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Current Somebody dm me what happened and if it's not funny enough I'll take my frustrations out on you
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I think that’s just called playing dnd
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Y’all block people? I just flame them back
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So called “I’m over my ex” people when the Taylor Swift song comes on in the nondescript retail establishment:
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Everybody I see complaining that this site is dead has like 3 IC posts total. My brother in mahz you pulled the trigger


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Shun tilted his head curiously as he approached. Shiki was doing that tail thing with his phone again. He'd thought it was just a gimmick to show off his quirk during the demonstration, not some long term habit. Was the other boy shy or just being weird? Either way, he thought it was dumb. His train of thought on the matter was cut off by Shiki's admission that he liked working with the spastic boy, however. That was a sincere compliment in Shun's eyes; he aimed to be a helpful contribution to the team, after all, and his earlier collaborations with Shiki had been... less than stellar performances in his opinion.

"I like working with you too Shikkun!" He chirped gleefully as his face lit up in a bright smile, although Shiki had already returned to looking elsewhere. The phone must've been a shy thing, then. At least, he hoped it wasn't because Shiki found the impromptu nickname aversive. The repetitive K sound in 'Shiki-kun' just didn't have a nice ring to it, and they hadn't exactly known each other long enough for Shun to consider dropping honorifics altogether.

He glanced toward Elina next, flashing a quick thumbs up at her questioning of how effective her quirk would be in this scenario. While it may not be ideal in a wooded area, it was far from unhelpful. Though he could sympathize a bit, her quirk was even less suited to a rescue task than his was, and he was already feeling a bit down at his own ability to contribute.

"Don't worry about it, yeah? Your quirk's super strong, if we run into trouble we'll be counting on you." Shiki's description of a plan had him even more confident in their chances. Shun certainly didn't know where to start with a rescue operation other than just wandering along until they see something, which didn't sound very efficient.

Pixels paced over to Guodo-sensei as he called for their attention, bouncing on the balls of his feet for a better look. And, of course, out of excitement; he really wanted to get moving already. He jumped a bit - though it's not like anyone would notice due to the bouncing - when his phone vibrated at Guodo's mention of him sending his number. He didn't know how he felt about his teacher texting him. It was a little uncomfortable, or at the very least seemed unprofessional. Not that it really bothered him, it was just odd.

As the teacher finished, Shun turned toward his team and opened his mouth to speak, only to be cut off by Shiki, who had already taken charge again. He even mirrored Shun's thought process that he should get started on a map. It was nice to be on the same wavelength.

"I'll get the stuff, you just get warmed up, Yukira-san. Err- pun not intended." Shun called out as he headed for the box of supplies at a light jog. He wasn't strapped for time but he had been standing around far too long, and fidgeting in place was no substitute for proper movement. Plus, he was a tad self-conscious that it made him look weird. He grabbed the three yellow ribbons and maps, eyeing the topmost one over as he turned and walked away at a more leisurely pace. Their path had a lot of water to cross, this could easily become a river rescue situation. He hoped the moniker of 'stream' was appropriate and the water wouldn't have a strong current, especially if the teachers had arranged a hassle like a broken bridge. Otherwise, the map didn't provide too much information on the route they'd be taking. He'd have to rely on Shiki's quirk for that.

"So, we got the path near the waterfall, it looks like. Sensei said to stay off the cliffs so I don't think we'll have to rescue anyone from falling, but it's definitely a zone where I'd expect accidents to happen." Shun said as he returned, holding out the stack of maps and ribbons for them to grab.


“if you want to get some of that aggression out on some of us… monsters. Challenge me at the arena during self-defense.”

Max merely grunted in response to Victor's proposal, turning his eyes briefly from Aaron to keep an impassive watch on the vampire. Count Astronomy was having far too much fun with this, but his interest in Flower Boy specifically suggested a bigger game than mere entertainment. The mage could've just been overthinking things - the Astorios weren't exactly known for their subtlety, after all - but it was better to be safe than sorry around leeches. Besides, as he stood now he couldn't take him up on that offer even if he wanted to. It wasn't like he had enough of a grasp on fighting to take on the Astorio even if Victor were mortal, let alone with vampiric abilities. Max would only have to get grabbed once and he'd be done. Something to work toward, then.

Max followed Aaron wordlessly out of the room, content to meander along casually at his would-be babysitter's side with his hands in his pockets until the Retriever spoke.

“What was all that about?”

"I think Count Astr- Astorio was just bored," he half-lied. The vampire definitely looked like he wanted to be entertained; he was far too dismissive of Max's flippant attitude to have actually had his pride wounded by Max's uppity comment about a mage's place, but he was too deliberate in his goading to be simply trying to provoke a reaction without rhyme or reason. "He came up, called me a slave, and your friend that wears too much flowery perfume stepped right into the little web the leech was weaving. Do tell him to be careful, apparently he's on the Crown's bad side?" Max finally cocked his head toward Aaron and arched a brow innocently.

The Retriever keeps interesting company if he's willing to associate with a suspected rebel. Either the rumors were just that, rumors, or he was caught up in the scandal somehow.

"So what about you, you just the teacher's pet or do you make a habit of licking boots?" He kept his voice level enough, more snide derision in his tone than outright vitriol. It always helped to know the standing of those you associate with - as horrifying as the thought of the Retriever being "someone he associates with" was.

@Obscene Symphony

“Don’t flatter yourself, you’re cute but you’re not that cute. You got balls kid, I’ll give you that, but you let that mouth of yours get you in too much trouble and this place will extinguish that flame.”

Max actually snorted a bit in response. Either he had guessed the leech's game right, or Count Astronomy was blowing him off. He scowled at Victor as he was shoved aside in favor of Salem, although he supposed the vampire's attention shifting elsewhere was worth the minor offense. The mage's mind was far too preoccupied making sense of what Victor had said to Flower Boy to actually formulate a snappish response anyway. He was talking to the queen? Him? Makes sense, he was the Retriever's friend; people from upper circles stuck together, even among humanity. But the supposed treason charges were even more curious. Why would a suspected rebel be invited to a prestigious academy? And why would they be allowed anywhere near Her Majesty?

Max backed up a bit, distancing himself from the scene enough to prevent himself from being drawn back in but close enough he could still pick up on the juicy gossip about treason of all things, although it seemed Victor had once again shifted his attention to Paleface. Apparently she was cuter than he was, because Victor was even closer to her than he had been to Max. Unless... she wasn't the target to begin with. Salem's reaction had Max doing a double take to ensure he had seen it right, but it told him enough about the situation to put him back at ease, at least for his own safety.

Astronomy was trying to provoke someone here, and he'd gotten what he wanted. Flower Boy had walked right into the crude little web Victor had spun, and Salem even had the audacity to touch the giant of a man. Either he was exceptionally confident in his magical abilities or exceptionally stupid. Words can be written off, but physical contact and threats were an actual offense. The vampire could easily get away with punishing him for that, rules be damned. Couple this with the treason charges the Astorio had mentioned earlier, and this looked like Flower Boy's unlucky day. Over some woman he just met too, jeez.

Count Cinnamon seemed to share his thinking, given his warning. Max was a bit concerned that Varis already knew his name, though. He didn't seem like the type to be memorizing all his students, especially on the first day. At least Max was getting what he wanted, Retriever had to babysit him for the time being. Although him getting punished (in whatever loose sense of the word applies to merely being escorted out) and not anyone else involved in that altercation left him a bit miffed. He merely asked an innocent question of intent to His Magnificent Excellency, Count Astorio the Giant, hardly a crime.

"As much as I'd love to join you, I think I'm being assigned a chaperone," Max responded to Salem's question flatly. He doubted Astronomy would let Salem off so easily once they were both outside the lecture hall anyway. Max took up a spot near the exit, looking down on Aaron at Varis' side with thinly-veiled disdain. He was just eager to do whatever this leech told him to, wasn't he? Tool.

@Hero@ReusableSword@Trainerblue192@Obscene Symphony@Achronum Who aren't I interacting with at this point?

"So...that's not normal?"

"It shouldn't be. He's just pros-" Max paused as Victor spoke, nose wrinkling as the vampire got far too close for comfort. Intimidation game, likely. Max wouldn't give him the satisfaction. He could practically smell the blood on the leech's breath, and he found the metallic undertone a bit too envigorating for his liking, like something was stirring inside him. It was that same feeling as when his magic was thrumming against the Awakening crystal. When did he become a sadist?

"You trying to kiss me or something?" Max even dared to make eye contact for half a second after he spoke. He was tempted to bring his eyes back up and risk hypnotism just to make a point, but it seemed Count Astronomy's attention had been stolen by Paleface.

Stupid leech should know better than to take his eyes off his opponent. Not... that Max was capable of doing anything here, but if he was this guy would be in big trouble! Maybe if this school bothered to teach magic and not just throw him in front of a glowing rock, he wouldn't be in this scenario. At least, not without a weapon. Hiding behind everyone else to ensure this prick didn't drink him like a juice pouch left the sour taste of cowardice in his mouth.

Max almost begged the vampire to deck him square in the face when Flower Boy of all people showed up to defend him. Well, defend Paleface, but it felt bad regardless. Retriever wasn't worth this, he could get what he needed from the library anyway; but if he ran away now he'd just look like an idiot. This school was a massive pain in the ass.


Max quirked a brow as Varis regained control of the classroom, interest piqued more by the man teaching the class himself rather than the topic at hand. The Retriever's boytoy had asked a very dangerous question to anyone with even a modicum of critical thinking skill, and yet he was being rewarded for it rather than punished. This couldn't be an attempt to praise the Noilas' effectiveness at censoring information, as even bringing the topic up in the first place would contest that point. Likewise, if Count Cinnamon had merely been teaching information for the sake of covering the topic, he wouldn't be rewarding lines of inquiry like that, he'd simply be providing the information that was requested. He had a game here, if he was going to toe the line of high treason in a freshman law course of all places. But that much was already known; vampires will be vampires, after all.

The mage's interest faded at Varis' introduction of the oral argument topic. He didn't suppose 'let the leeches starve' was an acceptable response to the prompt. Arguing hypotheticals in a law class seemed rather pointless too; a solution had already been found and codified, and they were beholden to it whether they agreed or not. Maybe Cinnamon would give him bonus points if he brought that up, too bad the bell stopped him. If Max's suspicions were correct, a question asked in private wouldn't please Varis as much as one asked openly for all to hear. The politics of it all would be almost thrilling if not for how annoying it all was.

As he went to continue his conversation with Aaron, he noticed the seat in front of him was empty, and Flower Boy had likewise vacated the area. His eyes trailed back toward the front, where the Retriever was- was he kneeling? Must be standard Starag procedure to kiss the feet of any leech they cross paths with. How absolutely disgusting.

"Does he have any shame?" Max chided out loud, mostly to himself, but Paleface was well within earshot. Even better if she heard; Retriever's lineage probably made him a role model for some of these mages, and the last thing humanity needed was more sycophants.


Shun cocked his head ever-so-slightly toward Akeno at her approach, careful not to divert his attention away from the ominous circle for a second. She was the one throwing kicks at the dummy during the demonstration. Not a bad display, although he assumed not everyone in the class had caught on due to the lack of flashiness her quirk possessed. She wasn't in his exam group, though, which left him a bit confused by her response. Was the second exam even more of a mess than theirs was? Well, he couldn't really blame her even if it wasn't, he definitely would've shared the sentiment if the exam was still weighing heavy on his mind.

The boy tensed upon hearing the noise of the approaching helicopter, instinctively sinking into his usual southpaw stance. Helicopter was a good guess after all, not that it gave him any ideas on how he was going to fight that thing. Was he even supposed to fight it? He almost pixelated back when he noticed the man start rappelling downward. Too on edge, focus. No one said this was a combat exercise yet.

Once the words 'school nurse' came out of Uranishi-sensei's mouth, Shun dropped all pretense of preparing to fight. There was no doubt this man was an effective fighter by virtue of his nature as a pro hero, but Pixels just couldn't take a nurse of all people seriously on the battlefield. At least, not until Uranishi showed what he could do. Nevertheless, Shun listened with rapt interest as the teacher explained the exercise they were here to perform, a bit disappointed that it was another rescue exercise. He was horrible at the rescue aspect of the exam, although the mention of hidden dangers didn't escape his notice.

Shun turned toward Akeno out of sheer proximity rather than any actual strategy, mouth already open to ask her to team up. However, it seemed as though someone had gotten to her first - and the bat quirk girl, no less. If she could do that sound thingy that bats do, she'd be top of the class in this exercise; even without it, her climbing skill that she showcased earler put her among the best movement quirks in the class out in a wooded area like this. Too bad it looked like they already had a third member.

Either way, that wasn't his plan to begin with. He already had a decent rapport with a sensory quirk user, so the only logical move was to team up with Shiki before he went looking for another partner. Shun swiveled his head in a quick survey of the field - admittedly, he hadn't been keeping tabs on the rest of his classmates since he got out here; he was too worried about the concrete circle. The tailed boy was talking to another student, the girl with the stupidly powerful flame quirk. Had he already been poached by another team? No, he looked like he was trying to get Shun's attention. Shiki must've already teamed up with her. Not the ideal choice, given the task and environment, but still a definite asset. He almost winced at the thought. Now he sounded like Hiroki.

"Yo, Shiki-kun! And... Yuki... Yukira-san, right?" Shun questioned as he jogged over to the tree where the duo stood, "Need another person?" Hopefully this would work out better than his and Shiki's brief team up during the exam, in any case.

@liferusher@Animal and @tobiax & @King Cosmos are sorta mentioned.

Max focused his gaze up toward Varis as he began speaking, although he was only listening halfheartedly after his exchange with Aaron. Not that he really wanted to hear about workload or some asinine group project he'd have to do; hopefully he didn't get stuck with anyone too horrible to interact with. What the hell did the Retriever mean, 'that might be his problem'? Whatever, he could grill him about it later, Count Sinne-Sinen-Cinnamon, Count Cinnamon had moved on to the actual material, and he was tossing an egg for some reason. If Max had to guess, he'd assume this was all the buildup to some painfully hamfisted metaphor that the Treaty's provisions were as delicate as an egg or something equally inane.

Although, something Cinnamon said caught his ear. The human delegation was headed by Landar Starag? He knew he heard that name before. No wonder the Retriever was so damn haughty about his skills; he wasn't a retriever, he was a damn lap dog. Max was tempted to send another sharp kick into the back of Aaron's chair, but he caught himself after his foot gave the slightest twitch forward. Unfortunately, Aaron's expertise in magic was still necessary, at least until Max could work out a basic grasp on his affinity. He needed to focus on the class anyway, he could get mad later. This school was so irritating.

The first provision was rather interesting, at least. No doubt an effort by the Noilas to prevent the nobility from scheming against them in an attempt to seize power, but it also meant that the Noila line was the only thing keeping the government together, lest all the houses squabble over which minor house to elevate to royal status and inevitably start killing each other over it. A pipe dream, if nothing else. The second was where Max started to lose his cool again. Cinnamon's verbiage was nice, but all the meaning Max drew out from under it was that mages were abandoned by humanity as martyrs. Not to mention, the TA seemed to be drawing some sort of sexual kick out of the law about who can drink from which neck. Vampires do love their property, after all. Article Three was more to Max's liking, given that it was essentially a list of how leeches can be brutalized for thinking too highly of themselves and their boundaries.

The Solaris Pius, however, drew Max forward in his seat with rapt attention. He'd never even heard of such a practice. No doubt whichever revolutionary - no, he said Original, that implies vamps made it; even tastier - developed it was a sick genius in his own right. It was evidently enough to make the entire Council cower if they removed it immediately. The Starag Commandment was another juicy bit, provided that race traitor actually had some semblance of sense in his head when he agreed to negotiate with unliving abominations. Could a magical failsafe of a scale large enough to punish all of vampirekind in the event of a broken Treaty truly exist? If so, why wouldn't it have been employed during the war? Was the mere threat of it deterrent enough? The Treaty already favored vampires heavily enough that Max couldn't see why they'd have a desire to tear it down in the first place. If anything it should be the vampires who have a failsafe.

His thoughts were interrupted by the abrupt slamming of doors and ostentatious announcement of some newly arrived vampire. What the hell did a leech need sunglasses for? He'd melt before he got any actual use out of them. What a tool. Wait. Max had seen him before. No, it must be coincidental. Some guy on movie posters wouldn't be here, prestigious as the Noila Academy may be, right? No, the pale girl in front of him seemed to have arrived at the same conclusion he did, Max must've had the right guy after all. He was under the impression that the vampires in attendance here were solely playing some political status game rather than actually trying to get an education - they were what, a hundred? What did they have to learn? But a celebrity - Eric... something... Eris Samael, thanks Paleface - already had status, going to a fancy school wouldn't get him anywhere in his career. Everyone else seemed to be ribbing on him, and for good reason. Still, Max had to respect the vampire's utter disrespect for the institution, even if that did just bring up more questions as to what Eris' game here was.

Max continued his blank stare at Joey as the TA gives his horrible copout of an explanation. Typical, shift the responsibility onto someone else. What was the point of this class if all the work was on Max's end? He had no doubt the spell theory professor would be just as grossly incompetent as this idiot too. The bell unfortunately rang before he had a chance to vocalize any of this, leaving Max fuming in his seat, eyelid on the verge of twitching again.

He stomped out of the room without so much as a 'goodbye' to Dakota, fumbling through his phone for the location of his next class. He didn't have to try very hard, it seems, as all the other freshmen were on their way to more or less the same place. He took a seat near the back, eyeing the syllabus with growing displeasure. This class wasn't about magic, it was essentially pointless. Some smug prick would lecture the mages on all the restrictions being placed on them like petulant children and leave out all the handy loopholes that one might actually care about. And it was a lot of work. Total bullshit.

At least he'd have spell theory soon, not that he expected it would help. Maybe that class would deliver some insight that a hack like Ratshoe failed to provide, especially given that he'd provided basically no instruction the whole time. No, he needed to calm down. This was only the first day, he'd expected setbacks. Anger didn't help, apparently. More bullshit. This affinity better be worth his while. He needed to stop wasting his time in pointless law classes and hit the library. Max still maintained skimming Magic For Dummies would be a more informative experience than whatever these leeches had to babble on about. The one up at the front looked particularly annoying. He already had that judgemental sneer on his face.


Shun followed along behind Colgate-sensei as he led them out into the wilderness surrounding the academy. He wasn't expecting practical training so soon, but it was a welcome surprise. Classrooms always made him antsy. Sitting anywhere for extended periods of time did, really.

And the campus was so pretty, not like the clinical controlledness of UA or other hero schools, it was wilderness - untamed, chaotic, real. Some might think that just speaks to the inadequacy of Jigokuraku, that they don't have the funding to wrangle the surrounding countryside into shape, but to Shun it brought a touch of realism to the simulated rigor of hero training. It was small, almost negligible, but it was the difference between handling robots in an orderly cityscape and racing through the ruins of an old city looking for dummies. Hero work is chaos, and chaos cannot ever fully be mimicked in a controlled environment.

When they arrived in The Field™, Shun craned his head around for a better view. There were still trails, which meant there was even more to explore beyond this. Guodo's mention of old shrines caught his attention; that sounded cool, he'd definitely have to check those out whenever he got the chance. But right now, that circle that the teacher mentioned demanded his attention.

He narrowed his eyes at the location in question, forcing his brain to think analytically rather than get sidetracked by the new sights. The exam taught him that Jigokuraku seemed to have a flair for the dramatic, and he didn't need to be caught off guard. Windy was the only clue they'd been given. Helicopter landing? But what would be the point of that? Was someone with a quirk like Hiroki's going to touch down and attack? Or was some kind of horrifying tornado machine buried there?

Shun approached cautiously, but gave the circle a wide berth as instructed. He wanted to be close enough that he could pixelate into the fray if needed, but he also didn't want to be so close that he'd end up in trouble. Maybe he should've stayed back by that big guy that Shiki was hiding behind earlier - Kenji was his name, right? - he looked pretty sturdy and would make good cover for whatever was coming. No, his maneuverability was his strong suit, he needed to be in front to capitalize on that. All this guesswork was making his head hurt though.

"I feel like this is gonna be like the entrance exam. Stay alert, guys." Shun called out, despite assuming that everyone else would've come to the same conclusion. Couldn't hurt to let everyone know what page he was on, at least.

Max grimaced distastefully as his light was immediately overshadowed by Joey's magic. The feeling unnerved him; it was too comforting, made him want to drop his guard. He wanted to pull away, but he dutifully kept his hands rooted on the crystal during the TA's explanation.

“That’s… intense. Okay well, I think I see your issue mostly. Definitely not a primary element so if you’re trying to get emotional as a way of working it, your affinity will fight you. No that’s not quite right either.”

Not a primary element? There goes his earth magic theory, although that would explain his inability to do any magic before now without a catalyst. That also meant extra work for potentially less payoff. A particularly niche affinity wouldn't lend itself well to the type of grandiose shock and awe he was envisioning when he learned he had the ability to warp reality by sheer will alone.

“I think the easiest way to explain it is your magic is like a crotchety old man. It’s very set in its ways. It’s stubborn and prideful and it doesn’t want to do something it thinks is a waste of time. You’ll have to make the activity worth its while or trick your magic into thinking it wants to move. Your magic is comfortable and stubborn; it doesn’t want to leave where its been for so long.”

Did he and his magic share the same ideas on what constituted a waste of time? Because if they did, he'd never get this asinine exercise down. Hopefully his magic at least hated vampires bothering him or this was definitely not going to work. Max took his hands off the crystal and stared at his hands like a generic shounen protagonist. This was starting to get annoying. Even his own magic didn't listen to him.

Listen here, you old fuck, there is no higher pursuit than self-improvement. I get stronger, you get stronger, everybody wins. All you have to do is make the damn rock light up.

Why was he personifying his magic? It couldn't hear him. Could it? No, that would be stupid. He needed a new plan. The TA's suggestion of sharing with his partner was woefully stupid, of course. Clearly neither of them knew what they were doing, and talking about his feelings or whatever this jackass wanted them to do sounded lke a worse fate than spending a year to learn his affinity.

"Can you at least give me a rough estimate on what my affinity is? It's a lot easier to work with something if I have the properties down, and I don't see how playing psychoanalyst will help with that." He questioned tersely, cocking his head up to give Joey a blank, lidded stare.

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