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6 days ago
Current Replace my bones with rats. I must writhe.
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20 days ago
You either die a hero or live and do something else.
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1 mo ago
All fish dream of the stars.
2 mos ago
You cannot fathom my desire to install additional hinges in my bones.
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2 mos ago
People are always saying that murder is bad, but you know who never gets asked? The victims. I have no idea whether murder is okay or not, but I certainly know who we should be asking about it.


I am me... I hope.

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Are you open for a fourth? @RC3
I am still here! I'll draft something up when I've got the chance.
Felix Jones — MY-1801-FJ

The boy watched the interaction play out in front of him, trying his hardest not to be noticed from where he stood. He had briefly considered positioning himself between the teen and older woman when the former of the two had expressed some measure of hostility towards the latter, but in the end, his shyness had gotten the better of him and he’d decided not to try and intervene unless something actually happened. Fortunately, it didn’t come to that, as the boy’s shadowy friend had moved further down the corridor, drawing with him the attention of the rest of the group.

"Please tell me I am not the only one that sees that.", the boy was confused when he heard the teens words. Why would she be the only one to see his friend? Not knowing how to respond the boy opted not to instead rushing to catch up with the aforementioned friend. It was only then that the boy began to hear the voices that his friend must have been reacting to when he’d moved down the corridor just moments before. One was enough, why did they have to keep encountering new people?

The boy noted the appearances of the new group as he reluctantly followed his friend closer to them, not really finding much of note within their appearances, at least not by his own standards, save for the colour of the patches they had on their clothing. Red not yellow. Did that mean they were more dangerous or something? The boy felt like that might be close, but with his memories missing as they were he couldn’t quite tell and trying to work it out in his head only caused his mind to once again spiral into frustrating confusion, prompting him to squeeze the stuffed animal his friend had handed him to calm himself.

His confusion was short-lived however, being interrupted and immediately replaced with different questions as the smaller of the two newcomers introduced themselves and their companion. “You know your names?”, the boy asked, hoping that even though they’d just admitted to not knowing anything about this place that they might at least have some answers for him to go off, he definitely didn't much like being confused.

I've long since given my soul over to the Isekai genre, so this definitely has my interest.
Felix Jones — MY-1801-FJ

The boy watched his friend as he awaited their response, absentmindedly wondering if the wisps of shadowy stuff were thicker than they had been just moments before. Noticing his friend making some kind of gesture to him, a fist with their thumb pointed towards the ceiling, confusion flashed across the boy’s face as he tried to determine the meaning behind the motion, a lifetime without meaningful social interaction having left him at a loss to many basic social conventions. The boy’s confusion was short-lived, however, as only moments later the accompanying message reached the boy, making the gestures meaning clear, “Good idea”. Unlike the last time his friend had spoken, this time the boy was pretty certain that his friend hadn’t physically spoken, their voice seeming to have come from somewhere directionless. In his head maybe? The boy dismissed the thought, as far as he was concerned some people just spoke like that and right now he was more preoccupied with the pride that had begun to well up in him from the praise he'd received, however small that praise had actually been.

The boy moved to follow his companion, the smile on his face showing that his pleased feeling had not yet faded. The boy noticed his friend making the same thumbs-up gesture and another that the boy recognised as ‘come here’ to the girl but didn’t think much of it, it wasn’t like he was being asked to do anything difficult like speak to her after all. The boy found a strange comfort in having someone friendly to walk beside, an alien feeling, but a nice one nonetheless. Unfortunately, it wasn’t long before the boy was snapped out of his stupor by a loud banging noise, followed by another, then another, then another, until, with a metallic screech, the noise stopped.

The boy saw the girl hold the flat of her palm out towards him and his friend. That one meant she wanted them to stop, didn't it? Watching her as she slowly began to move in the direction the noise had emanated from just moments before, the boy saw her clutching tightly in her hands the unidentified object he’d noticed earlier, what appeared to be some sort of sharpened instrument, made out of what looked like bone. Was she planning to go and see if whatever had made the noise was dangerous? He guessed so. Did she want to protect his friend and him? Even if he was too shy to talk to her the boy certainly didn’t want anyone to get hurt for his sake. Should he try and help her? The idea of facing whatever had made that crashing noise before seemed a little scary, but for whatever reason, the boy felt like it probably couldn’t hurt him, or maybe more like it wouldn’t matter much if it did… And maybe if he helped out his new friend would praise him some more afterwards? After several long moments of contemplation and hesitation, the boy decided he’d help the girl, taking a deep breath as he slipped his hand away from his friend’s and moved to position himself just behind the girl, trying his hardest to appear as small as possible as he did so.

Felix Jones — MY-1801-FJ

The boy huddled closer to his friend even as they waved to the newcomer. It looked like his friend planned on trying to communicate and the boy briefly reconsidered his plan to avoid contact. He wanted to help his friend so maybe stepping up would be a good idea? Then again talking to new people was scary and if neither the boy nor his new friend knew what was going on, what were the chances that the newcomer would? But what if he could get answers for his friend, would that make them happy? The boy’s head began to spin as he debated with himself the merits of talking or remaining silent, until he was snapped out of his head by a sudden shrieking noise from above, lasting just moments before the hallway was plunged into silence and darkness.

The boy reached to grip the hand resting upon his shoulder, clinging to it as though his friend might just disappear if he let go, which given how dark it now was didn’t seem entirely outside the realm of possibility. Up until now the boy hadn’t been particularly worried about the circumstances he’d woken up to. He hadn’t found anything strange about his environment, save for the lighting, and even then he’d chalked that up to some kind of malfunction. The lack of memories was frustrating, but even with it, everything had felt familiar to the boy. Yet as a strange thrumming noise began to build up from somewhere within the darkness, a sound wholly unfamiliar to the boy, fear and doubts finally began to creep into the boy’s mind.

Finally, the sound died down and with its departure the lights switched back on, this time bathing the hallway in a dull yellow light, still a far cry away from how the boy felt it was supposed to look but certainly much closer than it had been before. The boy noticed the newcomer was holding something that he didn’t think she had been before, but before he could examine the object his attention was instead drawn to the sound of a speaker crackling to life. A voice echoed from the speaker, making two announcements each repeated once over, providing some semblance of explanation and a set of instructions respectively.

Even if the announcement had failed to answer any of his questions, they had helped to ease the doubts forming in the boy’s mind. Tugging on his friend's arm, the boy pointed down the hallway in the direction he guessed the canteen might be. “We should go find the canteen”, he said, speaking softly. He couldn’t quite remember why but he felt that he was supposed to listen to the voices over the speaker.


Ahh got a draft up! The whole thing probably needs to be edited and refined, the things in {{}} are just placeholder's and I've changed/moved around a bit from the original, but for the most part, it should be a pretty complete draft. It's getting late here and I can't see any glaring mistakes at the moment, so I'll work on it more tomorrow.
I'm not sure how much has changed, but the CS template is at least the same as the original version of this RP so if your looking for examples the Character Sheets from that might be helpful.
Actually, on the topic of stats are they an actual tangable force in setting or just a measurement used to gauge power levels?

I'm probably gonna rework Phann for this given the CS is pretty much the same as the original version. Aside from the stats being more flexible is there anything else I should be aware of for the purposes of reworking the character?
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