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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Ruby, start walking, don't say a word, don't do anything just walk away."He pushed her away towards an open street. "Leave River Rat Barbie. Anit a one of us got get hurt. But you if want we can have it till the cops and feds come running and you little handlers.

He already had a battle plan ready. He could stand and fight, and more than likely win this without too much trouble. It didn't matter how powerful she was, he had been in a great many more fights than she has. The age alone told him that, he had no idea how she grew up but he remember how he did. Size and power and smarts were on his side, power was a toss up but he knew he was stronger and more powerful than most.

The biggest thing he had going for him was the amount of exposed skin she had. Skin and heat never did all that well together. Shame to see that all the pretty go down the drain for something so pointless but it was going to happen if this went forward. If it goes forward he was going to burn her badly, and ruin that little pretty little and burn off that blonde hair.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Jason wasn't entirely sure what to do, Cypress seemed to have it under control for the most part. Even the new meta who seemed to be a pyromancer or something similar wasn't doing much. Jason wasn't the most help in a straight up fight, he was better suited for what Aperture hired him to do, talk to people, and make them talk when they didn't feel like cooperating. However things got more interesting when all the electric things in the area started to go haywire, he got himself next to Cypress in case the technopath was trying something. Though from the look of her she was more totally out of it and losing control of herself. The fire guy then lit one of his arms on fire as a threat he supposed, picking up the technopath, Ruby, with the other.

"You know, I'd say we won't let you leave but I have a more pressing question for you," Jason said to the guy, sounding very calm for what was going on around them. "Seeing as your arm is currently on fire, I'm guessing you've never felt the pain of burning. At least, not as you would if you could feel that." Once again he gestured to his arm, "would you like to know what it feels like? It's actually quite an interesting experience." Jason didn't give him time to answer, having been looking him in the eye this whole time he had established his connection and sent an incredible pain to his arm, as if it were on fire and his powers didn't keep him from feeling it. "Hand over the girl or things will get far worse for you my friend." Jason was glad he hadn't been doing anything, if he was just causing pain to this one Meta he could probably keep it up for a while.

He started pushing her away, he was trying to make a grand stand to distract them while Ruby escaped. "Cypress, I can handle him if you would like to go after our thief there."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

She knew what she had to do and although she didn't like it at all, she had to do it. Elijah had came to her to try and get her out of that mess and now he was going to be macerated by some Meta and probably arrested. She couldn't let that happen - Eli was one of the only people she could decently call a friend and she wasn't going to allow him to suffer on. Ruby knew that if she spent any more time pondering it, Cypress would dart out and catch her. Taking advantage of the small surprise she had over them, she let out a feral growl and suddenly leaped into action. Her main target was Jason, of course; Eli couldn't get away if he was feeling what it was to have his arm on fire. "Go Eli! I'll see you on the other side!" She squeaked out.

Now, Ruby was angry - it was different when they hurt her but when they hurt her friend, she had to take a stand. Electricity sparked from the overhead cables, buzzing angrily as it became more and more erratic. She wasn't in a good mood and the surrounding electrics usually responded to her mood. She was small, compared to Cypress and she was held back a little by injury but that didn't mean she couldn't hold her own in a fight... at least for a while. Cypress would eventually rip her to shreds, and she knew that.

Doing what Cypress did to her earlier, she lowered herself like she was almost about to pounce and jumped at him. She was a good few inches smaller than him but that gave her a pretty good advantage - she could cling to him. And that, is precisely what she did as she began alternating between slapping him and gripping his throat. She knew that within seconds Cypress would make her into mince-meat. "Go Eli!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Unknown100
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There had been one try. Just one try from Mark to reconcile with Kate. Had he any doubts about her answer he merely needed to look in the mirror. Her footprint probably still showed on his throat.

There were more pressing concerns than the emotions of a god damn backstabbing, yet good looking guy. Kate was looking at it.
The Skinny guy – looking even more worn than last time, some people in similar suits, and what looked like sergeants in some kind of private military. All from the Cabrillo Group and all awaiting her word.
And now that she knew the layout of the LAPD headquarters she indeed had word.
A massive concrete building. Thick, yet open to the public. Caro was being held underground - deep in a guarded cell. Cameras! Locked door! About a hundred officers and staff! This place was very well equipped to deal with her kind. And the last ace in the hole: The new favorites of this city would probably be nearby.

But, but, but Nothing is impossible, she reminded herself. Even God had to rest on the 7th day.

Judging from Kate’s current tone, one would think she was ordering a menu at McDonalds. “You know about me - you know how I deal. I need my fee up front. I need your guys to follow my instructions. And I need it done without questioning. This is my party. You…”
The last word was followed by her signaling the scarecrow of a man to step forward. No longer such a stranger to her, no longer the one in power.
“I need attack dogs,” she continued in a commanding manner. “A full scale assault will be launched at LAPD head-frickin-quarters, and they need to be the ones doing it. And… they need to be packing some serious juice. This isn’t your everyday Sunday game. Shit is going down.”

“We can do our part. If needed, we can do it without it even tracing back to Cabrillo.” The voice originated from one of the military guys, suggesting that his men were more than just soldiers.

“I trust, you do it well,” she smirked while not removing her eyes from the skinny man. Unlike his tight suit, she was wearing clothing a lot more practical; black top and jeans of soft material. A professional’s wear in her line of duty. Even if she was a professional enjoy every minute of it.
“Anyway, the assault will merely be a diversion, yet a diversion packing some serious firepower. The Government pricks need to send their greatest to combat it or see the building crumble down. However, they will probably see through this clunky move rather fast.” Kate finally looked around and sent each and every one a taste of her unique smile. “This is why we need more than attack dogs. Nothing short of a champion will do.”

“A champion?” the skinny man now questioned.

“A champion. Placed in the midst of the building once the tenth circle of hell breaks loose. I need it done, gentlemen, and I need it done tomorrow morning.”

Here the scarecrow left the spot he had been standing so patiently. The way everyone looked to him suggested he was in charge, and the way he circled her, as he had done on a previous occasion, suggested that he was indeed Gifted. Even with the awkward steps and visible signs of discomfort there was something about him. Something almost divine. Yet for the moment he looked to Kate for help.
“What kind of champion?” he asked surprisingly soft, when his limping walk had taken him behind her.

“He needs to handle himself singlehandedly against whatever the fortress throws at him.”

“We got several.”

“He needs to be able to engulf the entire building in flames should he want to,” was then added by her.

“We got some.”

“He needs be able to succeed. Needs to actually be so powerful that when aimed right he can actually take out Caro. He must bring the frickin apocalypse, and apply some good ol’ Armageddon to it.”

That was when the room turned silent. Everyone awaiting the thin man’s response, even Kate, though she did it with a lot more confidence.

“We got one. His name… Elijah Craigh.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Elijah's eye widen in fear. It was the first time in years he had felt that kinda pain. As quickly as he could he killed his powers. It was moments like this that he was the most thankful for the life had lead. He clutched his arm and pulled it tightly to his chest but none of this happened be screaming obscenities and jumping up and down like a little girl. "That was...! So uncool! Asshole! Shit that hurt! Last time I am going to be nice!"

He made a mental note that he really need to keep a better eye out for other people. He always had trouble with target fixation. It normally wasn't that much of an issue, as he normally more careful than to be this nice about it. Normally it was a quick in and out. Kill everyone there and leave. Fire was alway great from pure wanton destruction, almost nothing was like it. Plus Elijah had a little Ace in the hole, a slight advantage that should have been apparent to everyone but wasn't.

It was then he saw something Ruby do something was beyond her own stupidity. She leap and charge at the burning hand guy. The pain barely had time to go away before she went into action. Normally he was an action first kinda guy but the stupidity of this action cause him shout a very select few words. "Oh... You stupid bitch. You stupid skankopotamus."

That was his last word before jumping into action. Erupting his right hand he sent a pillar of fire towards the girl. The blast was short, only five seconds long but it was more than enough to get any point across. This now, however game on and this had to be dealt with quickly. There was much more to be done than this fight today, even though he didn't exactly know what it was today. He did know he didn't want to be bothered by this any longer than he had too.

As soon as he was done with his long fireball attack, he launched himself in the air by erupting his legs. At the peak of his arc he erupting both arms and throw short blasts at the girl. The moment he touched the ground he could only think of one move to make, grab Ruby and run. Running away to fight another day, plus he had no intel on these people let alone no real reason to fight them. Plus this one dude had the ability to mess with his mind. Not something he wanted to deal with right now.

Scooping her up in his arm, he erupted his legs. Even with the added weight of Ruby he was more than surprised at the amount of boost and lift he could get going when he wanted too. In a diagonal movement he kept blasting, he wasn't all that fast flying at a sustained rate but in short two and three second burst he was very fast. After only two minutes of flying he had to have been more than a couple of miles away. He landed on a rooftop with little doubt in mind that they should be in the clear. However getting on to the rooftop wasn't the clear part. It was getting inside and hiding out for that should kill the search. He had all the trouble he could stand for the time being.

Erupting his foot his one last time Elijah kicked the rooftop door open and kicked it shut. It was the first deep breath he had for some time. "Damn girl, next I say... Please just run the fuck away" He pleaded with her as he set her down and slid down the wall of the roof top stairwell. He took another deep breath and yawned right after. He was getting a little tired but some rest here would cure all of it. "Destination unknown Ruby ruby ruby ruby soho/" He sang softly to himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Bungle in the Jungle

Cypress was already prepared for a counter attack when she saw Ruby attack Jason and go electrical. She was about to show Ruby her fangs when she saw Eli power back up now that he lacked distraction.

Eli released a volley of fire which fell short of her position indicating that he at least had morals. She dodged the attack as he expected her to by a series of random gymnastic feats that would have stunned an olympic gymnast.
When she came to a stop because his attack paused just before her went aerial her right hand went to the sheath at the small of her back.

Cypress fought her own moral code and drew one of her throwing daggers but flipped it upside down. Her friction field formed around the blade as she zeroed out it's drag. She had a bit of trouble maintaining the field as Eli began straffing her from the air so she held off her knife attack as she began skating in a random zigzag pattern.

When he suddenly dropped from the air an grabbed Ruby then started running with her. Cypress replaced her blade and gave pursuit pacing the Pyromancer as he tried to escape.

Cypress smiled as he fled because as fast as he might be she was sure she was faster. She had been tested in the salt flats where Andrews Air Base was and Aperture found she could accelerate continuously and even break the sound barrier in a straight line on a flat surface but in urban environments she was limited to 200 to 500 mph due to obstacles an traffic.

Then there was her eye sight which was a good as some of the finest binoculars made and coupled with low light meant if you were visible in line of sight she could see you. Her eyesight was necessary at the speeds she traveled so she knew he an Ruby wouldn't be able to escape.

She was closing range when suddenly in her ear she heard "Recall Dax, Dax Alpha; I repeat; Recall Dax, Dax Alpha."

At first she was going to ignore the recall but thought "Why should I risk anymore if the Boss says I don't have to?"

Cypress redirected her inertia 180 degrees at over 200 mph and was almost instantly headed back to Aperture Labs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nosuchthing
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Nosuchthing as good writing

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Neoteris turned to look at the new arrival, a strange quirk of her attitude showing that her height, or lack thereof, didn’t matter. She was short enough that almost anyone could tower over her, or attempt to, as she never seemed bothered by anyone’s attempts at looming, making anyone who tried seem foolish and arrogant.

Files scrolled in the corner of her vision as the Irishman spoke to her, and satisfied with his introduction, she smiled back, “pleased to meet you too Connor.”

Evelyn was the next to arrive, and it seemed that she completed their small band of heroes. Hana couldn’t help but agree that it seemed true, what many were saying. They were hardly as impressive a group as The Magi had been, and none of them had the kind of track record they had been able to boast, although a few members of the Super Hero group had numbered amongst her mentors.

“Now that we’ve got everyone… let’s go.”

She moved away from the group, not stopping to see if they would follow, already knowing where she was going…

Lets go.

Jack was stood at the back of the station, concealed from view behind a set of overflowing dumpsters in an alleyway. It had in fact taken her a little under an hour to prepare. More than one car now in the front lot of the station had come back with a little more weight than it had left with, even accounting for the obligatory doughnut and coffee.

She had been grateful that the schematics for public buildings were freely available on the web, and had made judicious use of them to locate the primary power supply for the station. There were backups of course, but they would take a moment to come on, and she only needed a moment to get in.

She had already kitted up, and appeared significantly bulkier wearing her assault gear. The glock hung in a thigh rig on her right, and she took it out, checking the magazine before slapping it back into the gun. She finally settled the mask over her head as she sent the text, then once the tick appeared indicating it’s success, she speed dialled.

Life isn’t like in the films, but even so, this moment seemed too unreal to be in real life. Each charge went off at the same time, and the cars rose into the air, somersaulting almost in slow motion before coming crashing down. It was almost silent. And then the sound returned in a rush, the explosion rippling out across the blocks. Someone screamed.

Then there was chaos inside the station. Neoteris had thrown herself at the nearest civilian, taking the young woman down to the floor at the sound of the first explosion. She rose to her feet in one graceful movement and panned around, taking in the whole situation. The lights had gone out before the explosion had sounded, and emergency lighting was glowing beside doors.

“Nightingale, get outside, get some altitude, find out what’s going on, Adrian, Evelyn, get downstairs, this has got to be an attempt on Caro.”

She tapped something on her wrist, “we need to find out what the hell is going on.”

As soon as she had dialled Jack had started running, the rear of the station was barely a hundred metres away, and her abilities allowed her to push herself harder, clearing the distance in less than ten seconds. She didn’t stop there, wrenching the door open and heading inside, gun drawn and silenced. She was bullet proof, but she didn’t want to attract too much attention, and that meant moving fast and stealthily.


The officer’s words were cut off as the masked intruder pushed him down the stairs. He flew the first eight steps, and once his feet found the ground he only tumbled, there was a nasty crack and the man finished in a heap at the bottom. Jack stepped over his body on the way down.

Her training was obvious as she rounded the corner, checking her blind spot and advancing with her weapon held before her. It coughed twice, four times, and the two cops who had appeared through a door collapsed, a bullet in the back and head apiece. Scanning carefully, checking each room, Jack nonetheless advanced at a rapid pace.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

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"No shit." Rozalia snarled as she stood up, feeling severely annoyed. She was already tired and cranky - explosions and death this early on a morning didn't particularly help. The police were running about like head less chickens as she pushed them out of the way towards a the front doors - which had been blown off their hinges. Looking outside, it was chaos. The acrid smell of burnt rubber and charred flesh filled the air, which was punctuated with screams and far off sirens. Twisted metal and black forms were all that were left of the police cars and the people inside.
"Goddamn Mercs." Rozalia muttered as she launched herself into the air, gaining altitude and staying downwind of the smoke issuing from the fires below. Before, she wasn't particularly bothered if Caro died or not. But now this shit just got personal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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Anon recieved the text and smield behind his mask. He teleported into the police station, into a small office area where a guard stood outside the door. He teleported behind the guard and sliced his throat, taking out his pistol and heading downstairs. Teleporting now and then, he passed some of the bodies Jack left behind, ignoring them. He ran across the halls and saw Jack. He teleported next to her as she made her rapid advance, and ran next to her. "What's the plan?" he asked her as they ran. He took out his knife and hovered it over his mouth as a few drops of pure-red blood dropped off the tip and down his throat, healing what few cuts and bruises he currently had. That was part of his abilties, whatever blood he cut from his victim's seeped into his knife and he stored it for later use to heal himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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"You bitch," Jason cursed as Ruby jumped him, making him lose his concentration on the target he cared about. He tried shaking her off but she had a very good grip around him. But before he could try some more aggressive tactics Eli came in and took her away, flying off with his flame powers. There was no way Jason could catch up but Cypress certainly could, and she was off in the blink of an eye. Jason started running back to his car, it was the only way he'd even be able to think of catching up. But by the time he got there he got a recall message to head back to the labs. As much as Jason wanted to go after them, he wasn't much use unless he had someone else to keep the target occupied, or they weren't expecting it. Cypress zoomed past Jason as he was driving back, must be nice for her, unfortunately for him he needed a car like a commoner.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

She kept raining hits down on Jason, her small hands surprisingly firm as she employed her feet to do some hard, manual labour in his groin area. Unfortunately, no shots landed and she didn't have a lot of time to do damage to him when she felt the back of her shirt being grabbed. Expecting to find Cypress, she was about to try and wheel about and attack them but when the ground was ripped away from her, she knew otherwise. "Eli you massive man-whore! I totally had that idiot!"

She kept trying to kick down at the fleeting image of Jason, hoping that maybe some air would be manipulated down towards him and possibly kill him. Big possibility there, considering that she had no powers in that area. Growling, she tried to turn around and land a good hit on Eli before realising that hitting the person who was her only source of uplift, was a very bad idea. Gravity did hurt, after all.

When they got down, she spiralled round on him, her blonde hair flying about her small form as she approached him. He was massive compared to her but Ruby did not care, whatsoever. "I totally could have wrecked him! And did you call me a skankopotamus? How five year old can you even get? I am in no way fat, and I have yet to shank someone!" She exclaimed before lifting her shirt to check that yes, she was not fat.

Looking back up, she turned on her heels and crossed her arms over her chest, giving him the cold-shoulder. "You are a horrible friend. I was willing to be captured for you and you call me a hybrid of a shank and a hippo. I'm not from the hood, but you ain't gangsta, Eli, you ain't gansta."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Elijah couldn't help but laugh at Ruby. "First, that don't mean I ain't never shakned a nigga shawty. Second, I called you a skankopotamus, a cross between a skank and hippopotamus. Furthermore, I'll have you know a skan is defined as a derogatory term for a usually younger female, implying trashiness or tackiness, or a verb meaning to dancing to ska music while kicking your legs, and moving your arms. The hippopotamus was there for the inference of size." Elijah said softly with a smile his own vision of what passed for intellect hanging in the air. It had been a tiring day, one that could have easily been spent doing something else ten times more relaxing and fun. By this time he had killed two people, attacked without injury two more and saved the life of a friend that is now on his dumb ass list. He also deserved a spot on that list as he put himself through an ambulance. He had a feeling that his day was just getting started, that this day was going to be much longer than he thought it was.

He couldn't help but wonder that happened to the days when a man could do some pro bono work, grab a beer and just chill the fuck out? What happened to the good ole days? What happened to the days when killing another human being was just that? These days he was getting dragged into all kinda of horse shit brought on by other people. First Ruby and now he's gotta get on with the business of breaking out or killing another douche bag that tell the world who he was. Then after the arrest and public evisceration, if he lived that long. He had the money to get away with the murder of a small child in the middle of town square. After going broke, he'd be little more than those people he'd killed. A broke jack ass who paid off enough people to get away crime.

He needed a nap, nothing major but still he needed a rest. Right now the really big question was did have the time. If the other mercs that operated in the city were smart they were going after the gang lord whatever his name was. The big issue with them was they were at best incompetent and at best a danger to themselves and others. 

He was reminded again about the earlier messages one that specifically stated 

The afternoon of August 2nd, 2015 is captured with exciting news for LA: Valentine Caro, leader of the NTE has agreed to consider the plea bargain arranged for him. He has been until his trial in several days to consider accepting his handing over of information.

"Ruby, I am going to need some help... I... Uh need to get the drug dealer dude. Whatever dudes name is. I need location, sitreps, and anything else you can find." His time left was more than plenty, if he wanted to he could just level whatever building the guy was in, but that would require him finding that building. Passing out was a real problem too. A nap about an hour long would do him amazingly well but did he have the time?  "So, can you help me? I did just save your life after all." Eli shot her a sheepish look.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McFazzer
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Adrian was stunned, the police station exploded around him and he stood there like a moron. Quickly composing himself Adrian heard his name and "get downstairs, this has got to be an attempt on Caro." That was all it took for Adrian to take off towards the stairs making himself a light 5kg and Pushing off whatever metal parts of debris there was to accelerate him along the way, practically flying down the stairs. Adrian set up a two meter bubble that would intercept all metal flying at him and hopefully stop him being stabbed, shot or otherwise come to an unfortunate end finding another poor soul who had already had his head cracked open from a fall.

Stopping for a few seconds to close the poor officer's eyes, Adrian took out his customized revolver, Pushed the special safety off, pulled back the hammer and proceeded carefully down the halls. Adrian found two more lost souls to add to the list. If he had been more aware he could have saved them. If he had been faster he could have saved them. They would all have to go in a notebook. Adrian started to run, making himself even lighter, light enough to take two long stride along a wall and drop a coin to propel himself around the corner and down the hall.

Looking ahead Adrian saw two not police officers carrying weapons. Shocked Adrian activated his sight and was able to see all the metal they were carrying. Deciding that getting rid of the weapons was a priority Adrian poured on the weight, making himself 300kg for about five seconds and Pushed. The woman's gun and the man's knife were hit with the full 300kg of weight. Making himself lighter once again to an average 60kg Adrian fired of two shots in quick succession at the general area the two not police officers were.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A Long Day Ends

Cypress moves with grace and speed as she heads back towards Aperture Labs. Her handlers gape at her speed and course turns 90° corners without dropping even a shred of speed as she moves at over 300 mph.
"Sir I do believe she's improving her ability to navigate obstacles, she's presently at 307.7 mph and not even slowing for turns" Says one of Cypress's handlers to someone on a monitor in another part of Aperture Labs.

Cypress's clothing is filled with high tech sensors from Accelerometers, Biosensors and a few other types that are all microscopic in size and use her comms to stream all their data to a room manned by seven people. She is as much a subject of research as she is an employed as a Meta specialist. She herself is completely aware of all the sensors placed on her body and even sits with the squints once or twice a week to discuss her ability. Her secessions with those who are studying her have proved very useful to her in optimizing her use of it.

"Her improvement is nothing short of spectacular sir, of course it's most likely that our work has had something to do with it" says the lead handler to her screen.

"She is a remarkable young woman and may have progressed almost as quickly without us" says the unseen watcher.

Cypress speeds through the streets till she comes to the guard gates where she instantly decelerated stopping by a surprised gate guard.

"Well hello sugar" she says sweetly allowing the young man's heart to slow down.

When the guard has composed himself Cypress blows him a kiss then accelerates away an heads to her on campus apartment. Once more she takes a quick shower then wearing only a robe she sits on her couch with a steaming cup of strongly sugared tea.

Her TV activates it's self shortly afterwards as Ashley her chief handler appears.

Well what did I do wrong on this deployment? Cypress teases

"Nothing I can see having had the data for only a few minutes now. I did though come to a conclusion that perhaps we should at least think of getting you a helmet and a padded suit" says Ashley looking down at something on her desk.

Ashley Honey I think I'm already adequately padded giggles Cypress

Ashley shakes her head and tries to keep her professional cool "Beyond your sheer luck in the feminine genetics lottery you have injuries that I want the docs to look at which could have been prevented with a minimum of padding"

I feel fine, a little bruised but no worse than if I'd have experienced playing football with the boys back in Yahzoo says Cypress with another giggle

"Be that as I may I want you to get over to Medbay and let them take a good look at you" says Ashley giving no hint of an option.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Anon was running along the halls next to Jack, when out of nowhere his knife was thrown out of his hand and was now hanging up on the wall. He turned quickly and saw a man shoot twice, he teleported out of the way of the bullets and behind a wall. Looks like we have a threat, this is going to be fun. he thought to himself with a wicked grin under his mask.

He ran and grabbed his knife out of the wall, then ran forward directly at the guy who shot at them, and then suddenly teleported crouching on the floor infront of the man, and jumepd up, aiming to hit the guy directly in the chest. If it hit, he would then try to slice his knife at his neck and shoot his pistol at his head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Empath
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

“Now that we’ve got everyone… let’s go.”

Evelyn grumbled silently in her own mind, she was profoundly annoyed; what kind of welcome was that?! Couldn’t they at least have smiled, waved or, hell, have said something? An endless array of profanities was being born in Evelyn’s mind, yet she kept her mouth shut - she knew that one shouldn’t carelessly speak their mind in the presence of the famous SS-rank killer: ‘Neoteris’.
But it sure would be nice to give her a piece of my mind for once! Evelyn grumbled silently, however, despite her deepest wishes she still loved her life too dearly to be killed so early. She was not allowed to silently complain about her being bossed around by someone she didn’t see as a ‘boss’, instead her whole world was thrown into chaos. Explosions, debris, human bodies and different massacred forms of it. All of her senses exploded with the building: her meta-human physique and senses caused the mere shock of the explosion to send shockwaves of fear and adrenaline throughout her whole body, yet at the same time because of this she was also hit harder than the ‘normal’ individuals around her. She could feel her ears ringing and her body tingled with the sudden explosion of new information - it left her in shock for a brief moment before her brain was able to catch up to what had just happened and begun its work of sending out orders to the rest of her body.

“Nightingale, get outside, get some altitude, find out what’s going on, Adrian, Evelyn, get downstairs, this has got to be an attempt on Caro.”

Hana’s words finally reached Evelyn’s ears as she began to comprehend the situation around her. It took another second for her to register what Hana had just said, but before she managed to speak her mind Adrian rushed past her, clearly he had been better at recovering from what had just happened. Evelyn shifted her gaze from Adrian’s back to the rest of their little gang, she opened and closed her mouth, seemingly fighting with herself regarding what she should say.

“Ahh… Fuck it!” she finally exclaimed out loud as she recognised that this was perhaps not the best moment to start complaining. “Got it, leave it to Adrian and me!” She yelled as she turned around her heels and began to follow in the footsteps that was left behind in the dust from Adrian’s shoes, however before she had taken more than 3 steps she had once again disappeared.

The first thing that emerged from the solid concrete wall was her right leg, but soon after her whole body had emerged from the cold wall. She knew these corridors so she hadn’t needed to check her surroundings: she knew she would be completely covered in shadows and thus hidden from view, while at the same time be able to observe what happened in the close vicinity - and what a sight: Adrian had seemingly disarmed two individuals - which Evelyn could deduct where most likely enemies. However the villains didn’t seem to give up like that; instead the quickly darted towards his knife before quickly changing direction towards Adrian - but instead of following the rules of logic he disappeared out of thin air. 
It only took Evelyn’s brain less than a split second to predict the most likely outcome of what his meant - somehow her brain had finally caught up with the situation and had started to function properly. She knew what the guy would do, after all his ability seemed to function in mostly the same way as her own, that much she could empirically deduct from the brief moment she had observed - or perhaps it was just pure intuition? Nevertheless, without thinking she transitioned into another dimension, disappearing from the real world only to appear less than a second later, this time a black, hilt-less katana in her right hand and a modern militarised handgun in her left. Luckily it seemed like her intuition had been correct, almost immediately after she reappeared with weapons in hand she could feel the hard impact of steel against steel as her sword at least seemed to redirect the knife’s arc a little bit - luckily it was enough to stop the knife from dealing a severe injury to her colleague.

“Whew!” She exclaimed suddenly, breaking the tense atmosphere that existed in the room, “boy do you owe me, Adrian!” she grinned for a second before she changed completely: this time her expression was ice-cold as she changed her towards the male in front of her.

“Now who might you be, I wonder…?” She spoke coldly before she used her sword to create space between the three of them.

“That question goes for you too” She yelled, her gun pointing at the woman further ahead of her. She wasn’t sure who they were, but it was clear that these two individuals weren’t someone she should take lightly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ruby crossed her arms and stared at him hard, her bright blue eyes uncomfortably focused as she squinted a little. Growling, she turned on her heels and moved towards the door of the apartment building thing. "First of all, you're fatter than me, you idiot! Secondly, I know what a skank is and I assure you, I'm not one of them." She insisted as she allowed him to beat the door down. Rolling her eyes, she followed in behind him and descended down the staircase before looking around with a raised eyebrow. She would have to find an apartment with no one in it and a computer, of sorts. Sighing, she moved to one and knocked, waiting for someone who inevitably didn't answer. "In fact..." She murmured as she sunk to her knees and pulled her trusty lock-picking tools out. "... I've never been with a man."

She didn't really give a shit about Eli knowing that, he wasn't even her type, if she had a type. She had convinced herself a while ago that she just wasn't really attracted to anybody; people weren't very trustworthy. Even Eli could only be trusted to a certain degree, he was still a Merc and if paid right, he would kill her off just as easily as the hundreds of others he had killed.

Finally, after another minute, the lock suddenly clicked happily and she pushed the door open before getting up again. "And don't think about telling anyone about that! Or I'll have to shank you." She warned as she packed her tools away and moved into the apartment. It was exactly what she needed; just a normal house with a completely normal computer. "Now go lie down, this will take me at least fifteen minutes if the police have made their systems any stronger from the last time I hacked them." After clicking the computer on, she moved into the kitchen and found a juice-box, which she greedily stole and drunk while loading up the computer.

After about five minutes of having to load the damn thing and set-up everything she needed, she began to work away at breaking into the police and governmental systems. She needed the floor plan of the building, and control of surrounding cameras. Ruby worked on the police files first, finding where this drug dealer was and what cell he was being held in. After all that, she got the architectural plan of the building and printed it off before clearly indicating where Eli should travel on his path of destruction. "Right hot-shot, everything should be ready."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

When Anon's knife hit the cold steel of a new enemy, he teleported backwards a bit, suprised by this sudden newcomer to their little fight. "Oh, look, another hero has joined the fight." he says coldly. These hero bastards were going to be the end of his job. "I am Anonymous." he stated, before running forward. He had decided very quickly to suddenly go on the offense, maybe he'd be able to kill one of them while they were off-guard. He ran forward staright towards the new hero who just arrived, before teleporting onto the wall, jumping off of it and aiming to stab into the neck and shoot the head of the guy he origionally tried to kill before he was interuppted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nosuchthing
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Nosuchthing as good writing

Member Seen 9 mos ago


The gun jerked in her hand, suddenly fighting to be free of her grip. Not that she was going to allow herself to be disarmed quite so easily. It was times like this when enhanced strength and military training came in handy. Jack tightened her grip on the gun, only to find that the force attempting to separate them was a great deal heavier than she was. She was pulled off her feet only moments before the force ceased, and she rolled as she hit the ground once more, standing in time for a bullet to flatten itself against her shoulder, and a second to spark off the wall beside her.

She grinned behind the mask as Anonymous reappeared from nowhere, his knife spearing towards the man’s throat. Then it was stopped, the harsh clash of metal on metal resounding down the corridor, her grin vanished, and she narrowed her eyes. A second person had appeared, presumably another hero, and this one was carrying a sword. She rolled her eyes.

“Really? Why can’t you just leave us to get on with our business? It would be much simpler for everyone that way.”

Seeing Anonymous making another attack, she squeezed the trigger and fired a spray of bullets towards the metal manipulating man, not caring particularly where they went, but knowing they were far enough away from her own companion that they would pose him little to no threat. Using the distraction of his attack and her own barrage of fire to pull the grenade from her vest and flick the pin out with her thumb.

“Take care.”

She waved sardonically and tossed it down the corridor, it clicked and clinked as it bounced off the floor, she vanished round the corner before she had time to see it go off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"A skank with a shank.' Elijah let out a small little giggle. He did found her honest both refreshing and little surprising. A different path taken at certain forks in the road he take a swing at her. She was pretty enough without it being a dominate factor. Part of him wanted to make fun of her for it but thought better of it as he still needed her help. He heard the words "Now go lie down, this will take me at least fifteen minutes if the police have made their systems any stronger from the last time I hacked them." That was music to his ears. As he shut the door the behind the both of them and erupted his hands to basically melt the door shut. There wasn't much he could do about the smell or the smoke but if anyone tried to get in they'd have plenty of time to get out of there before anything happened.

He did as he was asked to took his spot on the couch within a few seconds he was asleep. Falling asleep so quickly was a trick he taught He had a habit of sleeping on top of flame retardant blankets just for an extra moment of peace and quiet should his powers ever get out of control. That shouldn't be any issue here, but there was always a possibility. He knew that his body temperature was off the charts while sleeping. He has even been known to leave some scorch marks in the places he had slept.

He missed anything that was said after he hit the couch, it never took him long to get to sleep. Him recharging depending on being at rest, and getting a good quality of rest. He might be in the middle of a firefight, either actual fire or guns but that rest isn't the same as sleeping in his bed by any means. After what seemed like twenty or thirty minutes he slowly came awake. Sitting up on the couch, he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

"So, what do we know now that we didn't before?" Elijah said with a yawn. As he waited for the response his mind started rolling with a plan. As he stood up he placed a hand on the couch and felt the heat that had been left by his once resting body. He looked around in the apartment, he couldn't help but smile as he knew what he needed. All he would need is a some air tanks, which shouldn't be all that hard to find. The ocean wasn't but a handful of miles aways. If he could get a pair of air tanks, he could simply walk in and go full nova for a two minutes and burn out all the oxygen in the room. All while still being able to breath thanks to the air tanks. His plan needed some work and time wasn't a luxary as he needed to get this done before someone dumbass breaks him out or security gets too strong.

"Wait... Not even once? Ain't you like 20, 23 or something? Are you gay? It's cool if you are I just didn't expect you to be gay... I mean, cause all the bitches I keep at around I don't that I can keep hiring you. I know how skankopotamus like to poach." He smiled knowing that Ruby has yet to even to see him with another person. He was protective like that, the people like Ruby who he contracted with were his people. No one touched his people, it was a matter of principle, of right and wrong and discounted rates.
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