Avatar of Scarifar


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7 yrs ago
Current 乇乂ㄒ尺卂 ㄒ卄丨匚匚
8 yrs ago
A sentence you wasted 5 seconds to read.
8 yrs ago
Who came up with the idea to make our statuses quotes from philosophers, anyway?
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8 yrs ago
We could be doing something productive with our lives... instead, we're here.
9 yrs ago
A random quote from some philosopher that we'll forget in a few moments.


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Our characters are all either 15 or 16. I probably wouldn't suggest 14 unless you wanna go the whole "skipped grade in school" part in the backstory or something like that.

I don't think anyone can ever get your name right.

I've gotten used to that.
Ok, here's my updated deck.

@1Charak2 Any chance I'll be able to earn the customs at a later point in time?
Jeez, almost no Extra Deck monsters around here.

Leander was sitting cross-legged on his bed, looking at the cards in his current collection all spread out on his sheets. The dorm placement exams were coming up, and Leander could hardly wait. He really didn't mind what dorm he would be placed in. In actuality, the Light dorm was a little too luxurious for him; he didn't know what to do with the privileges he had. What really mattered to him were the Duels he would be having during the exams. At least, he assumed they would be having Duels as part of the exam. It only made sense, after all; what kind of Duel Academy wouldn't have Duels for their exams? None that Leander could think of, that was for sure.

With that in mind, he had to get his deck together in tip top shape. He wouldn't dare Duel without having anything but the best and most fun. He had bought some new cards, and with all the Dueling and advice he had gotten, he was going to build the best deck he could. One by one, he picked up and set down cards as he examined each one, trying to determine possible synergies and deck balance. He spent several long minutes doing this, working as hard as he could to get his deck ready, setting cards aside and placing the ones he liked in the center.

Eventually, he looked through them all and had a deck of cards ready. Picking it up with both hands and holding it out in front of him, Leander yelled out, "It's done!" Cleaning up the rest of his cards, Leander placed his deck into his Duel Disk. From there, he exited his dorm room and made his way to the elevator. He looked through the possible destinations listed, wondering where he should go. His first thought was the card shop, but he figured he had been there too many times already and wanted a change of scenery. After thinking for a few seconds, he decided to let chance decide instead. Closing his eyes, he moved his finger erratically before suddenly thrusting it towards a button.

After the doors opened, Leander leapt out of the elevator, humming a cheery tune as he wandered out to wherever he was going. After a few minutes of doing this, Leander eventually spotted someone. Leander began to walk towards the guy, planning to ask where he was, and noticed that it was Joshua. What's more, he seemed to be spying on something. His curiosity growing, Leander snuck up on Joshua so as to not alert him. Once he was right behind Joshua, Leander asked in a hushed whisper, "What'cha doin'?"

Michelle Kine

@Joshua Tamashii

Michelle looked through her deck again and again. Each time, she came to the same conclusion: it wasn't enough. Her deck wasn't strong enough. She felt like it did't bring enough resources to the table to put up enough of a fight. Moreover, she wasn't sure if she had a clear win condition, nor if she had enough protection for that win condition. With no options left, Michelle reasoned that her best bet was to go to the card shop to find ways to improve her deck.

Taking the short journey to the card shop, she made her way inside and began searching for suitable cards. There were certainly a few interesting cards, but only a few of which she thought could use properly to improve her deck. Still, it was better than nothing, so she decided to buy them.

As she was about to head out, she spotted a familiar figure on a table. Walking over, Michelle asked her, "Amelia? What's wrong?"
Dammit, how did I not notice this until now?
Lazarus is a deadbeat mom who neglects all her various semi-children.
She's also a librarian and a scientist. Maybe more of a philosopher? idk.
Lazarus is also kinda like the neighborhood psychopath. Nothing matters to her unless it's useful to whatever thing she's up to right at that moment.
Among her group of children she's horribly neglected: Lasis (the collab involving her will be finished someday I swear), Altair (may he rip in peace), those two heroes that Ilunabar gave me that I can't remember the name of (currently somewhere with the angels), and the demigod of the dead.

It took me several minutes to find the name, but I'm pretty sure that hero is Mesera.

I found it in this post.
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