Avatar of Sho Minazuki


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I do commissions, specializing in character design. Ask me for prices, or make an order on my Ko-fi.


I also play FF14 and PSO2 so yeah.

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Offensive mage then. Still I digress, composition isn't actually important now, but for the sake of not overlapping character traits, maybe it is a good idea to keep that in mind.
We have a lot of overlaps with assassin, but no dedicated mage.

Honestly no one's going to be forming permanent parties to roll with the entire RP other than small duos here and there, and I will fill in some parties with NPCs to balance out compositions in certain segments.

Go with what you feel you want.
As the young merchant began to bring out her wares that he had requested, yes... These were certainly familiar. The north-eastern shore of Akitsushima was one such place he once visited while in service of his lord, but those were days long gone. How nostalgic. As he was preparing his coin, soon came the short blade he had requested, a wakizashi. The craftsmanship was unfamiliar to him, but nor was it anything more than just fine craftsmanship from a fine blacksmith. As he slipped it slightly out of it's scabbard to inspect the blade, there were no blemishes or chips, a well-polished blade. It's weight was light, and the steel seemed flexible. Perfect.

As he paid out the amount required, he thanked the young merchant... But he could not help but have some questions.

"So... How is the homeland these days? I have been here many of the my previous years and word or even items from Akitsushima are rare", he asks. Last he remembered, he was part of a political revolt of sorts, his lord and his lord's house silently cut away. The few survivors of that clan now hopefully still well and kept safe by his former colleagues.
Oh it's come down to just us 4 now?

Alrighty. I'll get something up soon.
Hikari Inyouji

Moved to Zone 5

"Way too long...", he thought to himself, as he listened to her trail off with her name and title and... Whatever. Way too long. Miraculously also managing to not even introduce herself, as if she just ran out of space and decided to keep the title rather than have her name in there somewhere.

As soon as he saw the lady begin to glide like an ominous Mary Poppins, over the fog, with some scary mobility no less, he figured it'd be a good time to move. Though she could move well in such conditions and with such equipment, it seems she could not see them at the very least. It would be best to take advantage of this and move frequently. Trying to keep a distance, he had to make a choice... Help out Kaito, or keep her busy? If he did the latter, he could keep himself hidden, but if he went to help Kaito he may have a better chance of rejoining, but it would also expose himself... What to do...

He would have to decide quickly... Maybe if he just grabbed that kid and brought him into the fog for safety, he could do something with that. Alright. We'll go with that.

Hikari quickly sprinted out from cover, light footsteps, or as light as he could, as to not attract her attention, before grabbing the kid and dragging him towards the nearest cover. Hopefully without exposure to the... Dramatic lady, he could regain his senses. Hikari's heart was beating fast, constantly glancing towards her as he carried this out, very ready to form something to throw at her should she look in their direction. Hopefully whoever she was going after wasn't going to be in too much danger...

Just a heads up, the discord isn't players only, if you're interested you could go there and ask questions too.
@13org Correct. Basically year 1900 weapons as far as capabilities go. They can look different as long as they seem like they'd fit. I'd say no to silencers though.

If requiring recent example, if it's in Red Dead 2, you can use it.
@Hero Alright looks okay, but just a few things regarding summons. It'll always cost minimum 1 to summon, cannot cost half points. Next is that it's rounded up, so to apply status effects with summons you need to use 3.

@Jollan Red Mage/ Sniper cross class is possible. There are magical weapons in this RP including magical firearms. Unfortunately there aren't other races, other than different variants of humans.
For Lakshmi to resurrect, you'd need to pump in 5 limit points. 10 if you want to revive them with full health. Furthermore any that have status effects will only inflict them if 5 Limit points are pumped into them.

Also I suggest since your summons are now Limit moves, you should add another effect to your class trait Divine Summoner. Something like... When using specifically Divine Summon, you can use summons without cost if below half of your Soul stat... Or, summons cost half Limit Points, or.... Yeah you get the deal, just a way for you to be able to use your summons more.
Do we have a map? @VitaVitaAR
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