Avatar of Xanadu
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 103 (0.04 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Xanadu 7 yrs ago
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Xanadu | Xan | That asshole | etc
21 12/13/1997
University Student: History & Philosophy
Forum Based RPing for 8+ Years
Who Art Tho?

The man known as Xan
Hello there! You can call me Xanadu through originally on Old Guild I was known as Fa11ing Phoenix. I'm a University student that lives on the East Coast of North America studying History and Philosophy with aspirations of either becoming a History Professor or working in the Digital Humanities. I used to be really into forum based roleplaying when I was younger starting out on Neopets before moving to Max-Dan-Wiz and finally ending up on the Old Guild.

As I entered college though, I found it hard to find time to allocate time to writing posts when I have to write essays for grades and the like. Recently though, I've decided that for the sake of my own mental health that I have hobbies beyond work in an attempt to help keep myself sane. And thus I have returned with the expressed intent of continuing to do this weird collaborative writing experience that I love so much!

Current Projects
RPs That I GM:

RPs That I Participate In:
  • N/A

Genres that peak my fancy
  • Fantasy: [High | Low | Urban]
  • Sci-Fi: [Mechs | Science-Fantasy | Space Operas]
  • Historical [Westerns | Wuxai | Chanbara]
  • Punk [Steam punk | Diesel Punk | Post-Cyberpunk]
  • Fandom [DC & Marvel | Dragon Age | Mass Effect]

Fun Facts
▶ I play the Kantele, Tenor Sax, and Clarinet
▶ My favorite color is Orange

Most Recent Posts


@Scrub Mage

@Plank Sinatra
Wait somebody thinks my ideas are cool?! I mean yes only cool stuff here!

I know right! Personal experience tells me there is a 1 in 10 chance that by smashing two seemingly disjointed genres together you end up with something awesome. Hopefully you have enough time ^-^


Don't you worry plenty of room for all the dorks! Well maybe not all the dorks, but enough dorks. A satisfactory number of dorks.


@Red Coil
Yeah. You can actually think Gibson by weird extension for this. I've read Idoru but never the rest of the books in the Bridge triology making it his only "trilogy" I hadn't finished. Anyway, my brother ended up getting me Virtual Light and All Tomorrow's Parties for the holidays, which struck me with inspiration as they say.

@Jarl Coolgruuf
One might even call it... intriguing.

Any way that is more than enough people for me to start working on an OOC. It's like almost 10 PM.... so that being said I have classes at Uni tomorrow. Which means if all goes well, I should be able to get something up for you guys over the weekend. In the meantime though if you have any pressing comments, questions, concerns, or world-shattering secrets, feel free to either tag me here, or send me a PM, and I'll try and get a response to you as soon as possible.
Art by Eric Guez

Humanity has always defined itself by its ability to adapt; its ability to augment itself and its surroundings. From fire to the arrowhead, the light bulb to the atomic bomb. Exponential technological progress has come to define the structure of humanity's story. Yet there was a time, when even the brightest of minds believed the story was reaching its denouement.

In the early 1990s, the ГКЧП's Аugust Coup would succeeded in overthrowing Mikhail Gorbachev; Cold War tensions would flash white hot. In a few short minutes the world would turn upside down; analysts would later refer to the events as lucky as only a "limited exchange" had occurred. Despite such "luck", the various nation-states began to collapse beneath the newfound weight. Some, such as the United States, fell apart all together splintering along sectional divides. Others, such as France, saw a new reliance upon corporations that offered to privatize peace and security. It would be these corporations that would shape the decades to come.

Pulling back up from the edge; a new world order arose. Once the police force, the power grid, telecommunication network and legal systems were all privatized, it was only a matter of time till the corporations started running entire cities. The 20th century nation-state replaced with its slicker and more fashion-foward cousin: corporatocracy. People accepted it of course, anything to bring back normalcy to their lives after years of chaos. They wake up in their corporate run housing, take the corporate run mass transit, work at a corporate paid job, and go home to do it all again in the morning.

All the while, a golden age of innovation and advancements seems to have sparked. Without government restrictions to keep things in check, new technologies emerge fast. Only thing stopping somebody from making the new hot thing being somebody else doing it quicker and cheaper. The titular new hot thing currently is cybernetic augmentation technology. As robots became more lifelike and able to perform more complex tasks so did augs. But most people aren't hulking robocops. Today's cyborgs are stylish and sleek. Besides augs humanity has other toys in the toybox: self-driving cars, "better than life" virtual reality programs, gene-spliced babies, and even orbital collectives with a moon base on the way. Whatever you imagined chances are somebody is making it somewhere.

Behind close doors, in back alleyways, and the parking lot down the block; these corporations wage a quiet war amongst themselves. Some of its soldiers are on payroll, most are freelancers. Call them whatever you desire: freelancers, street samurai, console cowboys, thugs, or idiots. Marking a strange intersect of high and low culture - where the glitz of the movers and shakers meets the dark and turbulent undercurrent. This story focuses in upon one such group of individuals.

Our story begins in the Far East. Here in the southern reaches of China, where the Pearl River empties into the South China Sea, lies the bustling metropolis of Hong Kong. The city remains ever in prominence as a hub of trade and innovation, a prominence which has only increased in recent years. Many resting on the laurels of its largest benefactor Auyong Medical and its various subsidiaries. Folks from all over travel to Hong Kong, to use their state of the art medical clinics and do business, and as a result the city thrives.

Here in this melting pot of East and West, embraced by the sea, a handful of wandering destinies begin to be woven together. A job offering by Loingsech Solutions - a corporate giant whose best known for its continued advances in pursuing AI technology. The job is what those in the "biz" would call asset transportation, getting something from point A to point B, in one piece. Point A being a Loingsech lab in Hong Kong and Point B being their headquarters in Dublin. The asset in question, a rather unassuming fifteen year old girl with one hell of an attitude. One problem though, for some reasons or another the client has prohibited the use of air travel for "security reasons." So you're gonna be long hauling it.

Better get some rest, the ferry leaves in the morning.

Hello! This is the interest check for Rectifier. By now, you should have already gathered that this is a roleplay set in a dystopic cyberpunk future inspired by the works of William Gibson, Mamoru Oshii, and Katsuhiro Otomo among others. In the same vein of these stories, it's a story blending high technology with low living. Famously these stories whether novel, film, or comic all follow similar design beliefs: the aim to capture a certain style/feeling, than tell a story, and finally make characters that fit to that story. With this roleplay, I'm aiming to find a closer blend between style and substance with a more heavy focus on character development and moments. To that end, I aim this to be a more narratively structured RP than most cyberpunk RPs I've seen on the site, which seem to skew towards a more sandbox feel.

Beyond a cyberpunk story, its also something of a road trip story. For a contemporary idea think maybe Final Fanatasy XV or maybe The Muppet Movie. This idea, to combined cyberpunk and road trips together is something I shamelessly ripped from NeoScum: a Shadowrun actual play podcast by terrible people for terrible people, I highly recommend you give it a listen. Basically what I've found is that the road trip structure allows for a healthy balance of more action heavy scenes that can be interspersed with more quieter character driven scenes. Thus allowing people that like writing about action and doing cool stuff their time to shine, and those more interested in collabs and dialogue heavy posts some love as well. As well as allowing more player agency in the story, as there are about 9,832 km between Dublin and Hong Kong, allowing players to deiced how they want to exactly approach that journey. That and the road trip genre lends itself to themes of found family, which as a trope I'm a sucker for.

In the end though, I also want players to feel like they had a hand helping create a breathing world. I have a brief outline of the history of this alt-history Earth, but not much beyond vague snippets of detail here and there. As a result this allows players to make things up and express themselves as they desire. You want to be a Molly Millions style razor girl? Sure. A suave hacker down on their luck? A bright kid trying to pay off their college loans? A corporate samurai that lives and dies by their honor? A cyborg? A martial artists. All of that's possible, so long as you can come up with a reasonable reason for their existence in this world.

So if any of this has caught your eye, or if you have any questions why don't you pop in and say hi?


Some art that fits the feel I'm aiming for: Josan Gonzalez, Nick Bray, Arsenyer, Nivanh Chanthara, Mikko Kautto

Some tunes as well: All That You Love Will Be Eviscerated, New York, I Love You But You're Bringing Me Down, Chromakey Dreamcoat, Love Theme, Music Sounds Better With You

I uh honestly don't even know what to say. (I'm notoriously bad at the whole accepting of compliments thing.) But thanks I'm honestly still kinda flabbergasted by the kind words. Though I'm glad you guys accept Anjor as the sad trash panda, sad space cat boy, space's #1 uncle but still somehow sad, dashing -and not at all sad- freedom fighter that he totally is!

And in regards to the Discord. Well, I'm going to have to perform the unenviable task of remembering the sign-in information for my account, but sure I'm game!

Thanks a bunch for the quick reply! And don't worry about it, that's why I figured I'd put the prompt up and ask! Evidently I ended up switching out the M-5 Phalanx for the Ushior and the Omni-Blade for a Firaan. Figured him brining his own gear would evidently in the end make more sense, probably, though honestly I could see it going either way. Would of switched out the Mattock as well, but from what I remeber and double checking on the wiki, we aren't introduced to an angara variant so the Mattock should do. (Could of just traded it out for an Isharay, but I don't really picture Anjor as a sniper rifle guy in my head for some reason...)

And yeah well the long and the short of it was that I sort of stumbled into a Jaal romance in my first play through without really intending to. Evidently, I ended up sort of falling for the angara after that primarily because of all the stupid adorable emails he sends you. That and from the admittedly little glimpse we get at their culture throughout the game, they are kinda fascinating. Biologically engineered by a race of mysterious precursors that peaced out and never returned, fighting a desperate war of survival. That and I mean their social hierarchies and dynamics actually reflect that of real life lions really well. So they aren't just giant talking space cats... they are giant talking space lions! And that I at least think is hella cool.
So I'm kinda new here. And I'm kinda terrified about this. Thing is though, I'm kinda sucker for Mass Effect and Mass Effect RPs. So I figured nothing ventured, nothing gained right? Anyway look a conveniently placed distraction!

In 'Ello 7 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Здравствуйте Один! Очень приятно с вами познакомиться! Ça va bien. Comment ça va?

Bonjour Monsieur.

Well, I'm not one to argue with dragons, they have teeth and fire, both of which don't agree with my complexion most of the time.

And thank you everyone for your greetings! ^_^
In 'Ello 7 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Introductions are hard. Wait did I say that out loud? Shit conceal don't feel!

Howdy folks, people call me Xanadu, and I suppose you can as well, though Xan also works. I'm an 19 year old industrial design student currently based out of the east coast of North America. Time is currently in excess and boredom mounting, so I'm here to kill some time and maybe have fun. Taking a cautionary gaze around the Guild, I'd probably call myself an advance writer mostly because I'm more at home with longer posts that I can sink my teeth into. I'm new here, but I have about nine years of experience at this point with forum-based RPing having moved around from site to site a lot. You guys probably know the drill, forum dies so you gotta find a new home and what not. Though the Guild from what I have gathered seems to have a track record of staying around, so that might be a nice change of pace.

Ummmm... Fun facts that you might like to know:
▲ I speak French and Russian along with English.
▲ I used to be the captain of my high school's fencing team.
▲ My brother threw his copy of Neuromancer at me when I was thirteen, and cyberpunk has been my jam ever since.
▲ Though honestly basically anything is my jam really beside slice-of-life.
▲ I have an unnatural love towards Alan Moore.
▲ I occasionally kiss men, and ladies, and basically everything else.
▲ And I'm still not sure if a hot dog is a sandwich or not.

Aite. Well, I think that's enough stuff to count as an introduction right?

Hope to see you all around, and hopefully I'll have the pleasure of writing with some of you!

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