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<Snipped quote by Webmaster>

What's the nature of the battlefield itself? Because even if it's some Matrix-esque place, that would work, since one of the Wither biomorphs can directly interface with technology. Actually, as long as it's not just the empty void, it could work, considering Wither resilience (I'll attach the sheet explaining the species and character)

It’s a physical location; my digital chars just have a way to materialize there. It’s behind a one-way barrier so you can enter, but you can’t leave. The storm is causing massive spacial distortion, so that’s a danger factor right now.
<Snipped quote by Webmaster>

I meant that my guy possesses control of a Witherhive, which to average mortals would be absolutely devastating, but probably wouldn't stand up to your character, whom I've taken to be some sort of deific being.

Mine’s a digital being, a living program. Those have traditionally been pretty strong. The longer you play, the more you’ll get a feel of where the power ranges are and the more you’ll recognize what the upper range looks like (and honestly, I don’t think you need to worry about it all that much). Really, I’m more concerned about making sure the power level makes sense in context than I am making sure you aren’t OP. We have plenty of OP, so it just needs to make sense given the circumstances.
<Snipped quote by Tank O The Lake>

Mm. Except there's a difference between bullshitting numbers and stats, and using an inherently OP ability to further a story or character's development.

I don’t think he was trying to say that this almighty army was going to show up in the new pond and wipe everything out. Plus, numbers (a la DBZ power levels) don’t end up being all that important on this scale, so it’s all good.
<Snipped quote by Webmaster>

Well, your character seems to be in a bit of a hot spot, correct? From what I've gathered, she seems to be... crashing? Considering my guy has recently... acquired a reality anchor of sorts, he would be able to safely traverse the reality storm.

Reality anchors would probably have some effect. Like I said, I’m not in charge of that one, so I can only make guesses as to what would happen.
<Snipped quote by Tank O The Lake>

'Cause I've seen your predicament, and it's possible that my new character would be in a position to help, if that would be okay with your group.

Obviously I can’t answer for him, but I would guess that you can work something out. I’d note that conventional weapons would probably struggle against this foe.
<Snipped quote by Webmaster>

*The moment you enter into the storm's boundaries, you feel reality itself warping wildly around you as well as within the very space you occupy, as well as all other things in it with you. The stressing and decompressing and tearing and reforming of reality itself occurring many times in every instant all eat away at everything within*

*The waterfall of data continues to flood the area with new viruses even as the existing ones are deleted—my own recovery barely keeps up with the rate of deletion, introducing minor bugs every few seconds*
<Snipped quote by Webmaster>

Wait! You don't know how unstable that thing is!

*A grimace tugs at the corner of my lips before the storm obscures me from view*
Any of you who will help me... please...
*The scarlet perpendicular lines spanning across my body stop shifting and deepen as the red notifications in my eyes fade out, leaving nothing but “Update Complete” sprawled across each iris*
I need you!
*A virtual fountain of data erupts from behind me, blue and red voxels materializing into a digital menagerie of creatures—a swarm of bats spiral out from the geyser and begin probing throughout the storm; an array of living shields materialize from the data and spin around me, locked together in formation, and four large spider-like creatures cling to my body and create a rippling barrier of shimmering light and darkness*
<Snipped quote by Webmaster>


*Looks in your direction, but before I meet your gaze I fly into the storm*
<Snipped quote by Webmaster>

*Descends slowly into the storm, ignoring the needles*
Good luck.
*Disappears from view*

*Looks at the small handful of battlechips in my palm*
Forget it.
*Flings them to the side as a barrier of fire materializes around me*
<Snipped quote by Webmaster>

*As it stabs me, I release my hand from the dome, and the storm drifts slowly to ground level*

*A barrage of needles flies through you, impaling you in random directions*
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