Avatar of The World


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2 mos ago
Current This link expires in two days, but if anyone is wondering what combined with writer's block has been occupying my time recently, I don't think this'll dox me: streamable.com/o13hsy
6 mos ago
"What is life if not a chance to make more regrets?" - YourMoonstone
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6 mos ago
"It's not my fault that god didn't make you guys in his image." - IBeatPandas (Twitch Streamer)
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7 mos ago
Finally back on my own computer.
2 yrs ago
Honestly, a Trauma Center x Toyko Ghoul (with or without Code Lyoko in it) sounds like a phenomenal concept.
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"And how smart you are only determined which way you fall." - a dream I had once
"Court should be adjourned because the jury are fools, and the judge can't decipher his left from his right or his right from his wrong." - Streetlight Manifesto (The Hands That Thieve)
"Time whether wasted or well spent is still time." - Rise Against (Zero Visibility)
"Your honor, I think there's a discrepancy. Apparently, the Constitution guarantees freedom of speech, but the First Amendment only guarantees freedom of speech on condition that you do not speak." - RC

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by The World>

Suzy: *Laughs.* I'm fully prepared.

Follow me then. *Walks through one of the doors and out to a very large, smooth rock that's flat on the side nearest* Stand in front of this, facing away from it.
<Snipped quote by The World>

Suzy: *Gets to work on practicing, and after about a week or two she's able to replace her entire blood supply.*

There's still a good chance you'll die, are you prepared for that?
<Snipped quote by The World>

Suzy: *Groans* Alright...
*Puts down my cards and pulls out a knife.*
Healing really isn't my thing though.

<Snipped quote by The World>

Suzy: Kinda?

*Sighs* Practice. Make a deep cut and work on it until you can replenish your entire supply easily. That's the entry requirement.
<Snipped quote by The World>

Suzy: *Looks up from the card game.* If that's the only downside, I'll keep trying until I get it.
Samantha: *Deadpan, without looking up.* If that's the case, don't be surprised when "S" works your butt off in order to pay the bill.
Suzy: *Makes a wave away motion in Samantha's direction.* Yeah yeah, I'll deal with that when it happens. Got any 5's?
Samantha: Go fish.
Suzy: Drat.

Have you learned to replenish your blood supply yet?
<Snipped quote by The World>

*Samantha and Suzy are sitting down and playing cards against eachother.*

Well, he's a long ways off. Before we begin, it's important to ask you, Suzy, do you want to learn how your internal EE network works? Doing so has a high chance of death, and you can only do it before you learn to use ki, if you choose to do it.
Nine Shinigami stood inside the Squad 5 barracks, eight facing one. The time had finally come for them to remove the annoying show-off who had betrayed their Captain. Shion stood alone as the others attacked one by one, each doing significant damage, though she gave as good as she got. The rest of those who stood with the Lieutenant were off fighting in a bigger battle; there was nobody to save her as the other Soul Reapers continued their assault.

Finally, Shion fell to the ground, her wounds overtaking her. Damn... I guess this is it then... Looks like I couldn't save the Captain after all...

Suddenly, she heard a voice like static inside her head. D̷̡̧͢͝o͢͟͏ ̡͢͝y҉͏ó͜͡ų̶.̷̵̢̛͏.͏͏̛́.̶͝ ̶̶́҉w҉͘͠͏i̴̛͝s͏̢h̷̛͠ ̛́t̸o̸̵͘͜͟ ̶̢͢l̴̛̀͢͡í̷͞v̧̧͜͠҉e̶?҉

What? What was that voice? Did she wish to live? What kind of question is that? Of course I do! I have to bring the Captain back! I have to survive!

The static came again. T͜͟͟͏ḩ̨͝͏è͠n͞͏͏̸͟ ̸̀c̷̕͡͞a̸͘͜͜l̛l͢͞͏̀͘.̸́͝.̡̢͟͢.̶̸́͜ ̀m̷̡̡̛҉y͟҉̢͞ ̛҉ņ̴a͏m̵̛̛͘͡e̴̡̨.̴̢̧͟.͏̷̕͢.͏̀

Something in Shion's mind clicked and she slowly raised herself up, supporting her weight with her Zanpakuto. The others simply laughed, what was the point in continuing fighting? They'd simply crush her and move on to the next batch. If they kept together and fought enemies one by one, they'd be able to beat even seated members if they were careful. Shion's voice came harsh and forced. "Flash." In an instant she disappeared, even her spiritual presence was gone. "Kireikage." Her voice came from behind the furthest away Reaper, who suddenly fell over as Shion's presence was sensed by the other seven. She had moved so fast that she had practically disappeared! How was that even possible!?

As soon as the sensation of her presence appeared, it disappeared again along with Shion herself, only to once again reappear behind one of the other Shinigami. With a singular stab to the heart, she fell down as well. Shion quickly dispatched of the rest in a similar manner before falling to the ground herself, exhausted. The earlier fight had drained her stamina and she needed to rest. But as soon as she recovered, she was going to find the Captain and bring her back to the side of the Seireitei, she swore it.

After resting for a few minutes, she stood up and began walking towards the sound of the nearest battle. By the end of the night, she'd have claimed the lives of 51 of her fellow Soul Reapers in a similar fashion, most of which were from her own squad.

<Snipped quote by The World>

Salvador: *Grumbles, but does as he's told. Stabbing the sword into the ground, he crouches and starts meditating.*

*Speeds up the passage of time in the room and leaves, returning the the girls*
<Snipped quote by The World>

Salvador: You're kidding me.

Sit and meditate with it. Meditate on trying to commune with it.
<Snipped quote by The World>

Salvador: And? Don't talk in circles.

<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

*The waitress ret

And, you're treating it like a tool. A zanpakuto is literally a part of your soul. You have to form a connection with it in order to use it to its full potential.
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