Avatar of Zarkun


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2 yrs ago
Current Sometimes you spend so long looking for peace in someone else, you loose sight of that peace you can give yourself. Don't forget that guys.
3 yrs ago
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. But today? Today is a gift. That is why it is called the present." -Master Oogway
5 yrs ago
So many writing ideas, so little time to write. Being an adult sucks...
6 yrs ago
It's the most fattening time of the year!
7 yrs ago
There is a madness to my method. Or is there a method to my madness?
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That's what I said 3 years ago, seems like you guys are still going strong :
7.5k IC posts. Preeeety insane if I say so! Keep on

I might just join when the new thread comes up

You're always welcome mate!
Allira Korsan|Personal Quarters

Master Azure's call to speak with her caught the Jedi Knight somewhat off guard, but she didn't let on, instead standing and approaching his robot body. It was odd that she was who he sought out instead of another peaceful Jedi Such as Kresst, but she would help the best she could. Stepping out of the room, she closed the door behind her and locked it to prevent the crew from snooping where they shouldn't, specifically the padawans. Approaching the Jedi Master's robotic body, she bowed. "What can I help you with, Master Azure?"

𝕶𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕭𝖔𝖔'𝖘 𝕮𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖑𝖊

Day/Time: Day Three-Morning
Location: Doom Train
Tagging: Six@Majoras End, The Heavy@ONL, Akira@Tenma Tendo, Slayer@Lugubrious

As the group of heroes appraised both each other and the situation in front of them, for the manor most certainly seemed manageable, the mist around them seemed to thicken as an eerie laugh echoed out around them "HEHEHEHEHE! You think finding me in my home will be so easy?" Then he appeared, the ghastly visage of King Boo himself as he floated around the group of heroes, taunting them to make a move. "You're about to find out why they call it King Boo's Castle instead of mansion, you fools!" Without warning, the front gates and doors flew open and a powerful vacuum sucked them in even as the mists lightened and King Boo disappeared.

As is only natural, the heroes would attempt to grab something to stay put, but anything they grabbed simply came with them and once the last of the group was in the doors, the slammed shut and King Boo's laugh echoed around them once more. "Let the games begin!" As the group picked themselves up and the candles around them lit up, they would find that the mansion was considerably larger inside than it was on the outside, with hallways stretching considerably further than physics should have allowed and more doors than there should have been room for. At the end of one hallway was a rather large room, far bigger than should have been possible, with many smaller Boos floating around in it. It quickly became apparent that they were going to need as much time as they could get at this rate.


GM Note: From now on, all players will be required to keep track of their word count. XP will be awarded every GM post. Be sure to check the XP hider to see how much XP your character earned. Remember to keep your CSes updated. I have seen players slack in keeping their XP up-to-date and they have lost XP points because of it. I didn't take the XP away from them, they just didn't keep track of the XP on their own. It is YOUR responsibility if you want your character to level.


If a player is inactive for more than 3 days without letting the GMs know of any delays, then the player can be skipped over on the 4th day. If a player does not wish to post, they can Mention the GM and let the GM know he or she "Passes" on his or her turn.

P.O.: Slayer, Akira, Heavy, and Six.


Level: 1
Day/Time: Day Three-Early Morning
Location: Skyrim-Stormcloak Camp
Interacting: Forsworn@Holy Soldier
Mention: Ruben@Mattchstick, Azura@Lugubrious, Mr. President@Holy Soldier, Captain Piper@DracoLunaris, Stormcloaks@Holy Soldier
Word Count: 386

Vent slowly relaxed as it became apparent that between Azura's song and the reasoning of himself and Captain Piper would indeed get through to the group of soldiers. He began to relax as they started talking to each other when two things happened behind him. The first was the soldier, Ruben, who stated that 'order were orders' and the sound of his weapon being put back to his shoulder caused the Mega Man to spin, opening his mouth to tell him off when Azura beat him to it, asking him if he had a mind of his own in not so many words. If that was how uncertain engagements were going to go...This is one giant bomb waiting to-

And then, true to the idiocy he had thus far shown, the Boss gave the order to attack them. "Are you stupid?!" Any retort, however, was cut short as a familiar looking energy blast cut through the air between him and Azura, sending him diving for cover behind a tree. "Right, well, guess he's going to get his fight either way. Let's do this!" The transformation took only a few seconds, but it gave an idea for the 'Boss' as to what Double megamerging was. The sword then became the ZX Blaster and he went to work. Spinning around one side of the tree he'd taken cover behind, he let off a three round burst, one laser aimed at three different targets, before taking cover again.

He then poked out around the other side of the tree and fired two more times, at one of the barbarians holding a larger laser rifle. While transformed, Vent knew he could take a considerable number of hits more than he could in his normal human appearance, but would he be able to close with them for attacks with the ZX Saber? No, stay at range for now. I can't guarantee that they don't have melee weapons, not to mention there's a lot more of them than there are of me. Still, eventually the laser fire forced him to take cover behind a rock a little closer to the Forsworn than he was before, where he fired another burst of three, two for another heavy rifle wielder and one for a more lightly armed foe, all the shots aimed center mass.
Elias and the Fool

The trip back to the Eclipse wasn’t fantastically long, though it felt that way with the weight of the weequay on his shoulder. While there was no doubt most of it was muscle, the guy could also stand to cut back on his drinking and eat less whatever that other smell was the bastard had just burped up. And being honest, the Mandalorian could confirm that he had eaten way too much of it, because it almost overpowered the alcohol’s stench. If he hadn’t needed the bastard to find out who had hired them to kidnap Loretta, he probably would have just dumped the guy on the street and walked away. As it stood, the hanger his ship was landed in in sight, the smuggler was probably going to jet him out of the airlock when he was done asking questions of him.

Kromm Vierd groaned as he slowly regained consciousness, the effects of what he assumed was a stun blast finally starting to wear off. The last thing he could remember before waking up was that blasted Mandalorian hitting the rooftop he’d been standing on with a rocket and the Weequay had been to slow to move. First came the hard floor of the hovel, then came several decently sized pieces of roof, one of which had caught him in the head.

That lead to a rather disturbing question then came into his mind, one he couldn’t help but speak out loud. “Hey guys, if we won, why did you blast me with a stun blast?” The shifting of an armored form drew his now open eyes to a section of the wall to his left, where the Mandalorian who’d made snatching their target so hard stood against the wall.

”I see you’re finally awake.” There was a pause while the armored figure walked around to the front of the merc. ”Good.” The sound of a door opening behind the Weequay was nothing more than a prelude as, without any other warning, all the air in the room was being sucked out, suffocating him. Moments before he passed back into unconsciousness, the door slid shut and the pressure in the room equalized. Kromm wheezed for a couple of minutes before speaking.

“What,” he gasped after the word, swallowing the air before continuing, “the hell was that for?!” An armored fist met with his head in response, knocking a tooth loose.

”Who hired you to come after Loretta Graeff and how did you know where she’d be?” Kromm spit out a glob of blood before answering, sneering at the Mandalorian.

“Well wouldn’t you like to know? What’s wrong, Mando, didn’t get paid before we took her away?” His lip earned him nothing at first, and he thought maybe he’d stunned the armored man into silence. That was until the sound of the airlock doors being opened again caught his attention. “Shi-” And the air was gone, sucked out into the vacuum of space. Once more, just as he was about to pass out, the doors slid shut again and he was gasping.

”See, that’s the problem with you mercenary types, think because there’s more of you, you’re invincible. And yet, it only took a droid and myself to decimate the twenty of you that attacked us. Now, you can either tell me who hired you and who told you where to find us, or we play the low oxygen game all day.” Silence reigned as the Weequay mercenary considered his options. On the one hand, he could just keep his mouth shut, and repeatedly find out what it’s like to nearly be sucked out into space, but he’d not have to worry about his buddies coming to find him later and finish what this Mando started.

And then on the other, he wasn’t sure he actually liked being on the edge of death every time he shot off his mouth or refused to give the Mandalorian what he wanted. Plus, death by blaster bolt is much preferable to death by space in his book, even if the people shooting him were formerly his mates. Sighing, he looks the Mandalorian in his visor. “Alright, alright, I’ll talk if you don’t open the airlock again.”

The armored person didn’t reply, he simply waited for the mercenary to continue. “We were approached by another merc group, looked former Imperial. They wanted us to nab Loretta Graeff and that was all they said. The pay was good, so we didn’t ask too many questions.”

”And how did you know where to find her? Was that the Imperials too or a set up of your own?”

“It was the Imperials, some officer lookin’ woman. Said they’d fed info there were artifacts of particular interest to her at Grakkus’s arena. All we had to do was wait.” The Weequay watched the Mando as he paced side to side, wondering what he was thinking. That was everything that Kromm knew, mainly because as a lower ranking member of his group, he wasn’t included in the arranging of the finer details like drop points, final deliveries or anything important like that. If the Mando let him go, he might be able to reach one of the armored man’s blaster pistols, turn it on him before making a break for the escape.

But then again, it was well known that there was a reason larger mercenary groups than his own let slights go when the risk of dealing with an entire Mandalorian clan was at risk, their lifestyle of growing up warriors usually trumping much of the best military training in the galaxy. But the potential alternative wasn’t great either. “Is...is that all you need? Cause it’s all I got, I swear. I don’t rank high enough to know anything more.” There was the barest hint of fear in the mercenary’s voice, especially since the Mando had been silent for far too long, simply kept pacing. However, after a moment, he stopped in front of the mercenary and drew a pistol, shooting off the restraints. ”That’s all I need for my employer. Thank you for the help, Kromm.” The Weequay’s sigh of relief died in his throat as he saw the position the Mandalorian’s other hand was in.

”Oh, and thanks for the supplemental income.” The doors came open again and Kromm Vierd rushed out them, screaming.

“YOU BASTARD!” The doors slid shut and Elias stepped up to the viewport, taking a picture of the now deceased Weequay mercenary before storing the camera. He’d need the money that bounty was going to bring in if Koren was as pissed as the smuggler was sure he’d be. As he left the cargo hold and headed for the cockpit, he wondered just how Koren would take the news once more, hoping that his own knowledge of who’d arranged the kidnapping would be enough to sway Koren away from total fury.
Jason Tiberius Stark and Connor Tony Stark

Connor sat on his bed, the beginnings of morning just shining on the horizon outside his window. He was more than a little hesitant for what the day held, and hadn’t slept much, worrying constantly about it. Connor had thought his first day of schools were over, asides from college. He didn’t know why he was so… stressed about it. Sighing softly, Connor looked down at his hands. He didn’t even know why he was going to the Academy, asides from it being what his father wanted. And Ben was going… That was probably the reason why Connor was going too. They’d learn how to fight to together, and become… heroes together.

It still didn’t mean that he wasn’t hesitant about it all.

He sighed, glancing at his phone, to see if there was anything from Ben, before he rose deciding that if he was up, he might as well have breakfast. Moving silently downstairs, still in his pajamas, which consisted of sweats and a shirt, Connor ran a hand through his hair. He turned the light on in the kitchen, glancing about before he went to the fridge, taking out, for lack of wanting to cook anything, ham and cheese pockets.

As Connor moved to get up, he could hear music coming from his brother down the hall in the lab, indicating that he was once again up and working on something at the crack of dawn. The pair had basically been given their own section of the family house to work and live, mainly due to Connor’s online gaming and Jason’s music when he was working, much like his father’s. After a few minutes, Jarvis appeared as his cuboid hologram and got the attention of the older of the two Stark boys. “You brother has gotten up, Jason. Perhaps make sure he’s ready for the beginnings of today?”

Jason didn’t respond right away, instead finishing up the programming on the little watch in front of him, which was one of the longer projects that he’d undertaken. After a couple of minutes, Jason sighed. ”I already know, Jarvis. Ares has been keeping an eye on him all night, making sure he gets plenty of rest. Turns out he didn’t. Ares, kill the music.” The music shuts off immediately before the hologram of a Spartan warrior appears.

“He’s making himself some breakfast now, Master Jason. I’ll prep your armor.” Jarvis released a sigh before both holograms vanish and Jason made his way to the kitchen, grabbing the watch on the work table and a matching one off a stand nearby as he goes. The walk is short and soon he’s watching his younger brother make the breakfast pockets. After a moment of silence, he speaks.

”Ares says you didn’t sleep too well last night, Con. Everything OK?” He heads towards the fridge to grab a bagel before stopping and turning, tossing one of the watches. ”Oh, and catch.”

Connor looked over to Jason when he spoke, leaning against the counter. Catching the watch, Connor studied it a moment, using it as an excuse not to reply right away. He put it on, before finally speaking, ”Just a lot on my mind. New school and all.” He said, giving a shrug, turning to keep an eye on the breakfast pockets.

It was always so hard to explain. Part of it was just that he didn’t know how to explain. ”And I wasn’t really tired. I just… thought things through.” He shrugged, reaching up to run a hand through his hair once more, ”I’ll be okay.”

The deadpan look on Jason’s face said just how much of that he believed, even coming from his brother. Of course, that was likely because they were brothers and so it wasn’t hard to read each other. ”Uh huh, and I’m the king of England. Come on, Con, I’m your brother.” Cutting the bagel in half, he puts the two halves in the toaster before heading back to the fridge for some cream cheese. ”Tell me what’s really going on. Or is this one of those things you don’t want to say in front of Jarvis because he’ll tell dad?”

If Jason was honest, he was more concerned with how well his brother would do when they flew to the academy today. Dad would be joining them, wearing the legendary MK V Iron Man armor once more, if only so that the three Stark men could all arrive together, flashy and impressive as always. Jason still had his misgivings about some of the kids he and Connor would be going to this place with, but he had decided to wait until he knew them before passing judgement.

Connor sighed softly, pushing the button on the microwave to open it, ”I’m pretty sure that dad knows I’m not like you, Jason.” He said, reaching for a plate, ”It’s always hard going to a new school, and its different this time, isn’t it?” He frowned slightly. It was, and it wasn’t… everyone, even in elementary school and highschool, had known they were Stark children, Iron Man children. ”I’m just nervous.”

He retrieved his pockets, setting them on the plate to cool slightly, turning to look at his brother. ”I’m awkward, shy, and just… not what people expect a Stark to be. It wasn’t bad in highschool or anything, but… this is different.” He looked away, a little hesitant, ”And… what if I crash?”

Jason turned to look at his brother at the mention of not being what people expect a Stark to be and shakes his head, though he did have silent concerns about Con crashing as well. Despite his flight control having become quite good in the practice sessions, landing at the Academy was going to have a certain degree of pressure, since Dad had wanted the three of them to make something of a show out of it. Still, as he started spreading cream cheese on the two toasted bagel halves, he sighed.
”Don’t think so hard about the landing and you’ll be fine, just like when we’ve done it in the practice sessions here in New York. Remember, forget the people, focus on what you’re doing and you’ll get it down in no time. Besides, me and Dad will still be there.” Finishing spreading the cream cheese on one, he started on the other after taking a bite. After finishing chewing, he continued on.

”As for what people expect of a Stark, all they expect is a brain, the rest is icing on the cake. Besides, you can’t trust most of the people at our old high school, simply BECAUSE we’re Starks. I’m sure you remember that girl who tried to get with me, and when I turned her down, she started a vicious attack on Dad through her dad because ‘daddy’s little girl will get what she wants.’ I still remember his face when Dad bought out his law firm and then fired him after liquidating his assets.” He sighed, finishing putting the cream cheese on the second one as Smalls wandered in, a soft meow coming from him at the sight of his owner, who called him over and took a moment to stroke his back while he talked. ”I did warn her it wouldn’t end well if she did it too…”

That was something Jason had put up with once his junior year had started; people pretending to be his friend until they realized he wasn’t going to give them what they wanted, and then trying to hurt him somehow in retaliation. Connor still didn’t know that because he’d turned down a girl’s advances once, that was why he’d become the her younger brother’s target for bullying; at least until Jason had busted the kid’s arm after warning him that doing what big sister asked was a dangerous thing to do and he literally said that Connor was too much fun to pick on regardless. When Jason tried again to talk him out of it for his own good, the kid had thrown a punch, and it was game on from there.

Connor looked down at his food, thoughtful. He tried to figure out just what to say. He had never really given many of the students at their school a thought, once it became clear he didn’t really fit in. He’d had Ben, after all. ”Jason, you were extorted, I was teased. At least until you or Dad did something about it. They knew they could get away with it, at least for a little bit. They enjoyed doing it. I guess they figured it made them powerful, even for a little bit.” he shrugged, picking up one of his pockets.

”I don’t want it to be the same at the Academy… “

Jason grimaced at the memories, taking a bite of a bagel while still petting his calico cat. Most of those people hadn’t even noticed the two Stark boys until their dad had publicly announced that Jason would be the heir to Stark Industries. After that, the pair couldn’t catch a break. ”Water under the bridge I guess. But I doubt it’ll be that way at the Academy, after all, we’re going to have similarities with these people, not to mention Uncle Steve will be there, Uncle T’challa, Aunt Natasha, plus Mom and Dad and essentially all the Avengers. Even Peter will be there.”

Finishing the bagel, he rested a hand on his brother’s shoulder. ”End of the day, we’ll be fine. Plus Smalls is coming along, so what can go wrong?”

Connor nodded, turning his gaze to Jason, ”You’re right.” He said, although he still couldn’t help being a little worried, he returned his gaze to his food, starting to eat, thinking a moment. ”I’m guessing the watching isn’t a normal one, then?”

Jason chuckled, going over to retrieve his sword and fasten it into place on his waist. ”Con, when is anything I build normal? Think of it as an upgraded Apple watch, only this one can shoot stun blasts and record video, along with acting as an SOS beacon. I’m going to give dad the SOS channel for yours and mine before we leave.” He glanced down at the time and sighed. ”Speaking of leaving, we need head to the armory, it’s getting close.”

Finishing his breakfast pockets, Connor nodded, ”Alright, I’ll meet you there. I should get dressed first.” he put his plate aside to be washed, before hurrying out the kitchen, back to his room. It didn’t take long to get ready, and he quickly grabbed his phone, and glanced about to make sure he wasn’t forgetting anything.
As he made his way to the armoury he sent a quick text to Ben, saying he would see him there, before slipping the phone in his pocket.

Still worried about crashing, he slowed when he reached the armoury, a little hesitant.

Nodding to his brother, Jason took just long enough to usher Smalls into his cat carrier before heading for the foyer where he dropped the carrier and his sword with his luggage. Slipping the cat a few cat treats before he left, his next stop was the armory, where their dad was doing the last few check ups. ”We all set to go, dad?” Tony Stark didn’t look away from the feed Jarvis was giving him, but answered all the same.

“Just about. Waiting on your brother and for the last of the luggage, of which I assume Smalls and your sword has joined, to get loaded up for transport.” Nodding, the Stark heir headed over to the Iron Knight, beginning his own feed and making sure Ares was properly installed. A few minutes later, he could hear Connor approaching, though there was hesitation in his footsteps.

Going to the door, he waved his brother in. ”Come on, Con, no need to worry. Dad and I will be right there with ya.”

Connor knew he should have faith, in his father and brother at the least. He nodded, stepping in and towards them, ”I know.” he managed a smile, going over to his suit. He knew he shouldn’t be in awe of the suits, having been around them his whole life, he couldn’t help it. They were marvellous creations, and they could constantly be updated and redesigned.

He let himself slip into the familiar tasks of making sure the suit was functioning, and that Ignot was ready. ”Looks good.”

Jason followed behind his brother and went back to the Knight, running diagnostics on the energy sword for it. After a few minutes, their father turned off the feed from Jarvis on the MK V and got his sons’ attention. “Alright you two, if you’re all set, we’re ready to go. The last of our baggage is off and your mother is on her way to the school from the San Francisco airport. That means it’s just us. Bets on travel time?”

Jason wasted no time, the Iron Knight already closing up around him as he did some number crunching. ”I figure we can be there in an hour if we hit the stratosphere and go supersonic. Otherwise it’ll be around an hour and a half, maybe two.”

Thoughtful for a moment or two as he stepped into his suit, Connor judged the distance between them, and the Academy’s location. ”As long as we avoid schedules flights, we can hit the stratosphere. An hour seems a good estimate.” He took another moment to settle himself in his suit, ”The weather will be in our favour there, could get there sooner” he mused, making sure his suit was completely sealed, and taking the time to ensure Ignot was ready.

With the Knight sealed and ready to fly, Jason stepped away from his station as Tony got into the MK V and sealed up, before speaking to Jarvis. “Alright, buddy, open the doors.”

“Of course, sir.” A moment later, the ceiling of the Armory, which was really just a fancy hangar door, opened up to allow the three suits of Iron Man armor to depart. Tony looked at each of his boys and behind his mask, a giant grin split his face.

“Alright you two, see you in the stratosphere.” And he was gone, his jets kicking in to send the MK V soaring into the sky. Jason met his brother’s gaze before he closed his own mask.

”Remember, tune out the extra stuff, focus on what you need to do.” And then he was gone as well, the Iron Knight soaring towards the stratosphere at an angle so he could avoid any flights that might cross his path.
Jason’s last advice was easier said then done, but Connor did his best, taking into the air after his father and brother. He entered the stratosphere, managing to keep his flight smooth, although he wasn’t worried about the flight. Just about the landing. He sighed at himself, trying to push those thoughts away. He didn’t want to disappoint either his father or Jason. He had to do this right…

Focusing on what was required, he sought out the other two, while he knew that he could follow the flight plan, he didn’t want to lose sight of them.

They were hard to miss, especially since Jason fell back to guide Connor to where he and their Dad were sitting within the stream. Every one of the Iron Man armors were already designed to fly faster than most military grade combat jets, but supersonic speeds were easily achieved almost by accident if they wanted. Soon enough, they were in a smooth flight pattern, with the Academy drawing ever closer.

As the Academy drew closer, Connor once more began to fear the landing, still somewhat hesitant, waiting for his father to land, before he followed suit, slowing his descent just enough that he wouldn’t damage anything, particularly if he did crash.
He tried to keep his descent smooth, but was sure it wasn’t as good as it could be when he finally touched the ground once more, inside the Academy’s gates.

While Connor’s landing was most definitely the tamer of the three, as they had discussed, Jason and their dad were...well, showy. As they headed for the area just inside the gates, Jason split off and did a twist mid-air, a shower of flares coming out before detonating in brilliant flashes of red and blue, Tony doing the same on the opposite side before they both flipped through the air and landed in a kneeling position before both stood, Pepper coming in the gates behind them. While she went to both scold the boys’ father for planning something over the top, again, Jason went over to his brother, raising his mask. ”See? You did fine.”

Connor nodded, raising his own mask, ”Yeah” with a few quick movements, Connor had his suit retract into the backpack appearance he’d created, simply to be able to carry it around with ease- although he could have sent it to the armoury, Connor had decided it might be wise to keep it close. At least until he was more confident in his abilities. He glanced around, ”Still… I could do better… which is why I’m here I guess”
He shrugged, glancing over the grounds and the students arriving. This was going to be a test to so many people. Turning, he approached their parents, deciding he might as well be ready for whatever came.

Level: 1
Day/Time: Day Three-Early Morning
Location: Skyrim-Stormcloak Camp
Interacting: Stormcloaks@Holy Soldier
Mention: Ruben@Mattchstick, Azura@Lugubrious, Mr. President@Holy Soldier, Captain Piper@DracoLunaris
Word Count: 608

The others all introduced themselves after he went, beginning with the robotic Captain Piper. Steam technology was definitely archaic where he came from, and archaic was putting it nicely, but if it worked for her, then who was he to judge? She described herself as a smuggler and listed off a set of achievements that, so far as he could tell, were impressive for her world. It would seem that the Council really was putting out for Heroes from across multiple universes, which was further confirmed when the final member of their team, who'd arrived behind them all except for the woman with the spear, introduced himself and listed his gear and abilities.

Definitely a mix and match group here, but based on the appearance of that camp, the majority of us are from a time period far more advanced. Which means that if the steel gods made taking Markarth so much easier, than they are from a far more advanced universe as well. He noticed that the blue haired gal with the spear was going to speak, so he turned his attention to her, only for their idiot of a leader to cut her off. That certainly brushed the young man wrong way, but he knew that now was not the time to point out that some awareness of others besides himself would do the group no good, especially since the 'Boss' was already off on a tangent. Suddenly the reactions of those who had been on the viewscreen with this Mister President started making sense. And now they had to try and follow him.

This is going to be a huge mess... At this point, the sounds of someone approaching them reached his ears and, as did the rest of the group, Vent turned to look at the approaching person. He seemed fine as he looked over each of them, presumably memorizing interesting bits of their appearance so that if the fighting got bad, he wouldn't accidentally hit a friend, but the moment his eyes fell on Captain Piper, panic lit his features. The Megaman started to reach out to him, to try and explain that they were representatives of the Council, he was already gone, screaming that the enemy had come. Groaning, the young man turned to see what Piper thought of it, though their leader did say that she shouldn't listen to the guy.

Soon after, the sounds of more feet approaching caught his attention and when he turned, he found a group of warriors approaching. Obviously, the Boss' first response was to want to fight, but immediately after asked what they should call themselves when people decided to 'fuck with them.' Vent himself moved forward, un-transformed for now but with Model X in one hand and Model Z in the other just in case negotiations went south. However, before he could, the blue-haired gal beat him to it, finally introducing herself as Azura from the kingdom of Hoshido. And while the location raised questions for the young man, he waited as she did her best to defuse the tense situation. Her offering of peace was...something in the song felt...strange, but he didn't feel that asking what it was now was a good idea, and instead moved to reinforce her words.

"She speaks the truth. The...steambot in front of you is an ally, here with us as a fellow representative of the Council in Tetris Castle in Platform City. Your leader, Ulfric Stormcloak, should be expecting us." He kept his hands to his side, a sign of honesty back home and hopefully here. "We don't want to fight you if we don't have to."
Tarion Je'and|Investigating a mess

Search as he might, the Paladin could come up with no leads to the Jedi, nor their previous whereabouts on the ship, so after nearly two hours of searching, he instead set to finding out where he could go to learn more about the current arrangement of Hutt space. And while he had heard that no one knew more about the state of affairs in the sector than Paradise's owner, Koren Graeff, the member of the Order of the Grey had no desire to risk opening his Order, his family, to another Witch Hunt like what the Jedi had done years prior at the hint of a non-Jedi sect. Heading to one of the seedier, or as seedy as it could be on a place with incredibly strict non-violence rules, bars, known as the Tipsy Rancor.

When he walked in, he took distinct notice of the fact that they were still cleaning up after what seemed to be a bar fight, and giving medical treatment to one of the participants. Shaking his head that there were those still foolhardy enough to risk tangling with the ever watchful security forces for breaking the rules, he approaches the bar. "What'll it be?" The bartender doesn't even look up from his work, preferring to stick to cleaning the glasses and other duties. Tarion chuckles before answering, taking a seat.

"No drink today, just information." The bartender glances at him and shrugs, returning to his job.

"You're in the right place. Meet with Mister Graeff and you'll get all the info you need." Tarion shakes his head at the man.

"Information that won't have me meeting with your employer is the best bet." He knew he was already on the cameras, but without a name, Koren had nothing on him, or at least nothing meaningful. The man behind the bar finally looked up from his work and gave the Paladin a good look, narrowing his eyes.

"That's a dangerous thing to ask on Paradise, buddy." Tarion simply grinned, keeping his eyes on the bartender's.

"And your answer?" He would ask as he slid a couple hundred credits across the counter. After a quick check to make sure no one else was looking, he took the credits and pocketed them.

"Nar Shaddaa. It's close to Hutta and the Hutt Queen's seat of power, basically making it so nothing happens without it reaching the Smuggler's Moon." Nodding his thanks, the Paladin stood and left the bar, making his way slowly towards the hangar with his ship in it. Nar Shaddaa was a far more dangerous place for someone with lightsabers to be, but he also knew that the sight of a lightsaber would discourage most. After a moment of brief debate as he walked, he decided to stick to his plan and sped up. Nar Shaddaa would give him an idea of where to start.

The sounds and sights of the Smuggler's Moon were just as Tarion Je'and had always heard, loud, bright, and incredibly distracting if you didn't tune them out, which was a task in and of itself. "Bah, crazy people living in a place like this..." Tarion muttered, walking the streets of the city planet. So far he had tried four different bars, all with the same general information, Kintan had been liberated or conquered, Timana was to take it back, and there were new powers, as of yet unidentified, in the sector of space. He was sure his Uncle was one of those factions, but he had no confirmation, so he did not let the idea stick in his head.

After some time, he wandered towards one of the landmarks of the planet, Grakkus the Hutt's arena. Perhaps he could find someone there.
Allira Korsan|Crew Area

Allira watched as the remaining Jedi and crew trickled in, including a padawan she had been unable to get to leave her room for regular combat training since the message from Master Kenobi had, nor would her Padawan eat healthy amounts of food or...really do anything else. Eventually, she had had to give up on the poor girl doing anything due to outside influence and hope that her mind would heal. She herself was still recovering from the pain of the loss, a wound her combat practice helped her to focus on everything but the pain of loss. She moved to speak with her before Master Azure began, but she was too slow.

She stood quietly as his droid body conveyed what he wished, though she could sense the regret he had that he lacked the ability to speak kinder with the droid, but they all understood. When he finished, he left for his garden, and Jedi Knight Allira Korsan was left with some food for thought. The Order, for all they knew, was comprised of one Master, two Knights, and three Padawans along with the crew of an old Training Cruiser, which wasn't great. Our teachings indeed...regardless of anything else, we need to retain our Hope, or all is truly lost.

She approached her padawan and looked her over, noting that while she wasn't unhealthy looking, there was certainly a gaunt look about her. "I'm glad to see you finally left your room, Lelila. I know we haven't properly spoken since Master Kenobi's message, but I haven't meditated since. I would like you to practice your forms while I do so in my quarters. You'll know where I am." With that she turned and left.

Around twenty minutes later, she could hear the metallic steps of Master Azure's body moving through the hall, but she made no movement, unaware of what he could be doing and needing the time to calm her emotions.
Allira Korsan|Crew Area

Allira watched as the remaining Jedi and crew trickled in, including a padawan she had been unable to get to leave her room for regular combat training since the message from Master Kenobi had, nor would her Padawan eat healthy amounts of food or...really do anything else. Eventually, she had had to give up on the poor girl doing anything due to outside influence and hope that her mind would heal. She herself was still recovering from the pain of the loss, a wound her combat practice helped her to focus on everything but the pain of loss. She moved to speak with her before Master Azure began, but she was too slow.

She stood quietly as his droid body conveyed what he wished, though she could sense the regret he had that he lacked the ability to speak kinder with the droid, but they all understood. When he finished, he left for his garden, and Jedi Knight Allira Korsan was left with some food for thought. The Order, for all they knew, was comprised of one Master, two Knights, and three Padawans along with the crew of an old Training Cruiser, which wasn't great. Our teachings indeed...regardless of anything else, we need to retain our Hope, or all is truly lost.

She approached her padawan and looked her over, noting that while she wasn't unhealthy looking, there was certainly a gaunt look about her. "I'm glad to see you finally left your room, Lelila. I know we haven't properly spoken since Master Kenobi's message, but I haven't meditated since. I would like you to practice your forms while I do so in my quarters. You'll know where I am." With that she turned and left.

Around twenty minutes later, she could hear the metallic steps of Master Azure's body moving through the hall, but she made no movement, unaware of what he could be doing and needing the time to calm her emotions.
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