and Imperial forces is prevented by the treaty, something many on both sides dislike, but others enforce. Militaries on either side maintain a high level of alertness.
  • Jedi training is decentralized, with most being trained in satellite academies, enclaves and praxea, rather than at the main temple on Tython.
  • Sith training, on the other hand, is more centralized, but only mostly. They’ve got their primary academy on Korriban.
  • There’s hundreds of maps for the galaxy available, some better than others. Because none were quite good enough, a new map has been designed based on several existing maps.

Lore docs and guides.

Guide: Species of the Galaxy: goo.gl/dL5QLr
Guide: Starships of the Galaxy: goo.gl/Jkf2hq
Guide: Time Progression: goo.gl/DLiW7c
Character Sheet Templates: goo.gl/LmZs3A
Guide: Droids: goo.gl/T8GEur

Force Users:
Guide: Jedi Training and Life: goo.gl/z3Z838
Guide: Sith Training and Life: goo.gl/y54Grk
Guide: Lightsaber Combat: goo.gl/KxHwEq
Guide: The Force: goo.gl/ZFYQUG
Guide: Holocrons, the Codes and deviant Force users: goo.gl/qG6bHy

Other Guides:
Guide: Citizens of the Empire: goo.gl/mCyco9
Guide: Citizens of the Republic: goo.gl/PekAoa
Guide: Mandalorian Training and Life: goo.gl/wbZeUH
Guide: Military Ranks & Order of Battle: goo.gl/sRa6VV

Territorial map, 3647: goo.gl/QY2Pr5

Upcoming guides: (No ETA available)
Scum and Villainy
Jedi Training Institutions
Sith Academy

Key RP Info:
  • Character Sheet submissions go in the section of the sub-forum of the same name. Create a topic with your CS submission in it so the GM team can begin evaluation.
  • Space stations, starships, planets; each general location will have it's own topic in the IC section of the sub-forum. Your posts will go there.
  • Each post requires a time stamp and location stamp. This is both to keep track of the time, and to make our Lorekeeper's job easier.
  • Ship/weapon/tech submissions will also go into the Character Submissions sub-forum. Just mark them as TECH in the title so it's not missed. Non-canon designs can be submitted.
  • Your character can die in this game. Traditionally you'd have to agree to it, but if the GMs believe your character can't escape the over the top danger you got them into...it's possible they could rule that your character would not have survived.
  • Is it heavily recommended the parties involved in a space battle simulation discuss the simm ahead of time with the GMs.
  • Should you wish to launch a large scale storyline, please first consult the GMs.
  • Save for a GM NPC or two, canon characters will not be permitted as PCs but may be allowed as NPCs in your scenes. Consult the GMs with specific questions.
  • More information will be posted in this space as needed, so check back!

Game staff: Who to contact if you need information or have feedback

@Ellri - Sith Empire GM.
@Heat - Jedi Order GM.
@Sini - Sith Empire GM.
@Ezekiel - Republic GM/Independent Factions GM. (Bounty Hunters, Smugglers, Criminals, Mandalorians, etc.)
@Ruby - Game Admin/Temp. GM for Tech.
In Hello 5 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself

<Snipped quote by Ruby>

Thanks again, I'll be hitting you because there're lots of new things in here, I see it's different from yahoo groups, quite different and I'm going to need some help for sure

Any time. Just send me a PM.
In Hello 5 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
<Snipped quote by coffeeflower>

Glad to have you here.

@Ruby Sorry to say this on an introduction thread but love that avatar of yours. ;)

In Hello 5 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
<Snipped quote by BleedingLover>

thanks, I'll be playing for a long while

Welcome to the Guild!

Guild is a good place to try your luck in the "Big Leagues." Don't hesitate to ask me if you need anything or have any questions. Good luck out there!
The blood was hot, the pain behind it hotter. Her body shook violent little tremors, her hands covered in her own blood as she moved slowly. The battle was over, the very last of the Mandalorian attack force laying cold and dead in the small chamber just feet away from her, armor and flesh burnt black from the oversized blaster that ripped through the Mandalorian from behind. He'd shot the Jedi first, snapping her out of Battle Meditation. Then he gloated about it, and starting taunting the suddenly shot and suddenly bleeding Jedi Apprentice. The Guard Captain of the Palace had been ordered by Catsai to protect Vera.

He'd saved her life.

So why was Vera anxious about Catsai's return?

Because I'm bleeding. Because she's in love with me.

The thought alone sparked a hotter heat than any blaster wound, and left her feeling drunk. Vera snorted, loudly, as the Guard Captain hovered over her, ripping her robes away from her left shoulder and stabbing in the pain killer. Vera-Li howled, the haze of her body in shock, her knees sliding slowly over the polished marble floor below. The room was little more than a prayer chamber, as they called it. Six walls, two doors, and a ceiling so high it was lost in the darkness of shadow. It was in the center of the Palace, in a lower level where the walls were thicker and the paths much more of a maze than the palace main floors above.

It was the perfect place for her to setup to turn the tide of the battle.

"I don't know how you did it," The Guard Captain said, "Even the youngest recruit started shooting straight."

She tried chuckling at the mental image, but instead the sound of pain came out, and her right hand went straight to her left shoulder in reactionary instinct. The narcotic started working on synapsis after synapsis in her brain, a chain reaction she could track if she focused. Which she could, for all of half a heartbeat, before the Force shifted around her, allowing her to sense what was coming.

Or rather who.

"Slowly, Jedi," the Guard Captain's voice was calm, and firm, his body just the same as he very patiently helped her to her feet. "This was a small Mandalorian attack. We should be ready next time, now that we have enough time to prepare. Thank you Jedi. Now let's get you upstairs to the medics."

Vera thanked the man, and tried to make a step, before her head became a whirlwind of narcotic heaviness and physical shock. A new appreciation for the human Guard Captain's physical sturdiness, that he kept her from falling right back to the floor, that.....she's close. "Excuse me, Guard Captain, I'll get off here." She smiled, the sound of humor in her otherwise pained tone.

"Are you certain? Your wound--"

"--will mend. Trust me when I say you don't want to be here in the coming minute or two. This wall," she said, patting it with bloodied left hand, as if she were an expert on walls testing it's soundness, "can hold me up just fine in the meantime." And as she said it, she shifted her weight, until her left shoulder was leaning hard into the wall so that it kept her upright. The narcotics, the pain, the reaction after reaction inside her body, reverberating from her physical being into the Force all around her.

Even her heart leapt. Was it the pain? The narcotic?

Or the fact that she was in love with the woman coming for her in a beeline?

No, no. She shook her head, hard, harder, and again. Then there was even more heat, tears? Tears were streaming, steaming her hot cheeks. Then the shadow...Vera's eyes followed the shadow from the ground to the source of it: that figure in the door. Vera tried to smile at the figure in the door, tried to say something, but all she could think to say was...

"I'm okay," Her eyes flashing from Catsai in the doorway, to the dead Mandalorian on the ground, back to her Master. "I'm...I'm pretty dizzy but hey at least you got involved in the Mandalorian fight...I'm...gonna sit down." She said, her left shoulder rolled forward until her back was flat against the marble wall, and from there, she slid down until the marble floor stopped her. Her bright blue eyes cloudy and bloodshot, Vera frowned.

"Are you hurt?"
It's done.

Which is to say the GM team has completed compiling the information and guides required to start the game, because there's more they want to do and likely more will come up in the playing of the game that needs to be done...but for now it's done enough.

With that disclaimer out of the way: welcome to the Star Wars Persistent Galaxy roleplay!

There have been changes since the last time people have heard from me about the game, but the biggest is that all characters will have to be applied for now. In terms of balance and fairness the GMs thought it best to require sheets for every character at the start, and if we get to a point where we can let people just drop a sheet for a low level character and hop right into the game than we will. For now we take the cautious approach.

You still have freedom of movement, freedom to make your own stories, no matter how big or small. There will be plots initiated by the GM team, as the state of the galaxy at the moment is a dangerous and uncertain time filled with the potential for galactic wide conflict. More on that from the GM team shortly.

In the longterm we hope the players involvement and action regulate the GM group to referees and Character Sheet judges, and little more. If you find something you don't like, tell the GMs and/or myself. Got an idea that would help improve a CS template? Got a question about one of the guides? Spot an error? A Persistent World RP can only thrive with player involvement and buy-in, so never hesitate to speak up even if it's something as simple as, "Man, those CS templates sure are long..." We get it, and we'll do what we can to constantly continue to refine and improve the game to fit the players.

I can't thank the GM team enough. Special thanks to our amazing GM consultant Sundered Echo, without whom it would've taken twice as long to get to this point. Special thanks also to our first Lorekeeper, Seren, who has done a great job by helping in any way she can whenever she was needed. Thank you very very very much to both!

As a reminder, the GM/Persistent World Mod team:

Ellri - Sith Empire GM.
Heat - Jedi Order GM.
Sini - Sith Empire GM.
Ezekiel - Republic GM/Independent Factions GM. (Bounty Hunters, Smugglers, Criminals, Mandalorians, etc.)

At the moment I'm filling the Tech GM spot, which encompasses everything from personal tech, to weapons, to speeders, to starships.

They've done a great job.

Expect the OOC to be posted very soon. In the meantime join us in the Persistent Galaxy's Discord server if you have any questions, or just want to brainstorm characters and stories with fellow roleplayers.
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