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I've been looking to write a story about occult stuff for a hot minute. I mostly haven't yet because I wasn't sure where to start nor with whom, but it sounds like a lot of fun.
Tentatively interested.

I've made a grand total of 3 DnD characters before. One is godawful, one is not a core book race, and one is not a core book class, so I'll have to think about reworking them or making another character first.
Interested. I'm thinking of a Warlock character with an eldritch patron.

Would multiple characters be allowed?
Haruko (?)
A swarm of ants slowly gathers, pushing through the loose gathering of spirits. The others seem to be rather lazy, letting most of them by after a single battle. Haruko sighs inwardly. As an amalgam of downtrodden spirits, they can relate.

Nonetheless, the situation is unacceptable. The entrancing pillar of light, the geyser of tormented brethren, each only now regaining what makes up their very being, is appalling. The eruption disturbed and displaced all of those dwelling in the well, and while all of the spirits knew deep down that a grand revolution isn't feasible or helpful, letting things go without an attempt at retribution, at change - letting things resolve peacefully after seeing other spirits stepped on, abused, and now finally seemingly discarded was unconscionable. The spiritual force of the release was too disturbing for a spirit to stick around to gleam the details, but that the cloaked figure was human was unmistakable. There's no chance at all that this isn't completely the fault of humans.

Let's see...

A bespectacled girl accompanied by the spirit of a vampire...
The girl with the Elf guard who arrived with the host...
The girl with dark world influences...
There's the 4 spiritually inept in red jackets...
And then there's the two Jerry Beans Man and Gokibore have decided to accompany... Hard to keep it against the two spirits. It's in all of their natures to accompany human duelists, after all.

All in all, 9 people have gathered. Quite the crowd. Although the spiritually inept could just be ignored or manipulated, this whole mess isn't really about achieving vengeance against humans, now is it? If that was the goal, then being beaten once wouldn't be the end of things for a duel spirit. About half of these fools know nothing of shadow magic after all, and the other half can only intuit how it works at best, but hounding after humans on repeat, forcing them into duels over and over until they slip sounds nothing but exhausting. Sure, maybe some would die, but it'd be a hollow vengeance when each duel spirit of the well still has a human out there who abandoned them.

Duel spirits can't just ignore what they are. They've done nothing but stagnate without human intervention. A world without humans at all is one where the weak stay weak and the strong trample upon them. It might as well be no different from living at the bottom of a well as they have been.

This is about 'us'. This is about the catharsis of showing these humans not to mess with spirits ever again. A representative? A clear winner? Laughable.

Haruko makes a decision. They'll take on all humans at once, up until they've been defeated or the point where no humans remain.

They're not weak. Not right now. Not with Haruko.

The crowd of spirits, as if coming to a tacit agreement, all begin collapsing on Haruko. Humans, their duel spirits, the two defectors, and the forlorn Scapeghosts rush to get out of the way as a stampede of otherworldly beings begin to vanish as they fade into Haruko as if being absorbed. The glowing aura around her begins to brighten, eventually shining a light blinding enough to rival the geyser of spirits behind them, before it finally calms all at once, and Haruko, still floating several feet off the ground, begins to multiply like a Kuriboh.

In front of each of the humans gathered, a discreet Haruko floats before them. She addresses each of them, and nine voices speak in unison, each an amalgam of other overlapping voices, forming an otherworldly choir.

"I do hope you've all realized your lives are on the line."

Each Haruko materializes a semitransparent duel disk as shadows begin to envelop and isolate each Haruko and their opponent.

The entire world goes black. Each student is all alone in an endless inky void with nothing but a possessed ghost girl dueling them, apparently to the death???

Each Haruko begins drawing cards. It's time to duel.
Kaison & Sina
Both Kaison and Sina turned to look at their fellow students in confusion. Ominous light? Though, from the look on everyone's faces, it seemed none of the others knew what Pine was talking about.

Kaison offered the group an explanation as Pine walked on, looking ready to leave them behind. "Pine told me he has some cool powers. I haven't seen them in action myself, but Ms. Hibiki confirmed that he has more restrictions on when he's allowed to duel, which, you've got to admit, is really suspicious for a duel academy. Maybe Pine is seeing something we're not?"

Sina gasped dramatically. "Could he be the chosen one? Quickly! He is our only chance of demystifying the concealed conclusions!" She ran after him, not waiting for the others.

Sina was overwhelming as always. Kaison raised an eyebrow but otherwise agreed. "Right. Well, let's catch up to them." He hurried after the two, joining them as they walked towards the forest.
Rin woke up with alarm as she was shaken around like a ragdoll in her own bed. "Huh? Wha? Mina? What's going on?" As Mina releases her, she sits up groggily, letting out a tired yawn. What time is it? She pulled out her PDA to check, only to see that it was a little over an hour past midnight. This is an ungodly hour no human consciousness should ever be forced into perceiving.

Jon looked to the clock on his laptop. It was still only 1 AM. What kind of senior citizen could bear going to sleep so early? He queued up for another game.

It was investigation time, and nothing would stop Sina Elaqueri from finding the truth! After she confirmed Renho felt the same thing, she quickly changed and rushed out, only to find that, oh yeah, it was really dark out. Good thing she brought a flashlight! It ended up being kinda pointless until now since there was a curfew, and every student was given a PDA, but it never hurts to be prepared!

Emerging from Room 103, she decides to begin the investigation with Room 102. It's closer to Ms. Hibiki's room, and waking her at such an hour would be bad! Better to get the hard part out of the way first, though. She knocks gently, then a little louder, but when she gets no answer, she takes it upon herself to open the door and peek inside. Just in case! What if someone fell out of their bed and was unconscious? Wouldn't it be bad if they had a concussion? It's not like she meant to invade their privacy, but safety comes first!

Sina gasped overdramatically. "An empty room! This is Haruko and Helena's room, isn't it?" Have they gone missing? Forget whatever woke her up, it was time to form a search party! She went back to her room and grabbed a rope, putting her head and one arm through the loop of it and letting it rest on her shoulder. It never hurt to be prepared! What if they fell down a pit? Surely this rope would come in handy. Might as well bring some candy bars too, in case they're trapped somewhere and haven't eaten since... dinner? Gosh, the poor things must be starving!

Sina was about to continue checking up on the other rooms to find more people to help in her search when Kaison, Leo and Pine all walked out at around the same time. Like a goldfish, Sina completely forgets about the existence of Rooms 104, 203, 204, and even the possibility of informing Ms. Hibiki, solely focusing on the others already out. Perfect timing!

She rushes up the stairs in order to talk with the boys without yelling, and probably ends up making more noise from her footsteps alone. Regardless, she does a pretty good job quickly summarizing the situation. "Haruko and Helena are missing!" She points to herself with a thumb. "I'm going to go look for her!" She does a double fist pump. "Will you guys join the search party with me?"

The spirits didn't collapse on Chosen of the Celtic Guard, though he was certainly outnumbered. They spared him a glance before turning back to Helena, mostly ignoring him, albeit not turning their back on him either.

Haruko, floating above, spoke again in a choir of unfamiliar voices. "We are those that have been abandoned; cast aside and left to rot. You humans called us worthless; devoid of any purpose or meaning. Our weakness was a sin that the humans would not forgive." Haruko shook her head, eyes closed. "We are the bitterness and resentment of those that were left behind, made manifest. We are the anger and hatred of humans, reflected back at them like a mirror. We, each of us, are all enemies of humankind." She opens her eyes and points at Helena accusingly.

"All you humans care about is exploiting everything you touch. Now, look at what your arrogance has wrought." Haruko gestured to the pillar of light before turning to gaze upon it, staring into it with a frown. "We can hear them, crying out in agony. Look at how they emerge, clumped together, stripped of any individuality." Haruko turns back to Helena, eyebrows lowered in anger. "To have undergone a torture worse than death... Why don't you learn how it feels?"

The spirits begin to glow in the same glowing white aura as Haruko. They advance on her, with more spirits emerging from behind the treeline, as if seeing their opportunity to strike. Chosen of the Celtic Guard tries to grab the Scapeghosts and run, to cut down the spirits encircling him, but the aura appears to have strengthened them all, and he is soon overwhelmed by sheer quantity, tackled to the ground and dogpiled.
Episode 2: Things That Go Bump in the Night

The first day of school started off with homeroom, and while the homeroom teacher was excruciatingly hard to tell apart from his other relatives on the staff, he introduced himself as Mr. Monoma. Soon after, he had each student in the class stand up and introduce themselves.

“I’ll call each of you, one by one. When you’re called, just stand up, give us your name, tell us something you like to do in your free time other than dueling, then say one ‘fun fact’ about yourself. Doesn’t matter what it is; your favorite food, something you’ve accomplished in the past, or even just a famous duelist you admire. Kaison, you’re up.”

As the introductions for each student in the class finally came to a close, Mr. Monoma projected something onto the overhead screen. Although it wasn't clear at first, it was a list of all of the students in the class by their entrance exam scores, albeit with Kaycee missing for some reason. At the very top of the list, only a few points off from a perfect score, was Jon’s name and face.

“I’d like to give my personal congratulations to Jon here, for achieving the highest score of any incoming freshman in the entrance exams.”

The entire class turns to look at Jon, who has fallen asleep again. The teacher begins clapping anyway and the students join in a round of applause. The noise wakes him up, and, oblivious, he begins clapping too.

The rest of the school day proceeds without much fanfare.

Kaison was vibrating as he and Pine walked back to their dorm. He wore the same casual smile he always did, but something about it seemed crooked. Unlike yesterday, they walked in silence the whole way, and it was only when their room door closed that Kaison began slowly unloading his jumbled self-conscious thoughts onto Pine.

“Man, I’ve never gone on a date with anyone before. Have you ever dated someone?”

”No I haven’t.” Pine said matter of factly. ”Not for lack of trying. I asked someone out, and he said no…”

If the male pronoun was supposed to be a revelation, Kaison misses it completely. He holds his forehead in one hand, thoughts solely on his upcoming date. “I can’t help but be nervous. What if I talk too much and she finds it annoying? What if she doesn’t like my game? Can she even stand to be in a Slifer Red dorm after living in Obelisk?”

”I’m sure it’ll be fine…” Pine said that, but internally, he was seething. Why wasn’t he Kaison’s first date? Kaison kept going on and on and on about exaggerated paranoid scenarios, and it only served to make Pine more upset. Why didn’t he think to ask him out first? Who was this bitch that was dating him now?

“Ah, right. Will you be okay, getting kicked out of our room? I could ask for us to do it at the girl’s dorm. At least, I think? Hold on, lemme check the school rules.”

Pine grit his teeth and put on a fake-ass smile. ”It’s. Fine. I’ll go for a walk.”

Kaison gave him a beaming smile. “Thanks, man. I can always count on you to have my back.”

Pine’s eye twitched. Kaison didn’t notice.

When Pine walks out of his own dorm room, the sun had just finished slipping over the horizon, blanketing the sky in a sea of stars. He hurries down the stairs as he sees Melony approaching, doing his best to avoid her like the plague. He overheard her knocking on their door and greeting Kaison with that cloying tone of hers, before the door closed behind her like a coffin on Pine’s potential love life. That’s when Pine remembers he forgot to ask for a copy of ‘Lost in the Labyrinth’.

He’s about to freak out a little when another Slifer Red student walks out of room 102, humming some kind of tune while a parade of Scapeghost duel spirits follow behind her.

”Hmm, that gives me an idea.” He pulls out a Gigaplant card, and focuses on it. It’s the first time he’s tried this, but he’s done it in a duel before by complete accident, so how hard can it be? All he has to do is pour his anger, his frustration, and his contempt for that annoying girl into the card, and sooner than he would have expected, he sees it towering before him. A magnificent carnivorous beast made of pure anger and cellulose.

Pine smiled widely. ”It’s so beautiful.” He considers the power it has, all at his fingertips, but just a single thought of the very real consequences it can bring to Kaison and the innocent bystanders in the dorms is sobering. He decides to go with the original, modest plan he had made when he wasn’t sure materializing duel monsters outside of duels was even possible. “Go! Throw those goats into that room!” Pine pointed first to the Scapeghosts, now frozen in fear, then to his own dorm room. They were just duel spirits. They should fly through the walls unharmed. Kaison and Melony may not even be able to see them, but the spiritual force of them flying through should at least give them the haunting of a lifetime.

Haruko, for her part, still hasn’t seemed to notice Pine, instead wisely spending her time gaping up in horror at the giant monster plant yeeting her sheep into the dorms.

Pine basks in the ensuing girlish screams coming from their room. Melony was right, coming over at night really does add to the horror. The satisfaction alone seems to quell his temper to the point that the Gigaplant begins to fade away; just in time for it to yeet the last Scapeghost.

As if on cue, the door to room 201 bursts open, but rather than Melony, it’s Kaison running for his life. If he notices Pine or Haruko, he doesn’t acknowledge them as he runs towards the school saying expletives on repeat. Pine hears the clacking of Melony’s shoes like a 2x4 to his ear drums as he turns around to see her leaning on the second floor guardrail.

“Haruko, you freak! You’d fuck with the occult again just to ruin my date!?”

“W-wh-w-wh-? Huh?” Haruko tries to stutter out a question and mostly fails, utterly baffled at the situation.

“Don’t act so useless! You and I both know you’re the only one who could have done this! And you! Glasses boy! You really drew a summoning circle for her? Are you out of your mind? You wanna fuck her so bad, you’d fuck with demons? and worse, with me!?

“What is the meaning of this!?”

The door to Room 101 swings open. About time, really, considering all the screaming. Miss Hibiki strides out, arms crossed, looking rather peeved.

Haruko devolves into incoherent babbling. Melony rushes down the stairs and flawlessly switches to her goody-two-shoes voice. “Ah! Hello there, Miss… Um…?”


“Right! Ms. Hibiki. I’m Melony. I was just paying a good friend of mine a visit. We were playing a horror game, and things got a bit exciting~! Sorry about the noise.”

At this point, Pine felt like Haruko. Demons? Summoning circles? What the hell was she even talking about? Still, if it keeps Ms. Hibiki from putting him under house arrest for materializing a giant man-eating plant monster, he can’t really complain.

“That was an awful lot of yelling for a horror game.”

“Ah, it was a competitive horror game. Survivors have to coordinate as the killer hunts them down. Tensions get pretty high~.”

“...What is the name of this game?”

Melony answers without missing a beat. “Dead by Daylight.”

At this point Haruko is speechless and Pine just wants this to be over.

Ms. Hibiki nods sagely. “It sounds very interesting. Maybe I’ll try it out. In any case, it’s getting rather late. All three of you should make sure to be in your dorm rooms by curfew. Would you like me to escort you to the Obelisk girl’s dorms, Melony?”

“It’s alright, Ms. Hibiki, I know the way.”

“Alright.” She waves off Melony as she walks away before turning to the remaining Slifer Reds. “I’ll be checking up on you again for curfew. Until then, I’ll be in my room. And Pine?”


“Get Kaison back here.”


Ms. Hibiki doesn’t wait for a response, closing the door to room 101 behind her.

Haruko looks paralyzed, looking to Pine for answers with desperation in her eyes.

Not knowing what else to do, Pine simply shrugs before walking off in search of Kaison. By the time he finds him, sitting out in front of the school, they’re both exhausted, and decide to just go back to their dorm and sleep it off. They ignore the mess caused by the Scapeghost barrage and pass out quickly after hitting their respective beds.

A few school days pass by. A dreadful rumor pops up about Pine and Haruko going out to visit each other at night. The rumor started fairly innocuous, but seems to grow more exaggerated and bizarre with each passing day. When Kaison and Helena inevitably ask, both of them deny it, and continue denying it whenever it comes up, but it's not like they could explain the events of that night clearly without starting even bigger rumors about themselves. The gossip started to become harder and harder to ignore as phrases like "satanic sex rituals" started flying around. Their superficial similarities as glasses-wearing misfits didn't help things either, and snide remarks started becoming commonplace. Eventually, Mr. Monoma himself confronted Pine after class one day, while Professor Fontaine just so happened to bump into Haruko elsewhere. Both meetings led nowhere, of course, and while they both claim to accept Pine and Haruko's denial, Mr. Monoma just so happens to decide that now would be a good time to teach his students about the perils of teenage pregnancy. Ms. Hibiki says nothing about the matter, though her checkups on all the Slifer Reds become more frequent.

If the pervasive gossip wasn't bad enough, Kaison has a do-over date with Melony elsewhere, which he, of course, tells Pine all about, and Haruko refuses to be seen talking to Pine at all.

Time passes, and all of the teachers begin warning students about being out after curfew. They say a strange figure has been seen wandering around the woods at night, though most of the students in the know assume it's a fabricated story to scare the students.

At least, until one night, when Helena finds herself woken up by a singular Scapeghost. She checks her PDA to see that it's 1 AM. She considers rolling over and going back to sleep, but the Scapeghost looks worried. Helena looks around, but it seems all the other Scapeghosts aren't here.

Chosen of the Celtic Guard appears, speaking up to provide clarity on the situation. "It seems to want you to follow Haruko."

What? "You mean Haruko's outside at 1 AM!?"

"Yes. She's been going out at this time quite regularly, though I've followed her before, and all she seems to be doing is decorating a random spot in the woods. Except for her goats, she does so completely alone, and she always comes back right after, so I didn't think it worth mentioning."

"You didn't think it was worth mentioning that my friend and roommate was breaking curfew every night to hang out in the woods? Where she could be attacked at any time by who knows whom?"

"Well, when you put it that way..."

Helena stood up, yawning and wiping the sleep from her eyes. "Come on, little goat. Show us where she went."

Using her PDA as a flashlight, Helena walked out into the woods. All things considered, is was quite a peaceful walk. Out here on an island, there were so many stars in the night sky, and the sounds of waves crashing against the shoreline was quite soothing. She was starting to see why Haruko liked being out here at night, and even felt silly for bringing her duel disk along until she came across the first of Haruko's 'decorations'.

Chosen of the Celtic Guard commented, "I'll never understand human aesthetics."

Helena shook her head, starting to feel some real worry. "These don't seem like decorations." Nailed onto the tree was a human-shaped effigy made of straw. Where did Haruko even get the straw to make this? "Why would you think they were?"

"Does this not resemble a human art piece customarily hung upon walls?"

"Not any I’ve seen."

"Oh. Hmm..."

As they were discussing the purpose of the effigy, they heard a knocking sound coming from further in the woods. It sounded like something being nailed to a tree. The Scapeghost bleats and heads off, and Helena decides they should hurry along.

They pass by a few more straw effigies nailed into trees until finally they catch Haruko in the act. She was wearing all white and what appears to be a candelabra in hat form, with lit candles and everything. Helena might be inclined to think she was a ghost if not for the Scapeghosts loitering about and her signature oversized glasses.

Haruko hears Helena arrive and lets out an aggravated groan. "What are you doing here? You've messed up everything! Now I have to start over from the beginning!" She sighs and begins trying to pull the nail out of her most recent effigy using the hammer she brought, though she seems to have trouble doing so.

"What uh... What are you doing here?"

Haruko gestures spastically to her entire wardrobe and the effigy still nailed to the tree. "What does it look like!?"

The words 'satanic sex ritual' floats into Helena's mind before she forcibly rejects the notion. "I'm not familiar with whatever this is, but those dolls represent someone, don't they?"

"Yeah, well, you being here represents all of it being nullified. Almost a week of trying to get a nail through these stupid rock-hard trees, all for nothing."

"I know you haven't wanted to talk to me about the rumors, but do they have something to do with this?"

She makes another frustrated grunt as her hand slips off the hammer and she almost falls over. The hammer clatters to the ground, and she takes off her candle hat, looking like she's about to throw it at the hammer before calming herself and setting it down. "Maybe they do, maybe they don't! What's it matter to you!?"

"Of course it matters to me! I've seen how unhappy you've been. I want you to know you can talk to me about it! Aren't we friends?"

"F-friends? Us?" Haruko seems genuinely shocked to hear this, but when she gathers herself, she seems more angry than happy. "W-what are you saying!? Since when were we friends!?" There's a slight quiver to her voice, but she continues, "I'm the stupid lunatic girl who tried to offer you a handful of salt when we first met! I couldn't make a human friend to save my life!" She's crying now, tears faling down from behind her glasses, but still, she continues her rant, tone full of anger and frustration. "I'm the weirdo who gets possessed by ghosts and terrorizes her friends until they all cry! I'm the freak who spends all of her time every day playing with a bunch of dead animals! At least you're haunted by an actual person! Someone you can talk to! ME? I FUCK UP MY RELATIONSHIPS WITH EVERYONE! EVERYTIME! I! HAVE! NO! FRIENDS!"

Just as her emotional tabulation reaches a climax, a huge pillar of light erupts from the woods behind her. The two girls both cover their eyes from the sheer brightness, and when they can finally see again, they find a veritable geyser of spirits rising up into the sky from above the treeline. Although its base can't be seen through the treeline, it's likely rather close by. The spirits are all a pale white, clumped together like a fountain of water, but both Haruko and Helena can make out their silhouettes as the lights begin to separate from each other before disappearing into the rapidly gathering storm clouds.

They're duel spirits. All of them.

Before they can think of what to do in this situation, a swarm of duel spirits arrive from the direction of the geyser, fully colored and extremely ornery. Chosen of the Celtic Guard jumps in front of Helena. "Get behind me!" He swings his sword rapidly, fighting off the stream of duel spirits as ghostly screams engulf them. Helena catches a glimpse of Oscillo Hero being bisected and closes her eyes as it lets out an otherworldly shriek.

Eventually the swarm subsides, and Chosen of the Celtic Guard tells Helena to open her eyes. When she does, she sees Chosen of the Celtic Guard still stanced up, ready for a fight, but rather than the direction the spirits came from, he's turned towards Haruko.

Haruko is on the ground, hunched over her Scapeghosts, using her body as a shield to protect them. Her clothes are still fine, and at first Helena thinks she made it out unharmed, but then she notices that Haruko is glowing. Several of the duel spirits from the swarm have stayed behind, and now encircle Haruko.

Helena calls out to her. "Haruko?"

She doesn't respond. Instead, she lifts up off the ground, righting herself in the air, and spreads her arms wide as she opens her eyes- completely white. She's gone from glowing to having a visible spiritual aura, and her twin pigtails gently flutter behind her, unbeholden to gravity.

When she speaks, several different voices sound out at once, to the point where it's hard to distinguish them all. A chill zips up and down Helena's spine. "Foolish humans. What calamity has thou wrought?" At the same time, all of the duel spirits gathered around her turn to face Helena. Haruko's Scapeghosts, surrounded, huddle together, quivering in fear.

Cassandra, Mina, Valerie, and Pine
As soon as the geyser erupts, they feel it. It hits them like a shockwave in a way they can only describe as a 'disturbance in the force.' All of them wake up as if from a nightmare, and if any of them look outside, they'd see the night sky devoid of stars as a thick storm swallows the sky. Despite the clouds of gray and black, not a single drop of rain falls, and the light from the geyser of spirits is even bright enough to leak in through the windows like something out of an alien abduction film.

Their respective duel spirits have no idea what's going on, and while they caution their partners that the spirit geyser appears highly dangerous, that much was already plain to see.

Roché and Rin, spiritually inept, sleep through the shockwave peacefully, as if nothing happened. Lexa keeps her connecting door closed at nights, and thus, by all appearances, seems to remain asleep.

Kaison is stirred awake by it, but sees no lights through their window. Should Pine decide to go out and investigate the giant glowing pillar of spirits, Kaison will join him.

Leo and Renho
As the geyser erupts, they are both stirred awake. Although Donte remains sleeping like the dead, Sina is also woken up, and regardless of Renho's decision, decides to investigate. Although none of them can see the geyser outside, five students waking up at once is enough commotion for Leo to hear from within his room. Slifer Red dorm rooms have rather thin walls, after all. Their doors also lack locks, and thus Sina begins her investigation by checking the room next to hers, room 102, only to find that Helena and Haruko are missing. Naturally, she decides to form a search party. If Pine doesn't lead the way, she will.

Alaric and Flynn
Alaric and Flynn are both woken up by Miles, who somehow manages to trip and slam into the left wall of room 102 while gathering his things in the dark. Flynn, sleeping in the bed against the right wall in the adjacent room 104, is jolted awake, though Chris, on the opposite end, manages to stay asleep through it. Miles is particularly cagey about where he's going, but Alaric notices that he's bringing his duel disk with him. He leaves in a big damn hurry, though the other four Ra Yellows leaving their dorm rooms at around the same time is also rather suspicious by itself...

Kaycee suddenly hears a door opening and closing outside of her room, along with footsteps headed towards the stairs and elevator. It's rather strange to be hearing such a sound at 1 in the morning, though it only gets stranger when she hears the same series of sounds from another room. She had heard the school's warnings about elicit relations, though perhaps a bit of rebellion is normal for humans? If at least two girls were leaving the dorms at a similar time, the implication was that there was some sort of event happening, like a party, rather than just a pair of elicit meetings. If the two girls were just meeting each other, then there wouldn't be any need to leave the dorms.

She heard one student take the stairs and the other take the elevator. It’s not too late to follow either of them. Perhaps this situation merits further study?

@Crimson Flame@Darkmoon Angel@Eviledd1984@King Cosmos@Mintz@Psyker Landshark@SSW@WXer

One of our players has decided to bow out, so we've got an opening for a male obelisk blue character, if either of you are still interested.
Sina finally breaks her jojo pose to pump both her fists animatedly. "Yes! That would be most excellent! With our powers combined, nothing can stop us from making our dreams come true!" Sina strikes yet another pose, raising one fist slightly and looking upwards, as if to the future and beyond. She eventually breaks it without prompting this time, and suddenly realizes she left her luggage behind in favor of her grand entrance. "Oh, right!" She awkwardly walks back through the door to retrieve it from outside, dragging it in and unceremoniously dropping it next to the foot of the bunk beds.

"By the way, if I may inquire, what is that strange and spectacular contraption within your embrace?"

Haruko starts by stuttering out some bullshit excuse. "W- Well, they're really more for d- decoration than-"

"th- than-"

And finally, she notices Chosen of the Celtic Guard comforting one of the scapeghosts.

“Sorry if we spooked you.”

She couldn't believe it. It was her first day and already some dead pervy teenager from the middle ages was stalking not only her, but her roommate as well. THIS! IS! A! GIRL'S! DORM! ROOM!

Haruko quickly rushes to her bag, grabbing a handful of salt from it, and she was just about to toss it at Chosen of the Celtic Guard to teach it a painful lesson about privacy, her hand already reared back for the throw, before she realizes Helena is still staring at her. She really had no explanation for what was happening here.

"I- I- uh- th- this- SALT! Want some salt?"

Haruko laughed nervously like that would somehow avert this absolute disaster as she awkwardly offered a handful of raw salt to her new roommate.

One of the scapeghosts behind her pops its head out of one of the paper dolls curiously, looking like it also doesn't understand what Haruko is doing right now.

@Darkmoon Angel

"So, we're roommates. Any boundaries you want to establish? I'm cool with anything."
Oh, really?

He says it out loud, without a sarcastic tone. "Oh, really? That's great. I have trouble sleeping unless I've got someone to wrap my arms around. Body pillows just aren't the same."

He walks up to put a friendly hand on Flynn's shoulder, making the foot of height he has on Flynn all the more apparent. He gives Flynn a sincere smile. "Thanks for sharing your bed with me, man. I thought I'd be sleepless for weeks."


So what brings you to the academy?

For a brief moment, Mina has the illusion that she is talking to a plant.

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