Avatar of Xaltwind


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Current Regular weekends are too short. We needa get four day weekends instead.
6 days ago
If you're a mother, or if you've got one you love; Happy Mother's Day
7 days ago
It's not even the first month of summer yet and it's already too hot...
14 days ago
First mosquito bite of the year... Gaaah!
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23 days ago
Micro-one-day-vacation? Yes!
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  • I don't use social media, discord or google docs.
  • I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.
  • I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend and/or infuriate you.
  • I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.
  • I do anime-roleplay and only anime-roleplay.

Most Recent Posts

Time to get those delicious, delicious hard numbers on things, aw yeah~

Have a safe flight whenever you're going airborne by the by. Personally can't stand planes... I'm just not comfortable getting into an aluminium tube filled with highly flammable liquid that goes thousands of meters into the air. I dunno why...


The little gremlin only stopped working on her stuff and things for a brief moment after hearing the voice of the woman called Ayu. She glanced back over her shoulder with an almost apathetic expression, like as if she was in a trance or sleepwalking. She then turned back and continued toset things down and move items around, adjusting tools and fixing things 'just so'. After the human finished her little greeting and follow-up, Relica replied, in a much less snarky and irritated tone than when she'd spoken to Lord Oja and his entourage.

"Nice to meet ya, I'm Relica. Since you're so busy I'll just ask about the most important things for now." She spoke in an almost monotone voice and was very matter-of-factly, with almost no inflection to her words at all. She still wasn't looking at Ayu though, but rather focused on the task before her."How big's the enemy force and how big is Shizuyama's standing army? And before you ask, no, untrained peasants with pitchforks and hoe who're defending their homes' don't count as soldiers. " Evenn though the comment could easily have been sarcastic or interpreted as condescending, there was none of that in Relica's voice. Rather, it sounded like she was just explaining a potential miscalculation to a problem before it was made. She then continued unabated.

"How much do you have in terms of supplies? Like weapons, food, medicine and lumber? Also, what type of defenses does this... Base... have?" She propped up a pair of vices on the workbench and soon began to dismantle the wooden crate that had been in, stripping it apart for planks and nails.

"Lastly, how much of the island is currently held by the enemy? Where's the enemy headquarters and what's your strategy for defeating the invaders?" She asked, finishing up the disassembly of the crate, turning around finally to face Ayu. The gremlin's golden eyes glinted and her face was stern and serious. "I hope that ain't too many quesitons for ya, Miss Highly-Esteemed Monster-Supporter-in-charge-of-everything." She didn't bother to ask about clearly pointless things, like Shizuyama's navy or if this location was secure or not. The answers to both those questions were pretty obvious without needing to ask. Hopefully, this Ayu-person could provide more details and accurate numbers, which would hopefully not be disastrously skewed in favor of their opponents... But somehow the busty gremlin felt a niggling itch at the back of her head that whatever was going to come out of this albino-chick's mouth wasn't going to be good news.
Things were developing most interestingly. The usual prim and proper ALice had turned into Party Girl #1, while the dramatic and theatrical Sofia had become a dainty and quiet, well-mannered lady. Brandy, the noisiest and most rambuctious however, somehow managed to remain the moderate inbetween of both the others. While one might have expected her to slam down tankard after tankard, get up mon a table and start dancing while undressing and singing vulgar songs of a raunchy nature not fit to be written out, lest the ESB board get involved, she actually somehow managed to remain... Normal?

While Alice chugged down mug after mug of alcohol and had herself join in drinking contests, and get noticeably drunk, Brandy remained even-paced and restrained. Sure, she was drinking far more than Sofia, but she interspersed her drinking with eating food, in particular bread, and while she was definetely showing signs of flushed cheeks and intoxication, she wasn't slurry or incoherent in her speech, nor wobbly or googley-eyed. Perhaps the satyr had some natural resistance to alcohol? Or maybe she was just one of those people who knew her own limits and didn't over-indulge since she might want to enjoy the festivities more?

Whatever the case, the little nougat-skinned girl was happy to spur her friend on, shouting 'Chug!' along with the other patrons of the establishment when Alice started downing drink after drink, and squeed in cheerful glee whenever the werewolf finished a tankard. She was also being quite generous with her part of the group's earnings, ordering food and drinks for the entire crowd, getting her many cheers and applause - and a few marriage proposals - from the other guests.

Amidst the chaotic and jovial celebration, a meek Sofia piped up and asked the satyress a question which made the girl laugh in a good-natured and bemused fashion.

"Maa-haa-haa~! Wha'chja talking about, Sofers? Al's always like this, ain't she? When we're walking around outside she's running all over and sniffing the stumps and bushes, yeah? When we're in a fight, she punches 'n kicks the bad guys in the scrote. This just how our Al be, y'know?" Brandy said, with a smug, almost proud, look on her face, as if she was walking about her daughter or a sister or soemthing... Also, Brandy seemed to have a very interesting view on ALice's personality and mannerisms...

"But hey! You needa refill, girl! MA'AM! Get my girl here some sweet mead, 'kay?" Brandy called out, ordering a pint iof sweet honeyed mead for her undead friend, whether she wanted it or not.

Upon being accosted by Alcie and given the proposal of trying one of her super sweet beverages, Brandy's ears twitched happily and she smushed her cheek against Alice's, cuddling the werwolf's face wioth her own.

"Sure! I'd love to try it! I bet'cha it's just as tasty as you~!" Probably a comment about how she'd slurped Alice's cheek back in the forst, though as the other guests weren't aware of that tidbit, a large and elongated 'ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!' rung out through the bar, followed by clapping, laughing and whistling. And Brandy's laughter.

The merry atmospehre continued for quite a while, until things eventually winding down. Either because guests got so sloshed that they just fell asleep or went unconscious, or hbecause they had to leave. Our girls, eventually, had to make their way out as well. Brandy, havind drunk her fair share of booze, was stull in fairly stabile condition, enough so that she could at least shoulder a certain over-inebriated werewolf. the trio were now walking through the strets of an otherwise quiet and sleepy Gnarlton, heading for a local inn that had been recommended to them by the owner of the tavern.

"Hey Sofers. I forgot to tell ya this, but I'm so glad I get to travel with you'n Al. You're both so strong and cool, and you even let a rookie-cookie like me tag along. You're awesome, you know that right?" Brandy said, smiling kindly as she looked at the undead huntress, while still keeping a mumbling drunk dog-lady upright and on the road. "Whoop, Al! No touchies there! C'mon you lush, maa-haa! We're almost at the inn. You can fondle and grope all you want once we get ya into a bed, yeah?"

Ah, youth.... And ethanol... Lovely combination.
Do note that all of Relica's complaints and comments are based on her own, personal experience and values and may not reflect the actual, factual reality in way, shape or form.

Just thought I'd throw that out theere, in case anyone felt like I was throwing shade or being needlessly hostile with her. :)

@AzureKnight, @Hammerman, @Paulhaynek, @Restalaan

The gathered group eventually spoke up, one after the other. First was the wererabbit, who introduced herself as Lunatea. To Relica, she honestly didn't look like much of a warrior, in any capacity. Heck, the washboard-rabbit didn't even look like proper mage either. Was she just a random civilian? What kind of Taskforce employed and sortied random-ass country-bumpkins!? Maybe she had some hidden talent? Or maytbe she was part of the logistics and/or administrative duties? The gremlin couldn't help but feel a sinking sense of dread as her eyes scanned the remaining group with the same predatory glare as a cat selecting its prey.

Next up was the goblin. At least this one was equipped with a weapon, which was a bonus. But frankly, he didn't look like much either. Resembled the kind of back-alley mugger you'd find in any town. Definetely not a soldier or combatant of any kind of proper training or merit. Sure, he might know how to poke someone with that little blade of his, but honestly, even a child could figure out which end you stick in the other guy. Hopefully he had other talents. Also, what was with his personality? Talking and acting like he ran the show. Also, did he not think she could hear him whiserping to the young human? Her fuzzy ears flitted in annoyance.

Finally, the Takeshi-person spoke again. At least he had some courtesy, although his 'apology' was less of an actual apology and more of a 'I'm an ignorant racist and proud of it'-statement which was used as an excuse to validate his behavior. Then again, that was common for these human-supremacist types. Always thinking themselves ever so high-and-mighty, not having to have common decency or manners, because they were humans and thus blah-blah-blah-blah world bleongs to them. She sighed slightly andput her hands on her hips, giving the goblin a disapproving side-eye.

"Yeah, I heard the man back when he introduced himself, thanks. She felt that this little goober was going to be one of those pesky jerkys who'd get on her nerves somehow. "And as you can all plainly see--" She used one of her mechanical arm to lightly tap the large, hulking workbench and cargo-which-lay-upon-it that was located right behind her. "-- I got a bit of luggage to unpack. So, thanks for offering, but I really should set everything I'll need up before I go exploring an island full of monster-hating invaders and locals, don't you agree?" She gave a slight sneer at the young lord as she said this.

]"As for that mechanical monster you mentioned, she's pretty much why I'm here. No offense, but I seriously doubt anyone on this lil' island got the means to properly take care of someone like her." She relaxed her hands from her sides and the mechanical arms on her back whirred, grappling onto her cargo once again as she began moving forward, towards the exit of the temple. "So yeah, I'll take you up on that offer, young lord-sir. I'll get myself situated and have a look around your base here, seems like a much smarter thing to do than bolt headlong into unknown territory, yeah? Wars are won in the preparation stage, after all. But Oh--" She paused as she was halfway out the entrance. Turning her head to look back over her shoulder. "-- But if you're that curious about my tech, come stop by when you get back. I'm sure I'll be able to show you somethings that'll blow your mind. Good luck out there in the field~! And come back safe, yeah? I'd really hate to have travelled all the way here for nothin'." Relica finished, waving as she walked on, leaving the temple interior.

Temple Outside:

"... ... ... The actual heck is this...?

Relica was not quite prepared for the sight she saw when exiting and stepping into the temple grounds proper. She had been told that this was where refugees and fleeing citizens of Shizuyama gathered, but she had imagined this was nothing more than a temporary stop for them. A sort of checkpoint or safe-haven-on-the-road to a more secure and Shizuyama-controlled area where they could regroup. But no. That wasn't it. This wasn't a war camp or a fortification. This was a mess.

Refugees scurrying about to and from, no organized patrols or sentries, no orderly supply-stockpile or fire-precautions... Hadn't these guys been under attack for weeks!? To call the defenses flimsy - in her opinion - would be an understatement! This was terrible! No, it was worst than that, it was catastrophic! How were these Zupanguese going to win back their own land if they couldn't even muster a decently organized and functioning base of operations? Wait... Did the brass know about this? Damn those rat-bastards, taht's why they sent her here... They must've known the state this place was in, and figured this'd be an easy way to get rid of her. Those assholes. Thought they'd be all slick and smooth and pretend to care about foreign affairs while potentially getting rid of a creaking wheel in their little machine?

"Heh, so that'sit, huh? You just wait, you waxed-moustache creeps. I'll show you..." Relica muttered to herself, with a menacing grim grin on her face, as she pulled her stuff along.

She'd eventually settle on a location somewhat central, but a bit out of the way, from the main temple area. Corners were, after all, the best place to build stuff. She ignored any glares, scoffs or jabs sent her way - she was far too preoccupied with herself to care about these narrowminded backwater island-folk at the moment. For now, getting her workbench, and subsequently her workshop, set up was of the top priority. Once that was done, she could go and try to find this 'Ayu' with the supposed white hair, and start making some suggestions to her - since apaprently she ran this whole shabang.

"If she hadn't been a monster-supporter she could've had a cushy position in society, huh? Hah."

The gremlin muttered to herself as she set things down, propped things up and began to get to work, using her mechanized arms to whip this way and that, pulling things out her sacks and crates atop the large metal bench, setting them down and ordering them in a practiced and routine-looking manner. Third campaign of her career, in a land where humans hated monsters, fighting against other humans, who also hated monsters. The irony was too thick here.

IC post edited to suit the desired details. My bad~

Relica didn't say anything in particular when the inari began her little gratitude-spiel. Other than a snarky, snorting snort when the mention of her 'mighty' nation was brought up, and a single twitch of her ears when she was called 'resourceful and knowledgeable', the gremlin really didn't make much of any noise. She followed behind the (seemingly?) high-born fox-lady in a dutiful manner, pulling her luggage along behind her. She listened with, what one would hope, was interest and concentration to what the much taller monster was saying. Though, to be truthful, Relica found the explanation a bit on brief and corner-cutting side - usually, she prefered to have a bit more details about things before she jumped into them, especially when it imvolved, y'know, fighting a war.

"I do live on the other side of the world, after all." Was the only thing the gremlin said that was of any real response, when the inari commented on her belated arrival.

She did seem to be somewhat impressed by Kyouko's (supposed?) home though. Looking around with cruious eyes at the foreign and intricate architecture and design. She looked far more apprehensive when a sudden mysterious robed figure suddenly emerged. And while Relica herself had no magical power of her own - or at least not any that was worht mentioning -- she somehow could tell that this hooded stranger was a particularly powerful entity. Being propped up on the magic dais was a bit of a exchange though, as Relica had to restrain herself from uttering certain words and performing certain actions which may have caused diplomatic incidents otherwise.

Then the magic ritual commenced all of a sudden.

"Wait, what? Ho-"

Then she was blinded by light.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow... Damnit, son-of-a.... Hey! What's the ... big... i... dea... uhhhhh....... Huh?"

Suddenly, little gremlin was no longer on the grounds of Kyouko's estate, but standing alone inside a very unfamiliar place. A very foreign and unfamiliar place. Full of strange and unknown things. This would have been very exciting indeed, if not for the fact that Relica was still reeling from having been in one place moments ago, and was now in a different spot entirely. Travelling through space-time and being dimensionally shifted wasn't exactly something you just shrugged your shoulders at, especially not when you were a woman of reason and science. Sure! She knew magic that could do this sort of thing existed, but the little gremlin had never been the subject or victim of it before. Nor had she ever witnessed it be applied or used. This was... Confusing but also interesting. If she could somehow learn how to convert this kind of spellcraft into a more usable form, imagine the logistical benefits it could have! Why, it could change the very future of transportation as we kne-!

Swish, thump!

Sliding doors suddenly slid open, and figures emerged. Or entered, as Relica was the one who had technically emerged. Out of nowhere, we might add. There wsa a human male, a arachne, a goblin, a ... Zombie...? With a facial tattoo on her forehead, no less. And a flat-chested wererabbit. Great. Quite the welcoming party. As she shook her head slightly to regain composure and focus, the gremlin was about to greet her new allies.

... Then the human opened his mouth and spoke.

A visible vein appeared on the gremlin's temple, and her eye began to twitch. A forced smile was plastered on her lips, but anyone with a modicum amount of mbility or common sense to read the situation could tell that the busty little pint-sized monster was doing everything in her power not to say or do something that may not leave the best first impression.

"Haah... That's funny, big guy... I'm short, so I must be a dwarf, yeah... Hilarious... Haha... Ahh..." She let out a brief, shallow sigh and sucked in a bit of air. "But no, I'm not. I'm a gremlin, from Grelden. I'm here to lend you a hand." She said, putting every ounce of self-restraint into forcing these words out, rather than lunging forward and trying to strangle Takeshi for implying that she was one of those little mountain-dwelling lolis who live in caves under the ground. No, no, she wasn't upset at all. Not in the least.

"So, anyway... I'm supposed to meet someone called Ayu? That one of you guys in the back there?" She asked, raising an eyebrow and, with a dismissive hand-wave, motioning to the group of monsters behind Takeshi. "Oh, and I suppose I'm also meant to meet some guy named Take-" Her words trailed off. Wait, didn't this guy just introduce himself as Takeshi Oja? This dude was Takeshi Oja? Relica felt her stomach lurch, and she really, really, really hoped that Takeshi Oja was a very common name, kinda like John Smith. But the Zipangu-version. She put a gloved hand on her own face and let out another, much longer and deeper, breath of air.

"... It's great to meet you all... I'm Relica by the way." She finally said, after letting go of her own face. She also released the grip on her luggage, allowing her mechanized arms to retract a bit. There was no point in holding onto her stuff while they were inside and doing the chitty-chats after all.
Smarty-pants gremlins do not associate with lunatics and madmen. Smartypants gremlin know to stay away form Wonderland-residents. They have a certain repuation, after all. :p
Happy new year to you too.

Yay, now I can have Relica be a sass-mouth to all of ya~
I just got home from celebrating Xaltmas with the family. :P
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