Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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"Better learn a thing or two before you get yourself into trouble." Ferrum growled in response to Lucian, obviously not one to take a weakness well, "Whatever terrible thing you don't want to think of it's already happened. Aura dragons, Black Plague. Ended up getting too close to the humans to try and help, they formed a whole filing movement for it! Accused of witch craft and spreading the plague, half of them were burnt alive, rather dying than revealing the rest of their kind. Poison dragons? World War One, the invasion pushed them out of their homes to avoid making contact with the humans when they invaded. Come winter, most of them ended up freezing to death. The rest slowly died out trying to make their way back while avoiding the invading army. Storm dragons, lost faith when their valued savior and oracle turned her back on them." He paused and glared at December, "Wiped out by Chernobyl a few days after their oracle turned and neglected to warn them. Radiation poisoning to the animals and crops slowly starved them."

"The Lunar dragons, found, tortured, killed during the holocaust. Ice dragons, holodomer. The keeper dragons, colonization of America and Asia. The whites, most wiped out during the massacres in Vietnam, trying to reinforce their stupid rules. Guardian dragons, first hunted by the human, never really recovered from the invasion of their homes. And the shadow dragons? Cowards!" He spat out, "Hiding away until there was nowhere to hide, they rotted with the earth. Those who weren't caught up in something eventually dwindled in number, finding themselves out of home and food suddenly. The young died far quicker than anyone expected, we thought we'd be better off when the humans left for the skies, but they already took the earth. There was nothing left for us. Everyone starved."

The metal dragon finished bitterly, taking a breath at last, though he wasn't done yet it seemed, "You're one to talk about being the last of your kind Noire."

Sleipnir was starting to tear again, covering his ears from Ferrum's terrible recital of the devastation of their kind. He should've been grateful that he had not gone into any detail. Worriedly, Sanare patted his head and then spoke softly, "We preserved this long. We can build again. Not for whom we have lost but for those we will have." She sighed and lapsed back into a silence.

The tension thick in the air as the metal dragon went back to glaring at the group of hydras, Forte having fallen out further with Terra, Noire angry at whoever made December tear up. At least Sleipnir seemed to have come down, wiping the tears out of his eyes and lifting his head as Forte offered to play with him. His interest being piqueted when Noirse suggested, 'truth or dare.' Making his way from Sanare, he toddled over to the middle of the room and sat down, staring curiously up at the adults, "what's that? Is it more fun than Simon says?" He asked softly, Sanare smiling at the little dragon socializing even if it was with hydras.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skybreaker
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Skybreaker Sugar Rocker

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Skylark whimpering at Ferrum's little history lesson, he saw the pink dragon's tail raise to flick away some tears. He didn't know what a holocaust or a Black Plague was, or anything, really, but they sounded scary enough. He cuddled close to Leo, Choosing not to hear the others speak of when the earth was nice. This all happened when the earth was nice? Why didn't they fight anymore, everyone seemed to mad at each other with their conflicting perspectives.

"Leo, what does he mean?" He whispered softly. And, for that matter build what again? December pursed her lips, but otherwise said nothing to defend herself. While there was much more to the story, that part was correct. Even before she had become a hydra herself, she had tried to warn the humans of impending doom, but failed to alert her own people. In the end, both parties suffered. If only she had stayed within her clan, at least the grey dragons would still be alive.

Noire snarled, about to snap, but Sila spoke first. "There's more to it than just the humans. True, if they didn't cause so many disasters, our dragon kin might be with us today, but how can we be so sure? Dragons always fought with each other, not the humans. They were never worthy of being considered an enemy until it was too late." Slowly, Terra nodded.

"The only thing uniting all the clans was the Council, but when the Guardian clan fell, the council was severed in two. No matter how you choose to look at it, we could have annihilated the humans while we were ahead. The guardian dragons dying should have been a warning to us all," She muttered, though she wasn't alive when the elders had split. "I've never even seen a Guardian dragon in the flesh, but your colors do match their description," She said, eyeing Halley's cyan hair.

"Well, you dare each other to do stuff, and if you refuse to go through with the dare you-" Everyone held their breath as they expected the vain hydra to say 'remove an article of clothing' but instead managed to fabricate, "Get punished."

"Even if you are a guardian dragon,how can you expect us to trust you? Your kind disappeared, so why are you still here? Did you abandon your own kind?" Halley growled furiously and shook his head, "Of course not. Me and this idiot here," He said, staring accusingly at the sniveling aura dragon, "Were part of the Ygdrassil Order." Forte was interested in that. He laughed. "The legendary dragon knights? Impossible, they're nothing but a myth, just a talk tale the generals would tell us to work harder."

"Plus, you expect us to think you two losers have Ygdrassil dew in your blood?" Noire demanded. "Don't take it personally, but I fail to see how a crybaby and an anger case can be some of the greatest warriors who ever lived." Terra argued bluntly. It seemed to be just one lie after another with these two. The pink dragon didn't look like he could take care of himself, let alone protect their entire kind.

"It's true, though..." Lucian insisted timidly. What a whimp. "I'm confused," Skylark pouted, "What's the Ygdrassil order and the Council and the hydra?" He had heard the term hydra and elders before, but never truly knew what it entailed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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Leo stared down the the little dragon and dimly in his mind he remembered he had done something like this before. Telling hard truths to ones that shouldn't need to hear it yet, "It's..." He trailed off, ruffling Skylark's hair, "Don't worry too much about it, it was things that happened a long time ago. They're no longer relevant to us." He soothed him, after all how could he tell him about the horrors of the wars before them. Of how humans so mercilessly slaughtered millions of their own kind and of the dragon's kind. Of the tortures, the pain...the cold.....He kissed Skylark's forehead and placed him down on the floor, "Go play with the others, don't worry about what's being said. Go have fun."

He wasn't good at handling children, hopefully Sleipnir would be better at handling the little dragon. At least when they were together, they were both able to hold themselves up better. Noire wasn't exactly a bad person anyway, certainly a better parental figure than he could have bothered to be before. Thank god she wasn't going to suggest stripping as well, he had played that with her once. It really didn't end well for most of them. He hadn't been too bothered by his own birthday suit, but he would never really look at December the same again. No one really would.

"The council was already fucked when we took over, the whole world was fu-fu..fuu..." He caught Sanare's disapproving glare, stumbling over his word. Terra could be terra-blue, but Sanare was just Satan when she was pissed, "Uh....Fu.....ah I give up!" "You couldn't think of fudge?!" "I hate chocolate." "What does that have to do with anything?!"

"Ah it doesn't matter, the dragons were already divided by then. Believing the humans too much, we made a lot of mistakes. Those before us made a lot of mistakes. It doesn't matter now anyway. They're all de-gone and the humans are probably dying out as well unless they're planning to suck another planet dry. Urgh, they repopulate like Mosquitos." He grumbled and crossed his arm over his chest, Sanare shaking her head gentle at him.

Meanwhile, Sleipnir crawled closer to his brother and stared up at Noire, "That doesn't sound like it's very fun, isn't that just telling someone what to do and then punishing them for not listening?" He asked softly, "Isn't that what Father did to Daddy once..." He asked even softer, resting his head against his brother's shoulder. Setting down the sock next to him, his attention drawn to the pretty hydra. Trying to move away from the somber subject, he tried to find out more about the game, "What sort of things do they dare you to do? And what sort of punishments do they do?"

Everyone's attention drawn back to the two strangers. Ferrum bared his teeth at them, "Great job you did as legendary knights, ending up here. Looking back at the dead world, see any of your accomplishments still standing?" Ferrum could be rather disrespectful, but he always had a bone to pick with those still bragging over their past achievements. Or just bragging in general. Looking at them both, he had to agree with Noire. It didn't really matter anyway, had they dew in their blood or not, Ygdrassil was already dead and rotting, right in the middle of the room. Well, all around when they had been tossed around, the rapidly rotting wood had been bashed into pulp and mushy splinters. It's final act, freeing those trapped within their prisons.

"Where were you all this time?" Sanare asked softly, the tone almost accusing in a subtler tone. She was not trying to make anyone feel bad, but the legendary dragons had been....."The council was formed a long time ago, taking an elder from each clan of dragons. They were meant to keep peace between all dragons and maintain natural balance between us and the world so we would never run out of resources. The Yggdrasil was said to be the tree at the centre of the world. Where everything was in complete balance with one another. It's leaves were the most powerful medicinal herb, it's roots used as marks of great power and in many age old rituals. It is said that the first few dragons lived off it's nuture, that's why we are so long lived and immune to the ills of the world."

She paused and looked over at the two strangers, "The Ygdrassil order was formed when the first hydra, your daddy appeared. Nobody knew where he came from and they were wary back then. Then soon after, they said humans started to pop up, and we realized that there was a possible...danger. Especially when, they began to learn...faster than they should've. We left them alone for the most part, but we took warriors from each clan, those willing to guard the Ygdrassil day and night with their lives. They stopped many a curious wanderer, though....some would say we were being selfish. We didn't know the meaning then. Those part of the Ygdrassil order were said to be bestowed special capabilities through the Ygdrassil, via it's sacred dew. The most potent part of the tree...."

"Unfortunately, all of this was thought only to be myth, at least when I came about. The Ygdrassil was long gone, we assumed it never existed and neither did the order..." She finished off softly, taking a breath. Sleipnir stared over at Sanare, worrying at his lower lip, "Daddy wouldn't have done anything wrong. You didn't have to be scared of him."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skybreaker
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Skybreaker Sugar Rocker

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Skylark frowned at the curseword. He wondered if they liked saying bad things. Maybe it helped them from doing bad things, even though it made the blue haired lady mad. Smiling up at Leo, the child shrugged and rolled away. Literally- he found his legs and arms are quite sore, so rolling seemed to be the most effective way to moving around. Unfortunately, it forced some of the others to wonder what the heck he was doing.

He listened in obvious interest to Ferrum and Sanare. But Daddy was a dragon, right? Sure, his scales were black, but so were a bunch of his friends. Why were they all called hy... dra? Were they different? Eyebrows furrowing, he eyed over Daddy's friends. What was different between them and Father's friends? Hmm.... Aha! They all had pretty purple eyes, just like him and Daddy and Sleipnir ! He pouted at Sanare.

"Yeah, Daddy's super nice! He wouldn't hurt anyone!" He then paused. Well, he did bite Sleipnir ... Maybe it was an accident, though. Could they be right? There was an awkward silence in the room as the two Ygdrassil Knights were deep in thought. Well, Halley was thinking. Lucian was back to crying. They could only wonder how he was able to become a Ygdrassil Knight.

"Not to contradict you," Noire began, "But if Edge was my enemy, I'd make sure he wouldn't be able to find me. Ever." She said mysteriously. Terra sighed, "I thought you didn't want to scare the kids, bimbo." Noire snarled. "It'd be worse for them not to know what we all can do." She responded in a way she thought made her sound even more badass.

"I... don't remember..." Lucian murmured finally. He sniffled. "The last thing I do remember, is... is... is..." Halley rolled his eyes. "You expect me to believe all this bull?!? You're all liars!" He roared, trashing his tail around and causing Skylark to scream as the spiked appendage nearly decapitated him.

"Be more careful, dude." December lectured irately. Edge would be pissed as hell if he returned to see the rotting corpses of his children while they were all alive and well. Ah, mostly well, anyways. The end if his tail brushing against his torso, a spike tore a line in his shirt, and his eyes widened as he felt something splatter out.

"H-Huh?" Then, it burned. Strangely, he didn't feel angry or in pain. He just was shocked more than anything else. The cut was shallow, but it made him blush as his body heated up in pain. And then, he didn't wail or scream, but he felt tears roll down his cheeks as he pressed a hand to his chest and when he drew it back, saw warm red-black blood on his fingertips. What? But... Sleipnir's blood was blue...

Halley's eyes widened. "Wh-what? Why do you have red blood? You're a dragon, right?!?" He demanded as Skylark felt his chest go numb. Eyes widening, he demanded back, just as loudly, "What was in your tail?!" Halley's eyes went wide and he began to back away. "What do you mean...?" Skylark growled softly. More than anything else, it was cute. "A poison? Or germs?!" He shouted, then cried out as a sudden pain spiked through his chest.

Halley backed up nervously as the baby dragon fell to his knees, hugging his arms to his body in an attempt to numb the pain. Starting to freak out as the younger started calling for his Father.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Sleipnir seemed to be thinking the same thing, reaching up to touch his healing cheek. It had almost completely healed over. Albeit it was a slower healing than any hydra would be proud off, it didn't seem to be scaring over so...it would seem that he had inherited more of Edge's genes. He watched Skylark roll over with curiosity, then looked up at the crying pink dragon. He didn't understand why he was crying, but he hated for people to cry. It couldn't have felt good, after all, he never cried when he was happy.

Crawling over to Lucian, he patted the dragon's arm sympathetically, with the type of understanding only a child could have in sadness. And in anger, he glared up at Noire and Terra. He didn't care if they were dragon or hydra, how dare they insult his Daddy and say mean things about him, "Daddy wouldn't hurt anyone." He declared, earning a scoff from Ferrum. Unhindered, he continued on defending his father, "He would help all of you if he could!" His voice faltered slightly though, because Daddy hadn't protected Father when he got hurt....

His thoughts were interrupted when the cyan dragon swung his tail. He watched in horror as it cut through his brother, slicing up skin so easily. He didn't know how deep it ws and he didn't care because he saw red spill out from Skylark's chest. With a horrible wail, he rushed over to him, hand flying up to his wound. Trying to stop the bleeding frantically. He didn't know it wasn't fatal, all he knew was that his brother was bleeding and in pain and the last time he had seen something like that....He had lost his Father.

Big fat tears fell from his eyes as he turned around at shouted at them all, "Do something! Get Daddy! Or Father! Do anything!" He wailed, hands painted red. He didn't want to lose his brother, his twin was all he had left. He had promised to protect him and now he was failing it. "This is all your fault!" He roared, stumbling over to hit the cyan dragon. Tiny fists against the hard scales, a black choking must escaping his body. Hands leaving red marks over the taller male's skin. He struggled when Sanare came to pick him up, like Edge, the baby dragon blamed others first before trying to fix the problem. His struggling stopped though when he was taken over to his brother.

Leo already having rushed over, slicing open his shirt to revel the wound. Sanare set Sleipnir down next to him and then pulled out a chain round her neck. On it hung three clear orbs, full of brilliant clear liquid that had amazingly not shattered nor been vaporized during the whole tossing about. Taking a breath, she withdrew one of the pearls and crushd it in her hand. A thin layer of water gathers under her palm. There really want much left and she no longer knew what she was saving it for, "Be still, young one." She murmured to the child and pressed her palm against his wound.

Sleipnir held his brother's hand tightly, unsure what the water dragon was doing, but trusting in her all the same. She smiled at him and reached over with her free hand to ruffle his hair and wipe away his tears, "Don't worry, it is not too deep, I'm cleaning it." He still cried all the same.

The other dragons and hydras watched in silence as Leo held down the baby dragon to keep him from thrashing about while Sanare took care of his wound. Most averted their eyes, not willing to accept the act of teamwork. Some stared at it curiously, wondering if it could even mean something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skybreaker
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Skybreaker Sugar Rocker

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

December watched in disbelief. Did that idiot really...? However, she was late t react as Sleipnir took matters into his own hands, "Huh? Black... mist?" She mused curiously, though she believed it would be amusing to let Halley choke to death, she sighed. If he died, then how would they ever know if he was telling the truth or not? Unlike the others, the oracle considered his story and was thinking of seeing him though...

The cyan dragon grunted, being punched by the little dragon packed a punch, and then he felt like he was dying in a cloud of black mist. Until a cool cloud came and pushed it away. He turned to look at a grinning December. As he moved to get up, Terra held him down by placing a foot on his tail. "What are you-" The earth dragoness pressed down, causing the other to groan, "Be calm. I am only restraining you, you idiot. "

Lucian frowned, seeing Sleipnir cry. He deserved so etching for his kindness. The orb at he end of his tail glowed as he focused his aura on the baby dragon's. He then soothed the other by gently massaging his aura. All he while the pink dragon didn't move an inch from where he was sitting. He smiled gently.

Skylark whimpered as his shirt was stripped off, and as his wound throbbed. And then the nice water lady came close with water, and he smiled at her, only to twitch in pain as he felt the water like a million different tiny hands digging into his cut, though as soon as she was done, Noire came and rudely but not as roughly bumped Sanare to the side and traced her thumb against his wound, causing him to groan as his skin closed and the scar faded. "Hm... there, good as new!"

It was then Charon came tumbling down he stairs, continuing to roll further than Beelzebub. One eye was red and bloodshot, and his stomach was cut open in several places, forcing him to plug it with his palm. There was wet blood all over him, causing Noire and December to look at him in shock, December even screaming. He fell almost at the feet of Ferum, groaning in pain. His hair was pulled out in clumps, and his face had countless scratches from someone with really big claws, one arm was broken, and a white bone was sticking out. Charon had skin and flesh ripped from his body in several places and his breathing was ragged. Noire and a few other rushed to his side at once, the hydra trying in vain to heal him faster, tears welling up in her eyes.

Tail glowing, Lucian shot a white laser at Charon from his tail and kept it there, though he screamed out as Forte knocked him out with a scowl, not wanting the stranger to hurt any of his allies. However, Charon was back in one piece, though he still had several bruises. He was able to mutter, however, "Beelzebub... did... this.."

"The Oracle's vision!" Sila cried out in realization.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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Sleipnir's tears dried out quickly and he didn't know why, but he turned up and smiled at Lucian. Then he held Skylark's hand tightly and pulled his brother into a hug. He was so happy. He had thought he was about to lose his brother, "You're all okay now." He cried out happily against him, trembling when he could finally feel relief wash over him. Sanare didn't mind being shoved away as she looked down at the two happy brothers, glad that they could at least have this moment. Very carefully, she discarded the water and fingered the remaining too orbs around her neck. They weren't much, but they were probably the last few drops of clean water left on this entire planet. And it was a precious thing. Very carefully, he leaned down and picked up the strewn leaves of the Ygdrassil. Even if the tree had died, the leaves were still precious medicine and with the help of Terra, they could make medicine out of it.

Her picking of the leaves was interrupted though when the hydra came tumbling down the stairs, narrowly missing Beezlebub who was sitting right at the bottom. Regnum came running down right after, unfortunately, he didn't miss Beezlebub and ended up crashing into him an rolling out onto the floor. The hydra growling when his red hot scales burnt him. Growling, they both pushed each other off. The hydra rubbing at his sore burning scales while Regnum was quick to push himself to the other end of the room to avoid burning anyone else, staring over at the mess that was Charon, "I found him upstairs like that...but ah...everything is sealed up stairs, it's kind of dark up there. Then again, I found a whole tanker and fridge of food and water that could sustain us, those of us that can actually starve to death at least." Blizzard grumbled at mention of her stash. At least it came in handy.

Beelzebub was busy rubbing his burning scales when all eyes turned to him. Sleipnir taking a step towards Charon when Forte tackled his new friend. He pulled Skylark along with him and shouted for the hydra to get off his friend. Ferrum meanwhile, was staring at the battered and broken Charon. That want the hydra he had....he caught Terra staring at him and hurriedly he averted his eyes, folding his arms across his chest and slumping back against the wall. He didn't care. It was just a hydra, but...he did feel mighty sorry for him as he would for anyone who went through whatever he did. Noi-the hydras would be able to heal him right? He risked a glance over, the hydras would make him as good as new wouldn't they? He'd be fine, he had nothing to worry about. He didn't worry in the first place anyway!

He was, however, close enough to hear Charon's barely whispered words and immediately, his gaze went to Beezlebub and he felt his trigger finger itching even without his gun. Beelzebub, however was more than ready to protest against the accusations, "What!? I didnt!" He shouted, glaring down at the broken hydra and Ferrum just wanted to punch him. Not cause of what happened off course, but because he was a little smug bastard. Slowly, he pulled his gun back to him and pulled back the hammer of it. Beezlebub seemed to catch that though, growling at him, "I didn't fucking touch him alright! Obviously he's delusional! Why would I even bother to harm him, think you fucks!"

Sleipnir shied away from Beezlebub's angry shouts, unsure who to go to this time. He really wanted his parents actually. He just wanted to be held by Daddy and have Father sing him asleep. He was sure that Skylark wanted that too. In answer to Sila's shout, he tightened his grip on his brother and refused to let anything separate them. He didn't understand it, but he wasn't gonna let anything hurt Sky.

Everyone else had stilled when Sila announced her realization. Sanare spoke up next, "We...there's still a chance it won't come true right? We can still prevent it." She tried, but even her calming words lost their effect and everyone knew even she didn't believe it herself. They all knew, they couldn't stop why was coming. Ferrum looked down at Charon, broken as he was, their fate having predicted to be not as sinister as what awaited the rest of them. He still felt grim over it though. Something was coming, and they couldn't stop it no matter how much they tried to.
The blade glinted dimly, a stark contrast against the rather out of place concrete handle, but he couldn't risk any metal manipulation. In it's centre, the small orb of dust sparkled and swirled on it's own accord as he stroked it, a sentimental thing he supposed it was. The beauty of which was lost to many. Gently, he brought it up to his lips and kissed the orb, "Do not worry my king. We will be home soon."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skybreaker
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Skybreaker Sugar Rocker

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As Regnum dashed down the stairs, Noire began to glare at Beelzebub. Of course, they were allies, and Charon couldn't be killed by the wrathful hydra, but it wasn't unlikely Beelzebub would do such a thing. In his bloodlust, he had wounded some of them before. Who was she to say he couldn't have gotten carried away and gave Charon a few too many cuts and bruises? Of course, it was a bit unlikely, as there were dragons he could sink his claws and teeth into, but he might have a bone to pick with Charon.

Shooting a quizzical look to Sleipnir , Forte shrugged. "He's alright, I'm just making sure he doesn't put any of us in danger." He then chucked his blade at the quickly recovering Halley, the hilt and handle hitting him square on the side of the head, and he too was out like a light. "'Till we know what these two are capable of, it's not safe to have them walking around and being a pest to the rest of us."

December giggled, though she too was being wary of Beelzebub. "Hey, that rhymed!" She exclaimed cheerfully, causing some to shake their heads in disappointment. Hydras were the cruelest, most cold hearted beasts to ever walk the earth... besides humans, that is. As Terra eyeballed the giggling girl, she wondered if she fit the description. She had heard tales of a white haired hydra eradicating the red dragons, but she was certain that was the other female.

Skylark huddled against his brother. This was the man who hurt Father so badly. He shook in anger, but knew he was powerless against him. Noire hissed angrily, "ARE YOU SURE IT WAS THIS FU- FUDGER?!" She screamed, catching herself but only barely, her hair starting to rise as if gravity around her was losing it's pull. Chsron nodded. "I didn't see anything, because he had me pinned to the ground, but I heard his voice..." He growled, pain in the lustful hydra's eyes even as his skin quickly pulled back together.

Terra tapped a foot on the ground and hobbled near Regnum, stopping several meters away so his heat wouldn't bother her. "Are you okay? Reg, I... I saw the painting they have on the wall somewhere. Edge's dressed in fire dragon robes. Did you... have it made for him..? Or..." Swallowing, she whispered, "I heard him screaming in the labyrinth. What... what did you do to him? All I know is you two were involved, but... how?" It was a dark story of broken dreams and impossible aspirations.

"You love feeling wings tear apart in your hands, the insides of eggs in your jaw! You did this out of spite!" Noire hissed, scales becoming larger as she was about to change form, until Forte touched her shoulder. "Stop! The humans, right? It's only a matter of time until the wind dragon comes and our fate is sealed. Don't do this, Noire, it'll only leave you can Beelzebub weak."

"But Beelzebub was part of December's vision, so if I rip him apart now, we can change the future." A heavy silence hung over the room, until Sila interrupted, desperately, "Do it." And Noire flung herself like a bullet, only to hit... a cloud? The fluffy shield blocked her path, and she clawed at it until it had disappeared. December panted from fabricating such a thick cloud. She didn't want the future to be like this. Sighing Noire sat back down. "Go to hell, Beelzebub."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

"I didn't do anything! You heard him! He didn't even see who it was! It wasn't me I tell you, but if you fuc-" "Fudge." Leo interrupted loudly, earning himself a glare from Beezlebub. As always the lazy dragon didn't want to put in the effort to react to it, "I tell you, it wasn't me! It definitely wasn't me. If you wanna believe this sorry waste of a hydra over me, go right ahead! But you're wrong." He growled defiantly, hands clenched tightly, a vein throbbing in his forehead, "I've killed thousands, millions! Young and old, but know this, I've never done it without reason. I've never done anything against our kind nor have I intentionally harmed any of you. If you want to believe I did that to him, go ahead!"

Prideful uplifting speeches really just made him want to shoot him more. Ferrum fingered his gun, wondering just how much power would it take for a bullet to go through the hydra's smoke scene shield, "You've hurt a lot of out kind hydra. Even your own is against you now, tell me why I shouldn't fill you full of bullet holes? I don't think anyone would stop me." He said darkly, dripping with poison. Sanare, always the peacemaker, was first to reach over and push his trigger hand down. Giving him that concerned, scolding look. He scowled at her as he met her gaze, but made no move to aim his gun again. Honestly, hated all hydras, but Beezlebub really rubbed him the wrong way.

Glancing at Charon, he scanned his form for any more wounds, then looked away. If they were gonna be captured, they needed every one up and in fighting form to defend against any attack. He near hoped though, that they would be captured just so his brother would show up for him to make sure he was safe. No doubt, Anemoli could take care of himself but...he was in a mess, he needed his brother's advice as much as he wouldn't admit it. Partially, he also maybe cared about the wind dragon's well being.

Sleipnir watched Forte knock out the other dragon, then he stumbled over and patted Lucian gently on the arm, hoping that he would nap well and not wake up grumpy. Then he turned and held his brother closer as he felt him radiating...this heat. A volatile anger and he knew why. Perhaps he was braver or more foolish, but he glanced up at Beezlebub and held his brother closer, "You hurt my Father. That means you hurt Daddy too." He wasn't sure if Daddy still loved Father, but he knew they loved each other enough to have them so, "If you hurt Daddy, you would hurt anyone else."

"Why you-" Beezlebub stared down incredulously at the mousey toddler. The only thing between them was December's cloud shield, but even that was fading. He could so easily rip the annoying morsel limb from limb, but that definitely would look good infront of a roomful of hydra and dragon and it wouldn't make him look any more innocent of the accusations pointed at him. So begrudgingly, he crossed his arms and turned his back to them.

Regnum was too caught up in his own drama at the moment to bother with the hotheaded hydra. Turning his head up wearily as Terra approached. He huddled himself into the corner, the heat surrounding him not fading any time soon. He sighed and looked away at the question, turned back and opened his mouth as if to say something then closed it. There were several more false starts; open, close, open close. And then finally he scratched his head and sighed, "It was a long time ago, I was...young, foolish. Different. Naive I guess. What's in the past is in the past anyway and I don't regret a single thing I've done, I only wish I could have done it better. It's not time now to get all sentimental, we can leave this basement now and go upstairs. Wait till the dust settles outside then face whatever is coming for us."

He stood shakily, having exerted himself more than others. No one able to bear the heat enough to help him, "It's not ideal, but we've put up with each other this long. I think we can make it through a day without killing each other. Now.." He turned to look down at Skylark and Sleipnir; young, not yet ready for the world. "Someone has to take care of them and by someone I mean everyone, do we have a mutual agreement on that?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skybreaker
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Skybreaker Sugar Rocker

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Charon sniffled a few times, feeling extraordinarily out of place when he wasn't in a bedroom. Though he wasn't the smartest of them, he was a lot more observant than most gave him credit for; he wasn't one of their schemers for nothing.

It appeared both groups had reached a treaty for the time being. Conversing with each other, even. What was going on? He groaned, wondering if it was really Beelzebub that had worsened his wounds. Edge had clawed at him, that was true, bjt his king had only ripped open a hole in his stomach. Someone else did the rest.

Skylark buried his face in the crook of his brother's neck, which was warm and moist from the heat waves. He was so angry, and didn't bring himself to speak to Beelzebub as his brother was. Maybe he was afraid, not of the hydra, but of saying a bad words when Daddy wouldn't want him to. Why hadn't Regnum found Daddy or Father somewhere upstairs?

They would never leave him- them. Thinking of the Daddy that took such good care of them when they were eggs, and the Father who was so strong and handsome and loving, who would take them on an adventure, he whispered tearily to his brother, "What... if Daddy's never coming back?"

He cried and broke away from his brother then, stumbling toward Regnum and the heat burning away his tears. He sobbed violently, hammering his fists against the obsidian floor. We don't need anyone to take care of us but Daddy and Father!" Skylark screamed, wanting to call closer but Terra snatched him up and began carrying away. He didn't hit her, though he wanted to.

"Where are my parents?! Where are Edge and Relin?! WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY PARENTS YOU MONSTERS?!" He screamed loudly, accusingly, Terra trying to rock him but he angrily fought his way out of her grip, wiping tears from his eyes. "I want my Father..." He sobbed brokenly, quickly wasting what little water he had left in the form of tears. "Give me my Father back-"

"Your parents, if they're not here, they must be-" Skylark screamed. December sat I him, causing the other young-looking hydra to squeak and fall backwards. "They must be looking for you! Edge loves you an awful lot, you know. Both of you." Skylark stared emotionlessly, seemingly satisfied with her answer. He liked hiding away and pretending everything was okay. He was sheltered by his doting parents, while they still were his Daddy and Father. Before one had lost his heart, and the other, his mind.

"But until then you need to listen to us, okay? If out don't, you might not be able to see your parents again." Skylark brightened up. "If I listen, I can see Daddy and Father again?!?" He squealed excitedly, face a shoe of pure bliss. He would kiss and hug and love his parents. His precious Father. "Yeah, in due time." December said slower, the death glare Noire sending her helping to shut her up.

Skylark skipped back to Sleipnir , so happy that to the adults who knew better, it hurt to watch. "Daddy and Father are looking for us!" He squealed before running over to December and hugging her tightly. She was a lot like Daddy, and the dragons reminded him of Father. But she had comforted him. "Thank you." He said shyly before rolling back to Leo and hugging him tightly as well. "I'll listen, I'll be good from now on!" He promised, aloud. December sailed warmly, then looked away to hide the tears of regret. Did she just give him something worse than the truth?

Meanwhile' Forte had a hand on Beelzebub's shoulder, "Calm down, buddy. I believe you. But if you go berserk, the dragons will... do something. I know you hate Edge," He said, oblivious to the warm relationship the angry hydra and his king used to share, "But if you wanna kill him you have to survive today." He added in a more hushed tone,though everyone could make out words. Only the adults could hear all of it.

"You're not killing Edge, you sicko!" Charon growled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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Sleipnir held his brother close, uncaring that they were dirty and sweaty or whatever. He had promised to protect him and no one else except Daddy and Father could ever raise them. There was no one else as good as Father or Daddy, no one...Even through all the times that they had been hurt by them, no one else could tell stories like Daddy or hold them warmly and strongly like Father. There would never be anyone else. He tightened his arms around Skylark and stared down at him, "Don't say that, Daddy and Father wouldn't want to hear that. Daddy and Father love us a lot, they'll come back to us one day." He whispered softly, eyes glistening with tears, but he swore he wouldn't cry. Not infront of his brother. He would be strong for him, like Father and Daddy, "They'll come back."

Crying after his brother as he pulled away from him, he chase after him while Regnum tried to back away from the young vulnerable tot. Standing up and pressing himself against the wall, he tried to draw back his heat away from the young one. Sleipnir chased after him, busy stopped short of his brother. Unsure what to do as Skylark screamed and threw his tantrum. He didn't know how to deal with this sort of situation, his brother had never freaked out this badly. He-They needed Daddy and Father. He sent all his warmth and care towards his brother and watched as Terra picked him up.

He followed tearfully as his brother started to scream and cry, trying to soothe him. The rest of the dragons and the hydras gazed at the toddler sadly. Beelzebub and Ferrum looked away, while Regnum and Sanate shared this look that Sleipnir couldn't understand. Looking around, he wondered why they weren't doing anything. They were the adults, they were supposed to know what to do. They were meant to make everything alright, why were they all so...so USELESS?!

Skylark was right, no one could replace their true parents, but at least the others were still there for the both of them while Daddy and Father were...away. He rushed up to them, placing a hand on Terra's arm, he stared up at her next to his tearful brother. "We'll see Daddy? A-and Father? We'll be a family again?" He asked with the same hesitant hopefulness. Clutching the sock close to his chest, he felt the little white pebbles inside press against him. Smooth stones that had been made smooth and white by the world. Experience and hardships had made them smooth. Were Daddy and Father still rough?

He followed after his brother, happy to hug whoever, "We'll be the best dragons and hydras ever! Daddy and Father will never wanna leave us!" He declared, tackling his brother in a hug. Laughing out loud as they fell onto the floor. Beelzebub stared down at the two of them and then glared up at Charon. Forte was the only one who knew him second best to Edge. Sleipnir froze at Charon's shout, staring up wearily at Beezlebub who growled down at him, then turned away, pulling away from Forte. He stomped back up the stairs, leaving the room in a dead silence.

"We won't let him." He muttered softly, "When Daddy and Father find us, we'll take care of him." He muttered a little darkly. Holding his brother tightly, he turned back to the rest of them. "Can we get something to eat?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skybreaker
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Skybreaker Sugar Rocker

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Forte gasped slightly as Beelzebub roughly jerked his body back. The hydra's power and rebellious nature never ceased to surprise him. Being upstairs must have been even worse for he wrathful hydra- at least in the basement, there wasn't any furniture that could behead you. How was his personal armory?! Had it survived such a thing? Turning to share a glance with December, who nodded a single time slowly, the armored hydra ascended up the stairs robotically, tailing Beelzebub. Once they were on a higher, floor, his eyes went wide. The castle was pretty much trashed, books and paintings and everyone's treasures seemingly randomly creating an unpredictable pattern on the ground.

There were some of Blizzard's candy, cake, and cookie jars and boxes, Noire's jewelry, Charon's books, December's art supplies, Leo's sheet music (lazily and sloppily drawn and copied,), some of his weapons, Beelzebub's sentimental knickknacks, and when he reached down, he saw a toy of some kind. It was a tiny stuffed animal with unrealistically floppy and fluffy ears. It was so cute it almost made him sick. It was made out of knit material.

Grinning, the prideful hydra picked it up between two fingers and dangled it in front of his eyes with amusement. Pleasantly, he piped, "Hey, look it's Edge's favorite toy! What did he call it? Little Edge? He must have been so happy when out gave it to him on his uh.... birthday. You two were so close. What happened? Would you ever really kill him?" Forte struggled for a word, knowing none of them knew when Edge was actually born. However, they had made up the date when he first washed onto the mainland.

Back when they were all still getting accustomed to their powers, they were much tighter knit. Now it felt like they were separated into their own little groups. December usually was buddy-buddy with Blizzard and Noire, as well as him sometimes. He never liked Charon- but did always tolerate him. How could someone stand to using their body in that way to get what out want? To him it was unimaginably dishonorable.

Noire was Charon's cohort, and in the old days, he spent the most time with Leo, Edge, Bel. What had occurred? What had made them into killers? Edge convinced him, and December, all he wanted was to get away from dragon kind and build a castle at the Edge of the world. There was an ocean on one side, once, and an expansive desert on the other side. Now there was only ruin and wasteland.

They were all so close before, and though Edge could make miracles happen, he was weak. Whenever he killed, when he arrived at their shelter he would start crying and vomiting. Then, suddenly, Edge didn't mind killing, he loved it just as much as himself and Beelzebub. What drove him? Revenge? As Edge changed, so did Bel. It was only a matter of time until Bel went crazy, wasn't there? "Bel, are you alright? I care, you know, it's why I followed you. You may think we are only allies in battle, but of something's bothering you, I might be able to help."
Noire flashed a grin to Blizzard. "Hmm, I don't know, can they get something to eat?" She repeated, knowing it would get on her nerves. Share her cakes and cobblers with Edge's kids or keep it all to herself. What would she decide? Terra, meanwhile, stared concerned at the two little children. Everyone seemed, on the outside at least, unphazed by the fact Bel could be conspiring against them all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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The armored hydra would find him crouched over a pile of debris, pushing aside the tattered stained sheets and brushing off cookie crumbs and broken glass. He wasn't really looking for anything too specific. Compared to other hydra, he didn't have too much here. Wrath destroyed everything. Barely acknowledging Forte's approach, the only sign he knew of his presence was the slight shift of his head as if he was going to talk to him, but decided against it. Continuing to sift through the piles one by one, until Forte picked up the forlorn stuffed toy.

The hydra felt his fingers prickle in rememberance and he turned to call over his shoulder, "It wasn't his birthday." Standing, he made his way over to Forte, but made no attempt to take the stuffed toy fromnhim, "It was a fucking long time ago, for all of us. Those that were born at least." He glared at the large button eyes, then waved his hand dismissively, "Give it to his kids or something. I'm sure it'll shut them up for a few minutes." He turned to continue sifting through the piles, stuffing a cookie from one of Blizzard's jars into his mouth. Spitting it out a moment later. Eurgh, oatmeal. She really did eat anything. He continued on his aimless searching until Forte sought to break the silence again.

He sighed, standing up. As if reading his mind, he said, "I'm not Edge you know. I knew him, but I'm not him." Turning, he stepped towards the hydra and held out a piece of armor from his armoury, "I'm not always breaking stuff or hurting someone either like you all think you know." He muttered, then rubbed his forehead. Closing hiseyes, he sighed again, "I don't remember. After I died. I ressurected again and made my way back here and then....nothing. The next thing I know was I was being tossed down the stairs when the whole castle went crazy. Then Charon....I didn't hurt him. He's annoying and a coward, and just asking for a beating, but I swear, I didn't hurt him."

"Something feels extremely wrong here. With Edge and his lil mate gone, not to mention that wind dragon. And the sudden...attack, December's vision. It doesn't add up." He said softly, furrowing his eyebrows. Dwelling in frustration until a loud knock broke the silence. Beezlebub looked up, "What the hell....?" It resounded rather loudly through the castle, seeming as if it was coming from downstairs, but.....they were probably just going crazy, either him or someone down in the basement.
Unfortunately no one had gone crazy down stairs. All eyes turning towards the large bolted doors. Blixzatd breathed a sigh at the distraction, saved from having to decide between little unspoilt wonderful cuties or Edge's children. Everyone else was feeling a little apprehensive ay the insistent knocking, the doors actually shaking a little it was almost a little laughable infact, to have someone knocking on the front door in the kiddle of an apocalypse. One might question as well why Edge had a door in the basement leading to the outside.

"Should we....?" Sanare started then trailed off, everyone else wondering the same thing. Quietly, Leo gathered up the two children and held them close. The loud knocking refusing to stop. Finally, Ferrum stood and walked slowly over to the door, looking back at the rest. Regnum having shifted to the front, in a ready atrack position, Blizzard and Leo having moved to the back, towards the stairs. Everyone holding their breath as Ferrum placed his hand in the handle, trusting in his senses....

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skybreaker
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Skybreaker Sugar Rocker

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

[I]You know... I think I loved you since before I was even born.[/]

"Calm down, Beelzebub. You're way too paranoid all the time." The armored hydra chastised, though he was unsure of himself. And he had never been a really convincing liar. "Plus, why do we even have December? So she can tell us the future and we can change it." Then again, today they had tried changing the future for themselves, and look how that turned out...

As the pounding resounded through the castle, Forte's eyes narrowed suspiciously. What caused that? Tail swishing as he turned, that too was class in metal plates. He bit into the plate Bel had handed to him. Nothing special. The armor he was wearing now trumped it. Shrugging, he tucked it into a space between two plates on his abdomen before tucking Edge's forgotten stuffed toy into his armor as well.

Every fiber in the Hydra's being was urging him not to go. However, it would be humiliating if something did occur and he had done nothing, like a coward. But still... "Even if I'm the only one, I believe you. We'd never turn on each other." Forte reassured before picking up another sword from the ground and rushing down the stairs, careful not to step on anyone's belongings. Small, trivial things that didn't matter to begin with, they were even more so obsolete with no one around to appreciate them.
Noire, Charon, and December backed away along with Blizzard and Leo, though didn't go as far as he stairs. And then the heavy basement doors opened. It was unorthodox, and many would agree, stupid to have a door leading to the outside. Sometimes they would use it to have a little time to themselves, when there were still wonders t find on the earth. As for most of the Hydra, they stopped wasting braincells wondering what drove Edge to do most things, anyways.

The three shared a wordless glance. There was no time to speak. Throughout the years, the door in the basement floor had always been used to let in the light. It would shine on the black obsidian like walls and floor and nearly blind them with radiance. Oh, Noire would give anything to see that again. But now the door only let in darkness and foul stenches of long decayed corpses and dust. Now, it let in a wound dragon and a light dragon, and a whole armada of heavily armored humans.

Skylark cried out as Leo held him tightly as the incoming forces charged them. Millions of strange creatures that created a moving sea of shouts and bodies. The dragons and hydra were packed so tightly and his face was being pressed against Leo's torso. He felt his brother's fingers in his own and knew everything would be alright. It had to be, though the screams of three Hydra was enough to freak him out. Fighting the hand that held his head, he wanted more than anything to witness the commotion.

Lips pressing into a straight line, Skylark was able to told his head enough to get a good view of the room. He nearly flinched back in fear, as the odd creatures attacked his friends, and even carried the pink and cyan dragons away. His head once again was pressed against the much older hydra and he screamed in fear. But then out of curiosity, fought with all his might to move his head just enough to see with a single eye. And he caught a glimpse of white hair and porcelain skin. "Father!" He screamed aloud, trying to struggle out the safety of Leo's arms.

"What the hell?!" Noire screeched before evaporating into a nearly transparent mist, her usual means of escape. However, she had overlooked one detail- Regnum. The fire dragon not only doomed himself, but by breathing flames that not only burned a small percentage of their army of attackers, but also heated the air to a point where it was unsafe for mist to form. With a scream, Noire materialized and her pale skin was red-tinged with a light burn.

Charon and December quickly helped her up, though December was busy trying to conduct electricity through the obsidian, to no avail. Damn! If only this castle was catered to her as well. Charon was useless in close combat and with her new burns, Noire couldn't afford to fire any scales. Not like it would do any good, anyways. They needed a storm dragon... If only she could create lighting.

Terra, meanwhile, was constantly tapping her foot and creating quakes, trying to keep the humans away. But the pact... by a vow of her ancestor's blood, killing a human was forbidden. But let herself succumb to a grisly fate? What was worse? Even a child would know better. But as Regnum broke the pact first, she stopped. Every muscle in her body tensed and she messed up. She didn't even feel the sharp restraints digging into her skin, only the cold emptiness of betrayal and disappointment.

December quickly switched into her bigger form, slender shining like a rough pearl. She had four wings, a mark of her monarchy. Once upon a time, they had been envied by all dragons on earth. Today, they we're extra places for the humans to shoot at. Realizing this, she pulled her wings closer to her body, like a cocoon. And she roared as the humans shot at her. Her vitals were covered, and she hid Charon and Noire under her.

She couldn't see anything, present for future.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

They were fragmented, unable to work together not let go of their pitiful pride. He had counted on that. Like great towers, they fell. The fire dragon, in a fireball of glory, taking down human after human with him, had his snout shut tight in a brace and cooling restraints snapped around his neck and limbs, sealed with the burning flesh of those who had sacrificed themselves to get close. They knew this heat well enough, they had foreseen the day that the earth would swelter and dry up, so they made sure they knew how to extinguish the burning flame. The proud leader no more than a lone candle waiting to be put out from the inside.

He roared and blew his last flame, writhing against the spiked restraints clamped onto him, melting just after they dropped icy poison into his wounds. Slithering, slimy coldness; a feeling he though the had left behind. It gripped him tightly and forced the air out of his lungs. Cold, so cold. It hurt and he remembered, the snow was terrifying. The ice was deadly. Creeping onto his scales in cruel whispers, paralyzing...He couldn't succumb, he couldn't. Struggling against it, for the others. For the dragons, he couldn't...Colder than cold, he felt buried under the snow. Left to rot, left to freeze, his fire dimmed.

They carried the fire dragon out with a struggle.

Terra was easy really, he had expected more fight out of the earth dragon. Had she really given up so easily? In her last effort to save her kind, the dragons that she had been so passionate about. Claiming to be a mother, how pretentious. To have that facade, to fool so many others, he growled as she fell. The restraints clamping onto her easily, blocking out her vision. With whatever paralyzingly syrup they had, she was barely a problem.

The great seeker, they had called her. Relied on her to tell them when to fight or run. Revered her as a goddess, their savior, their protector and the disgusting bitch had let them all down. He was glad to being her down. Especially while she still protected her fellow spawn. Her wings pulled right against her, did not protect her ugly eyes. They soaked their gloved in acid and flung it exuberantly at the hydra as if it were for sport. Who could hit the purple bull's eye first? 10 points!

He laughed as he made his way past them, his sword trailing on the floor behind him. Clinking along the stairs, what he found was laughable. The rest of the dragon and hydra having rushed up past their last stand. Beelzebub and Forte stood rather opposingly against him. Blocking his pathway to the rest of the fleeing brood. "My my, Beezlebub, you seem rather angry." He chuckled, sword held lazily by his side. What he received in answer was a growl and the beginnings of a standoff. The hydras staring him down. The air stilling between them both. It was funny really, for them to finally want to protect each other in the very last moments. A brave last stand. It would go down in history. His history.

"You wouldn't want to go against the wishes of your king now would you?" He murmured softly, his eyes glowing softly in the darkness. He smiled as the hydra froze, clearly tensing as he met his eyes. The complexity of a hydra, he had to tug a little harder to wrench out all those secrets, those wanton desires, "Now, go make sure none of them escape. Do what you have to, but dare you not harm my children, pet." He instructed and Beezlebub turned, smirking to himself as he brushed past Forte. Gone to carry out the commands of his king. His wonderful king. There could be no other, no better.

"Wonderful isn't it? He is such a good pet. A little disobedient though, loves to fight with the others, but when he needs to do what he is told..." The dragon's expression softened and he smiled, such a smile that did not belong to him anymore. Not with that sword in hand, drawn ready. Beelzebub would keep the others busy, whilst, "I've been looking forward to this." He murmured, running a hand over his blade, "They say you are the best. Battled every dragon from here to the end, never backed down when challenged, couldn't beat to lose." He smiled, seemingly talking to his sword, "So powerful." He brandished it carelessly, "Would you accept this duel? For your pride and your kind? Will you wager this much or beg for something more merciful?"
Leo ran, trying to stop Skylark from struggling away, gripping him tightly as he continued up the spiral staircase. Having given up on steps in favor of perilous flight throughout the stairs. He could hear Sanare's and Sila following closely behind him. The wind whipping past them, narrowly avoiding the rails and bottom of the steps. Sanare's little bundle seemed to be struggling as well, trying to reach out past her arms, the tears streaming off his face and breaking off long before they could fully form, whipped away by the speed at which they were going.

"Stop! Stop! That was Father!" He cried out, reaching out only to have his arms forced back by the whiplash. Why were they running away? It was Father! Where Father was, Daddy might be too! They had come back to get them! They hadn't forgotten, they were gonna be a family again! Why couldn't they see that? Why were they running?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skybreaker
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Skybreaker Sugar Rocker

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The acid, that stung like no other. It was not natural acid, either, the great oracle of the storm dragons could taste it with the membranes in her scales. A tranquilizer, or perhaps something far more lethal? It was all the same to her, as the gloves burned holes in her body. She didn't look like swiss cheese or anything even slightly humorous. Seeing the youngest hydra in such a state... the two who took shelter under her had to put in one last stand.

Clasping hands, Charon and Noire began to change, both at the same time. Purple eyes eclipsed in perfect synchronization, the result of years practicing the forbidden technique. Their bodies grew larger, flesh bubbled and rippled as it turned to diamond-hard sleek scales. Charon and Noire became one, their consciousnesses brushing against each other in an intimate dance of brother and sister, until they became one.

The hydra opened all four of its eyes and stared deeply at the burnt, cavernous, and unconscious form of its ally. The hydra growled softly and with all six of its legs, moved to step over the oracle in an effort to protect her. She could not die, but they wouldn't allow her to be taken away. The hydra was different than any the humans had seen thus far. Edge had shown it to them, once. Why it was so important to bond with your hydra kin, so your hearts could beat as one and take the divine form of a god.

Yes, a god. For this is surely what these incredible organisms were, gods. A phenomenon unexplained by contemporary science and untouched by anything but folk tales and ancient mythology, where humans worshipped and sacrificed to appease. This, the two necked hydra, was the epitome of vanity and lust. Such beauty, such grace, such timelessness! And the humans, with their eyes clouded by the white dragon, saw a target to shoot at.

But this god was not one of mercy. Perhaps Charon wanted liberation and Noire wanted deliverance, but with power comes lust for more, and for the owner of that power to be unbelievably vain. Like the two hands reaching from another world high above, Charon and Noire took turns devouring mouthfuls of human puppets, each with about fifty men with each bite. It made their connected hearts beat faster in unison. Bullets and rockets bounced off like they were paper airplanes and acid dripped like the rain on a wax parasol.

Nothing could match the sheer power and force of this creature, and their oracle below them began to stir, one eye completely burned away by the acid but she struggled to stand. December, poor girl. She didn't know she was already a goddess, being revered by every dragon in existence. And so easily tricked by Edge in his mad rush for power. Edge was god at that, they all knew that. Regardless of how close they were, none would deny that Edge had roped them all into being gods. He had handpicked them like a fantasy football team.

He wasn't like the other tyrants or monsters of that time. Edge was no conquerer. Looking at the face of the young man, one saw bright, curious eyes and a genuine, optimistic smile. They saw boyish hair and a nose that crinkled when he laughed. His purity was so unlike his rivaling warlords. He swept in at the worst moments of their lives, and offered them all a second chance- and a second chance at life with new powers was something only a fool would pass up.

They were appointed commanders of a group of lower dragons that didn't even compare to themselves and were treated like family by their king. It was the perfect life, really. But slowly, as they watched Edge add more and more pieces to his collection, they wondered if they were anything more than pieces themselves in a twisted game Edge was playing against an unknown opponent.

He had the knights, the queens, the bishops, the rooks, and countless pawns. So where did he mess up? When did wanting more become so much of a problem Beelzebub pointed it out? When did Edge decide he didn't care if he harmed his allies? When did Edge decide to use his council of seven as his personal harem after a long-day's work? When did Edge decide he and he alone was the only one that mattered? When did Edge go from a god trying to liberate dragon kind to the one and only devil who only wanted to hold the world in his palm and crush it? When did they all realize they were as powerless as the rest of the world to Edge's plan? That Edge could replace them all with several sweet words?

But on particularly warm days and nights, Edge would stand on the highest balcony in the castle and just spread his wings. He would smile fondly, and pour out his heart to anyone who would listen. It would be just like the good old days where they could pretend they were still doing the good thing, that Edge still loved them, and that he hadn't lost his mind. They could pretend they didn't make him crazy by having him absorb all their bad energy so all they felt like was confident and clean.

December was done pretending. She struggled to stand, but once she did, she felt something penetrate through her midsection. There was a roar from her comrades before they too were skewered. Eventually the three of them fell, Charon and Noire separating and December simply slumping down, until all three blacked out and dreaded when they would once again regenerate and awaken.

For Charon, that was sooner rather than later. He fought to open his eyes, not wanting to dream of Edge, of the king he could never have. One great violet eye opened wearily and he let out a moan.
"I don't know what you think, but I'd never use you guys. We're family." Edge cried, nearly on the verge of tears as he said so. It hurt, more than any battle ever had. Having his so-called family turn on him like this. Hadn't he given them everything they wanted? Power? A place to stay? A place they could belong? As the boy's gaze shifted from hydra to hydra, he realized all seven had the same look, even with their own personal features. Betrayal. It reflected what he was feeling.

Desperately, he reached out and stroked Beelzebub's cheek. "See? It didn't even leave a mark. And I already apologized." He felt the muscles tense under his touch. That was how they all were now. What were they so afraid of? He was just Edge, sure he was technically their king but he hadn't asked them to address him as such since the past few years. Violet eyes met violet and Edge's lower lip trembled. Shifting one foot, Charon stepped forward to put a hand on his shoulder and console him. Edge took it was a sign of hostility.

With a scream, he tumbled backwards and off the balcony, wings fluttering uselessly against the free fall. He could hear the shouts of joy from the dragons below as their conquerer fell to his apparent doom...
He was a legendary general of the Sky Knights. Forte was unmatched, losing only when it benefited the cause. He had sacrificed himself many times for his ranks, but that was before he was a hydra. As a hydra, he stood tall against what once would have been considered his king's mate. Along with his partner, Beelzebub, he knew the white dragon stood no chance, regardless of what kind of sword he wielded.

But confidence turned to uneasiness and even fear as Beelzebub turned on him and walked away. Forte's eyes widened and his spiky hair seemed to twitch. What just happened? He knew white dragons could take control of humans, but he had never heard of them mesmerizing other dragons- especially a hydra! He growled, rage boiling in his blue blood.

Sure, Beelzebub had a temper, didn't obey their king all the time and was hard to be around most of the time, but he was closer to the hydra than anyone else. And Beelzebub would never turn his back on them, no matter what Noire and Charon believed. Those two didn't know what it was like in the heat of battle anyways, always content to rule from their throne rather than fight at the front like a true leader. Sniffing the air haughtily, Forte glared at his opponent. As far as he was concerned, the other was already mincemeat. He had never lost a duel one on one, where no one else could get hurt.

"So, you dare to challenge me? I assume you think you can put me under your thrall? Or perhaps find a way to cheat?" The knight readied his sword, but quickly twirled it, splitting it in two. The metal was a black color and now they looked like the noses of a saw shark. "I don't know what you've done to Beelzebub- or how, for that matter, but it won't matter after I have your heart in my stomach." He then set his tail free from his armor, the limb thrashing uncontrollably.

If his king were standing next to him, giving him orders, he'd want his kids to be safe, he knew that. And he wanted to believe he wanted all of them safe as well. Twirling his sword once, the hydra raised a brow at the dragon. Quickly, the other would appear to be getting heavier. In actuality, Forte was amplifying the gravity just around him. Leisurely, he strolled over. "My, my, my... like my gravity? It might be a bit hard to move your sword..." He added, giving both swords a firm twirl. By now, the massive amount of gravity was making a buzzing sound. Swiftly, he attempted to cut his blades in an x-shape to end the other.
Skylark knew not of the pain and suffering the hydras and dragons were enduring, but only that his Father was near and the were forbidding him to see his family. And that was a bad thing. Daddy and Father's friends were nice, mostly, but they couldn't compare to Daddy or Father! Especially big, strong, handsome, perfect father! Skylark struggled even more, desperately wanting to see his parent and idol. "LEO, PLEEEEAAAASE LET ME GO! FATHER WILL TAKE CARE OF ME!" He screamed, tears falling from his face as they ran.

Suddenly, he was so overcome with emotion, he felt something in him spike and he felt like throwing up. Instead, he opened wide as his teeth got bigger and sharper. Quickly, he bit into Leo's shoulder mercilessly. Cruelly. Sila caught this and she quickly spat at him. She just got a bunch of her saliva on the toddler's face. Skylark froze at the strange sensation, before he felt his mouth being glued shut and though he didn't know it, the bitterness in his mouth was plant residue. The wood dragoness sighed. The hydra's wound looked bad, but hydra were known to recover quickly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

They were obedient, sacrificial, unafraid to die though their king had instructed them to avoid so if he could. He didn't want half of his army dead before they even started. Nevermind, he had swept away some reserves and already set them up for production, treated like the manufacture of their weaponry. It was a shaky foundation, but once it was in full swing, it wouldn't matter the tens that silently were crushed in the godly hydra's claws, the only sound was of their bones being crushed between their claws, suits stained as they were squished like insects. Helpless, insignificant insects, too paralysed even try and squirm their way out. They were nothing more than a helpful distraction though as the rest of the humans pulled back, aiming their weaponry at the god like creature. Their sights set upon it and their hearts upon pleasing the lesser god that had taken the place of the fallen demon.

Once, their pitiful ammo bounced off the hard scales of a dragon, their latest technology, the pinnacle of human innovation, a poor comparison to the armor of gods. Relin had given them their breakthrough. The things they needed to become worthy of becoming his army. Fiercely, their bullets ripped through the dragon's scales, tipped icily with the cold kiss of temporary death. The great god fell to the silent stare of it's opponents, unaware to their own victory. Moving mechanically towards the fallen bodies, like worker ants carrying food back to their mound. Only that they did not tear apart their food with steal fitted jaws, moving into to block the bleeding and sterilize the deep wounds that they had caused themselves. Their king wanted these beings alive, for what reason they didn't question as they tended to the wounded, administering a steady stream of morphine, a dosage that would kill a regular human, to them to keep them under.

As heavy boots stomped towards the fallen hydra of lust, weak and barely conscious. Fighting hard to stay awake and keep away the darkness that threatened to pull him under. Keep away from the very being that created him, that slowly ate away at all of them. That of which Edge had gifted them eternally. A dark figure blocked his vision, blank faceless mask staring down at the once god like being. The hydra who sold his body and his soul as if it was water from the sea. Gazed upon coldly, the guard lifted his weapon and struck Charon out cold.
The rush of dark water, the toxic waves crashing against the jagged rocks eager to meet him. The wind rushed by his useless wings, the freefall blinding all his senses. In some ways, it felt peaceful. Impressive almost, falling off the edge of the world. The edge of paradise. He embraced it wholly, the peace that awaited him below. Vaguely, it all felt somewhat familiar, as if he had done this before. Something whispering in his ear told him he wasn't imagining the feeling. Something told him that he hadn't succeeded before and wouldn't succeed this time. Foolish like the previous ones before him, thinking that he could escape so easily, thinking that he could escape after the last lucky survivor. They weren't gonna let him go now, not after the last. They were going to make sure he didn't leave them. They wouldn't be left powerless again.

The pain striked him, the feeling of hitting the rocks below. The waves threatening to sweep him away, ended up thrashing him against the rocks like a rag doll. The dark water filled his vision and constricted his lungs. The pain so intense, he was numb. Something crashed against his face, wrenching a scream out of his throat that was lost in the intensity of the waves. Screaming across the shore, playing with it's latest toy. Unwilling to have death snatch it away. There was no calming darkness, no numbing abyss for him to fall into that would take him away. The water rushed into his mouth, choking him. History repeated itself cruelly. This was only the beginning.

"No tricks, I assure you on my word. A fair fight." He raised his sword than quickly found it impossible to raise. His entire body forced downward to the ground, crouched as Forte approached him. His head felt too heavy to even lift as he rested it entirely on his body. As the man raised his sword, the sword he held glowed brightly, and shot up on it's own, blocking both of Forte's swords, holding them steadily in place as the dragon slowly rose back to his feet, "My my, who was the one who wanted a fair fight?" The dragon chuckled, lifting up his head, his image rippled and shifted, pale flesh giving away to deep yellowing bruises, healing scabs and dark tipped stained scales. A contrast to the dark cotton shirt he wore, freshly washed and ironed. The tips of his wings clipped and torn away completely, nothing but a shredded mess that no longer resembled wings. His hair was mussed, cut wrongly and comical if it wasn't covered by the swath of bandages wrapped around his head, making it's way over his eye.

Grinning, a few teeth actually missing, he looked up at the demon, "Elerium, a wonderful consumer of power, like me. Off course it has a few downsides, but I suppose I can forsake my appearance. Have a good look, it'll be the least of your worries from now on." Swinging his sword, he pushed aside Forte's blade, "Feel a little woozy? Weak? Power drained?" He chuckled, leveling his sword at Forte, "Now, shall we fight as intended or do you have anymore tricks up your sleeve?" He lunged backwards, holding his sword at ready. "Come at me love."
Beelzebub was starting to catch up after the both of them, eyes blank as he raced after them. Following the cries of worried infants. Gaining quickly onto them.

Slepnir cried out as Skylark did, afraid when he but into Leo's shoulder, causing the hydra to jerk and bit down on his lip to avoid crying out. Watching the wicked female spit on his brother, he squirmed, wanting to hit her for doing such a thing, for keeping them away from Father, "STOP IT! STOP IT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING, ITS FATHER! LEO! LEO! STOP HER! MAKE HER STOP PLEASE!"

"Hush, hush...we're..almost..." He huffed, his shoulder aching. "That's not your father, we're leaving." He sounded fatigued, looking back at the wood drag ones just in time to see Beezlebub rise out of the darkness behind her, claw closing around her ankle, he dragged her down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skybreaker
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Skybreaker Sugar Rocker

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The hydra struggled uselessly, clawing at the shimmering obsidian floor. Didn't he know that his fate couldn't be tampered with? He had never been one to be such a rebel to the inevitable, so why start now? He didn't know the sting and heat of battle like many of his allies. He intercepted information, people, and objects with his body. That was what he was good for- being Edge's personal prostitute. Charon was shit at everything else.

Accepting, as he always did, what had befallen him, Charon's eyes shut. He knew December's foretelling hadn't been for naught. She was right. And they were all doomed. The humans had won, there was no longer any hope...

Perhaps not for the others, but the hydra of lust held to one miniscule fragment, even as his thoughts began to fall apart. He had no reason to keep his faith to the very one that had tortured him. He had been an obedient servant and the most he had done with the other was make out and grind a few times. And yet, being one of the only that believed Edge would return, believed he would come back for them. Charon would wait as long as it took. He had all the patience of the rolling sea.
"Stay still..." Leo murmured as Edge scratched his scalp once more. The younger boy groaned exaggeratedly.

"I can't! It's sooooooo itchy!" He complained immaturely, as Charon laughed. "Is he almost done?" Slowly, the hydra of lust smirked and shook his head.

"Not even close." Edge groaned once more. "But on the bright side, you look great all dressed up, crown and all!" He announced with a laugh.

"I don't wear this stuff for a reason! Makes me feel trapped. I hate it." He pouted, Leo 'tsking'.

"Cut it out... before I paint that face on. You're lucky..." He paused to yawn. "That I even... Mm... got up this early...."

"It's evening already!" Edge yelled back exasperatedly.

"Mm... I know... So early." They rolled their eyes at Leo's typical behavior.

"Well take a good look, fellas, cause this is the last time ever you'll see me in this robe and crown. Ever! Augh, I hate it..." Charon did his best to stifle his laughter.
Gritting his teeth as the white dragon somehow overcame the change in gravity, Forte would never admit he was succumbing to the enemy's abilities. Namely, the crystal blade. He felt like he had woken up Leo in the middle of his nap, been caught eating some of Blizzard's treats, and spilled a bottle of Charon's multi-century wines on Noire's favorite dress. It had happened before, and they had ground it into his mind to never do such a thing again. He felt exhausted, utterly defeated. And the other hadn't even cut him yet! Closing his eyes, he quickly recovered. "A... duel? Hmph. You, a white dragon, can never understand. So long as you don't include any allies, fair is fair. But still... I may have to use THAT to defeat you..."

A sinister grin spread across his face as he quickly snapped off the buckles holding his armor up. He then slipped out if the nylon skintight suit he was wearing underneath, leaving his lower half armored but his top totally bare.

Though he had quite a mouth watering physique, there was something most unusual about his appearance. He had eight mouths on his top half, not including the one on his face. He had three going diagonally like claw marks on his breast, one horizontally on his abdomen, and four in various places on his back. All of his mouths crunched mindlessly as Forte readied his swords once again. He smiled smugly. The young man hadn't used these bad boys since the war. One wrong hit, and the mouths would devour or crush the enemy's weapon.

With a roar, he spread his wings wide and went in for the kill.
Skylark's eyes began to close as well and they stung. No doubt the result of Sila's spit. He was so frustrated. Wasn't Leo his pet now? WHY DIDN'T HE LISTEN?! Scrunching up his face, e soon found it became numb and immediately he thought he was poisoned.

In reality Silva had given him a dosage of chlorophyll and vitamins as well as a numbing component to shut him up. His fists curled as he settled against Leo, grey hair flying about as they sprinted with the speed of infinite watts of electricity. His hair curled but only at the ends. Idly, losing focus, he toyed with it.

The wood dragoness screamed as she was taken down and her ankle was punctured. The other three sped away, never looking back. Hazel eyes met the empty purple ones and they narrowed with malice. Finally, a hydra she could fight.

She was tired. Unbelievably tired, and on top of all that, was never one to fight. The forest didn't fight; it trapped. So she would trap this male. Screaming at the top of her lungs, while Beelzebub's claw was still embedded in her ankle, the wood bone of her leg began to rupture and contort in ugly, nightmarish ways he ground her teeth as it began to work its way around the hydra, ensnaring him like roots. He was a bug caught in her net. Then just being wrapped in titanuim-hard roots wasn't enough, she curled her fingers and it began to dig into his body, through his mouth, wrapping around his bones deeply but not enough to kill. With a groan of pain in forcing her bone to grow and move, Silva broke her ankle away from him, then shifted away as the wood sprouted and bright blue flowers appeared.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Once the first room was cleared out, dragons and all, the humans began to retreat. Going no further into the castle as they had not been instructed to. Their king would take care of the rest, as well as he took care of them. Many would remember the day that he swooped down from the sky, a mighty fallen warrior seeking refuge in their cities. They had been fearful, fascinated and curious over this strange new creature who offered up biological weaponry that rivaled their own, missing links to the questions they had been asking for centuries, the promise of a better future. The flocked to him, wanting to repay his kindness, to learn of what had made him fall. And he told them of the dark ones. Seeds of potential chaos having infected others of his god like species, he spoke of his narrow escape, the treachery he had experienced and how lost he felt until he had stumbled upon them. They eagerly lapped up every lie that fell from his lips, hoodwinked by golden apples. They were a clumsy race honestly, a thousand years and they still hadn't evolved out of that. Brains to mush and families cast aside, they had to serve their god! Their king! As long as he was pleased, humanity couldn't be happier.

So out they carried the seeds of the plague, like uninspired soldiers, they marched towards that carriers, large ships that had first carried the human race off this planet, returning for a trip they'd never think they'd make. Many of whom did not make it back and the survivors found no reason to brag until the cargo was safely loaded and strapped down, a sedative constantly admitted to each one, fifty guns and twenty tasters pointed at each evil seedling should they stir. Their king had plans for theses corrupt beings, he had assured them they would benefit from it greatly. At this point, however, the white dragon could promise them a chance at licking his boot and they would be happy.
"Hey Edge? I love you." The dragon whispered softly, back to his mate and eyes squeezed shut. He waited anxiously with bated breath for an answer, the minutes trickling by in a suffocating silence before he turned and glanced over. The human was very much asleep, chest rising and falling slowly in a peaceful rhythm. Path sighed, shoulders slumped in dejection; he had missed his chance again. His mate sure knew how to fall asleep fast, though maybe it was because of how...vigorous they were each night. He sighed and patted his stomach, feeling the softness that was already starting to form. His children, he gulped softly at the thought. He had never expected that he would find a reason to live again, to take care of himself without feeling guilty. His gaze drew over to the boy sleeping next to him, who had given him more than one reason. Gently, he reached for his open hand, intertwining their fingers and shifting closer. The heat from his lover's body was comforting though a little stifling under the heavy duvet.

For the past few nights, he had been trying to tell him. Those three simples words, one less simple promise. Maybe it was because they were cooped up together, just the two of them or that he was currently carrying the other's child or a multitude of reasons. It was undeniable though that the white dragon found himself fallen for the hydra. To think, a hydra capturing his heart. It was more than just that though. The human had grown on him. He was annoying, overly curious and clumsy, but...it was all a breath of fresh air really from the reality he knew. Edge understood, what it was like to be cast out from a home, left alone in the world. He knew what it was like to think you weren't loved. Maybe it was Stockholm syndrome, maybe he was mad, he couldn't help it though. Edge had...reminded him what it meant to live, not just survive.

Kicking off the sheets, he pulled the hydra in close against him, pressing a kiss to his forehead and watching amuse fly as his face wrinkled and smoothed itself out. It was alright he guessed, if he never got to tell Edge he loved him, as long as he had nights like this, "Thank you Mother, for sending me this." He muttered softly, wrapping his arms against the boy and tucking his head under his chin. Warm and safe, he closed his eyes. Things would never change.
The white dragon didn't seem phased by Forte's latest reveal. As the hydra rushed for for him, he stood still smirking until the blades came down and sliced through the air. He stood behind the hydra, "Oh, yes, you were not there to hear of how I improved myself. I have to say these humans are resourceful, who would think a few nanites in the blood stream could work so well?" He mused out loud, before Forte turned around to take another crack at him. The dragon avoided his blows easily, dashing over either behind him or to the other end of the room each time the hydra swung his swords. Perhaps his goal was to tire him out, either way, when the hydra finally paused, the dragon quipped, "Done already? I guess it is my turn..."

He did not intend to waste his weapon on the hydra as of yet, not until those pesky mouths were out of the way. Elerium was a fragile material after all. Instead, he rushed the dragon,then side stepped to the left and ducked behind the dragon, going straight for his wings. Claws out stretched, ready to dig into the skin and rip it apart, "Do you know what it feels like? To have a limp ripped away from you?"
"WHAT DID YOU DO TO SKY!" The young dragon shouted, squirming against Leo. He could feel his brother still, panicked despite his silence and he himself was crying, afraid the same fate would befall him. As he heard Sila scream and buried his head against Leo's chest, afraid to see what was going on below them. Sobbing firmly in confusion at all that was happening. Why was it happening? What had they done to deserve it?

Beelzebub was relentless, trying to claw his way up her leg as the roots entrapped him. Eyes blank, his only will to serve his King. He ignored the roots starting to dig into his skin like excited maggots over a corpse. Feeling it force it's way into his mouth and threaten to choke him, digging into his gums and drawing blood. Finding it's way to bone and infesting his body, the scent of something sweet filled his nose. The deadliest poisons were always the sweetest. He would not let up though, not disappoint his king.

Digging his claws into her ankle, he smeared his own burning blood against her before he was shoved off. The substance boiling at her flesh, distorting it and turning the soft skin rough and ugly. Climbing up her leg slowly even as Beezlebub fell to the abyss below. Sila would catch up to Leo who had finally reached the top of the tower, panting exhaustively, he stared incredulously at the sealed up windows and the little post it note against the bricks, 'No escape'. How could the dragon have....He gritted his teeth. If he had mind controlled Beezlebub in his time here, he could mind control an oracle. He would have punched the wall if he wasn't carrying the twins, "We have to go back." He muttered, though he doubted there was anyway out of this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skybreaker
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Skybreaker Sugar Rocker

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Forte ground his teeth in surprise, an involuntary gasp escaping his lips as the other moved with speed greater than possible, even for their species. Only storm and keeper dragons were known to be that fast. And even then, they didn't compare to this. He struck relentlessly, uncaring of tact or grace. His movements were maniacal, unpredictable. None of them hit anything but dirty air.

He paused, the dragon too fast to hit. Of course, the fight hadn't been fair in the first place. Relin had been enhanced by NANITES, something Noire told him enough about human technology for him to know exactly what they were. He knew he couldn't possibly win. He was playing a game with the AI on the highest difficulty setting. He was flipping a coin with one face.

As the white dragon closed his claw around his wing, the fragile bone structure caving in, the knight hissed and all his mouths opened and whirlwinds were created as he vented out his pain and suffering. Unlike the white dragon, his wings were not lost. As a hydra, nothing would ever be lost to him. At least, that's what he had believed until he saw Beelzebub lose his free will. December's grisly foretelling became eerily more plausible.

"I never needed my wings to help me fly..." Forte winced through the pain, then forced his swords into his body, mouths chewing gladly as the winds died down. Then, with one final roar, the hydra dove at the white dragon.
Violet eyes sparkled wonderfully as their owner squeezed his body tighter into the space between the painting and the wall. He grinned giddily, knowing the object of his affections would be back any minute. The fire-birds were doing a lively mating ritual to commemorate the summer. The fire dragons loved summer, and so did Edge.

Today was the midsummer solstice, but in the Fire Clan, it was the Fengxiuang Festival! And of course Regnum, one of the clan's most powerful males, had been chosen to dress in a fancy dancer's outfit and put on a show in the center of the city. Dragons from all over the world that were on friendly terms with the fire clan had visited just to watch his tribute to the sky and the fire birds who lived in it. Edge hadn't gone to the performance, wondering of t made Regnum sad not to see the savior. I he saw Regnum or vice versa before he confessed, the legend wouldn't work. It was said if you confessed your love on this day, you and you'd true love would be together until death. Even if you two were separated or brought apart, love would bring you back together.

The young boy sighed dreamily with a dope grin on his face. He adjusted his red dress shirt and shimmering red slacks. Edge licked his lips. He wanted Regnum more than anything else in the entire world, and he wanted to be held in the fire dragon's arms forever and ever and ever! Ever since he had arrived, it was decided he would live in the center of their capital, where all the elder candidates resided. After he had gone hunting with Regnum, he fell for the handsome male. The fire dragon made him feel like there was sheep's wool in his tummy and it made him think of naughty things that made him blush. He spent a lot of time around Regnum. The young elder-to-be had an aura of heat he couldn't control that was constantly around him. T made him all the more desirable in Edge's eyes.

Wings fluttering excitedly as the fire dragon's scent washed into the room, like chili peppers and potpourri, Edge changed hiding places to behind the door. As it opened and Regnum strolled into the room, Edge cried out like a warrior and tackled his long-time crush from behind, burying his face in the crook of his neck, trying to be seductive but only achieved adorable. "Reg. Num. " He began nervously. What if the other didn't like him? Or was already engaged? Hesitating, he quickly got off his crush and stated, "I confess my love to you! You're stunning and you make me feel warm and happy and I wanna be with you forever." Edge blurted out, then blushed at his own awkwardness, praying to the gods Regnum felt the same. He blushed as he stared at Regnum and he might have even drooled a little. So...attractive...
Skylark didn't see what the others could. He only snuggled with Leo and tried to send his dear brother a message. Only the feelings of compliance and drowsiness surfaced. He crinkled his brows. Why was he so tired? He didn't know and didnt really care.

He was blissfully unaware of their predicament, leaving Leo, Sanare, and Blizzard to figure it out.
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