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Dead inside, but somehow still kicking.

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Location: Katie’s Room -> OIC Office of Admissions
Mentions: The Saint @horangi | The Empress @Venus | The Pretty Face @KZOMBI3 |

Time was moving steadily on, and Katie couldn’t help but feel like it was all going so fast. Between her classes and extracurriculars, her dad’s campaign, the oh so ominous absence of Ms. Fortune, and one baseball player in particular, her mind had not known much peace in the last three weeks.

When Birdie texted, she was glad for something to distract her. Clothes were strewn about her room in haphazard piles, the aftermath of her failed attempt to find an outfit for tonight’s events. A whisper in the back of her head had plenty to say about that, but she did her best to ignore it. Ren would help her deal with that later, and she’d help Birdie with this boy trouble now. Besides, confirming a possible stalker was way more important than trying to find an outfit that said, “I’m fun and different, but still classy and way out of your league.”

Growing up surrounded by wealth and status, Katie had learned a thing or two about digging up dirt. Finding out where someone went to school, now, that was usually easy. If she’d been a normal girl, she might’ve sat on her phone for the next hour, scrolling through the various Elliots of the world, trying to match one with the descriptions she’d gotten from Birdie. Katie wasn’t normal though. She had connections, and she liked to use them. Time wasted, was time lost, after all.

Luckily for her, Mr. Callaghan hadn’t lost all of his contacts at OIC. One in particular, was a family friend, one who owed his job in the admissions office to a letter of recommendation from her father. Grant was a few years older than her and Jamie, and his dad had been her grandfather’s favorite driver. The Callaghan’s put Grant through school, and always treated him like one of their own. He’d been close with the twins, closer than close with Katie some might’ve said, but that was a long time ago now. Katie always thought that was normal, that that was just how her family was. Generous. She would learn, and later accept, that she was wrong. Grant, and all the other people her family liked to lift up, were just investments. Today she figured she’d collect.

Katie walked into the Office of Admissions with her usual swagger. The interior of the building was regal, dripping with money. If she was anybody else, she might’ve stopped to admire the decor, the meticulous details, but she was a Callaghan, and wealth didn’t faze her. In the warm yellow light, she seemed to glow, luminous as she strutted across marble floors, clad in designer fabrics and extravagance.

She found Grant on the second floor, quietly tapping away at his computer. He was tall, dark hair framing a handsomely average face, green eyes tucked away behind black framed glasses. He didn’t look up as she walked over, nor as she stopped in front of his desk. Finally, Katie tapped her manicured nails against the monitor, and Grant gave her the attention she was so used to commanding, looking up at her with the startled expression of a deer about to meet the front end of a car.

“Grant Petrov, is that any way to greet a friend?” Katie tilted her head and smiled, fluttered her eyelashes just a little too much to be unaware of what she was doing. Of course, she never was. She knew she was gorgeous, knew that men fell for that kind of shit, and was certainly not going to waste a gift she’d been so generously given.

She knew too, that Grant had never really gotten over their summer all those years ago. She saw it in the flush that came to his cheeks, and the way his eyes stuck on her hair just a bit longer, the same hair she’d let him run his fingers through, when she was young and he seemed exciting. Of course, he’d only been an adventure for a moment, and then he became another mundanity. She broke it off as soon as it started, but she didn’t have any qualms about using his feelings to get what she needed. It was harmless anyways, and it wasn’t like this was something Zach needed to know about.

“Katie! Uh, hi!” Grant stammered out his response, eyes flicking everywhere but never quite landing on her face for more than a second. “What-uh I mean, erm, what are you doing here?”

“Good to see that I was missed,” Katie joked. She looked around, spotted an empty chair, and as if she owned the place, swiveled it over so that she could sit, ignorant to Grant’s attempted protestations. “So, how have you been?”

Grant looked around, like he was stuck in a cage. Katie suddenly noticed that this wasn’t the usual Grant Petrov nervousness that had been so endearing in her childhood. He was practically shaking. “Good. Good, just, y’know, working. He practically hissed the last word at her, as if some extra force might deter her.

“Clearly. I mean like, you know, with life and everything.”

Grant sighed. “Katie, what do you want?” The look he gave her was unmistakable this time. If there were still feelings there, in those green eyes, they weren’t some misplaced love.

Confusion broke through the confident mask that Katie wore so well. “Grant, what-”

“There’s always something with you guys. It’s never enough. Fucking Callaghans. My dad drove your grandfather around for practically his entire life, but that wasn’t enough, you guys needed me too, right? Look, tell your dad it was low of him to send you here, and that-”

“Why the fuck would my dad send me?” Katie said, hushed as she could with the sudden adrenaline of her rage beginning to course through her. The mention of her father wormed it’s way into her brain. Last she heard, Grant and her father had been fine. When had the world gone upside down? “Look, obviously we aren’t as cool as I thought we were, but-”

“I mean, are you shocked? Really? I wasn’t going to be okay with you running me around on some leash all my life, Katie. I used to think you were really something, but you know what Katie? You’re just like your dad. Like a fucking truffle pig, just tracking down people you can use.”

Truthfully, if she hadn’t been doing this for Birdie, she would’ve hit him. Anger bubbled in her, hot and dark and mean. She bit the inside of her lip, and stayed silent for a moment. Deep down, she had this sinking feeling that he was right. Not because she was insecure, but because she knew it was true. She’d thought it enough herself, had pondered over this mistake, and all the ones after that seemed to wear his face. Would this be how Zach saw her, seven years from now?

She let out a long breath, and spoke. “Grant, we can go over all the ways I’ve fucked things up sometime over dinner, my treat, but right now, I’m trying to help my friend. I just need to run a name by you, that’s it. It’s probably only like, a mild invasion of privacy, and if you were in the mood to hear the story, which you’re clearly not, you’d probably be on my side.” This wasn’t Katie as she usually was, at least not completely. This was Katie as the guards lowered their spears, vulnerable, at least ever so slightly.

Grant stared back at her for, and for a moment she thought she’d failed. “One name.”

Katie grinned. “Elliot Wood? Woodward? I don’t know his last name for sure, but he’d be a recent transfer.”

Grant turned to his computer and the keyboard let out a quick beat as his fingers fell against it. “I’ve got an Elliot Underwood. UCLA transfer.”

“Anybody else?”

“He’s the only one this year.” Grant said. There was still a terseness to his voice, but it had softened somewhat. Somehow, she felt worse about that; that she’d done such a number on him, he couldn’t even hate her properly.

“That works. Thank you, Grant. Seriously.” She went to place a hand on his shoulder but thought better of it. There was a rift between them that she hadn’t noticed, and it had thrown her for a loop. She was used to being on top of everything, in control of everything. For the first time in what seemed like forever, she couldn’t shove away the doubt creeping it’s way into her mind. She got up to leave, and as she did, Grant let her name slip from his mouth, this time without the hard edges of earlier.

“If you stopped sprinting for a second, things might seem easier, y’know?”

Katie looked at him and smiled, softly. “Wouldn’t the world like that?” She turned and walked away without another word. She couldn’t imagine a world where she wasn’t running all the time, spinning as many plates as she could, especially now. Suddenly, she had a friend to help, a father to look into, and a budding romance to keep alive. There wasn’t time to stop.

A @smarty0114 & @viktorseier collab, with a special guest appearance by @nasty

Location: 155 Cafe

“You better not have gotten me anything shitty, Callaghan.”

Jamie was embarrassed by the little flip his stomach did at the sound of Axel’s voice, shamed by the speed with which his head turned to face him, and mortified by the sudden heat in his cheeks. Nobody seemed to say his last name quite so perfectly. He steadied himself, hopefully fast enough to escape Axel’s notice, and pushed a coffee cup and a small bag across the table. “Coffee and a breakfast sandwich, because I’m a wonderful person,” Jamie said, taking a sip of his own drink just to have something to do with his hands. “Are you grumpy cause of your brother, or cause of the bulletin board?”

“Who’s cranky? I’m fucking ecstatic. You can tell by my big smile.” Axel responded with a forced, sarcastic smile, reaching out and grabbing the coffee Jamie had so gallantly bought him. “Bulletin board? The hell you’re talking about?” Making sure to completely ignore and move past the brother comment, Axel raised an eyebrow as he took a big swig.

”Okay, this is actually pretty damn good coffee.”

“You’re welcome,” Jamie said with a nod. “Hold on.” Jamie fished his phone from his jacket pocket, and unlocked, quickly locating one of the many photos of the bulletin board, currently circulating the OIC social media sphere. “This, is the bulletin board.”

Axel narrowed his eyes down at the screen, letting out a scoff.

“‘Lost Cause’... who wrote this, my fucking dad?” Not seeming too bothered, he leaned back on his seat with a shrug, the ghost of a grin on his face “At least yours is kinda cool. Snake. Pretty badass, if you ask me.”

Jamie laughed. “I don’t think it’s meant to be endearing, but I’ll take it.” Jamie’s lips parted as if another question might fall from them, but then he closed them and the question died. Of course it was there, always there in the background whenever he was with him. The way he’d skirted the mention of his brother wasn’t lost on Jamie. He knew this place was hell for Axel, and he often wondered if he was selfish for wanting him to stay. “At least somebody cares what we’re doing. Maybe it’ll be kind of fun to have a secret paparazzi running around. I’m sure there’s not much of that in Vermont.”

“You’re giving this random chick with an uninspired pun for a name way too much credit. ” He snorted, shaking his head at the boy sitting across from him, who was the only person who managed to get this many words out of Axel without getting insulted or told to fuck off “I dunno’ about fun. Not a big fan of having people all up in my business, Callaghan. You already know way too much about me to my liking.”

“Y’know I think there’s a term for that. Emotionally unavailable?” Jamie said, a smirk dancing it’s way across his face. “Not that we should normalize digital stalking or anything. Just that, this place might suck a smidge less if you opened yourself up to it.” He could think of some other ways they could make this situation suck less, but Jamie had convinced himself that those would only bring about rejection and hurt.

“Fuck off.” Axel replied, with no heat to his words and a grin on his face, knowing Jamie wasn’t exactly wrong about that “Why would I do that? I already got you bothering me, that’s bad enough.” He shrugged, taking another swig of the black, sugar-less coffee and not thinking too much into what he said.

In truth, that wasn’t the worst response Jamie could think of. Admittedly, maybe even selfishly, he enjoyed being the most important person in Axel’s OIC life. Before he could shoot back a response of his own, his phone buzzed against the table, three loud vibrations in quick succession. Only one person demanded his attention so forcefully. Rolling his eyes, he reached out for his phone and opened it up to confirm his suspicions.

look at what this bitch said

this shit can’t fly dude, dad will murder me if this becomes a thing

it’s scorched earth time

The texts came with an accompanying screenshot, a twitter exchange between one Kat Vaupel, and his sister. Silently, he scanned the screen, and felt as his jaw clenched ever so slightly. Jamie and Katie’s father had always been a fiery man. His anger was a wildfire, burning everything in it’s path. Katie had taken after him. Jamie on the other hand, had taken after his mother. His rage, like hers, was calm, cool, and icy. So, when he rose from the table, it was without a word, barely a flicker of disruption, aside from the way his fingernails scratched against his cuticles.

He found Kat right where he’d last seen her. Truthfully, he didn’t know what he was about to say. He wasn’t even all that sure if Axel was behind him, or if he was just watching him take a kamikaze dive straight into the ocean. Jamie was past caring about either issue. He set his phone, open to the screenshot Katie had sent him, in front of Kat. He didn’t sit. This wasn’t a conversation between friends, and he saw no reason anymore to continue those pleasantries.

“Look, if you have a problem with me, that’s fucking fine, but keep my sister out of it. You barely know me, and you sure as hell don’t know her.” Jamie wasn’t concerned if people heard, if he made a scene. “There’s a million other things you could be doing to help people, but instead, you’re pulling out your soapbox and doing what exactly? Putting the kids of some washed up director in their place? Give her a medal and call her Chief Comrade everybody!”

Kat glanced lazily at Jamie's phone screen, shoulders slumped, eyes de-shined. All traces of whimsy were dashed from her mind. Eugh, yea- , she said, gazing up at Jaime. ”What? Like what do you actually want me to do about this?”

She raised her shoulders in a mock shrug, holding them up for a whole second, mouth thinning into a smile that only asked why she should care. ”I posted some shit on twitter and your sister took it, like - way - too fucking seriously. I mean- I guess I knew you would. But anyway. Twitter’s hardly a fucking soapbox, you just think it’s a bigger deal than it actually is because you’re a self entitled prick who thinks everyone is paying attention to every mention of your name or whatever. I used you as an example of a systemic issue. Get over it.”

“You might not realize it, but I’m doing you a fucking favor. Katie will go full Sherman’s March on you. You think you can play in the big leagues, but you just can’t Kat. Most people wouldn’t be so accommodating as to give you fair warning. Pull this shit down, and get a journal like everyone else.”

”Um- Jaime. I don’t know how you don’t… like how don’t you know that I really don’t give a shit about these ‘big leagues’? It really- she started, before spotting Axel at the other table. ”I’m sure he gets it. Like actually, do you seriously give this much of a fuck? It’s… dude, isn’t this twitter we’re talking about?”

Jamie scoffed. “Okay Kat, fine.” He reached down and picked his phone back up, shaking his head. “You know, it’s funny how you seem to recognize that the world falls into place around people like my sister and I, and yet, you act like it’ll do the same for you.”

”Um… what? I- I literally just told you I don’t care for that. It’s absurd. I’d…” Kat started. She looked around the room, baffled, as if the right thing to say would jump out at her. ”I dunno, I’d piss on you before I let myself consider anything like that - let alone myself - important.”

Jamie began to turn away, but not without one final remark. “And, I think I will help with Jeim’s fundraiser. What can I say, I guess you’ve inspired me?”

”Uhm… okay? Good for you.” Kat said. Her eyes slid slowly down to her phone once more, never once objecting to Jaime’s leaving.

Jamie strode across the cafe, ice still running through his veins. He slid back into his seat across from Axel and felt it begin to thaw, ever so slightly. He was suddenly aware of the eyes watching him, the glances down at phones with screens he could not see. His lip found it’s way between his teeth. “I’m sorry, that was… Look I get a good vendetta, but there’s no need to bring Katie into it,” Jamie said, shaking his head like his disapproval wasn’t already obvious. He took a steadying sip of his coffee, and wondered when the arrow he’d just fired into the sky would fall.

“Jesus, stop apologizing, snake. Gotta live up to your new nickname.” Axel mouth turned upright into an amused smile, the first proper one since he’d arrived in this hellscape of a school. If he noticed the eyes on them, he didn’t care- if anything, Axel’s mood seemed to have improved significantly after seeing Jamie blow up “At least you just made my morning a little more interesting, Callaghan.”

Location: Dorms -> 155° Cafe
Interactions: Andreas Mossos @metanoia

Charlie Baker’s fifteenth morning at OIC did not seem very different than all the others. She awoke, from a distant dream that left no trace, aside from the pit of discomfort that rested within her gut. This school was… a lot. In her first two weeks she’d already failed her first quiz ever, and had received no fewer than twelve, truly icy stares. Apparently a trust fund gave you a lot of time to practice making other people feel like shit, without even opening your mouth.

She showered and dressed without incident, though there was a pang of melancholy. Charlie had come to OIC with a suitcase full of clothes she’d designed and made for herself, but outside of the random shoots she’d done, she hadn’t had the balls to wear any of it herself. She had naively thought that this school would have a place ready for her, that she wouldn’t have to carve out her own. She wasn’t sure she could handle it, if one of these kids came for her clothes. That would hurt too much.

There was of course, still the hole in the universe where her dad ought to be, or at least, answers about him. She’d been naive in that too; hoping that she would just stumble into a man she’d never met, who probably didn’t know about her, and feel the connection that some people don’t, even after knowing their father all their lives. As she began the trek towards the quad to meet Dre, she couldn’t help but feel silly, and not in the good way. That, was not how she liked to be with Dre. He was one of the few trust fund babies she enjoyed, but he intimidated her in a way. Everyone here did.

Back in New Mexico, she’d been the big fish. Sure, being an army brat didn’t give much in the way of stability, but it gave plenty in terms of experience, and alone time to read. Here though, with kids who’d been spoonfed Ivy league critical thinking skills since they were old enough to toddle? She was starting to think that New Mexico had simply been a pond, and that she was a freshwater fish who’d somehow gotten themselves out into the ocean. No. You belong here. You got in, same as everyone else.

That affirmation carried her to the gate. She was almost starting to come out of this self-pitying funk, might’ve, if it hadn’t been for that stupid fucking bulletin board.


There it was, written for everyone to see, just beneath a picture of her laughing. A piece of her recognized a few other faces up there, but her consciousness was closing in on itself now, swirling around that one word, scrawled in such nice handwriting. She hugged her bag to her chest and pushed through the crowd and into the quad, walking as fast as she could towards the cafe.

She could feel her eyes burning with unspilt tears. She hated crying, refused the catharsis whenever she could, but right now, she could do no such thing. The emotions of the last two weeks had reached a boiling point, and the dam within her was finally bursting. She felt a tear slip out and her hand moved violently to her face, wiping it away. She was vaguely aware of stepping into the cafe, pushing through the line and to the bathroom.

She gripped the sink and looked at her reflection in the mirror. A sob broke out, quickly muffled by her arm. She found her way into one of the stalls, locking it and sitting down on the toilet, pulling her feet up so that she might hug her knees to her chest. Why the fuck did you come here?

She was only in the bathroom for fifteen minutes, it turned out. She thought when she stepped out, finally satisfied that her eyes weren’t a red, puffy mess, that Dre would be waiting for her, truly perturbed at her for wasting his time, but she didn’t see him anywhere. She took a booth by the door, and sat down, somewhat gloomier than normal, but otherwise none the worse for wear. If there was anything she hated more than tears, it was others knowing that she’d shed them.

She saw him come in, and shouted his name, waving with the kind of enthusiasm that said, “Hey! I definitely wasn’t just crying in the bathroom!” Watching Dre almost give himself whiplash in an attempt to find her voice brought a much needed smile to her face though. "Hey, uh, sorry if I'm late. Kinda got caught up in that bulletin board and just kind of lost track of time."

If Charlie noticed anything wrong with Andre, she didn’t say anything. She let out a commisarating sigh, and shook her head. “What the fuck is with that thing anyways? Is that like, real? Like do people actually care about what we do?”

a @horangi + @smarty0114 collab
ʜᴀsᴛɪɴɢs ʟɪʙʀᴀʀʏ | 𝟿:𝟺𝟻 ᴀᴍ

The words in front of Katie were already beginning to swim as her mind refused to stay nicely situated within the confines she’d so thoughtfully laid out. She couldn’t help but think about Ms. Fortune and all the pictures she’d seen this morning. She wasn’t just worried for herself. She was worried for her friends, who probably had way more to get hurt by.

“Not losing sleep over Political Ideology, are we Ms. Callaghan? You know there are much more exciting things to trade for your beauty sleep.”

Katie’s head swung around at the sound of the familiar voice, and a grin broke out across her face once her suspicions were confirmed, followed by an ever so subtle flushing in her cheeks. “And how much beauty sleep do you think I need, exactly?” Katie asked, cocking her head as a playful smile danced it’s way across her face. She turned away from her laptop, and gestured at the empty seat next to her. When Zach was around, homework was suddenly far less of a priority.

“Not a lot. Mmm…” Zach’s voice trailed off as he took the invitation to sit beside her. Settled sideways into the chair with his knees pointed towards her and his torso supported by the table, Zach returned to his previous thought.

“Just enough for a round two or world domination,” he issued a quick wink leaning in towards her a bit, “your choice, of course..” The warm southern twang of his was not without the tone of suggestion as he held Katie’s gaze with ease.

Katie let out a gasp of faux offense and smacked his arm “Zachary Bishop, what would Jesus say?” She leaned in towards him, ever so slightly, while a slender finger twirled a lock of her hair around. Zach was the kind of boy who latched onto her synapses, and set her whole nervous system alight. The kind of boy she loved to dance these little waltzes with, so long as she got to lead.

Zach’s hearty chuckle at Katie’s teasing earned him a withering glare from the passing librarian, but he was enjoying himself far too much to care. What would a college library be without an obnoxious jock making too much noise in one of its corners?

“The lord did say to love your neighbors, but he never specified how to love them.” Zach offered in a light-hearted manner as he leaned back slowly, letting the building tension fade away, “plus, I reckon I’d have been smited already if Jesus was watching out for the shit I get up to on the day to day. Unless Ms.Fortune is the new messiah, and she’s gearing up to send the sinners of OIC to the slaughter.” Zach shifted topics easily but kept his eyes on Katie’s face; it was easier to measure the furrow of a brow or the downturn of her lips than it was to flat out ask her how she was. Politician’s kids were always doing “great.”

“Ugh, don’t remind me,” Katie said, an exasperated sigh tearing past her lips. “Are we really that interesting? I mean, obviously we are,” Katie gestured between the two of them, “but it’s not like Jamie has anything going on. And all the new kids? Who cares what some scholarshit kid gets up to in their spare time. I guess it’s asking too much to have a normal year, god forbid our tuition pay for that instead of Kat Vaupel’s fucking scholarship.” Katie shook her head, blonde waves bouncing around her as she did, and forced a smile back on.

“Enough about things that piss me off though. I can’t go nuclear yet, it’s only week three,” Katie said. She did her best to refrain from having any meltdowns until at least week five. “How was your weekend? Last time I saw you I think I was carrying Jamie back to his room.”

Zach’s smile was a knowing one. His eyes never wandered away from the golden beauty in front of him as she shared her unfiltered thoughts. Perhaps that’s what Zach enjoyed so much about Katie Callaghan, ” Ah, you know, the life of a star college football player is riveting. Early mornings in the gym and late nights on the field, it’s like a 24/7 sausage fest, fun, right?” Zach issued a dramatic roll of his eyes, just as his phone dinged thrice in his pockets, “If it’s Alessio- oh it’s Birdie, one sec.”

Zach readjusted in his seat, pressing his feet into the ground as he tilted backward, just enough for the chair’s front legs to hover off the ground. Zach nibbled at his bottom lip in irritation as he responded to Birdie’s distress, it wasn’t her fault the guys that interested her were idiots, “How do you tell your friend they have shit taste in guys without being rude?” Zach asked, turning his face to Katie, ” If Birdie had your taste, we’d all be living the good life.”

Katie let her eyes traverse Zach’s jaw as he looked down at his phone, felt her stomach clench as he chewed his lip, and then, as if it had been only a passing moment of insanity, turned her eyes away as he came to meet them. “Oof, uh, gently, and with a whole lot of foreplay,” Katie said. “Birdie definitely doesn’t want to hear that though, so better to err on the side of ‘Fuck him, he’s an asshole.’ Who’s on the shitlist now?”

“Arthur, but it’s nothing too serious… unless sending pics and getting no response is a herald for the end of the world, and I am but an ignorant fool.” Zach chuckled and lowered the seat back to all fours as he took note of the time, “I think I’ve distracted you enough, wanna help me look for a book real quick before I have to go meet the boys down in the quad?” he asked with a smirk growing on his face as he stood to his full height.

“I guess I better add librarian to my resume.” The playful smile on her face gave away her good intentions. She shut her laptop and stood to meet Zach, seeming like something out of Oz standing next to him. “Allow me to be the first to introduce you to the wonderful world of books,” she said over her shoulder, sashaying towards the shelves, a subtle, but noticeable, sway in her hips.

Zach gave an amazed “Woah” as he looked past Katie to the aisles of books, but his eyes were quick to snap to the dawg of her hips, “Thought it was time to put my hooked on phonics to work, got flex more than my arm muscles, you know?”

Katie laughed, not the practiced chuckle of the future mayor’s daughter, but the loud and boisterous roar of laughter that only those close to her ever heard. “Don’t let Isa find out. She’ll start thinking you’re competition. What exactly am I finding for you anyway?”

“Or add me to her hitlist underneath her brother’s name.” Zach’s eyes twinkled with joy at the sound of Katie’s laughter. When they stopped in the middle of an aisle somewhere near the back of the library, where the sunlight filtered in through the gaps on the bookshelf, and it was just the two of them Zach leaned in. With his palms resting against the bookshelf on either side of Katie, q he drew closer to her at an agonizing pace. Finally, at the last minute, his lips grazed the side of her cheek to stop at her ear and whisper, “ ‘Our Love Story’, or something, bring it to Nadia’s on Valentine Drive, Thursday at 8?” Zach pulled away slowly his right hand tucking her hair behind her ear before he gave a wink and ducked out of the aisle.

There were certain moments in her life that Katie had attributed the feeling of breathlessness to, but she realized as Zach disappeared around the corner, that she hadn’t truly felt it until right now, amongst the books. Finally, air returned to her lungs, in gasping breaths intermingled with a nervous laughter. One hand came up to touch her ear as her lip found its way between her teeth. “Fucking Zacharias Bishop,” she said to herself, basking in the euphoric haze of the moment for just seconds more, before pulling out her phone and checking her reflection. She gently smoothed her hair, more out of habit than necessity, and stepped out from the aisle, a grin stuck on her face, and a new bounce in her step.

Location: 155° Cafe
Mood: everything is fine -> everything is definitely not fine

Mentions: Kat Vaupel @nasty || Mimsy Vuong @Vox || Axel Maddox [@victorseier]

Jamie Callaghan is many things, but relaxed has never been one of them. Despite the calm and collected way he moved across the quad, bookbag bouncing rhythmically against his hip, he could feel the quiet pangs of panic scouring the edges of his mind. The truth was that, despite appearances, he hadn’t had a relaxed day in weeks. Maybe if he had, he’d be reacting with a bit more passion to the news that he was an “Elite,” but as it stood, he was just glad it hadn’t been him saddled with the Fake label. He was tired, and while some distant, sleepy part of his brain might be able to plan a way through this mess, it had been working overtime already. The summer had taken an unexpected toll, and the last few weeks hadn’t been alleviating any issues he had. OIC wasn’t exactly known for it’s spa days. He needed a coffee, a scone, and whatever strange comfort Axel brought him.

Jamie stepped into 155° Cafe and tried once more to push all his worries into a dark corner in his mind, while surveying the room. His eyes fell on Kat Vaupel, and his lips curled down into a frown. Of course she was here. He got in line and looked back over at her, only to see Mimsy Vuong appear suddenly. He cocked an eyebrow Now that, was fucking interesting. Smirking ever so slightly, as he often did when he felt like he knew something that was unintended for him, he moved forward in line. His phone buzzed, and he checked his DMs, grinning now as he typed up a response.

The grin faded as he slipped his phone back into his pocket, or perhaps more truthfully, he forced it away. He couldn’t let himself keep stumbling over the line with Axel, even with his thoughts. Friends didn’t smile like that at each other’s texts. He needed to be… cool. Not a hot fucking mess, and definitely not the dude who fucks everything up by going and getting a crush. Still. He wants you to get him something. Good sign. Or not. Could mean nothing. Or everything. Probably nothing. Nothing is more likely. But you simply can’t rule out the possibility of it meaning something, so maybe just pick wisely. Black coffee? Do I get him food too? That’s nice right? Is it too nice?

Snap! Snap! “Hey! You ordering or not?”

The shout from the girl behind the counter shook him out of his introspective labyrinth, and he stepped up, blinking. “Sorry, I’ll just get a scone, a breakfast sandwich, a black coffee, and a white chocolate mocha.”

“What kind of breakfast sandwich?” The girl behind the counter looked back at Jamie with a look of unbothered annoyance. He was already taking longer than the usual customer. Of course there were different types of sandwiches. He should have just stuck with the black coffee.

Hurryhurryhurryhurryhurryhurryhurry BUT DON’T PICK WRONG hurryhurryhurry His brain was a broken radio, unintelligible static in which sometimes, in order to keep your sanity, you hoped and prayed to find something that made sense. “I don’t know, just pick one with bacon and give that to me,” Jamie said, handing his card over and looking down, trying not to let on as to just how flustered he was.

Moments later, the interaction was over, and Jamie was free, free to sit and agonize at a table instead of while standing. He looked out the window but saw no sign of Axel yet. He took a deep breath and made a promise to enjoy at least this one thing. He needed that right now.

Location: OIC Quad -> Hastings Library
Mentions: Laren Hastings @Venus | Axel Maddox @viktorseier

“Jesus fucking Christ, where’d she find this picture? I’m a photogenic person! She had options! Also, what the fuck does she mean by ‘The Tyrant’?” Katie Callaghan found herself on Monday morning, storming across the quad, a photograph of herself in hand. She was, per usual, dressed to the nines, still refusing to abandon aesthetics in favor of functionality.

“You a tyrant? How dare she?” Jamie Callaghan replied, dry and biting. His long legs carried him casually alongside his sister, his eyes trained elsewhere.

Katie rolled her eyes and shoved an elbow into Jamie’s side. “Fuck off.”

“Oh yes, benevolent dictator. Fucking off now,” Jamie said, the corners of his mouth curling up ever so slightly. “Seriously though, it’s not that bad of a picture. I’ve seen worse of you. Who cares what this bitch has to say anyway?”

You should care. Your name was on that list too. You’re telling me you’re the kind of person who holds up under scrutiny?” Katie cocked her eyebrow and looked over at Jamie, awaiting a retort. Instead she found him staring down at his phone, eyebrows knit together. She rolled her eyes, always annoyed by even the smallest of interruptions. “Hello? We were having a verbal sparring match?”

Jamie looked up from his phone. “Huh? Oh yeah, one second.”

“Oh my god, see this right here,” Katie waved her finger around in a wild gesture, as if her shouts needed emphasis, “is my point! How long until Ms. Fortune has her eyes trained on you and your boyfriend?”

Jamie frowned. “He’s not my boyfriend! How’d you even know I was texting him you nosy little weevil?”

Katie laughed. “Because, I’m the only other person you text, and I’m standing right here.”

“Well, maybe I was texting… Birdie.”

Katie laughed again. “Yes, because you and Birdie have so much to talk about.” Katie stepped into Jamie’s path, and spun around, stopping him. “Look, all I’m saying is, it doesn’t matter what it looks like. It just matters what people see.”

It was Jamie’s turn to roll his eyes. “Okay, fuck you. You're being dramatic, surprise surprise. I’m going to get coffee with Axel, and guess what? The world isn't going to end because of it.” Jamie said, before spinning on his heel and walking away.

Katie smiled and waved him off, shouting after him, “I knew it!” before continuing towards the library, pulling out her own phone to fill Laren in on the bulletin board fiasco. If anyone honestly needed a heads up that they were in Ms. Fortune’s crosshairs, it was Ren. Katie wasn’t the biggest supporter of her and Johnny B, but she didn’t want to see it get messy and Ms. Fortune had a reputation for doing just that.

Katie pushed open the grand double doors to the library, and slipped her phone into the designer purse hanging from her arm. She found herself a seat at an empty table, and let out a breath. She couldn’t afford to let the personal bleed into the academic. Compartmentalization was key to success, and she prided herself on having mastered it. She caught a handful of eyes on her, but she pushed them out of her mind. Really, how different was it from any other Monday? Katie wasn’t exactly unfamiliar with the stares of strangers.

Still, even as she set about unpacking her laptop and busying herself with work, she found it hard to escape a nagging feeling that this was simply the calm before the storm. A few times her hands wandered to her mouth, but she refrained from chewing on her well manicured nails. She wouldn’t ruin hard work over emotions as silly as fear and anxiety. She was Katie Callaghan, and she did not back down from challenges. As far as she was concerned, Ms. Fortune was just another challenger. For now.

i was productive today.

hello i am here for this
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