Avatar of Zarkun


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2 yrs ago
Current Sometimes you spend so long looking for peace in someone else, you loose sight of that peace you can give yourself. Don't forget that guys.
3 yrs ago
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. But today? Today is a gift. That is why it is called the present." -Master Oogway
5 yrs ago
So many writing ideas, so little time to write. Being an adult sucks...
6 yrs ago
It's the most fattening time of the year!
7 yrs ago
There is a madness to my method. Or is there a method to my madness?
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<Snipped quote by Crimson Raven>


Hell. That's what you've unleashed.
@Caits As long as you don't mind waiting a week and a bit for my move to be all finished, then that'd be great.

As for Isabella @Zarkun, Idk what Jane's doing atm but as you said, perhaps Isabella should explain why she stood her up at the ball.

She is currently just sitting around the guild hall, waiting for someone to say "Interact with me!"
The Journey's End-Wavering Faith

Wrath glanced up as he felt the familiar presence of the Archangel Zarrath arrive, along with the semi-familiar presence of Kushiel, though he didn't care for the bastard. The Army of Light and Laguna Hierarchy kept their forces separate for good reason, since the truth was that the two angel breeds simply didn't care for the other. It often lead to brawls in the White City, but they had yet to try and kill each other. And then there was Kushiel, unique because he not only was a part of the Army of Light, but was augmented by Laguna technology, or whatever they called it. Still, the arrival of the pair indicated that victory for the angels was near. Well, specifically the arrival of the grey-winged Zarrath, as he very much preferred to lead from the front.

Slightly preceding the two angel commanders, Lily, Fen, Souta, Akoni, and some guy the Nephilim had yet to meet before now arrived, and seeing three of the four, his mind returned to his doubts about the power the Council truly held. Bah, think on it another time. For now, we have a job to do. Kushiel spoke, congratulating everyone and saying that a great victory had been won for Heaven and the Council alike. Wrath, who had spent the majority of his time dealing with a broodmother and her ilk, liked what he had heard so far and nodded. When the request for the orbs was given, he frowned at his own. He could certainly feel that this Orb, whatever it was, contained powerful magic, but didn't know why Kushiel would need it. His frown only deepened when Fen and Lily spoke at the same time. "No."

It was at this juncture the Nephilim spoke up. "Alright, so call me oblivious, but what exactly is so important about this orb?"
@Lunarlors34I think you should post us arriving and get us set up. Unless you want to move that to a collab.

Rave "The Shadow" Mallard

Frixion Prime

Even as the man and Akagalcia explained the quick appearance change, Rave was ready to pay and go. Finding out he wouldn't have to pay was a pleasant surprise, but there was still the problem of making sure the man didn't tell anyone anything. Sadly, memory reformation was never one of the Spectre's strong points with his powers, and he had no desire to make an idol, if mostly harmless, threat to one of his traveling companion's friends. "I have to thank you for your extra care, Mister Velden. And I can see that you are indeed busy," even though the store bore only one extra customer and she was absorbed in her own shopping, "so we will take our leave."

Leading the way out of the shop, blending in became a much easier task now that Akagalcia was wearing something more akin to the street clothes others were wearing, even if it did have more pockets than most others did. It wasn't long before the sound of ships soaring overhead reached the pairs ears and Rave grinned beneath his helmet, the visor still down. "Good, we're almost clear. Assuming that we don't run into any trouble, we'll be on a ship out of here in no time."
@Holy Soldier Just to verify if I remember correctly, I do have to wait for the next posting order, correct?

Yes you do.

EDIT: You should, but so long as it doesn't mess up things and ignore the happenings of other posts, I THINK you can post anyways.
Hunter Jorgenson|Strike while it's Hot

Hunter's skin hardened around where the dagger would be and before the Mirror Maiden could move, his hand had wrapped around her wrist and he pulled her all the way through and spun before flinging her towards her sister. "Again, what happens if you're in a position where you have no magic? Where Aria can't flee from her opponent to the mirror realm to rest if she gets tired? That's what I was trying to teach. Like I said, come find me when you can fight without your magic as well as with."

James Hunt|A Student's Tribulation

"Indeed we will have to. We're all strong mages, Cody, but sometimes we tend to fall back on our S-Class mages when things get tough and we can't do that here. We're going to win, I'm sure of it." James summoned his tome and read for a few minutes before speaking. "Have you tried turning your shield magic into something that rests on your arm like my own shield yet?"

Ammy Silver|A Day Behind the Counter

Ammy, who had been working on making some more burgers for the day, glanced over at Zev as he mumbled to himself and frowned. "You know, you've not yet told me why you don't just ask a healer to fix the bump."
@Zarkun Those spells are unnamed as Chosel doesn't actually call out a spell to use them. The closest it would have to a name is "Book Telekinesis"

The main idea behind the names is to help the other players differentiate between spells and less calling them out. My Dragon Slayer is the only one who calls out his spells.

I see no major issues with the sheet. One complaint I have, which is just personal nitpick, is the unnamed spells, but that's not something you need to change. You get my stamp of approval. @Caits@Expolar New sheet!
Good morning everyone!

I've been playing around with potential pictures for my characters for after the time-skip because it's school holidays and I don't really have much to do outside of my regular household chores.

Welp, there goes my plans to poke the bear XD
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