Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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1 yr ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
1 yr ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
1 yr ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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@Strange Rodent: That's fine.
@Strange Rodent: The former is fine as long as it's framed as willingly-lent service by the spirit of a dead knight. You ask, the spirit answers and lends their assistance, that kind of thing.

The second one is right in the "bad type of necromancy" area.
@harinezumikouken: I think it would be pretty easy to re-insert yourself, honestly. Just go with one of the two groups, I can fill you in on the Discord if you want an invite.
@Strange Rodent: Need to think on this a little more. ^^;

@harinezumikouken: Oh hey! You're welcome back whenever!
  • Name: Sophelia Ainsworth
  • Age: 10
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: "Can't you stop wasting my time?"
  • Personality: Sophelia is a very arrogant and self-confident young girl, at least from outward appearances. She believes she stands above other magi(aside from the head of her own family), that the only equal she has in the world is a certain homunculus of the Einzbern family. Indeed, she possesses special interest in Illyasviel von Einzbern, wishing to be the one who captures her for the sake of her family. However, she also doesn't seem to understand what this truly means, if she's successful. Regardless, her deeply smug attitude and arrogant behavior means that she has a bad habit of overlooking details that are truly important for her own success. That being said, even though she's quite young, she is not completely foolish. For all her impatient, smug, and sometimes adult-seeming attitude, Sophelia's room resembles that of a typical young girl. Adorned with stuffed toys of all sorts, Sophelia's more childish side is most evident when she's alone. For all she is an incredible child prodigy who stands as a shining example of the Ainsworth Family's magecraft, she is still a young girl. However, in spite of all this self-confidence, Sophelia is secretly frightened of the dizzy spells and fainting that have afflicted her intermittently since her birth, especially since their frequency has increased..
  • Skills: In terms of any sort of physical skills, Sophelia is almost totally useless. She has poor endurance and stamina, tires easily, and generally speaking is not capable at much of anything involving physical skill. In fact, physical exertion is likely to cause her to become dizzy and faint.
  • Abilities: It would not be inaccurate to refer to Sophelia as a shining pinnacle of the Ainsworth Family's magecraft. She stands as a child prodigy of extraordinary capability, to the extent that it's difficult to believe it was altogether natural. While it is not possible for her to posses the mana of a homunculus such as Illyasviel von Einzbern, her monstrous reserves allow her to handle even highly taxing Servants without significant strain. In spite of her youth, she took to magecraft extremely well, another reason to perhaps doubt just how natural her capabilities truly are. Her skill in the use of Flash Air, the signature magecraft of the Ainsworth Family, rivals that of many of the adult magi among the Ainsworths, allowing her to move the consciousness of animals and even humans into objects and items, as well as displace her room to different locations in the Ainsworth family's base of operations. She is a highly formidable opponent for most magi due to her capabilities, but against Servants it is simply not a battle that could be considered in her favor. Sophelia is well aware of this. Due to her potentially unnatural abilities, Sophelia boasts the ability to cast large numbers of spells fairly quickly, most of them relating to her affinity towards Air. She also possesses command of several Ainsworth dolls.
  • Brief Backstory: Sophelia was born with capabilities that seemed greatly beyond what should have been possible for her, even if she was naturally born as an incredible prodigy. However this may have occurred, she was raised to be an incredibly powerful asset to the Ainsworths, which naturally influenced her behavior as she grew older. She even participated in the failed raid on the Einzberns, and it was there that she first began to develop her interest in Illyasviel after seeing her for the first time. Eventually, Sophelia decided that she was going to capture Illyasviel personally. However, one of the things that frightens her is the fact that her dizzy spells and fainting have become more and more frequent as the Grail War approaches...
  • Faction: Black Team/Ainsworths
@Cojemo: Are you still there?
@Argonaut: It does line up to real life pretty well though.

Okita was universally popular in the Shinsengumi, while Hijikata... was not.

Edit: Just noticed, you didn't rank his Demon of the Battlefield skill.
@Argonaut: He's canonically got it as well. It's noted that less of the Shinsengumi will show up for his version, but since Okita was popular they all show up for her.
@Argonaut: There's not much wrong here, but there's something I need to point out.

Since he's Japanese, he'd get home territory bonuses. We actually know what this is(at least, one of the things that it is) for Shinsengumi Servants, the Shinsengumi Flag NP that lets them summon other members of the Shinsengumi, though not all of them show up for Hijikata.
Well, that means Lancer of Black is open now.
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