Avatar of Savo


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4 yrs ago
Current Do you get to the Cloud District very often? Oh, what am I saying, of course you don't.
6 yrs ago
Man, Mahz is still on his really long vacation, huh!
7 yrs ago
Better not leave me hanging like Sayori.
8 yrs ago
This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends Not with a bang but a 훌 쩍


Got nothing to say here, sooooo yeah.

I'm a bookworm, gamer, and obviously roleplayer since I'm on this site :P

Anyways, those are a few things that I'll say about myself... for now. Maybe I'll update this a little more in the future.


Most Recent Posts

this rp is big ass already allen :^)
Welp, I left that post out primarily for either Branna or Thom to swoop in and get some extra xp if they like. Don't want to hog all the experience :P
Lothian Empire || Garleton: Plaza || Evening
Einar heard the cries of pain leave the enemy archer's throat as they took one last gulp of air as his blade fatally sliced through their side, shredding through their armor and abdomen, slicing the unfortunate soul right open. Of course, while he did expect one of his allies nearby would enter the fray, he didn't react quick enough to address the new threat that popped out of the corner at an inopportune time.

His blade was still carving through the stomach of the archer, leaving him little time to counter as the man heaved his axe into the air. Fortunately though, Einar was able to curve his sword out of the archer. Unfortunately though, he wasn't stable enough at the time when he swung his sword up to deflect the strike, causing him to lose some of his footing.

Using the power behind the swing, the mercenary let himself be knocked back, tumbling and slamming onto the ground. Using the momentum from the attack, Einar rolled back and bounced up onto his two feet, wobbling for a few seconds as he watched the bandit pull their axe out where the mercenary had been prior to that assault.

Quickly eyeing the other three, he saw the life quickly leaving the other archers eyes, with the sound of a crash, gurgling, and clank transpiring behind him. He whipped his head to witness that the Lordling's blade had struck true through one of the bandits, causing him to grin for a second before recalling his own predicament and turning back around to face his opponent.

Einars eyes widened and he began grinding his teeth as he stabilized himself, gripping the blade tightly with one hand as he watched the bandit slink towards the building he was in a few seconds ago. The man had a savage twinkle in his eye as he licked his chops and was beginning to slowly raise his axe into the air.

"Tch, bastard."

Einar furrowed his brows as he pressed his right foot on the road and launched himself forward, back into the fray once more. He quickly assessed the situation, noticing a small foot near the door and the fact that the axe was coming down; he could easily exploit this opening, but he determined that one of the children would of perished in the process if he tried this.

Looking to the side briefly at his compatriots, he deftly swung his sword up as he slid in beneath the bandit, his sword clashing with the axe as he felt a similar power going into this swing. But that was all it was, just a swing; it lacked any finesse or training at all, allowing him to lock blades with the fighter. "Go on, get outta' here!"

The shivering children and their crumpled father silently nodded to themselves, struggling to squeeze through the duo, to which the bandit looked to try and exploit, before being shoved back a little. Einar kept the pressure up, his other hand palmed against the end of his blade as he stared down the assailant, grunting and growling at the man, keeping his position until the small family had completely escaped this skirmish.

Status: This is nothin'

Iron Sword



Locking Blades w/ a Bandit

Alnard (@Sho Minazuki)
Branna (@Typical)
Thom (@Enalais)
And fixed, hopefully that looks good; if not, I'll make some changes to it all.
Lothian Empire || Garleton: Plaza || Evening
Einar was grinning like an madman as he began whistling to himself, counting through the bounty he had convened during his time at the tavern, replaying every little even that transpired to lead up to that point as he began rolling a gold piece between his fingers that was oh so generously delivered to him by that little lady, Bel was it? Flipping the coin into the air, he ambled away from the castle, still keeping his mind on the preparations they had coming up.

Looking over at the sizeable amount of money though, he caught the coin in his satchel, passing by a couple of recruits who were heading back to the castle, possibly the barracks if he could guess. The mercenary's eyes shifted about, turning his head to eye the duo briefly before shaking it and clicking his tongue. Nah, there were better targets available.

As he departed to the town, he began sifting through the numerous piles of charms, knickknacks, that one book he never returned, and so on, but one thing he did take note of was the fact that he lacked any rations. Einar could only whistle a bit as he closed up the bag, increasing the speed he had in his step as he entered the plaza.

"I should probably buy some- ooooh," he caught what looked to be a pastry shop out of the corner out of his eye and was quickly drawn to it like a moth to flame, only to realize that it had closed down for the day. The mercenary couldn't help but sigh; whether it was out of relief or annoyance, who knew, but from the looks of it, some of the places looked to be closed up for the eve.

As he meandered about for a few minutes, taking in the twilight as a few soldiers, mercenaries, and what not conversed, he surveyed each and every place before stopping in front of one of the buildings. As much as he would of liked to flirt with one of the cute waif's, he had more pressing matters at hand. Smiling with a stale chuckle that followed, he lightly grunted as he gently pressed his hand against the old, dilapidated wooden door, entering the building, only to be greeted with what looked to be two siblings cleaning up the shop, a boy and a girl, with no one else in the musty looking building.

One of the two turned to see who entered, squealing as they bolted into the back yelling "Papa, papa, you have a customer," with the other who stood there awkwardly, averting their gaze from the mercenary who flashed the girl some pearly whites in return. "Were you all closing up," he leaned over on his knees, tilting his head as he observed the nervous child who shifted nervously, not answering his question as they bumbled back into dusting, only to accidentally brush some dust into Einars face.

His eyes watered up a smidgen while the man held up a fist to his mouth, hacking and sneezing, stumbling back an inch as the small girl stood there petrified at the small scene.

"Owh my, what seems to be the commotion," a gruffer, much more croaky voice contrasted the squeaky shrill of the boy from earlier as Einar looked up with one eye squinting open and another clasped shut. The man looked to be in his late thirties and had a goatee with some stray stubble coating his jaw as he hobbled on to the counter before resting there with a yawn, bagged eyes drooping.

"Nothing, nothing, just, caaaaffffff," he coughed before sneezing a little, his fruity voice becoming raspy for a split second before he sneezed a couple of times in a row, doing his best to keep his warm smile up, "jus' got some dust into my eyes... and my nose."

Once that fit was done, he let in a deep breath, before sneezing and exhaling again, clearing his throat as he approached the merchant. "I'm lookin' to buy some rations for the way out," the man nodded before slowly pushing himself off the counter before hobbling to the back of the room. The boy, who was a lot more excitable just seemed to pounce on Einar as he darted around the counter and tugged at his arm.

Mister, mister, are you one of Prince Alnards soldiers" the girl shriveled back at her brothers antics before walking over and trying to get him off of the mercenary, but to no avail. The boy had an iron grip and there was no way to tear them off, lest they were to tear off some of Einar's sleeve in the process.

However, he was kind enough to shake his head and waggle his finger with a bright smile, "Nah, I'm a mercenary kid, I'm not a part of Alnards regular soldiers." The boy stopped jumping up Einar's sleeve, backing down before staring at him like some sort of wild animal. "So you're one of those greedy guys who doesn't serve under the Prince."

"I mean, that's one way to put it, but it's more like I fight on his behalf and he pays me for it, like some of the others who have joined up," he grinned, not even displaying any sort of irritation or vexation against the crude claims, keeping that warm personality up as he leaned on the counter.

"Hey! Whydoncha stop being greedy and actually join the army?"

"It's not really greed kiddo," he uttered, though it was completely true that he loved gold and the sound it made when dripping into his coffers, "why does your father run this shop?" That man was these kids dad, right?

The boy paused and thought for a moment, staying silent until the girl shakily spoke up, "Uh, uhm, is it to s-support us?" Einar beamed at her. "Cor-rrrrect~," he replied in a sing-song voice, "I'm a merc cuz' it's a way to support myself, plus I get to see plenty'a places in the process."

He kneeled down, whispering and dramatically throwing his arm out, hand completely open, From the glazing white peaks of Dinas Afaraon, to the blazing golden sands of Zion, I've seen wa-ha-haaaay more than the noble would ever see and I'm still pree' young m'self!" The boy squealed, his sister jolting back, but looking at the man with wide eyes, begging to be told more.

"Wohd' ya two stop pesterin' the man!" The two squeaked before dashing behind the counter as the man hobbled over, grumbling and groaning, apologizing to Einar for them annoying the man, only for the mercenary to keep that same amicable smile he had up, waving one hand while groping through his bag. "Nah, it's fine, it's fine, I actually don't mind it!"

The man sighed, thanking Einar for his patronage before scooting a bag that had held jerky, dried fruits, nuts, and other necessities that looked to keep a person fed for at least a week, and stated that the price was four gold pieces. Deftly retrieving the four, Einar bounced them onto the counter as the man began picking each one up. In return, Einar retrieved the bag, tying it up before tossing it into his satchel.


Before he could bid the man a farewell, the sounds of an ear piercing explosion blasted his ears as the ground violently shook and rumbled, as if the earth was throwing a temper tantrum, the flames coating the shop in a bright red and orange hue, the scaffolding collapsing on the shopkeeper. Einar was able to easily keep his footing, though the rest of the inhabitants weren't as they came to their senses before wailing and scrambling to their feet, trying to drag the burning log off of their dad.

The mercenary swiftly adapted, recognizing that, yes, this building was on fire and yes, that was a ton of damage in such a minuscule amount of time as he deftly sidestepped a falling piece of wood, the smell of the air quickly becoming enveloped with smoke and ashes. Einar could only grimace as he calmly walked over, looking deadly serious at the man; if anything, he probably broke some bones, but for the most part he was still breathing.

"You're a damn ox, aren't ya." Sighing, he watching as the flames slowly danced and pirouette along the wood, threatening to light the boy and girl on fire if they didn't get off. Shaking his head, he yelled at the two to get out of the way as he rushed over and gripped the debris, grunting and gritting his teeth as he forced the lump of burning wood off, telling the two to go for their dad. They were still in a daze when Einar lifted the heavy piece of wood that was once their home, only to be snapped out of that stupor with Einar barking at them to hurry it up.

It took them a minute to drag their dad out, grunting, struggling, and crying as they felt stinging tears fall down their face while Einar felt the stinging flames tickling his face. Once they got him out, Einar promptly dropped it with a resounding thud before jogging over to the man to help him up, listening to him cough and wheeze for a moment until he was able to catch his breath the best he could. Wobbling on his feet, the two children took Einars place to support their dad, the mercenary, rushing towards the door and slamming it open only to be greeted with a town in disarray.

A cacophony of sounds ringed throughout his ears, as sounds of yelling, screaming, and guffawing could be heard, making it difficult to determine what everyone was saying. However, the scene did inform him of what was going on rather quickly as he saw guards rushing about, men and women screaming as they ran in multiple directions like headless chicken, and wild looking men covered in furs and cloth that were brandishing weapons.

While that told him more than enough he was able to make out some important words - castle, evacuation, bandits, fire. That told him more than enough information as he drew his blade and emerged from the flaming structure, only to hold his arm out to the trio trying to exit the house as he backed up himself. "Hold it," he hissed, as his eyes darted over to the few of bandits that were occupying the streets and the small amount of guards that had formed up to combat them, with one of them having striking red hair.

Wait, that was Prince Alnard! Was he spearheading this whole operation to evacuate? That really didn't matter to him at the moment as him and the family of three were in a tight spot, as well as a woman and her... dragon? If anything, he recognized the woman from earlier when he was sifting through folk coming through and she just gave him the creeps from first glance.

"Whatever you do, wait until you see those four go down, then run for the castle, you got that?" The three bobbed their heads up and down, not bothering to object to the now scarily serious young man as he returned with a nod. Gripping his sword tightly, he swiftly surveyed the enemies, picking out their positioning in correlation to him and the others.

"Alright, if the dragon girl and I attack, we should be able to take out the archers and finish off the others with a pincer maneuver," he noted, slowly trotting out into the streets, before taking in a deep breath and exhaling. With his path determined, he held his sword out and dashed at the archer, raising his sword to the side and quickly closed in on the archer.

He couldn't tell if the man heard him or not, but the sounds of the plaza in chaos and their focus being primarily on the prince and the other soldiers was more than enough for him to close the distance. And in an instant, Einar's sword flew threw the air, looking to find his blade in the side of the archer in the hopes of slicing their side out

Status: Hot, but not bothered

Iron Sword



Flanking a Bandit Archer

Alnard (@Sho Minazuki)
Branna (@Enalais)
Thom (@Typical)
I should have up a post soon, but I think I might of gotten a little too into it, especially since most of it is consisting of him interacting with a shopkeeper before helping him and his children gtfo of the building before Einar himself jumps into the fray.

Would it be OK if he popped out of one of the buildings opposite of Branna?
Alexander Furst

Confidants:: Ava (@addamas), Hakuro, Laurence, Raven (@FalloutJack))
Whereabouts:: The Metaverse?
Day:: Friday Afternoon

Alex did his best to suppress his grumbling, but the answer he received was more bickering between Hakuro and the Raven which prompted him to roll his eyes, before shifting them from side to side like a pendulum. He swore the mist was getting thicker and the miasma was threatening to smother him, but worst of all, those sounds were getting worse and caused a shiver to go down his spine.

Peering behind him, he glanced to Ava, trying to reassure her, but she was eerily quiet this whole time, causing him to uncomfortably divert his attention away from the girl. He felt his stomach knotting up as he bit his lip, feeling that he would go mad if he didn't interject between their babbling, as something else was bothering him.

"I'm having more and more second thoughts about following you right now," Alex muttered offhandedly, nearly veering into another route before grunting and forcing himself back onto the path the bird was leading them on. Of course, part of him was a little thankful about not deviating because the boy swore he heard what sounded to be like slurping and nasally breathing getting louder and louder.

What he heard next was what sounded to be the mashing and grinding of teeth with the lingering sounds of paper and cloth being torn, followed by an oozing splat, which sounded more like something being spat at a wall as opposed to falling on the ground. Thankfully before they could even get familiar with whatever might of been behind them, they reached the opposite end of the alleyway before sharply talking a left onto a sidewalk.

"Sooooo, uh, Ava," he muttered, keeping an eye on the bird for a second before bending his head back to look at the deathly silent girl and frowned and rolled it like a pendulum as they ran before facing forward again. "This is going to sound absolutely stupid, but are ya doin' alright?"

While he awaited a response from someone who wasn’t going to probably bicker with him, he noticed something out of the corner of his eye were what looked to be three shadowy humans walking towards the group from the other side of the road. While he did make out the shape, he bit his tongue and was more the happier for it as he witnessed some indescribable creatures that had the shape of a humanoid, but that’s where all the similarities ended. Alex shuddered at the way their ashen limbs contorted and twisted, like some sort of writhing burn victim, all of them had different shapes, with the only defining feature being how they were shambling and the creepy theater masks they had.

Alex thought they began changing their direction, eyes widening as they began shuffling towards them, only for the three of them to stare behind them and back at them, choosing to ignore them as both groups left each other behind. He didn’t know what to make of it.

Nor did he know what to make of the silhouette of another humanoid scrambling madly towards them, catching glimpse of the shape of its head, feet, arms, and so on. The only thing that stood out was the strange shape of one of its arms and the fact it was elongated to the point where Alex began imagining of some berserk shadow with a scythe for an arm chasing those other strange shadows down.

He couldn't muse on it for long as the assailant was closing in on them! There wasn't exactly much around to help him, much less to block the assault, so Alex did the next best thing by jumping out of the way... only looking like an idiot when he finally saw who it was through the sickly green mist - Laurence, but with a machete.

He wasn't going to question where he even managed to find a machete as this whole run came to a screeching halt as he sprinted by them all. "Laurence, hey, wait damnit," Alex shouted out, pivoting and reaching out to where the slightly taller boy was running.

"You know, something is telling me we should probably follow his example."
It's a good thing most everyone will start in the town, whether by circumstance or some other reason. Looks like there won't be any routing, time to gtfo!
Aurel Fuchs

Location:: Cabins
Interacting With:: Taka (@Ammokkx)

Aurel could merely wince and shiver for the briefest of seconds, switching his gaze between Taka and the wall before awkwardly averting his gaze from the boy, rubbing his clavicle. He wanted to apologize, but no words came out between his sealed lips as he shifted about, pondering on musing on differing aspects of the case, only really opening them when he yawned and stretched an arm.

Of course, he perked up just a smidgen at the fact that it ended up being Taka who apologized instead, letting out what sounded like a exasperated sigh, nothing really betraying the relief he felt. "Mmm... it's fine," he murmured, shuffling to face the boy a little more, though not so much as to make direct eye contact with Taka, even after he criticized Aurel for it.

"Nah, makes me uncomfortable," he silently uttered, crossing his arms and still seemingly unfettered by this whole situation as his eyes moved back to the corpse lying by Ayu and Hiroki. However, as soon as Taka spoke up, Aurel was lost in thought for a second, rubbing his lip and biting at his index finger, "really? Hmm."

The thief stayed silent for a second, not really responding. In fact, it straight up appeared as if he was ignoring his pint-sized comrade, but that really wasn't it, as after at least half a minute he responded, "Taka, do you, er, mind walking and talking with me, please? I want to cover more ground when investigating, plus I myyyyyyyaaaaaayyy-" he yawned quite loudly before rubbing his baggy eyes.

"Aaaahhhhh, mmm, sorry about that," he murmured, trying to stifle another yawn while he rubbed his semi-teary eyes.

"I may need an extra set of eyes since I don't think my eyes are completely up to snuff right now and I promise to answer your question on the way," he gestured to the boy, hoping he would be more than willing to go alongside him.
I'm gonna get moving on some of my posts. I'll try to see if I have it up today.
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