Avatar of Th3King0fChaos


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2 yrs ago
Current I play both sides so that I always lose.
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2 yrs ago
Can your Father still claim you if the Mail Man delivered you?
2 yrs ago
I challenge you to a game of Paradox Billiards Vostroyan Roulette Forth Dimentional Hypercube Chess Strip Poker!!!
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3 yrs ago
So I realized that the highest honor anyone can get is not to get a Nobel Peace prize, nor getting your name taught throughout history. It's being made into an Anime Character with giant boobs.
3 yrs ago
So where do I go after Elysium? I just made it through after beating a Chad-dude and his giant burly friend with horns at a break dancing contest.


About me:
I am an amateur writer at best as I have had a bit of experience writing short novels and stories as a side gig (Don't ask me for help unless you are desperate. I barely know what I'm doing half the time!)

I mostly Rp on medieval fantasy, modern fantasy, and modern slice of life. However, I am always willing to do anything. And I have been roleplaying for about 8 years now.

I have a pretty open schedule right now, other than planning DnDs, and looking for a job. (Still praying that one day I can get payed to play DnD or by playing videogames, but I haven't made a dollar yet).

I am normally a very easy guy to get a hold of. If you use one of the following contact info I should get back to you within 10 minutes, if you use discord just @me and I can respond within a quick time (If I'm at my keyboard that is).

AND PLEASE IF YOU THINK I FORGOT AN RP MESSAGE ME!!!! I CAN GARENTEE THAT I FORGOT AS I WAS PROBABLY PRAYING TO THE GODS OF CHAOS THAT I WOULD BE ABLE TO WIN THE NEXT GAME OF MAGIC I'M GOING TO PLAY!!! (In all seriousness I'm very forgetful and scatter brained, just send me a message and I should be able to pump out that post in no time)

Contact info:
nuk3clearsoldier@gmail.com (I know, don't judge)

Discord is- KingChoas #4030 (Ain't too hard isn't it?)

If you need my phone number: First off, who are you and why? Second off, Please don't spam me or I will find you and shove your phone down your throat and make you puke it up and do it again into a trash compactor and watch you cry. Then buy you a new phone. (Just saying I hate spam, also if you get my number you are the 3rd person to every get my phone number, next to my mom and my sister.)

The partners I am looking for right now is people who are chill and relax as well as just some genuinely nice people to chat to and play with. Any style is fine, just be ready as there are time where it will take some time for advanced posts will take me a few days.

Other than that I like to listen to music and anytime someone asks me to do a thing, 90% of the time I will just do it as I just don't care enough. But I will not sing, my voice is garbage and I am not confident enough to even try to learn now.

Most Recent Posts

The Matthews Twins

In collaboration with: @dragonpiece

Samuel had made it back to the ship with everyone else. Once he made it through the portal he checked around quickly making sure that nobody was coming and surrounding them. There he felt a sensation that left him with a sense of relief, his strength was returning to him. Samuel started to look around in search of his sister and found her start coming out. At first, his face was filled with pure relief, well it was that until he saw her in a nightgown. Samuel then knew she was sleeping. He wasn't upset, he was just worried. As he went over and was about to give her a hug, but the Doctor appeared and gave Iris a device as he began to talk to her and let her head off and fix up Alan.

Samuel waited patiently for her to finish, yet before she finished he found himself being taken to the conference room to wait for Natasha to give orders. There he sat waiting more, as a part of him came out that doesn't show up often. As he sits, he looks down to his lap as he twirls his thumbs. He slightly rocked his legs and knees as he quietly waited. He didn't listen much to the meeting, all he did during it was sit and wait. Once the meeting ended Iris was there and she came over to talk to him. As when she came over he looked up at her when she spoke, as when she continued he looked like he was waiting. Waiting for her to give him the reason why she didn't answer, as when she figured out the words his expression didn't change all that much as she asked to talk about it in another room, he said, "Sure". When they were walking over, his expression held something akin to sadness and dread, yet anytime he knew she was going to look over at him he tried his best to hide those feelings away.

When Samuel agreed to talk about the rest of it in a different room, Iris filled with relief. Iris took Samuel to their room for the discussion, after all, the subject matter should be private. Once they arrived in their room she turned on her heels and gave Samuel a big hug. Iris then spoke with a softer tone to Samuel, "I'm so glad you're safe. I got the message from Maria in my sleep and I couldn't tell if it was real. Eventually, I was able to find out but by then you were already there." Iris's hug around Samuel tightened, realizing he must have been worried worst than she was. After holding him there for a while, she gestured for them to lay in bed to continue the talk.

Samuel had followed Iris to their room. As once they entered he felt his feelings swell up as Iris turned and grabbed a tight hold of him. Samuel almost melted into Iris as something strange almost came from his mouth, "I-I'm sor...s-so glad you're safe". Samuel had melted a little and had lowered himself into Iris as he started holding onto her tight as well. When Iris gestured to lay in the bed and continue the talk, Samuel was more than happy. Once he finished talking he slowly guided the both of them to the bed where he would be on the outside and softened his hold on her to allow her to talk unimpeded. Yet as he laid, tears almost appeared, but he kept them in.

Iris wasn't too shocked at how Samuel was reacting. No matter the reason, she shouldn't have ditched him. And when thinking about why she did it made the guilt worse. Originally, Iris was going to postpone letting Samuel know about… all of what happened. Samuel is usually pretty stressed with the usual things relating to being rebels and having an absolute spaz of a sister. Iris let a breath out and looked at Samuel, "I didn't respond to your messages all day because I was on a date." Iris wanted to say more, about how she didn't mean to ignore it, or anything but she felt it was better for Samuel to speak first. Iris felt increasingly nervous, she was a bit of a wanderer and would break away when they were out but she always kept in contact. In the moment she was ignoring the messages it felt fine but when setting how worried he was she couldn't help but feel the weight of her carelessness.

Samuel looked towards Iris as she let out a breath, he knew this meant she was going to keep this hidden. He saw her looking at him as she tells him why she didn’t respond to his messages. She was on a date...Samuel started to think who it could be, he started to think who was where, who she could have been interacting with her, and then who could be close enough to her. Samuel started spacing out in his thought as he started to think of who was on the ship when they were out: Natasha, Laurey, Millard, and Amy. Samuel then started to put together who could it have been, Natasha was too old and Millard needed to find Iris to give her that object. So it was left with Laurey and Amy, Laurey seemed to have hidden away in the vehicle bay based on the grease on her, so…"A-Amy?"

Iris blushed as Samuel guessed Amy. Iris gave a slight smile to Samuel revealing him to be correct. She let out a light giggle and asked, "Was it that obvious?"

Samuel took in the idea he was right. He doesn’t know how he should feel about it though. His feelings towards others seem to conflict with how he should feel for his sister. He knows that she isn’t doing this to go and spite him...right? After all, she was going to try and hide it until this situation...but he just doesn’t know how to take it. Iris went on a date with an...he takes a breath in and out as he says, "A little." He gives Iris a small smile.

Iris could tell the admission of who it was made it difficult for him. He was taking a while to speak and he seemed to have some things sparking in his mind. Why it was hard for him to comprehend was beyond her speculation for now. Iris felt reassured by Samuel when he smiled back. This newfound assurance gave Iris the confidence to dive a bit deeper into how Samuel felt about it. His opinion was important to Iris, they been together through everything. Even with her confidence she still found herself having a hard time making eye contact when she asked Samuel, "So what do you think of me going on date with Amy?" A part of Iris was curious about his thoughts, hoping they would be simple and encouraging. But this is Samuel, and his feelings are rarely that optimistic or one-dimensional.

Samuel was happy that Iris seemed to have taken to his reassuring smile as a good sign. Yet the next question she asked was not one he was hoping for, she wanted to know how he felt. He wants to keep his true feelings quiet, after all just by looking at Iris she seems to be happy. So Samuel said what she probably wanted to hear, "I'm happy you found someone who is so kind. You seem happier with her being there, so it makes me happy".

Samuel's true feelings had flown over Iris's head. She didn't think much of it. When they lay down like this, Iris beliefs that they are being truthful to each other. They've always been open with each other so why would she doubt him now. Iris was probably just nervous because she had ignored him. Iris started to smile and grabbed her pillow and held it to her chest. She hid her face and looked towards Samuel, "Do you want to know what we did? Wait, would it be weird to tell you? You decide." Iris wanted to share parts of the date, after all, she lost her kiss today.

Samuel was happy that Iris seemed to have not pushed, he held his small smile as he saw her get giddy about what she's done during the day. He thought for a moment if he should listen, but he was more than happy because it seemed to make Iris so happy. Samuel said with a light chuckle, "Sure!"

Iris's eyes lighted up as Samuel seemed like he wanted to know about the date. Iris's voice came off bubbly, "So we went out to the Bazaar earlier in the day. We walked around for a bit then we went clothes shopping at one of those fancy places. We were buying stuff for ourselves and got some stuff for a sleepover. She grabbed this cute black nightgown." Iris sat up with realization, "Oh, when we were walking I offered my elbow and she actually grabbed on to it!" Iris looked so hyped.

Samuel listened to Iris's rant about her day. He didn't really have much to say during her talk. He just listened and watched how excited she was. He kept his smile as she spoke, as she finished Samuel said, "You two seemed to have fun".

Iris was excited to share her first date. "Yeah! After that, we got some snacks and started our way back to the ship for the sleepover, and then…" Iris's voice trailer off as remembering what happened at the sleepover quickly went to the fun parts. Iris had gone bright red and turned away from Samuel in embarrassment. She had a little giggle into her pillow as she remembered the kiss.

Samuel listened more until Iris seemed to have lost all of her excitement and nerve as she turned away from him. At first, he thought something was wrong until he saw her shoulder and knew something was embarrassing instead. Samuel went over and grabbed Iris’s shoulder as he said, "Hey iris are you okay?" Samuel made a concerned-ish sounding voice. One enough to be known to be one of a slightly prodding sibling as he continued, "What happened?"

Iris spoke into her pillow, "So, we did some things. And. Um. Let's see. We were in our nightgowns. She is really pretty. We talked about some private stuff and we sat together on the bed. Then… we got a little more intimate" Iris was so embarrassed at the moment that she couldn't pull herself out of her pillow. Iris then thought to herself,
Oh God, I left all my clothes in her room. Is she still sleeping? Shit, I should text her that I needed to go do some stuff.
Iris pulled her Omni-tool out and sent Amy a text about having to go out to heal Alan and what the meeting was about. @6slyboy6

"Uhh-uhh, uh-oh". Samuel was slightly blushing as to know his sister had done more intimate things with someone. He still felt weird but those feelings are being filled with a new feeling he can’t really describe, all he knows is that it doesn’t feel normal. As he sat there with a strange look thinking that was what she was doing while they were out and saving Alan.

Iris wanted to break the awkwardness she created at this point. She is pretty sure she doesn't have to say anything more to confuse him. Best to end it on some more wholesome notes for this. Iris quickly turned back to Samuel, "Hey, I know I ignored you today but I promise that I'll keep in contact next time. Your my brother and my best friend and I'm sorry that I ditched you. I love you bro." Iris went to bump her head against his.

Samuel was slightly stunned for a second but was brought back when iris quickly turned to him. Her familiar bravado returned, as she began to speak to him. A smile crossed Samuel’s face as she spoke, the last part was what got him as tears welled up and came as he bumped his head against hers as he says as well, "I love you too Iris". Samuel was content laying here with Iris, even if it is a brief moment, he felt happy.


Millard is a man of many things, a great lover of people, a great husband, and a hard worker. Amongst every part of this is true, some to more of an extent than others, as he had been working for multiple days on this singular thing. He has been giving multiple physicals to the different people aboard the ship. Yes, it might have been a strange thing for some, but on the honor as a Doctor, he will keep secrecy. To each and every person on this ship…even when he finds it ill-advised to keep it secret and untreated. Yet he is just a Doctor, so what is his word good for?

Either way, all of this work and overtime was to get done one of his most ambitious projects to date. A data system that will keep constant updates of a person, and catalog the data of the person from at least 4 hours ago. This works with the constant stream of information nanomachines within each person will keep track of and send the information to the receiving system within the Xuangang. There Millard had made an easily equitable modification that can be added to Omni-tools to access this information.

Millard had spent the last 72 hours working on this project non-stop. Taking breaks to relieve himself, yet nothing else. He knew this project needed to get done as fast as possible, the crew could have been in a dangerous situation and Iris would not have been able to use her Miracle magic. Yet once he finished, he sat back and sighed in relief that he finished. His mind was nearly fried as he almost passed out, yet words filled his head like nails against a chalkboard, as Maria spoke to him in his head.

Millard was awake almost immediately as he stood up and turned on his television, he saw a terrible news report, a terrorist attack, and the kids were all involved. Millard knew they didn't do anything that deranged, Maria's message told him that, but he was still worried as hell. He stood up and knew he needed to do something, yet when he tried his body nearly shut down as he almost toppled over, but he stood up long enough to send a message out to the ship to get all hands on deck to help him set up for medical.

==================Everyone back at the Ship==================

When Millard got out he was ready for anything, he was ready to treat anything, specifically because he thought Iris might have been caught up in the fighting and could be hurt and or knocked out. Yet when they got back through a portal, he didn't see Iris at all, and that was when he got worried. She might have not been close to him, but he had spent plenty of time working on this project and interacting with her, so if she got hurt, he would be upset and worried. Yet his fears are relieved as he saw her come out of the ship.

Millard sighed in relief as he went over to her and held out this strange device, it looked like a long silver rectangular stick, while he did this he said to her, "Good to see you're okay. You had me worried when I didn't see you come out of the portal." Millard shook his head and then continued, "Anyways here. This is an attachment you can place on your omni-tool to allow you to look at the data and information on each person. It should work with you magic".

==================Conference with Moon Strike==================

After their hasty retreat, Millard was gonna take a quick nap to try and be ready for what could be a space chase, yet it seemed their Captain had made a call to all the crew to meet in the Conference room to tell Moonstrike what had happened.

Millard agreed, yet knew he was going to not participate too much in the conversations. His minds was too one tracked and fried right now to allow him to deal with more Bureaucratic nonsense. Yet off he went to be told some very interesting information, apparently, some of their crew had been playing the stock market and gotten them targeted by some pirates. And not only that, it also included them getting all their money stolen. Millard was never here for the money. If he needed money he would have stayed a Doctor, they pay him great and he had a pension from his military time. But to lose all his money, he's happy he spent a good little bit to get supplies and the equipment he needed, or he might just strangle the little shit stain right there.

Millard was not in a good mood as he said with a huff once the call was over, "Alright I'm going to bed, I'm too tired for this shit. Wake me if you need me, this week I've been working too damn hard and too damn long to play the role as the Disappointed Father". As he passed by, he gave Natasha a pat on the shoulder as he continued, "You're move, show them why you're Captain". Millard then went off to sleep, leaving Natasha to do reprimands, after all, it is her job to dish out punishments for fuck ups like this.

Sure it was just money, but it also got one of the crew hurt, brought most of the crew into a fight, probably got them Black-listed from the Bazar, and now had most of the crew at a loss for money. Sure they weren't hurting from the monetary loss as a whole, they had enough funds in physical valuables to keep them from being out of money altogether, so they could keep up with maintenance costs and equipment. However, this definitely was a time to bring in punishment so they know who's boss and what happens to people who do stuff on their own and fuck up. Yet who knows, what does Millard know anyways? He was just a combat medic, and a squad leader, and also trained to become an officer. But who knows what is the right response here?

@dragonpiece@Letter Bee
So I have my spells for Tarak finally made:

1- High Energy Coating (High)- Tarak is able to coat any object he is holding with High magic energy. This gives it the properties of plasma as well as the ability to stop magical healing. When used on his hands the plasma will act as a barrier and allow his hands to act like Plasma bladed weapons and can be used to block and deflect Plasma-based attacks.

2- Supernal Vision (High)- Tarak is able to see magic when Supernal Vision is activated. It can identify the school it is from based on the aura produced from the spell or magic and based on the size or density of the aura it can help to determine the power of a spell.

3- Lapse in Judgment (Mind)- This spell takes advantage of the brain's natural inability to process all the little details around them without overworking itself and burning out. Instead of making Tarak invisible it instead makes his movements difficult to perceive since the brain doesn't recognize him as relevant information, thus making it appear as if they never noticed Tarak. In a fight, this is also effective as it will appear as if they just zoned out until the very moment Tarak is to strike.

4- Repair (Change)- Tarak restores an object to its original state 24 hours ago. The more deteriorated or damaged the object is the higher the cost of repair. Tarak needs to have contact to repair the object. The size he can repair is up to a car, however, this can possibly drain him mattering on the damage done to it.

5- Magitech Creation (HIgh)- Tarak has learned how to create and power Magitech. He doesn't use it in much of his gear, the only real thing is that he uses it for is to have his repair magic on his gear in case it is damaged.

@Letter Bee@Conscripts@The Jest

Team Idiot Savant

Location: The Galactic Bazaar
Interaction: Maria, @The Jest
Mention: Avelyn, @Starlance

Within this cacophony of fighting, Samuel was working quickly to follow the orders tossed to him. His hands and magic were quick, but he was running dry as there were multiple times he was about to almost freeze up, but hearing he was needed helped him keep focus. His mind was racing, and slightly frantic, not knowing when this would be all done. He just had to continue his part.

Tarak was calm and collected, his eyes never broke, his mind never wandered. He was calm and waiting, using the info he got from Avelyn to then give orders was the best he can do. He knew they shouldn't kill, especially with Maria saying the same thing. So he was resorting to using his grenade launcher to fire stun grenades and Phosphorus grenades to keep them from closing in on them.

They were both doing well, until the Goblins came.

The green creatures were gross-looking, to Samuel they looked like the Goblins from Terran Stories. Their eyes looked piercing and ready to kill, Samuel was slightly worried as they seemed to have been made out of some strange fluid-like substance. His first thought was honestly magic, yet he had no clue, all he could do was fire at them quickly before they came close. As the light lance imprinted on his gun is working well and firing strong. Samuel made a sprint over as he continued his fire, making sure that the little freaks never enveloped himself or the others.

Tarak was in a different place when the goblins came. His mind was not in the same space as everyone else, as he looked up he saw the goblins fall and a protocol was already enacted before they even touched the ground: [Music.King.EXE]. As Tarak brought his gun up ready to fire, as started to let loose with his gun. His aim was sharp and his bullets struck true. As his stride forward was calm, he saw the portal and knew where they were going, so he just fired calmly. Even when one of the green monsters nearly jumped his back, Tarak quickly spun and snatched it from the air with his right and slammed its head into the ground, and continued going to the portal. Always making sure that none of the others were left behind.

He looked and checked for Avelyn but she was nowhere to be seen. He sent a quick ping to her Omni-tool to see where she is and found she was on the move and seemed to be moving fast. He wasn't too worried for her, she must of found a nice quick way to get home, probably with some explosions in the background.

After his quick check for Avelyn, he did a once over on everyone as he moved towards the portal. At this point, everyone seemed alright, all he had to do was make sure Maria wasn't having too much fun with the random little deterrents, as he said over the shared mental link 'How you holding up? Must be dizzying fighting mid-air like that hu'. He saw and knew she was doing alright, he just wanted to make sure people were doing okay. And maybe poke fun at their possible misadventures versus these little green gremlins.

Team Idiot Savant

====================On The Way To The Bazaar====================

Upon the Xuanzang, Tarak had been resting, not from anything, in particular, just to rest. Honestly, nowadays it is hard to find a time for some R&R, yet Tarak always finds a way to rest even while everything around him is stressful. Tarak hoped it would be a peaceful time, yet something came knocking. At first, Tarak had no clue who it was, well until they walked right in. Tarak gave very few people the luxury to just walk into his room, one of them being the one and only…

"Hey Tarak", Samuel came in with an interesting expression, one that looked of annoyance and self-loathing, yet looked like he wished to ask something. Tarak decided to see where this is going, so he played along, "Hey Samuel". Samuel was confused as he heard Tarak just say hey back like he was also going to ask a question, but he went right to his question, "Hey…Um look, hey Tarak". Samuel said this with a bit of a look like he was about to ask something really important, "Can you teach me how to fight someone up close. Like you do?" Tarak looked at Samuel with interest, as if asking with just his eyes, Why?

Samuel then continues, "Last fight with Blue Crow I thought of something. I didn't know how to fight without magic". Tarak sat forward as he then said "Ahh, I see". As Samuel continued, "Yeah, and I thought because you were really good at fighting with weapons and your fists you would be a perfect person to ask". Tarak laughed a little as he said, "So you want me to train you on how to fight? You? The scrawny boy?" Tarak stood up as he said with a bit of a grin as he then continued, "Sure why not? It would be fun. Just be warned, I'm not a soft teacher".

====================At the Bazaar====================

Tarak was right, he was not a soft teacher. However, he taught Samuel everything he knew. Choke holds, restraint grabs, joint locks, every cheap blow that the human can do, and how to fight in melee combat with a gun in the hand. Would this 100% help Samuel, Tarak didn't know. Samuel was smart, hell, he picked up on the ideas quickly, however, that didn't mean he had the spirit for it. It is one thing to kill a man with magic and a gun, it is another to see a man die a foot away from your face. It's hard to fight while in pain, it's hard to think while in pain, and when you are inches away from a blade, those things can kill you. So all Tarak can hope is that Samuel will never need to use these skills.

Samuel's side of the story is very different, however. He went through hellish training, for the past few days, he fought, ate, slept, and even went to the restroom when Tarak allowed him to. He had no moment he could spend on his own, and even if he did, Iris was there to rest with him. He had even had his sleep time cut into for more training. Samuel doesn't know if he is any good anymore, all the training, and he feels like he doesn't move even inches closer to being as good as Tarak. However, Tarak seemed to always encourage him, even in his ass getting beat, Tarak still kept his spirit up. Well tried to, Samuel was not much of a man for motivation, but he did believe Tarak's words.

Yet among the training something took their minds off of it entirely, a mental message that came from Maria:

"Emergency situation: Alan has gone to critical mass, something pumped him with an overbearing amount of mana and is currently going out of control. We're attempting to drain the mana out skyward to prevent civilian casualties. But something's wrong, it's becoming an inferno over here. Backup is necessary; Alan will be unconscious when this ends. I repeat, Backup is necessary, but be careful..."

Tarak's hair immediately stood on edge as he barked a commanding, "Move!" Samuel's instincts kick in as he nods and rushes off to his room, he grabs his gear quickly, he was wondering where Iris was as he sends a message, he just hopes that she is okay. Yet before he could call Tarak nearly throws down the door and barks, "We are leaving". Samuel had almost jumped in his suit as Tarak sounded like he was yelling back in the war. Strong, powerful, and even with a sense of command. It's like a pack leader asserting a command to the other wolves. As soon enough, Samuel and Tarak had started to make their way over.

As Tarak and Samuel ran their way out of the ship, Tarak sends a mental message to Maria, "Hey Maria, me and Samuel are on our way over!" While Samuel was looking around and found a large metal plate big enough for both of them. Samuel turned and yelled to Tarak and said, "Tarak! Get on!" Tarak turned and saw Samuel was laying on a large piece of thick metal. Tarak knew something dumb was about to happen but he doesn't question what would happen.

Samuel started to use his Electromagnetism to attach himself and Tarak to the piece of metal they were lying on. As then he used his Electromagnetism to then create a repulsion force underneath them as the metal began to float. Now he began to control the forces as the metal began to move forward. The speed was slow at first, however soon enough Samuel had begun to almost fly with his powers as the speed he gathered reach Ludacris speeds, honestly it was slightly dizzying. Sure, he did have to make sure he is careful with where he went, however going from roof to roof at high speeds was not too much of an issue since they were the easiest place to find metal to do this trick too.

The only real problem was landing…Samuel honestly did not think this part through. However, he did know he could make the landing easier to land near-ish and skid in a park or something. Thankfully they had found a small clearing that allowed for a nice and soft landing. Well, soft would not be an apt term, however, Samuel's quick thinking allowed for him to use his Terrakinesis to take hold of the metal and control descent. The earth formed and shaped to better distribute the force which allowed Tarak and Samuel to come out of this ride with their lunch still in their stomach.

====================At Alan's Pillar====================

As Samuel and Tarak dug themselves out of the earth and rubble, Samuel felt good about that, it was on the fly and was impromptu but it worked out great, Tarak had his reservations, yet it worked well enough. As they looked up and found the pillar was not too far from them, as they began to book it over, they found the congregation of everyone else, but Samuel didn't see Iris. His worry rose, until he noticed he felt quite weak, that was when he knew Iris was not here, and that made his heart rest a little.

He thought his sister might have been caught up in this, he thought him doing so much training might have made it where she didn't answer her Omni-tool. Honestly, he was mortified that she might have been caught up in this all because he ignored her to train, yet those thoughts were sent flying when Tarak barked for him to start to assist with protecting citizens and keep the security off the back of those with the ability to help Alan.

Tarak and Samuel knew well enough how to handle a situation like this, in a non-lethal manner? Less so. However, the skills at their disposal were still more than enough, Samuel's magic to put up barriers, to fry electronics, and control really what they needed, Samuel had the tools. Tarak was there to keep them off when Samuel set things up.

Yet the thing that helped most, and made everything possible, was the information that they seemed to have been getting funneled from Avelyn. She seemed to know what they were thinking and even was about to do a few moments before they did it, so Tarak took command and began telling Samuel and the others assisting with the defense what to do to better put up measures against their assault. Were they perfect, as close as you could get with little warning. Multiple routes were cut off, and multiple Security guards were taken down, and civilians were quickly taken away by Samuel's earth magic. Was it pretty? No, but it was efficient. Honestly, it was the most efficient he has seen information and tools be put to work.

Tarak sent a message to Avelyn to take a breather, no need for her to tire herself out here. Tarak also sent a message to Nero, telling him to not pursue any of the security, there's no need to make targets on the group more than there is. And above all, he tells Samuel to take a rest, he looked like he's about to kill over. For Tarak? He looked back to the pillar wondering when will Alan finally burn out. He didn't understand, this couldn't just be something that happened, this was the first time he saw it, honestly, it was a slightly freaky thing to see. Someone just outputting all of their mana, that couldn't be normal.

@Starlance@FalloutJack@The Jest


In a moment everything had gone wrong. The attack had made that Bird Brain move, yet not how he wanted. This Blue Bird decided to be a pain in the ass to the end, instead of moving and running to hide, yet he decided to go on the attack. Firing shots at random for covering fire. These rounds dig into the ship where Samuel was before and tore apart metals as he rushed Nero, but Samuel had his own problem, as within a moment Samuel heard this disgusting sloshing sound, as he felt this surrounding feeling, something like it was about to swallow him. Yet the moment he felt this, Samuel had to think, his mind raced as he thought of his next move, as he was about to encase himself in stone, yet he saw a light as a portal opened and a chain digs into the weird slime thing and pull it into the portal.

This left them alone, left them winded, and nearly dead. Samuel was tired of today, no this whole week, it has been one stupid thing to another. One dumb decision to another near-fatal encounter, and all because of either decisions made or things that just seem to get in their way. Honestly, Samuel was getting pissed, and he saw it in his sister. She wasn't as good at hiding those feelings from Samuel, neither were good at hiding from the other, yet they both were decent at hiding frustration on their face, their actions though…are a different story. As Samuel watched iris launch a part of the floor and smash it into the wall as she smiled a cute smile and said a cheesy line from a holomovie. As they all began to leave.

Something strange happened though, he felt a strange feeling. Like something happened, yet nothing seemed to have occurred. A strange feeling like energy is being emitted, yet he didn't know what was happening, he chalked it up to someone among them keeping magic up in case something happens. Yet once they made it further, Iris seemed to sigh as that feeling began to leave, maybe Iris was worried and was keeping magic up incase, which made Samuel slightly happy, she seemed to have now calmed down. Samuel lets out a sigh as they make their way back to the ship.

@dragonpiece@Letter Bee@6slyboy6@FalloutJack


Millard had looked into the eyes of this strange girl. Her eyes seemed to have a being in them, she doesn't seem to live, but those eyes are very similar to his own. She seems gone, dead, like something was taken, her very being seemed to have been taken. Like something was stolen and can never be given again, so with a small smile Millard looked to her, his eyes seemed to have changed into something like her's, dead. He sees her and he feels pain. She seems to have so much taken, so much stolen, Millard feels sadness from this pain, as he sees himself in her, a lost little lamb who had so much taken from them.

Within that same moment, right when Millard had lost his composure, it was immediately regained as when the girl looked to him and asked him his alignment to her. Millard hardened himself again as he said, "Friend. My name is Millard" As he quickly stood up and began to take out the keys given to him to start unlocking the cells so he can get the kids going. As it seems there has been some…Fun happening with some of the kids. Millard wishes for no more unexpected visitors, and he wishes for them to leave soon, thankfully it sounds like people are already clearing out. Well, it will be time for them soon, they just need Laurey to get their package before they get to leave quickly.

He sends a quick message to the support team to start getting everything rolling.

>>>Fireteam Harpy reporting in, we are about to collect the Prisoners. Exfilling in 5 mins.

Once the message is sent he takes his keys and begins to unlock Maria's Cell, as he then kneels and asks her, "Do you know if any other friends are in here?" Millard wished to know how she got brought into this mess, but that can wait, first they need to get out of here before more interruptions emerge.

@jdh97@The Jest@The Man Emperor@6slyboy6


The Warden of the Prison Ship, Minerva de Silva, was a surprisingly affable woman whose heavyset build contrasted with rosy cheeks, curly red hair, and a wide smile. She said to Tarak, "So that's what a Star Marine looks like - You could pass for my son, you know that? You know, I didn't believe that the Ascendancy Military would use children at first, but considering that you must be prodigies and all, they must have given you guys a pass to volunteer for Ascendancy Service..."

Tarak had met the Warden of this ship and his immediate feelings to her was a gut feeling of disgust. Yet he never let anything show, after all, someone who was good at their job could smell something like this with ease. So he let her continue to speak, as he calmly listened hearing as she spoke of the voluntary service as Tarak said in a calm smooth voice, "All of us happily volunteered for the honor to protect mankind from the vile grasp of the Aliens and their Coalition". Tarak had been trained to say this line from many higher-ups when government officials came to interview Star Marines.

Then a pause from the Warden, "We have a few people claiming to be Star Marines, and they have the abilities and powers to match, but they aren't loyal, if you get my drift. Do you want me to remand them to you guys as well? I'd be happy to do so... Once we have our meal, of course."

Tarak gave a nod and said, "We would be happy to take the prisoners off of your hands and thank you for the meal". With that Tarak sat down with the Warden and his companions as he waited to be served.

And with that, a few crew folk would gladly serve Tarak, Trajen, and Avelyn some heated MREs, even as Warden de Silva was saying, "Oh, and Kherol is sending one of his people here to meet with you guys - Vice-Admiral Kotaro Winterborn himself!"

As Tarak was given his food, he thanked the men and listened to the Warden as he heard something that made his heart sink. Another person was coming here to meet with them, the Vice-Admiral himself. Tarak had a bad feeling he wasn't here to see them off in good wishes. Yet his face was composed like a tranquil river, there was clockwork in his mind racing to figure out a way to set this up in their best interest, after all, he couldn't just use his Omni-tool to talk to the others.

Tarak knew one thing for certain he needed to hope the others get what they need quickly before the world comes down on them. As Tarak noticed his other companions seem to make some form of contact, maybe it was just a friendly gesture, or it was to secretly pass info, he had no clue, all he knows is that they will need to tell the others to hurry, even if they don't know what this new development means. Yet he knew that he needs to keep the act, so he started a conversation with the Warden to keep her attention towards himself. "Excuse me, ma'am, has everything here been okay? It seems to be crashed on a rebelling planet didn't seem to be the best conditions".

@Starlance@Letter Bee@The Man Emperor


Samuel had noticed something odd occur in the midst of everyone's scurry, Nero's magic went out of control. No, he didn't lose control, it evolved! It enhanced and formed to a new shape, now it was an area casted spell. Nero didn't just enhance his own magic, but also Samuel's magic and armor. Samuel didn't know what exactly happened, but all he knew was that this was the time to act, just as Nero stated.

Samuel wanted to do his more…effective attack, yet it seemed that damn sword can keep up a pretty solid defense, so instead, Samuel used his other idea. Taking up a baton quickly, he formed a stone tube that is holding the baton facing towards Crow. Inside the tube, Samuel is using his electromagnetism to speed up the baton in the tube before launching it out towards that Bird-brained merc. This magical attack is just the equivalent of a railgun, so he has high hopes in the fact that it will punch through the shield, or well, at least keep the bastard busy for a few moments so they can leave.

Once the baton was ready, Samuel got ready to move. Once launched, a loud boom echoed the area as the baton was let loose at speeds faster than any bullet flew. Samuel was ready for this though as he braced for it as he opened up his stone wall that is pushing against Crow to allow the baton to go through and hit his shield. This was when Samuel began to make a run for the designated opening that was to be made.

@FalloutJack@Letter Bee@dragonpiece


Millard had taken a good look at everything. His knowledge of ships was slightly limited, but he knew his general location, as Jan finally took them to the cell blocks, where yelling could be heard throughout. Honestly, Millard's first reaction upon hearing this yelling was to silence them. Yet he held his tongue he didn't wish to play too deep into the character, after all, there is no one in this Galaxy that is that aggressive.

Once they finally reached the Star Marines, he saw 2 faces he had no clue of, a small child who looked like she was a small husk of a 4-year-old child and a very irritated young man. Honestly, he had no clue who they were or who they could have been, but he had to try and find a way to know who they were. So when Laurey wanted to go off with Jan by herself to collect the Realist, this got him exactly what he needed, time to talk to the kids and they were still keeping everything moving.

Millard looked towards Laurey and said, "Alright Hawthorn, you and Jan take a walk, while we straighten these kids out". Millard had now looked back as he noticed Finbarr had already taken to the more agitated of the two kids, as Millard decided to go to the quiet of the tow, as he kneeled down and asked the girl through the gate, "Hey there little one. What's your name?" Millard had no clue the age of this girl, honestly, he thought she was around 6 or so, so for him, he felt strange with being super aggressive to her. He wanted to show he was serious, yet to be serious with a small child unable to do her magic? That just seemed like overkill.

But in the midst of his questioning, he heard the voice of a man he knew, his voice could cut its' way through any crowd, Joey. Strangely enough, it sounded like the man was on the level below him. Millard had a very intense urge to check on the man, yet right now the mission was to blend in, so he will have to leave Joey where he is for now, Millard knew the boy could wait a little longer.

@Letter Bee@The Man Emperor@jdh97
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