Avatar of Zoldyck


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@ClocktowerEchos Okay, maybe the Golden Company was the wrong example to pick here, I just meant a skilled mercenary group, not necessarily one which pushed their own claimant, heh.

I noticed you guys have a Discord, would it maybe be easier to discuss the idea there?
@Zoldyck Welcome aboard, you got any character ideas?

I was thinking about making a character who runs a mercenary company, something along the lines of Georg von Frundsberg's Landsknecht or, given the GoT inspiration, the Golden Company. And being a merc, this character would side with whomever could afford their loyalty.

However, I am not 100% certain if this would be acceptable or if you'd rather have me play as a landed lord, so... Would this be allowed? If not than I am down to play as a vassal of someone, though the merc idea is given preference.
Greetings and salutations!

This looks like a really cool RP and I'd love to be a part of it, if you're still accepting of course.
I've been lurking on this forum for basically 5 years now, trying to find a setting to get me back into Forum RPing.

This looks awesome and I'd love to be a part of it, if you'll have me of course.
@CadenGallic@Pyromaniacwolf@Mr Allen J

While Basil might be the most intelligent of the group, he also has some nasty character traits which would not really work well for a leader in my opinion. Examples being his distrust of people and willingness to switch sides and abandon the group.

I actually think Jaden would be the best candidate out of our little group. He seems to me like a reliable person who would stand up for his team and such. Plus in the Strengths section it says that his skills work great in a team so... yeah, that's just my thoughts though.
Hello everyone!

Most of you guys probably dont know me so just to explain why I suddenly post a CS here out of nowhere... Well I've been contacting the GMs via PMs about it.

Anyway, considering the deadline is closing in I decided that now would be a reasonable time to post my CS in the OoC and say hello to you all!

So... Hello!

Now without further ado...

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