Avatar of Tortoise


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5 mos ago
Current Sad to say I'm currently experiencing Writer's Block. Luckily I learned Writer's Kung Fu and I can chop the block in half with my hands like Bruce Lee
6 mos ago
Why is the sun like bread? It rises in the yeast, and sets in the waist. Haha! Isn't that so cute? Join my RP or more puns will come.
7 mos ago
What's the difference between a Hollywood actor and a piece of driftwood? One is Justin Timberlake. The other is timber, just in a lake. Hahathisiswhati'mdoinginsteadofwriting
8 mos ago
Hey, folks: I've just kicked off an RP, a fantasy where you can worldbuild as much as you can adventure. So if, like me, you like worldbuilding nearly as much as writing, check out Pilgrim's Caravan
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3 yrs ago
That moment when losing a character in a rougelike makes you want to shed tears. No backup. It's gone.


Current RP I want you to join: roleplayerguild.com/topics/191461-car…

Hey y'all. I've been at this for about 10 years, and I've played a lot of kinds of RP. I like fantasy and sci-fi the most, just because they give me the most to play around with, but I'm cool with almost anything. I just like writing.

(I'm also trying to slowly break into writing as a profession, but apparently that's not enough work for me, so I'm here too. I'm starting to think this place is just where I get out all my bad ideas)

Most Recent Posts

@Eldritch Puppy

Approved. The way you wrote the history was very clever: you explain every strange or unique thing about the nation as the overcoming of an obstacle.

Why are they militant? Shards.
Why are they tall? Gravity.
Why do they have a big navy? Shards- but this time from space.
Why is their government unusual? All of the above.

I like it
Two Collabs Between @Tortoise and @Irredeemable

The ‘Demon of Zeta’ had started to become a little less demonic as time wore on. More glimpses of their form had gotten out, and no matter how efficient they were in killing, their form always received a small amount of damage, and there was no hope of proper repairs so far from Zeta. So, they had kept their body patched up in the field however they could, and continued to push it to the limits as they tore through anyone that stood in the way of their vengeance.

Now though, their time was waning. The Collective had always supported the White Flowers, and now that they had formalised their rule Eta-Theta could cause a diplomatic incident. They had one last target to cross off their checklist, and that would be that. The body would be destroyed, and Eta-Theta would return home at last.

Their chest complained a little as the holster was revealed for the last time, the android pulling the gun free and sliding the hatch shut once again. They inserted the last bullet directly into the gun and racked the slide to chamber it, before holstering it in a pilfered protector holster. They had saved this bullet for a specific person. A specific person that was currently scratching out a living in the wastelands of the new-old world.

Their footsteps could be heard as they walked along a baked-earth road. The mufflers that had allowed Eta to be so stealthy when they had first arrived had blown out after a particularly long fall, and besides, it wasn’t worth it to be stealthy any more. They had made a promise. They were merely keeping it.

Finally, they stopped in front of the ruins of a building, where a tired man pulled odd-looking fruit from a withered looking bush.

”Hello Yun.”

Wind whistled through the towering, creaking monolith over their heads; a construct of black, rusted metals, two hundred meters high- and still standing. That building, and the sea of others around it, was one the few Bezian ruins left. It was where the exiles were sent. This was the place you went to when the government didn't want you dead, just… out of the way. And now it was Yun’s home. He barely lifted his head.

“Hello, Eta-Theta.”

The android creaked closer, damaged joints and clicking microservos allowing the android to walk its way slowly opposite the man, then sit down on a desiccated log, staring the ex-protector down. The gun sat between their legs, the killing machine making no movement to draw it up and fire the shot that had been delayed as planets crumbled and regimes fell.

“You know what you made me realise, Yun?” Eta-Theta asked, eyes fixed on the ex-protector’s face. ”Most of the Collective, they… See the best in humanity. They see human flesh as a… Natural stage of their life. But you… When you threw me out that airlock.”

There was a long pause. In Yun’s mind, names replayed.

”When you killed me.” If the android had needed to breathe, now was when it would do so.

”You allowed me to understand that humanity. At least. Most of humanity. The kind of humanity you come from…”

“Is to be despised.”

Yun met the machine’s eyes- two black holes that went into oblivion.

“I. Hate. You.”

Eta-Theta’s hand clenched and unclenched. ”If you carved the word ‘hate’ into every single nanoangstrom of the hundreds of kilometers of wiring through me, you would not have even scratched the surface of the OCEAN of hatred that I have for you.”

“Alright.” Yun spoke. “You hate me. And you’re going to kill me. But you won’t feel better after it. You’ll hate the memory of me. You’ll think of me and hate. If you can dream, you’ll dream of me. This isn’t a release.” Of the seven that Yun had killed, not one made him feel better. Heralds dropped. He still lived in his killer’s head, the ghost of hate.

There is nothing left to live for.

“Go on, then, toaster. Pull the trigger and hate me forever.”

”Good.” Eta-Theta nodded. ”I don’t want a release. I want to see your face. Bloodied on Zeta. Petrified as I shot that protector on these neon streets. Tired. Worn down. I told you to live your best life, Yun. I hope you did it.

The android raised the gun up and towards Yun’s face.

”You planted a seed on Zeta, Yun. Now, here’s its fruit.”

The gun’s report disturbed a flock of hardy birds that had followed the exiles out here.

Eta-Theta paused for a moment. Then, their body’s self-destruct programs activated, and Eta-Theta left the planet of New Hollywood.


It was a gorgeous day to enjoy Isla Lobasla. Although Il Duque himself was currently absent, (the near-death of his eldest daughter and the uproar in the senate would do that,) the island itself was open for business and pleasure as usual. Isla Lobasla, so named because of its carefully managed wolf population that had been introduced shortly after the colony had made landfall was both an industrial and cultural powerhouse. It was home to some of the planet’s oldest lodestone fields, which had lead the de Lobasla clan to rapidly become one of the wealthiest on the planet, becoming patrons of the arts and the church even before the Republic had been founded.

Of course, this history had led to the clan being surrounded in no small amount of controversy and hostility. Quiet whispers decried the de Lobasla’s as either beneficiaries of a dictator’s good graces or even descended from a dictator that had retired or abdicated instead of being overthrown or assassinated. They had the dubious distinction of having had the most assasination attempts made on them by both rebels and loyalists, had been challenged to the most duels of any of Matuvistas ‘Old Houses,’ and the family tree was so confused and muddled that a poorly timed death could send the whole house into a succession struggle to see who emerged as formal patriarch or matriarch of the clan.

Of course, the Oligarchs currently relaxing on one of the island’s most popular beachside resorts would have known nothing of this. Perfect surfing waves crashed into pearly white beaches, the view of the ocean only spoiled by the vast anti-storm and anti-kaiju structures erected several miles offshore. It was nonetheless picturesque, the Oligarchs enjoying a pampered vacation, complete with cocktails, compliments of Il Duque.

Abadi took another sip of her own cocktail, something pink in a posh little glass, and fought the instinct to start classifying it by "culture, kind and era." No, that's not true: she didn't have to just fight that instinct, she had to beat it off with a wooden stick. If this were New Hollywood, she'd have been talking dutifully with an Oligarch twenty years her senior about the most famous wines of Old Italy, circa 1729.

Stop thinking about New Hollywood stuff, she told herself, unsuccessfully, and continued to think about New Hollywood stuff.

She'd never actually worn a swimsuit before. There was no time to relax as a child- she had to study. Her family, like the family of a certain other young Oligarch- but that other one was a traitor- had been on the sidelines of ECU politics. The wealthier ones, the Isabella's of her own world, had their culture parties and their fame and their opulence without work. But Abadi earned her place: day one, she worked. How many social chances had she missed? She started escaping to culture parties themed around the American and British rock subcultures at sixteen. That was when her life seemed to actually start.

Rudely, completely uninvited, a memory rushed to her mind. Playing on the beach as a girl, with her dad, who seemed so big then. He was a giant. She was- what, seven? Eight? The hooks of life hadn’t quite forced their way into her, that young, despite much trying. They wouldn’t catch her until later.

Oh, she thought, returning her mind to the real and present beach of Isla Lobasla, I guess I have done this before.

An uncomfortable moment passes. Unfairly blue waves break on the sand.

I wonder how Isabella is doing?

That question would perhaps be answered more rapidly than she might think. For now, Abadi would have to make do with a very different individual. They had clearly come for a reason as well, their eyes scanning the beach. A young man, no more than twenty four or twenty five, with neatly trimmed brown hair, a white collar around his neck and a light linen robe. The garb was finished with a long series of golden links around his neck, ending with a large, heavy Matuvistan cross. The same cross was mimicked on the front of the book he carried, a thick tome bound in red leather.

He stopped before one of the other oligarchs, talked for some time, and then moved on, his lightweight sandals making easy work of the boardwalk. Then, something about Abadi seemed to cause him to stop and approach.

“Hello there.” The man said pleasantly. “My name is Padre Cristiano. You’re one of the Oligarchs, aren’t you? My sincerest sympathies. You’ve lost so much already.” He paused for a long moment, then gestured to the sunlounger beside Abadi. “May I sit? I assure you, I won’t take up much of your time.”

“You may,” she said, instinctively, politely. But her thoughts only said Oh no.

“Thank you.” Cristiano nodded pleasantly, then carefully planted him on the corner of the seat, his eyes just barely shaded by the provided umbrella. “Tell me something, Oligarch… Pardon me, what’s your name, miss?”

She answered, adding that it was an Old Arabic name- then wondered if her visitor knew what that was.

“That’s a lovely name.” He inclined his head with a smile. “Abadi, I have heard that New Hollywood was a regime unfamiliar with religion, but… In your years of living… Have you wondered if there was something more to this universe than meets the eye?”

“Oh, by Earth, he’s one of those,” said another voice, not Abadi’s, but definitely one she recognized. He’d been almost following her since that one night in the Meeting Place months ago, popping up suddenly in social spaces- just short of being creepy. Called the “Dis-Count Dracula” back home, like Count Dracula’s cheaper cousin. How could someone so tall be so stealthy?

Andrei Fedorov- in pink, floral swimming trunks that could only be ironic- sat himself uninvited on the sand beside them both. His hair somehow stayed slicked back even in that wet air. Abadi performed a mental calculation to determine how much product he must use to transform it into plastic: the answer is ‘too much.’

“There’s nothing more to the universe than the stuff you feel,” he declared, very certainly.

Cristiano’s eyes moved slowly towards Andrei, the soft, affable smile never leaving his lips. “Ah, but, just think. What you feel can be changed. I’m not certain if the custom of using psychoactives continued in New Hollywood, but,” he laughed a little, “I know it has in the Gran Republic. If you have indulged, consider how different that was to how you are now. Perhaps you were convinced you could see things that did not exist, or you felt strange sensations in your body?” He looked at the pair, (mostly Andrei,) to see the response.

Abadi laughed, only a little strained. "I think Andrei prefers alcohol."

He winked, saying "I think Andrei does, too, and you know what else he pre-" but she cut off whatever inappropriate thing he was about to say. The Oligarchs are new here, Andrei. You need to wait at least five more business days before causing an international incident.

"See, Cristiano," her voice carried over Andrei's, "my country has had bad experiences with... with religion. It divides people’s loyalty. That’s why the Mixtists are rebels. The Cult of Earth was well-intentioned, but their name says it all, doesn't it? I- I respect what you believe, but for me, I think it's best to focus on what's..." what is the best way to phrase this? "... on what's real."

You know, that was probably not the best way to phrase it.

Cristiano nodded along. “Of course, I understand that you’ve had negative experiences with religion before. Subversive elements, rebellion… Terrible, of course, but, if you’ll allow me to share something I find quite wonderful…” Above them in the sky hung the three moons, barely visible in the day. “Even up there, where our own rebels try to undermine everything we have strived to build… Our faith unifies us. It is the duty of Padres and Madres such as myself to cross the divide that has been rent between us, and use our faith to reconcile the two sides.”

After a few moments of silence, he turned to look back to Abadi. “But tell me then, Abadi. What makes you think that this.” He held up the book that was still pressed to his chest. “Is not real?”

She looked away, half embarrassed. This man obviously believed so sincerely. She’d never had faith like that in anything- except once, in Earth, and that turned out to be a lie. Earth is dead. Where were the saints when that happened? This is the real reason she didn’t believe in religions. But out loud, she fell back to the safety of: “There’s just no proof.”

Cristiano nodded in understanding. “To me, the proof is all around us. The sand, the seas, the moons and stars that hang above us in the sky. We are the witnesses of creation, and the saints are the architects of that creation.” He set the book down next to him for a moment and turned to face Abadi head-on. She felt wholly uncomfortable- and halfway interested.

“If that’s not enough to convince you however, there is something else we can do. The saints want to guide you, as they have done for me throughout my life. If you hold out your hand for them, they will take it. Try praying even once, saying ‘saints, if you are real, reveal yourselves to me.'” His smile widened.

“Even if you don’t believe me now, if you are honest and true, and pursue faith with that same honesty and truth, you will find what you seek. I promise you that.”

Andrei rolled his eyes. “Yeah, and if you seek unicorns hard enough, one’ll pop out of your birthday cake.”

Abadi stifled a chuckle, but even while she did, part of her knew that wasn’t what the preacher was saying. It’s not that believing something makes it true. It’s that, if the saints exist, it makes some sense that they could show themselves to someone who looked for them. If you are honest and true. The former liaison didn’t know if she was either of those things, considering her life, her old job. But maybe…

What if she prayed, and they really did answer her?

That was a terrifying thought. Her whole life would have to change- it made staying secular look like a safe-haven. It would mean I’ve been wrong forever. So she shook her head, shaking back to normal. “I don’t know,” she told the Padre. “Maybe. I’ll… I guess I’ll try it.” She buried her feet in the sand, and ignored the raised eyebrow and open-mouthed gape that the Dis-Count Dracula shot her way.

Cristiano smiled. “Would you like to come to our church? It’s not very far away at all, and I’m sure your friend here can take care of your drink.”

She hesitated, then nodded.

With that, the preacher stood back up and offered a hand towards Abadi. Once both were on their feet, he began walking back along the boardwalk, nodding pleasantly at those who stared at him. Soon, he turned off the boardwalk and towards the city streets, spending a few minutes navigating through the winding, snaking roads of the colonial city until the pair finally stood before a medium-sized stone church, a sign above the entrance denoting it as the Chapel of Our Lady of Eternal Assistance.

Cristiano took a moment to explain. “This is the third-oldest chapel on Matuvista. Lobasla was one of the original colonisation landing sites, you see, and so it was established very early on.” He paused for a long minute. “Our reliquary holds one of only three extant Old World Bibles. It is a blessing and a pleasure to serve in her halls.” With that, he pushed the heavy wooden doors open and stepped inside.

The entranceway was lined with hundreds of candles, some having burnt out, most still burning. Small boxes held more candles, as well as digital screens for worshippers to donate a Real to the chapel’s continuing existence. The ceiling displayed an ongoing fresco of the saints directing the colony ships away from a burning planet, and towards a gateway, and a series of stained glass windows displayed various saints, most old world, but two new world as well.

An octagonal chancel held a tremendous golden statue of a kindly, androdynous yet well-built figure, their arms spread out so that a preacher standing at the pulpit was almost embraced by them.

As there was no service, the chapel was relatively quiet. A few worshippers sat in the pews, heads inclined and hands pressed together, or reading from small scripture books that had been left beside every seat.

“Would you like to light a candle?” Cristiano asked, turning towards Abadi.

But she was still busy looking around with surprise. She’d never been in a building so silent. She felt like she should be whispering when she answered: “Uh, well, what could the candle even do?” What do saints have to do with candles? “Are they… real? Not holograms?” She felt stupid as she asked it.

“What does it do? Nothing, by itself. But, a candle is a means of prayer, and lighting a candle can create a space for you to be comforted by it.” He took one of the candles and offered it to her, continuing with the explanations as he did so.

“The saints are very real, but you won’t see them. Hallucinatory visions are fleetingly rare even among the most… Intensely devout. You’ll feel their presence, around and about you, and eventually, perhaps even when you are not praying.”

Abadi didn’t know about that. But there were a lot of things she didn’t know: she just watched her planet crumble under the weight of a discontent centuries old, but hidden the entire time. She'd twice debated with cyborgs about the nature of mankind. She'd shaken appendages with aliens, watched an ape parade, and made friends with a woman later eaten alive by a Gateway- and nobody could yet explain that last one, somehow the strangest of them all.

She'd seen so, so much, but standing there, she realized that she still knew nothing.

"Alright. I'll try lighting a stupid candle."

Cristiano handed her a candle and a match, stepped behind her, and smiled.
Six Months Later

Time passes.

The year is now 2602.

More than three hundred years have passed since Earth fell. Two years since the Gateways reopened. And six months since the Battle of Sol. This galaxy has already seen too much human conflict, of the same kind that killed Mother Earth, in this little speck of time. There have been wars, assassinations, manipulations and revolutions. Battle after battle, human blood has painted the Milky Way. And still we fight.

But- perhaps- our fate has just started to shift. The S.U.N. shines: the Sol United Nations, a gathering of colonies at the Meeting Place, where important issues can be voted on and debated as a group. Here, one may propose customs that will effect every member nation: intergalactic currency, international defense fleets, the embargo of a particular nation. After a Proposal is made by a particular nation, all members can vote YES or NO, and the most votes wins. Simple, right?

Not all have joined. But for those who have chosen to rise with the SUN, new opportunities for cooperation and for control are already revealing themselves. Who will win in the war of politic?

Time will tell, time will pass, and inevitably, blood will be spilt.

Welcome to the SUN.
Still need to finish the Military and History sections, but:

EDIT: Now just the history section!

White Flower Revolution

Conclusion: Heralds

Manon. Seung. Jun. Kamali. Kyle. Eta-Theta.

This is what he thinks to himself, to stay focused. It's a simple list of names; not important to anybody but him. Yun says them to himself, constantly.

He says them when they breached the compound, him and a wildly, unstably mixed gang of rouge Flowers and ex-protectors. He said them when he helped batter down the real protectors who were still trying to do their jobs- poor men. He says them now, especially now, that he knows he has the monster cornered.

All through it: Manon. Seung. Jun. Kamali. Kyle. Eta-Theta.

"Come ooooonnnn, Heralds, where are you?"
"We know you're hiding here somewhere..."
"Hey, hey, little rat, the cats are coming!"

Those voices aren't Yun's. He doesn't talk as much as he used to, he's been so weighed down with unfamiliar thoughts. Thoughts that make him feel guilty, old and cruel. They've reminded him of every murder he did for the Oligarchs. They make him say the names.

Something changed in him that day, the very day this all started, when he was standing out in the rain. Something in his heart shifted. It won't let him sleep at night.

But that's why he's here. That's why he has to do this.

"I'll take the left passage," Yun forces himself to talk, finally, 'cause they're standing at a crossroads. Two steel passages stretch on before them, both windowless and red-lit, somewhere deep in Herald's hiding place. He can only be down one of them. "I'll take the left," Yun says again, to the man standing beside him, "with the other ex-protectors. You take the right with your Flowers. One of us'll catch him."

"And then?" the Flower asks, always doubting Yun's loyalty.

"And then we'll kill him."

The Flower nods, happy and serious. If he even is a Flower, technically? Yun's not sure. He used to be, but went all rouge and off-the-grid so he could hunt down Heralds all on his own. Grabbed a whole bunch of used-to-be-protectors to take with him, Yun included. Maybe because he figures they're too hated to steal the glory from him.

He leads his favored soldiers down the right passage, and Yun splits the other way.

"Where you think we headed, boss?" one of the ex-protectors asks him.
"Prolly into a trap," answers another, who is neither Yun nor the boss. But it stands uncorrected.

The cold, steel passage continues onwards no matter what they say, for what feels like a comically long time. (But is, in reality, only a few minutes.) At its end is a door, and in front of the door is...

"Who the hell are you, kid?"
"...and why are you wearing a cowboy hat?"

The kid, a thin Japanese man with sunken eyes- and, indeed, a cowboy hat on his head- doesn't answer either question. He says something else instead: "The Savant James Heralds, genius leader of the ECU, has evacuated the building." His voice is so grim, you can't help but think of it as more of a threat than a statement.

"Yeah," grins one of the other two ex-protectors, Jameson, circling closer, "then what's that door behind you?"

"You don't need to worry about that, protector. If you go in there, you die. That's what that door is. Walk away from it. Today doesn't have to end this way. It can stop here; you have the power to end it here. The Savant is gone. Death is inside that door."

He adjusts his hat.

Now the other ex-protector- Cho- is circling too, like two sharks in the water, and the cowboy-kid is obviously getting nervous. But he speaks calmly, a soft voice that shows no fear: "Listen, my friends, to my words. Sold cold bold. Do you understand? Sold cold bo-"

And that's when a protector's club splits his skull.

The metal those things are made of, so hard, it makes a person's bones snap. There's an audible sound before Tanaka hits the floor, a crack! like a baseball bat. He drops down. The sentence isn't finished.

Cho, who killed him, takes a long deep breath. "That's what we do, you both hear me?" He looks at Yun and Jameson in turn. "If they start that hypnosis, brainwashing crap they like to use on us. You crack their skulls before they finish the sentence. Nobody uses magic words on us. Got it?" The other two both nod. Looks like Cho is the boss tonight, after all.

The doors open with a key-card found in the cowboy kid's pocket.

Behind the door is not death, but a garden. It's green, white and brown, filled with rocks and grass, arranged like a painting in three dimensions. Little god rays come streaming down from the glass dome overhead, just to add to the effect. It's beautiful. Except for the snake sitting in it.

He's leaned against a tree, sitting down like he doesn't have a care in the world, all alone in this massive terrarium. Fiddling with a trinket: some little metal box that he keeps tightening or loosening screws on. Is this how far Heralds has fallen? They said he was a madman. Almost enough to make you feel bad for killing him.

Almost, Yun decides.

They approach slow, and this is their mistake. Because of course, Heralds would try the exact same thing as Tanaka, but he would do it just a little more cleverly. Just as they're approaching the tree, that box he's fiddling with suddenly jumps and whirs in his hands, and out of it comes a voice, louder than a human voice should be, echoing off the rocks.

It says the words. Every ex-protector goes spear-straight. Cho especially tries to fight it, closing his eyes and plugging his ears. Heralds only gleefully twists a few more screws; the sound doubles in volume.

At that moment, they are tin soldiers, waiting on orders. Even half-aware of what's happening, it's unavoidable: the conditioning feels not like a desire to obey, but like a fundamental need, like breathing or eating. Like you'll die if you don't listen. Heralds has three attack dogs back on leashes. He presses a button on its bottom, turning off the little box- it's not needed anymore.

He straightens his gray coat as he stands up onto his feet. "Protectors," he says, calmly, as the men stand still, "I need you to listen to me. I need you to go outside and guard the door. I am the Savant. The Savant is in danger. I need you to go outside and guard the door, and tell anyone who comes close that I have left the planet. But I'll stay here; because this is my home, and no rebels are going to drive me from it." The last bit sounded more for him, but two of the protectors nodded along anyway, automatically. Only one doesn't: that peaks Heralds interest.

Heralds draws close to Yun, leaning in towards him. Is he saying something? Muttering something, under his breath? It sounds like...

"Manon. Seung. Jun. Kamali. Kyle. Eta-Theta." Yun's eyes are closed tight, focusing so intensely that it should drive him insane. It's like pulling yourself out of quicksand. But the names ground him: they remind him both who he is and what he's done. This is where the Savant makes a true mistake, because he leans in close, always curious, to hear more clearly what the ex-protector is trying to say. Yun's eyes open: "Heralds."

It is faster than lightning and easier than breathing, then, the way Yun sweeps Herald's feet out from under him, and the way he shoves his bodyweight against the tree, and the way- with a thousand memories behind it- he lifts his old metal club high into the air, high enough to hide the sun-

And brings it down.

The reports tomorrow will say that Heralds died "instantly." But when is that ever true? No, his mind takes a moment to go out. And in those lingering few seconds, his eyes flit up to the tree, really noticing all the details for the very first time. It is a Cornus Florida, a dogwood tree, in mid-bloom: it has white flowers on it.

The Savant James Heralds, genius leader of the ECU, is staining the roots red.

Conclusion: Tanaka and Abadi

Viewable from the window of an apartment is a graveyard. It's a great, stately one, as clean and as posh as a gravesite can be, reserved for the rich and their family: "In Memory of Good Friends Lost," reads the sign outside. The lettering is gold, of course, and almost every corpse in that cemetery used to be an Oligarch. Of course.

Compared to the graves below, the apartments are poor and dirty and small. Made for families to sleep on top of each other. They have three rooms to share between twelve people, so that the sound of their arguing and protesting pierces through the walls and is heard by every other family in the building. Ms. Janson likes to sit by one little window and watch the visitors to the graves. So clean, with fancy clothes. Unlike anything up in these trapped apartments. It's so strange that the city planners would put them so close together.

The grave visitors don't come as much as they used to. Since the revolution, that is. But there's one: a Middle-Eastern girl- because she still looks too young to be called a woman- who always wears one of those funny robe things that Ms. Janson once heard the name for, but can never quite remember. Adaya? Abay?

Whatever it is. The girl walks to the same grave every day, carrying flowers that are red or blue or yellow, but never white. She leaves them there without preamble, which is another funny thing. She just lays the flowers gently down, no words and no tears, and walks away. Something looks so sad in her walk, but the watcher doesn't think it's about whoever it is that died: she walks like she's carrying a heavy weight.

Beneath the inscribed name, and above the dates of birth and death, the grave has a funny shape carved into it. The first time Ms. Janson leaned out of her window to catch a glimpse of it, she was confused: it looks like a hat.

One day, the girl stops coming. Nobody leaves flowers at that grave anymore.

Conclusion: Yun

Life is ironic.

It's taken all of this to teach Yun that. All the beatings and murders, the ones that he committed. All the training and programming, that they forced onto him. All the internal war, and then at last the real, external one, against the Zetans, and then back home, against his own people. It's taken all of that to teach Yun that the universe has a sense of humor.

He sure knows that it does now, because he's sitting in the same kind of prison cell that he once locked people up into. He never realized how damp it was in here. It was just his job to bring people in: he threw them into a cell, closed the bars behind them, and never thought about them again. Protectors rarely bothered with interviews and confessions; the perp was guilty from the moment the cuffs came on. Somewhere in the very back of his mind, back then, buried beneath a sea of base thoughts and rage, he always knew that they would face a trial. He also knew that ECU trials are supposed to be brutal. Will the Flowers be different?

You know, he's not betting on it.

When they dragged him in here, the provisional security guys said "This needs to be a society of order." Whatever that means. And they said "You must still face trial for what amounts to a murder," because he did it without official permission.

He thinks what they meant to say is "You're a protector. We can't let you get the credit for killing Heralds!"

He wanted to correct them, saying "You mean ex-protector." But since they never actually said it outloud-like, that wasn't possible. He couldn't even defend himself, because his accusers didn't have to speak the words at all- they just thought it. He knows they did. 'Cause he could feel it. He'll always be the monster.

Manon. Seung. Jun. Kamali. Kyle. Eta-Theta. Heralds.

Yun slumps into the wall of his cell, letting the cold, wet bricks soak his back. Will it be execution, his sentencing, or will it be exile? Life in prison sounds like too much to hope for.

And he's not sure he'd want it.

Conclusion: Tiffany

The apes are doing their rounds again. Since Heralds fell- it can't be more than a few days ago- this song has been beat into the skull of everyone who has ears to hear. A victory lap, she guesses.

Tiffany hears the chorus start up again now, throaty, vibrating and ape-like, blending in with the roar of their engine. Round the corner they come, three apes clinging to a vehicle that used to be a protector's, if you could even recognize it today. The gun from the back ripped clean from its place; the exterior a mess of wires like spilled guts. This automobile has been the victim of violence. It drifts quick around the curve, skidding the pavement like it's still being chased, and the song shouts as it flies:

"Do you hear the people sing?
Singing a song of angry men?
It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again!"

Tiffany flags the apes down, one hand in the sky- they recognize her. Naturally. Her face has been spread all around the news, so that it seems like every man, woman and child has a well-thought-out opinion on Tiffany Holstead. The chimpanzee driver, a Freemen who deserted his Khan for his ideals, looks at her like he halfway expects orders. But she just climbs up into the proc-auto with them.

"Come on," she says, "let's keep driving. I want to sing too." She ignores the surprised faces of the apes- and the internal question, 'When did I learn to read monkey face expressions?'

So they ride on, the song picking up and filling these streets. These blood-stained, war-cracked streets of New Hollywood.

"When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!"

Vehicles are quite rare in Neo London. Public transport has always been heavily encouraged. This mutilated proc-auto being the only car in sight, she has an easy time spotting the faces of the crowd, looking up at what their oppressors used to ride.

"Will you join in our crusade?
Who will be strong and stand with me?
Beyond the barricade
Is there a world you long to see?"

They pass by a bombed-out shell that used to be a business. Was it the Matuvistans that bombed this one, or the Oligarchs? No telling. Funny, Tiffany thinks, how when the sign hangs sideways, half-burnt, the only word you can still read is "Quality." It's not the only tragedy around here; this city looks like a disaster film. Gray and crumbling. War vehicles scattered about, flipped over, nobody has bothered to clean them out. Burnt clothes on the sidewalk.

"Then join in the fight
That will give you the right to be free!"

The proc-auto sputters and coughs as they slow down, passing by a man being taken into custody right in the middle of the street. The ones cuffing him wear bright, clean uniforms with white flowers printed on their chests. And judging by the golden fist tattooed on his arm, that man they're cuffing could only be a protector. The aimless, ever-present crowd of civilians spits on him.

The proc-auto's engine whines in sympathy. It doesn't have many miles left itself. But Tiffany and the apes drive it onwards, singing:

"Do you hear the people sing?
Singing the song of angry men?
It is the music of the people
Who will not be slaves again!"

The next scene is nothing but the last two, repeated again. Dirty streets filled with dirty people, lost and aimless, scarred by war. How many foreign soldiers fired bullets here? And where are they today? Even the New Havenists, who came in the name of compassionate aide, are beginning to pack up and leave. But these people, these huddled masses yearning to breathe free, are left behind.

This is my world, Tiffany thinks. These are my people.

"When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!"

In the falling raindrops, her tears are invisible.

Can't wait to be decapitated by one of these guys.
Yo, love the feel here. I have a weakness for technobarbs and you are exploiting it for approval, I can feel it. :

But for real, there's only one issue I gotta ask you to correct. If you've spotted the Discord chat lately, you can tell there's been some debate about the existence of fusion. In the tech section, you mention probable fusion used to generate weapons. We might wanna change that.

Perhaps their energy weapons simply use batteries, created via non-portable fission reactors somewhere? It would mean an energy sword could run out of juice on the battlefield- but that sounds like a fun thing to write. Drama!

If you can edit that, you're approved and may drop your NS in the char tab and start posting whenever.

Can I offer a bit of personal advice tho? You seem to have based Kudrion society entirely off of martial acts. That's totally fine for the NS, but in IC, remember that even the most warlike of people are still human. What does a warrior do when they aren't fighting? What about the Kudrions who don't fight at all, like the old? Humans aren't Klingons. Just a thing to keep in mind.

@Lady Lascivious


Messaging on Discord. Stuff we should discuss.
@Lady Lascivious

This is probably one of the best sheets I've ever gotten, in a story-telling sense. I love the feeling that, by the end, the Tiamat are a completely traumatized people: trying to wipe out the natives because they might speak of the Terrible Truth. They even gouged their own eyes out so they don't have to see it. Spoopy.

How would the redundant brain be able to transfer memories in the event of physical-death? Like, say you got shot in the head. How can your primary brain, that just got shot and is dying, have time to transfer anything to the secondary, redundant brain? Wouldn't primary brain die first? It can't be instant, since- if I remember correctly- the brain stores some things physically. Unless all memories, thoughts and feelings are always been stored on both brains, simultaneously?

You never explain what the Hive strain is, or where it come from. I guess that's intended to be in one of the archives?

I'll have to check out your sheet a little later on.

It's dark, and not only because of the late hour. It's because he turned the lights down. Certain things just need to be done in the dark.

The man takes a long drink of pitch-black tea, another mood-appropriate prop, before he places the cup down on someone else's desk. He's waited days for her to fall asleep. Abadi. A puppet, sacrificing her youth and her sanity for a system that will never love her back. But there's no point in trying to tell her. There are more important things to share this evening.

He turns on her terminal, listening to it groan and whine like a personal computer from the 20th century. Like the hardware itself is tired. Every one is waiting for this to be over. Days spent without sleep, trying to put out diplomatic fires, just for something else to burst into flame right as you extinguish the last. The terminal prompts him, and he keys in the password she once shared with him, before all this started.

He hits "Send," hoping and praying that his half-understood encryption measures will work. This man is no technical expert; far, far from it. But the terminal tells him the message went through anyway. Good. It's important that the nations realize that there are real people behind this. New Hollywood is not a battleground, it is not a political experiment. It is his home. He lives there, he dreams of there. He will risk capture and trial to send this message.

His hands shake. He feels exposed. To threaten a government isn't a small thing; suddenly, his body is frail and unprotected. He looks to the glass door, like soldiers could come breaking in any moment to take him prisoner. Could anyone save him?

Snap out of it. He drinks more tea, closing his eyes just a moment. His fingers press "Send" before he's opened them again.

The Meeting Place rotates just a little bit, always in orbit, so that Earth can be seen. Dead and gray. Is this what humanity always does? We only kill each other. That's what a human is. A machine that kills things.

Stop, stop, stop. That's not true. We were made for something better; each person feels it in their hearts. That's what the conscience is, the sense of right and wrong. It's your spirit telling you, "You're meant to be more than this."

He still remembers his face. The face of the boy he saw the protectors kill on the pavement. They said it was an accident, that the kid fought back and might have had a weapon and probably had it coming and was on drugs and so on and so forth.

But he knows what he saw. It was a murder.

Focus, focus, focus. Three days without sleep, and you can't control for a second where your mind wanders off to. It takes you back to who you really are.

There's one last people to contact. The killer's best friends.


Collab between Tortoise and @TimeMaster

(Previously the main One force agreed with the plan they came up with and made long apologies to Kayla for hiding the nature of the meat, but they were sure she would understand.)

They are a group, but they move and flow as a single life. It’s one body that dodges through the streets of New Beijing. Ten members. They all know where the others will be. Without talking, only relying on their shared memories, they understand one another.

Kayla emerges from a long-abandoned alleyway, and finds five James and a William waiting for her. She knew they would be there. They took the faster, riskier path, and she- being the most valuable member of the team- took the slower and safer one. Three Grants walk out from behind her, into the bright streetlights.

“The team’s all here.” She points up to a dense, squat building. Chain-link, electric fencing. It’s a power plant, but you’d think it was a fort. “That's our target. You remember the tour I had, five years ago?”

The One split up, a few squadrons of Williams and James moved throughout the city meeting with White Flower leaders, explaining who they are and that they were there to help. Some didn’t accept the One at first and some were wildly surprised by the nature of them but in the end they all agreed that the One was there to help during the revolution, afterwards...things would be different.

The group following Kayla was armed to the teeth with bone armor, spears, bows and small swords. In addition, the James also made use of the debris from the spaceport to make a few very durable spears in compassion to their bone weaponry. The Grants followed Kayla as One being, no small-talk, no signs, no sounds.

As Kayla talked, one of the Grants stepped forward.

You already know the answer to that. The fence is electrified, the corridors are long and tightly packed. It wouldn’t be a good idea to be caught in them. ” answered the Grant.

"About the fence-" she hesitated. "The power in New Beijing has been running full-blast, non-stop. For a long time now. Weeks, months? Yeah. And there were a lot of power-outages even before then. So I was thinking..." she took a deep breath. "I was thinking that the fence might short out, you know, if it suddenly had to release a lot of energy. Like. Like if someone were electrocuted."

She looked over to the William. She didn't like this.

We actually were thinking of the same plan. Think about what the screams were in the ship when we passed through the Gateway. You don’t need to worry about us. We are One! ” said the Grant in a calm, shushed voice then at the end, all the others instinctively banged their chests with their fists.

Behind the false bravado, the One were having similar feelings about it. Kayla’s influence paled in comparison to the original One mind but still made them doubt themselves at times. Changes would surely appear in the One society after the revolution but for now, those thoughts and feelings would be pushed aside.

The William walked forward, bravely and with a small bow to the others ran straight into the fence hugging it tightly as the electricity coursed through their body. No scream, no shout. Just a small grunt of pain. Kayla winced. But the fence did stop humming- it was out. One by one, they jumped it.

When Kayla's feet hit the pavement on the other side, she felt like she'd just landed on foreign territory. This titan of a power plant was on the very outskirts of the city, placed right before a slow drop-off into wasteland, and was one of the few places of officialdom the White Flowers hadn't yet rested control from. There were still ECU guards here: but they were the same ones that had stood guard when the city fell, and couldn't be able to hold out much longer. How long will it be before, for want of food, they decide to give themselves up?

Kayla doesn't pray. But if she did, she would pray that they're all still alive to make that decision.

A James kicks the door down, and they slide into the smooth lighting of the Ai Zhang Memorial Plant. "The psychological warfare isn't hitting here," Kayla said, aloud. She ran her fingers along a sign on the wall that read (in English, Chinese and Latin) FISSION CORE THIS WAY ---->

"It's, like, three AM,” she says. “Maybe we can slip by the guards?"

But they couldn't, because right as the last word left her mouth, a protector in gold uniform came strolling around the corner.

Without a word, the One moved to the side, hiding in the shadows. As the protector approached their “hiding” place, one James stepped out.

The protector stopped in his tracks and said “You there, stop! Identify yourself!”

The James lifted his arms up in a peaceful gesture and stopped, as the protector was approaching them, gun held high.

Hey there! No need for that. I just came back from the city. Those revolutionaries got help from scum-extraterrestrials. Bastards thinking they can take our city! ” said the James mimicking to the best of Kayla’s memories of how the ECU talked.

For a moment, as the ECU protector approached he lowered the weapon. He got into arm’s reach of the James when a Grant stepped out from the shadows. The protector’s weapon flew straight away towards the Grant and that’s when the James made his move.

He lunged at the protector, hitting him square in the solar plexus instantly stopping the protector in his tracks as he tried to breathe. Another James stepped out and quickly wrapped his arms around the neck of the protector, putting him in a rear naked choke and held on tight to him as he slowly fell asleep.

Quickly they proceeded into stripping the protector, taking his weapon/clothes, equipping a Grant with them and then afterwards, sent one James with him back towards the One lines.

That could’ve been worse. We got lucky that the protector believed our ruse for long enough. Now, we’ve got an undercover scout. ” said the leading Grant.

Kayla had felt funny, watching the protector fall. The sick sounds he made when the James choked him out. She thought of herself as an empathetic person, she didn’t want him to be hurt, but then-

But then, she’d always hated them.

She hardens her heart. And after that, watching him be stripped didn’t bother her too much; Kayla had only ever been into women anyway. (And that’s canon now.)

The group proceeds in a straight line, right to where they all remember the reactor being. The tour Kayla had of this place was years ago, and felt more like ages, but the lay-out hadn’t changed. Only this time, it looked like the lab of a mad scientist; the trash littering the floor and the little scraps of food huddled into corners.

The guards and engineers have been stuck inside this building since the Flowers took over. Absolutely terrified of leaving the building and facing the mobs outside. Trapped, probably half-starving; looks like cleanliness standards go out the window after a while. She wonders where they’re all sleeping.

The reactor itself isn’t visible, being behind a protective wall of Bezian metal. Kayla remembers them lowering that for her visit, but it took a passcode entered into the computer terminal to do it.

“Guys,” Kayla says, realizing it as she does, “we’re going to need to kidnap a scientist.”

As the group followed Kayla, they were trying to pierce together all her memories of the place. Checking them again and again for all the small things that she might’ve missed or overlooked.

Seeing the state of the reactor’s room hardened the One. They remembered how it felt. The loneliness, the fear of not waking up tomorrow, the lack of food. Soon they would’ve turned on each other, soon they would’ve eaten each other. Eventually only one would remain if he or she would’ve been smart enough. But they weren’t on an alien planet, they weren’t trapped forever...all they had to do was to go out and all would’ve stopped. Remembering how the protectors were trained, they knew they wouldn’t have surrendered but to choose to torment yourself when you’ve got a choice? That was something the One wouldn’t accept. Something that simply wouldn’t stand with them.

We know. We can’t break into it and even if we could, we will not be able to do so without alarming the whole facility. We’ve got an idea, pretty sure you’ve thought about it as well. ” said one of the Grants. Looking around, they visualized the whole area based on Kayla’s memories. Each door, each window, each nook and cranny.

The James took to the corridors, each armed with a spear, sword and a shield. Checking room by room like a well oiled machine, they eventually found what they were looking for.

The mess hall, now made as a sleeping area. Protectors, the staff and everyone else was there. Some huddled on the floor, sleeping on broken tables, others playing cards as if they had no care in the world. They’ve all had the same look in their eyes, a look which the One understood very well. Desperation. Starvation.

One of the James went back to the main group and called them to the mess hall.

We’re going to leave the decision to you, Kayla. Do you wish to murder them all and save one person or should we show mercy? In the state they are, we can take them easily. ” said the One closest to Kayla.

Kayla nodded. “Take them. I- I don’t want to be a murderer.”

We all know that you feel like one already. You’ve been in our mind, we’ve been in yours. You understand why we are keen to kill them all. They don’t deserve living anymore than we deserved starving for hundreds of years but alright, we’ll follow your lead.” said the closest James, their voice full of anger.

The other Ones looked towards them and shook their heads. The One was vengeful, the One refused to believe that one cannot find ways out of bad situations. They’ve done so from the beginning of their life and until now. Maybe it was Kayla’s influence or maybe the One found a way to forgive and to understand that not everyone can survive, but they’ve decided to let them live as per Kayla’s wishes.

The Grants carried in their backpacks some provisions and handed the backpacks to the Jamess. The James , who was dressed up in the protector’s clothes, went inside the mess hall. Almost instantly, the protectors were onto them. Guns held high towards them with the same desperate look. They knew death came without realizing it.

Easy there, easy. Put the guns down. W--I’ve found some friends.

“Identify yourself at once!” said one of the protectors, gun aimed towards the James’s midsection.

It doesn’t matter who I am but what matters is what I bring. Look!” said as he threw a backpack on the floor, as it hit the floor, some meat fell out.

Instantly, the desperation in the protector’s eyes turned to madness. A food-deprived madness. Two of the protectors threw their weapons on the floor and half-ran half-sprinted towards the food, pushing each other away from the backpack.

There, there. No need to fight. We’ve got more food. Just put the weapons down and we’ll give you all the food you can eat. ” said the James with a charming smile on their face.

At this, the other protectors put their weapons down and soon the civilians approached as well. The One stepped from the corridors and into the mess hall, calmly taking the discarded weapons of the protectors and with trained efficiency, pointed them at the protectors.

The lead Grant stepped forward and looked behind them where Kayla stood, calling out to her.

Please, set forward. See the mighty protectors, the ones which we so much feared. Anyways, you should talk with your people, Ambassador. They’re docile enough. ”.

It was strange, seeing the protectors- the hostile, lurking force she'd feared her entire life- so contained. The only other time they'd been so pliable was after psyche-programming. Like a lion in a cage.

But they weren't those who would know the passcodes. She'd need to find the administrator, the one whose rank is indicated by- there he is. With the red stripe across his lab coat. Kayla led him by the arm into a small side-room, probably meant to be a janitorial closet, and let the One guard the rest. She figures he wouldn't be super willing to talk with a horde of identical men staring him down.

She brought a gun with her.

"Tell me the passcode," she whispered to him, as soon as they were alone. "I won't hurt you. We just need to know how to shut this place down."

The administrator was an aging, bearded man, wildly-haired, like a descendant of Einstein and Freud. His white hair trembled when he shook his head. "No, madam, I cannot do that. I will not."


He only shook his head again. "No."

"But the ECU doesn't do anything good. For you scientists, I mean. Why are you loyal?"

"Because it is what I have always been, madam. I'm too old to change, and-" here he lifted his sunken, hungry eyes, and there was a glimpse of life in them, "because I don't give in to bullies."

Kayla then tried a hundred things. She tried to convince him. She tried to bribe him. She promised a future career in the new government. And then she threatened to call the One back into the room and let them beat old Einstein-Freud until he was black and blue. Still, the man just shook his head sadly, and rejected everything.

Then she raised the gun.

“Tell me,” she whispered. Her voice turned desperate, almost pleading. Because she knew what the answer would be. And when he refused again, she knew what she would have to do.

“No, madam.”

She shot him in the arm. The sound echoed off the cramped little walls, so that it sounded like a bomb going off. He crumpled over in pain; the blood splatter looked like fresh red paint.

“Tell me.”

He tried to say something, but his voice came out in ragged gasps. She leaned close, tilting her ear to his mouth, so that he could whisper the prized secret to her, telling her how to shut this abomination down. He said to her:

“I will not.”

Kayla screamed in rage, turning around in the closet, feeling so many of the memories of the One at that moment that it nearly overwhelmed her. This isn’t what she wanted to become. She didn’t want to be this. Her fist banged against the door. She turned around, raising the gun again- now it was at his head. His sparkling, hungry eyes met hers again. There was a challenge there.

She breathed deep, ran her finger against the trigger... and lowered the weapon. “I can’t.” And she stalked out the room, to find the One outside.

The One looked at the protectors and the other staff as they were eating the meat, their meat with a look torn between pure hatred and pity.

On one side, they pitied them for being in this situation. For starving, for fighting to stay alive at any cost, for their integrity in not surrendering to the madness that is isolation.

On the other side, the protectors deserved to die for their foolishness of getting themselves trapped and starving. They should be left to starve until they learn better, left to suffer until they break. After all that if they would still be alive, they would be reborn and would deserve to breathe.

Memories came rushing to the One, remembering the faces of those on the colony ships. Beaten and broken, starving, their minds dead even if their bodies didn’t know yet. At the same time, others memories would surface, Kayla’s. The children she didn’t realize were there, begging in the streets. The hungry cries of a populace too afraid to fight their oppressors. The protectors beating up a kid for trying to steal from someone who thought they were important. For a second, the One was overwhelmed and it could be seen on their faces, a split second was all it took and then their usual calm face took over. The craziness in their eyes was gone, replaced with the one from before.

They will not break. They will not surrender to their feelings. They will overcome anything that comes towards them.

A gunshot from inside the small room where Kayla was and two Jamess ran towards the door, thinking that maybe the scientist managed to overpower Kayla.

Is everything alright? The scientist gave away his secrets and died or do you need help?” said one of the James as they saw Kayla outside the room. Something almost broken in her eyes.

She shook her head. “I tried to…” but then the words caught in her throat. She didn’t want to talk about this- right now, she didn’t want to even think about it. There’s a man bleeding in the closet behind her. And she shot him.

She shot him.

“He’s alive. I’ve hurt him. Badly. I didn’t want to, but-” her voice tried to fly away again, and she struggled to catch it, “-but I did. I did hurt him. Because of you.” She crossed her arms. “‘Cause of your sadistic, fucked up thoughts floating around in my head. It’s your fault. It’s not mine!”

The One sighted and stared at Kayla for a few seconds, looking at her closely. Emotions fighting on her face. One of the James stepped around Kayla and went to the scientist, bleeding from his arm. Nothing major, not enough to kill him.

Kayla. Listen to us. Think. Remember our training, our plight. Calm your emotions. Breath. In. Breath. Out. Center yourself. said the other James. Mimicking what they were telling Kayla.

After Kayla followed their advice and calmed down, they said :

As long as he still lives, it wasn’t us. You know better than anyone what would’ve happened here if we wouldn’t have our minds merged with yours.
You’ve also been warned what could happen if our minds merged and you agreed and we’re sure you understand why we proposed it as well. We understand your feelings but you also have to understand ours.
” continued the James, a melancholic tone in their voice.

She nodded. She did understand; that was the worst and best part of it. She knew exactly what he was saying, and why he was saying it. What argument could there be?

“Come on,” she says. “We can’t let him just bleed there.”

The first aid kit was easy to find, the general design not having changed in the last three hundred years: a big, blaringly white box marked "FIRST AID." Kayla should not have known how to use a tourniquet to stop the flow of blood, or how to dress the wound at all. But the One learned it in military training.

"Okay, okay," she told the administrator, as she finished it up in bandage, while he sat on the floor in front of her, "you should be alright. Roughly speaking."

He stared down at his arm, not for the first time in this little procedure. "I thought you were going to kill me?"

"I could never do that."

"The passcode is Alpha-71-Beijing."

Kayla nearly dropped the first aid kit in shock. He just told her, like that?

The James that was with Kayla watched her clean the admin’s wound and bandage it up. It seemed like a very complicated process centuries ago when they were going through training. Up, down, left, right. Make a small circle with the antiseptic then close it to the wound. They could do it now even if deprived of all their senses.

The James smiled, a kind smile as the admin told Kayla the code. It was rare for the One to truly smile but in this moment, they felt happy. One helping another, no strings attached.

Kindness is rare and it can go a long way. Admin, we never asked for your name but share it with us and we will remember you forever. ” said the James.

“Luther Able,” said the admin, “and I have lived in the ECU for all of my sixty-seven years. I’ve seen the very worst of the protectors and the Oligarchs. As long as you act as they do, everyone will resist you. It’s only when you show kindness that you might break your enemy’s heart.“ He twisted to face Kayla. “If you ever really get into power, madam, remember that.”

She nodded, and swore that she would.

With the passcode, disabling the Beijing power plant was simple. Soon, a rolling darkness swept across New Beijing, one block turning out after another. When they came back on, the system had been firmly disconnected from the Oligarch’s remote access, the passcode changed, and the White Flowers called in to guard it.

Luther Able and his colleagues were set free. But, like all protectors, the guards themselves had to be taken into custody, to await a trial at some future, undetermined date- presumably, when New Hollywood is finally free.

But now that must be made to happen.
It's been a wild ride. A war, a civil uprising, multiple conflicts, too many diplomatic meetings to possibly count, trade deals and mercenary hirings and character moments and monkeys and who knows what I'm forgetting.

I'm thinking about doing the "Achievements" thing again soon.
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