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6 mos ago
6 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
6 mos ago
7 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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7 mos ago
Men of the Internet! TRIPLE N IS OVER! The month was long and the challenge hard. To those who faltered, I wish you better luck next year. And to those who stayed strong, I say... enjoy your freedom!


*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

Most Recent Posts

Angus MacAlister

Angus caught the pair of torches flung at his head with a light chuckle. "Only needed one more torch" Angus said before he sent the extra torch back the way it came. Angus then walked over to the brazier and deposited the six torches he received from his companions. He then added three more torches from his own supply before finally throwing the torch he'd lit earlier onto the pile. Soon enough, the brazier was burning bright and making Angus feel nice and warm. Sitting by the fire, Angus brought the mouth piece of his bagpipes to his lips and began playing a cheery rendition of 'Dachaigh the Brave'.
Angus MacAlister

Angus smiled as each of his newfound companions cooperated with his request. But the smile soon left his face as he noticed that Thokk had only left one torch for the fire. "Ye know, missin' a pair o' torches ain't all that different from missin' just one" Angus said before Thokk could begin casting his spell "I cannae make a fire with nine torches, Thokk. I need the full ten or it won't be big enough to be of any use to us. If it makes ye feel any better, I'll be addin' four o' me own torches to the fire".
Well that's one way to draw attention to your interest check.

If Roy's doing something, I'd say it justifies a post.
Angus MacAlister

"Stickin' together sounds like a good idea" Angus said with an approving nod "Safety in numbers an' all that". Angus then looked over at where their host had been only to find that the wraith was no longer there. Angus shrugged, then he spotted the brazier. While the temple wasn't cold, it wasn't what you'd call warm either. Although there were plenty of wooden pews, Angus had a feeling that the wraith wouldn't take kindly to them being used as firewood. Fortunately the pews weren't the only flammable objects on hand. "Oi lads" Angus called out to the others "If each o' ye be willin' to donate a pair o' torches, I can get a nice fire goin' fer us".
Is it cold in the temple?
@Lucius Cypher

How many torches would it take to get a decent fire going?
Angus MacAlister

Angus was glad to be out of the storm and possibly safe from the troglodytes. It was very dark inside the temple though. Angus in the process of lighting a torch when the skeletal warrior appeared from the shadows. Angus' claymore was halfway out of its sheath in the time in the blink of an eye, but soon moved back in when the warrior made it clear he wasn't an immediate threat. When the warrior claimed to be a wraith, Angus raised an eyebrow. He'd heard stories about wraiths before, but Angus couldn't quite remember all the details since they only appeared in the less interesting stories. But he did remember a few things. "A wraith ye say?" Angus asked as he finished lighting his torch "Ye seem a little solid fer a wraith. And not nearly as 'ostile either" Angus shrugged "Either way, ye kept yer head when ye came back an' didn't just start tryin' to kill anyone who crossed yer path" he added "So good on ye fer that, lad...Or lass. It's 'ard to tell, what with ye havin' two voices an' all". Angus then remembered that its generally a good idea to introduce yourself when you're a guest in someone's home. "I am Angus MacAlister" Angus said before pointing at Raugar "He's a dragonborn who can make javelins glow" Angus then pointed at Thokk "He's a half-orc who cannae make javelins glow" Angus then pointed a Roy "And he's a daft sod who spends so much time sayin' 'ello that the fight's already over by the time he's finished his yammerin' and drawn his sword".

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