Avatar of TheHangedMan


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4 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
Today's the first time in a long time that I've felt empty. Not even sad or tired, just empty. This quarantine is getting to me more than I thought.
4 yrs ago
@Jessica Bunny: You live in America! College is optional (and expensive) and around you is opportunity. I believe you can make it!
4 yrs ago
Magical Girl RP, Original World: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
4 yrs ago
Oh shit, I've been surrounded! The room is ripe with the scent of bitches!


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The hulking figure turned and walked away without another word, much to the relief of several students. Still, a tense sort of awkwardness hung in the air - a result of the fact that Hilda was still holding his I.D.

Francisco patted her on the shoulder. "I'm thinking that this is the first time you've been challenge to a duel, yes?" He squeezed her shoulder slightly. "If so, you probably don't know what you're getting into."

The duel had been accepted, and now that it was official, the enforcers nodded to each other, some of them leaving the cafeteria. One approached Hilda.

"Will prepare a space in the dueling grounds for you. We'll call you later today, once it's prepared."

"I'd think about the terms of the duel in the meantime, if I were you," Francisco interjected. "But, ah, try not to overthink it." The flippancy in his tone was forced, and there was an obvious undercurrent of worry in it. The same worry was on the expressions of several students around Hilda, though some of them did have a look of excitement on their faces.

Well, it was to be expected. First day of classes and there was already an official duel, and Morholt of all people was involved. Things hardly got more exciting than that.

The enforcers got into the task of dispersing the people, and finally, things seemed to calm down for the moment. Eventually, things returned to normal.

Slowly, the mess hall was emptied out as students finished breakfast and turned to their rooms - most turned into catch up on some much needed sleep. Activity wouldn't pick up until afternoon, where most students began awaking once again. Classes wouldn't start until the next day, to give students some time to adjust to their surroundings, but the lecture halls and other facilities would be open in that time. More importantly, a list of available field trips had been releases, to the pleasure of many.

Time passed, and the dark of early morning gave way for a brilliant blue sky, signalling what was officially the start of a new day.

@Jay Kalton

@Migyudon @Natsu
@TheSeriousJoke I take a look at it soon.

Do we want to check who's still in to play this!

I think a majority are still here, just waiting for the pace to pick up. Admittedly, it's a bit slow and the recent delay of my next post isn't helping, but I'm sure activity will increase once the ball gets rolling.
@pentagoon I don't think I've seen a player with a post-day ratio like yours before. Anyway, we'd be glad to have you if you're willing.
Slight delay with the next post. School things are getting in the way.
Bumping for fresh blood!
Next post will be up in a few hours. I suggest that the ones that need to get a post up do so soon.

Tagging @Pleek and @HylianRose just in case you missed the first one.
@TheHangedMan What kinda time are we looking at for your next post? Who're we waiting on?

Waiting on @Kaesus, @Pleek, and @HylianRose; I'll give them a day before moving things along. The next post should effectively end today's events.
Yes. Unless the person refuses or if she's being coerced into it.
It's left out intentionally for Hilda, who's new. For the older students, a duel starts by presenting your ID to the challenged. If the duel is accepted, then the challenger can name the terms of the duel. Technically, the challenger can name anything but duels also have social reprecussions, so skewing the erms in your favor too heavily is frowned upon.



The enforcers arrived after Alex's display of BoxDog, running towards them only to slow down warily as they approached Morholt. Apparently, even the enforcers were wary of the hulking gray-skinned giant. Morholt himself had taken stock of the new arrivals, his eyes glancing at them for a moment before returning to the summon above him attempting to bite down. The giant actually gripped the summoned constructs mouth, and bent its teeth as though it were the cardboard it appeared to be, and tossed it back towards Alex with a grunt.

Glaring at Hilda and Francisco, the giant suddenly reached across its neck and snapped its I.D. off, tossing it to the girl. At the action, Francisco's eyes narrowed.

"Why don't you challenge me first? It hardly seems fair to challenge the person who was uninvolved just a scant few seconds earlier to a duel."

Morholt's only response was to growl at the man.

At this development, the enforcers had to pause their steady advance towards him. It was a bit of a cop out, but they couldn't do anything in the face of an official challenge, save wait for the outcome. Of course, Hilda had the option of refusing, and it wouldn't be unusual, however . . . Hilda inexplicably accepted.

@HeroicSociopath @Natsu @Jay Kalton
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