Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Chief Frank Lakey - Office - Brewer

Before being interrupted by a pissed off stallion, the chief was smoking his daily cigarette. It was an expensive piece of work that cigar, filled with all kinds of enjoyable nicotine and tobaccos - Gastown's finest. But as an all american american busted through his office door - uninvited - the Chief was stripped of his enjoyment. It was Detective Brewer, the guy who was up the Chief's butt all the time about the Angels. Not only till a couple days ago did the Chief find out he had a personal vendetta with the gang, making him sort of a problem.

And the problem just escalated when a sudden piece of paper crashed on his desk. "What's this?" the Chief asked before taking a look at the material. He sat up on his chair and rolled towards his desk. As he took the paper, he put on his reading glasses, thinking it was some documents or something of the sort. But as he looked at what it was, he gulped. Especially with the detective's irresponsible comment. "You're stalking me now?" he asked the detective, throwing the picture at him. "I like the beer, you got a problem with that kid?" the older gentleman stated. Though he was old, he wasn't stupid.

"You're outside your jurisdiction kid, don't think you can come to Gastown and do what you want. You're supposed to be getting intel on the Angels, not your superiors. You've got what? Three more weeks to find something, unless you want to end up back in central, dealing with those thieves and thugs. You best watch yourself" the Chief added, pulling out a couple papers from his own desk.

"If you want to stick around, I suggest you get out there and start doing your job, not run some stupid vendetta against the Angels. Now get the hell out of my office!" he cried out as he started to fill out paperwork. But before he left, he decided to give him a little trouble. "I'm giving you a partner for the time being. You'll be sticking with Jon from now on, rookie of the year. Teach him something useful wont you. Any problems with that detective?"

Anthony/Harry - Outside The Florence - Fallen Angels

After about twenty something minutes, Tony finally reached the bar - all the guys waiting on their bikes looking towards their watches. The VP didn't even bother to park, instead stopped right in front of everyone with a smile on his face, despite his laxity. Harry looked at him both angry and confused. "What the hell you smiling for son?!" he questioned over the revving of all the Harley bikes. Tony smirked before answering, turning his engine off by the switch of the key. The gang followed by example and turned their bikes off to hear what Tony had to say.

"I asked her to marry me last night" the young gang member announced. His excitement was obvious, it was all over his facial expression. Despite his tough guy wardrobe, he - like everyone else - was a person with emotions, joy being one of them.

"I'm guessing that by your smile, she said yes" Harry responded, taking off his helmet as he got off his bike. "C'mere son" the president said to his vp as the two men started for each other. The men embraced in a man-hug as Harry complimented his son. "Thought you didn't like her Harry" Tony said as the two men let go of each other. "I like Eva, just not when your Auntie is around" the old man laughed as he returned to his bike. Thomas, Charles, and a couple other members also embraced Tony to congratulate him. "Did you tell you Aunt yet, by the way?" Harry asked.

"I'll tell her after the run. Not lookin' forward to it though" Tony chuckled as his engine roared once again. The other multiple engines also started making that beautiful busty noise. It was like music to these guy's ears. The sound of a motorcycle was harmonious, a sweet melody that kept all of them sane in some odd way. Though most people think Harley's as loud creaking machines, the Fallen have taken them as a symbol of their brotherhood.

But anyhow, it was time to pick up some guns from the Africans, then deliver them to the Asians. Sot he gang quickly gained speed and rushed down the streets of Gastown. "Were goin' to Harold's right?! That's the plan?!" Tony called out as he rode next to Harry. "Sorry kid, things didn't work out the way we planned! Were running the first plan!" And with that, Tony decided to actually stop at a stop sign. Harry stopped next to him, the guys behind them. "What the hell Harry! I told you, it isn't safe to run the trucks through Gastown!"

"Calm down! I know that, that's why were taking them to Jensen, straight off of Lakeview and Gastown borderline. It's up north anyway, he'll deliver the trucks to Providence for a small fee. Keeps us out of anyone's eyes, no trouble" Harry explained, pissed at Tony's sudden explosion. Tony nodded in agreement. "If you'd of gotten to the bar earlier, you'd of known" Harry's smart-ass attitude exposed itself.

The ride then continued as the bikers reached Jensen's hotel lot within a little over half an hour. Before going for Jensen, Harry, Charles and Tony walked towards the truck's which were already there. Waiting outside them were four Africans, one of them being Obinna himself - which was very unexpected, the man never did his own dirty work. "Obinna, my pal, what's going on brotha?" Harry called out as the two men shook hands - also handed over an envelope with money. "Haven't seen you in a while Mr. McCray. So double the shipment today huh? What do y'all have planned?"

"Just stocking up Obinna, nothing else. May I ask why you're here? You never transport the trucks" Tony barged in. He didn't trust Obinna, despite their three year old partnership with his gang. "I need a favor" Obinna started, his arms now crossed. The guy was like 6'3 and rather slim. He always wore a very expensive suit too, gang tattoo usually in the inner bottom lip, a panther or something. They called themselves the Tribals due to their heritage class. They were all African Immigrants, most of them illegal, but still making business work.

Anyhow, Obinna then continued. "We've been having a little problem. Just two days ago the Asians decided to attack one of our trucks. It was heading out of Crown to Taledo. Partially our fault for having the driver go through Providence, but still a problem."

"What do you want us to?" Harry asked, also crossing his arms. "Retaliation. You take out a couple of Asians out there in Providence in our name, we'll pay you back with a free shipment. Have to make it loud though, I want them to know the Tribals aren't to be messed with" Obinna answered. Again Tony jumped in. "Why don't y'all just do it yourself?" Harry turned to Tony and agreed with a nod. "Yeah, we don't want another gang war in Crown, Obinna. Last one killed a couple civilians, we don't want that blood on our hands again."

"Between us. Because of this double shipment, I'm currently a bit unprepared for any form of attack. My next import comes in a month or two, wont have anything before then. All I ask is for you all to take down one of their storage. Y'all do good work when it comes to clean. They'll think it was us, but of course, the Asians never retaliate, we all know that. They just keep quiet" Obinna stated.

Harry extended his hand and shook Obinna's. "I'll see what we can do" the man stated as the two departed. Obinna and his crew jumped in their parked vehicles and drove off. Thomas had came out with Jensen at the time and had already explained the situation. "I'll have them at Providence by three."

"Alright Jensen. Thank you" Thomas stated, handing over yet another envelope. When he came back to the group, he nodded to assure the others everything went as planned. "Let's roll gang" Harry said, everyone jumping on their bikes at the same time as if synchronized. With that, the Angels closed the deal and headed back to the bar.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 1 yr ago

Detective Brewer, Chief's office

Detective Brewer was steaming now the chief just deflected him he hoped he could bait him into telling him everything he knew. But the fucker did gulp and for Brewer that was weakness enough but for internal affairs probably not enough. "You fucking slip up, and i find out your with those fuckers, i will get Internal Affairs in here so fast you won't have time to even say hey whats going on? before you get fucked by some chicken hawk in the joint, you understand me Chief " He said Chief with so much anger and malice behind it one could sense it in the air, but he didn't stay and wait for a response, he turned and left the office looking for his new partner.

The front office was alive even this early in the morning people who weren't being dispatched out were drinking coffee, some where just looking at shit on their computers, "And here I am looking for some fresh shit stain." He thought eventually he found the guy by his desk looking for him. He really was a rookie he looked like a deer caught in the headlights, Brewer sat in his swivel chair and put his feet up on his desk "You my partner?" He asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by czechmate46
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Lancaster Render - Tommie's - Thomas Swindle and Baylen Denney

Lancaster contemplated what Thomas said, trying desperately to put a face to the name but had no such luck. Whoever the creep was, Lancaster was going to find him and make him pay. He hated disappointing Thomas like this - but even worse their entire gang was in danger. If he didn't sort this out, there was going to be a shit storm and Lancaster was going to be right in the middle of it.

"Sure thing, Thomas," he told him as Thomas checked his phone and set in motion to leave. "I'll find whatever low life is doing this."

After Thomas left, Lancaster heaved a heavy sigh and leaned back against the wall, downing the rest of his drink. The anxiety had him dying for a smoke and he felt useless just sitting around Tommie's when the bastard could very well be in the warehouse at that very moment. It didn't matter that he wasn't prepared for it, Lancaster was going to get to the warehouse and try and catch this guy. He turned to Baylen who was still standing there. While Lancaster was a rather tall and intimidating man, he had a feeling that it might not be just one man that was doing this, but men. It was also late at night, which put him a little on edge. He didn't necessarily need anyone to join him but it certainly would be wise. Baylen was the only one around that Lancaster trusted with this, other than Thomas.

"I'm goin' to the warehouse. You comin'?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blox
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Blox Eye. See. You.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Baylen - Tommie's - Thomas, Charlie and Lancaster

Baylen listened quietly as Thomas spoke with Lancaster. He hung back, his back resting against the wall as the two discussed their current problem. He was surprised at how Thomas reacted. He knew he was a busy man but wondered what else he had occupying his mind. When Thomas instructed Lancaster to simply get it figured out and left, Baylen stepped forward and looked to Lancaster. "Yeah, of course man" he replied, not hesitating to be there for him. This was a problem for their entire group and it wasn't fair for Lancaster to handle it on his own. "Hey you said things were being moved around, right? Do you know for sure if anything was actually taken? Did you do a full audit of the inventory?" If things were simply being moved around, this could be a sign from another gang, perhaps a warning. But they had always done well at staying out of each others business. "Let's go check it out then." Baylen walked with Lancaster back to the front of the bar. The girls would be handling the bar tonight on their own. Baylen was supposed to be an extra hand for a couple hours tonight but they would have to do without him and he knew both were capable of this.

Baylen leaned over the counter at the bar, waiting for Charlie to finish serving her customer before getting her attention. He gave her a warm smile, his eyes lighting up slightly as she came to him. "Hey Charlie" he grinned. He glanced to Lancaster who would be by his side and turned back to Charlie. He wanted to compliment her on how nice she looked tonight but didn't want Lancaster to hear him. So he went straight to business. "I'm heading out to the warehouse with Lancaster so you and Danielle will have to run the bar tonight. Have Danielle stay a bit later if need be. I'll be back tonight but we just need to check some things out." He made a mental note to instruct Demaro on his way out to keep an eye out for the girls, watch their backs. Not that he didn't normally but just especially tonight with extra vigilance, and especially for Charlie.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Maria - The Florence/alley/her apartment

Maria smoked as she waited, glancing at her watch and swearing repeatedly under her breath. The longer she stayed out here the more risk there was that she was going to be caught. The last thing she needed was for Harry to find her buying drugs. The Fallen Angels hated drugs in their city, but hey technically she wasn't a member of the Angels. Plus Harry wasn't her father so he could kiss her tight caramel ass.

Finally the seller came around the corner. Needless to say he was highly nervous about making a sell behind The Florence. But money talked and she got what she wanted and he quickly disappeared like the rat he was.

Maria closed her hand around the small packet in her hand. It wasn't much, but it would be enough to make her numb to reality for a while. And if she mixed it with some tequila...
Yes she knew what she was doing was dangerous. But honestly, she didn't really care. No one particularly cared about her. She had never really belonged in a group. She had tried to belong in the Fallen Angels, but that obviously was not going to happen. Maria had hoped that maybe she could belong with the guy who had become one of her best friends, but now that was shot to hell too. And the moron didn't even realize. He was too caught up in a fairytale romance with the princess to notice a punta like her in the background.
She was like the moon and the princessa was like the sun : when the sun is out, the moon is invisible.

Maria felt the blackness taking over her heart, squeezing it tightly. She shoved the packet in her pocket and stomped on her cigarette. Time to play sick.


It didn't take much to convince Jasmine. She was a sweet person who was automatically concerned and insisted Maria go home. And after stopping off for a bottle of tequlia she went straight there.

Slamming the door shut, she threw on the dead bolt and tossed her jacket aside. Her apartment was a mess, but she didn't feel like cleaning it. She felt like crashing. So that was what she did.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Eva - Her House/The Forence

Eva had eaten breakfast and watched a little tv before turning off the screen and sitting on the couch, looking around her empty house. Well… this was boring. It was her day off damn it and she was going to spend it with her fiancé whether he liked it or not. She set the remote down and got up, going to get dressed in her bedroom. She slipped out of her robe, and let it fall, grabbing some flared jeans and a black tank top. She got dressed in the simple outfit, curling her red hair and shrugging on a leather army green jacket Tony had gotten her last year for Christmas. Slipping on some black flip flops that she wore just about all year round barring December, she grabbed her purse and headed out.

Pulling up to the biker bar in her black CR-V, she seemed out of place, but she’d learned not to care a long time ago. She exited the vehicle, looking around and not seeing Tony’s bike. Or many bikes at all for that matter. Great, they were off doing whatever. Oh well. They’d be back. She sighed and decided to get something to drink inside while she waited, taking another look at the rock on her hand and smiling before going in.

Every time she walked into the bar, a flood of memories came crashing back to her, namely the night she and Tony had met. She'd been tipsy as hell and her friends had dared her to go inside. Never one to turn down a dare, she'd done it, only to see a guy at the bar catch her eye.

Eva was pulled out of her memories by sitting at the bar casually, shaking her head when asked if she wanted something to drink. "Nah just waiting on Tony. Figured he'd be here, but I'll just wait til he shows," she smiled, changing her mind about the drink. She was also glad she hadn't seen Maria or Isabel yet thank God. She already knew they didn't care for her for whatever reason.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Fallen Angels - The Florence - Eva

Approaching The Florence was the almighty mother of the Angels - Isabel. She parked her vehicle behind a familiar one, one that she disliked very much. He turned off the car and walked out, walking beside the clean SUV peeking through its untainted windows. "What's she doing here?" she asked herself, a look of disgust on her face. She also noticed another thing, Maria's ride was nowhere to be seen. "God damn that bitch!" she cursed, footsteps echoing as she reached the bar doors.

And then the queen made her entrance, turning heads from every individual. "Jasmine, come here sweetheart" she told the young bartender. Once the girl got up to her, Isabel took her by the shoulders and gave her a soft smile. "Why are you covering for Maria?" she asked without intent of scaring the child.

"She......ummm......called and said she was sick. I tried to call her back, but she wouldn't answer" Jasmine explained, returning back to work. Isabel placed her hand on her forehead and sighed as she walked towards the office. She passed up the bar without even noticing Eva, but suddenly stopped as though she forgot something. Those Maria issues just faded from her mind as the problems with Eva took their place. She turned around and faced the sitting woman and decided to sit next to her. "Why are you here?" she blurted out, not even saying hello or anything for that matter. "Tony isn't here, he's out on business with the boys, so maybe you should wait for him at your little........castle, princess. You don't belong around here hun, so I suggest you get going once you finish that drink, it's on the house" she smart-mouthed the girl, walking away and locking herself in the office to finish some paperwork.

In the meantime, Jasmine took the liberty to walk towards Eva. "Hey, she didn't mean that okay? Don't take her too seriously, she's like that with everyone at some point, especially girls that like her nephew Tony. Prospect said they should be back soon, so ten minutes tops" she said, being friendly and encouraging. Everyone at The Florence knew how Isabel acted around certain people. She had these two very opposite personalities, and sometimes they overlapped into a tough love kind of thing.

But anyway, just like Jasmine said, within ten minutes the sound of multiple motorcycles echoed outside the bar. As the sound dimmed, patched members entered the bar one by one, but none of them bearing a smile upon their faces. Harry went straight towards the office to meet with his wife. Thomas went to the new Prospect and started chatting with him. Charles walked up to the bar and was given a glass of whiskey by Jasmine. He raised his glass to Eva and drank up quickly. "When you gonna let me hit that Jasmine?" he asked the young girl, his shades still on like always. "Stop playing" the bartender laughed, turning around to refill his glass. A couple more members entered, Tony being the last one. He immediately walked up to Eva and gave her a kiss. "Sorry for leaving this mornin', I didn't want to wake you" he said sincerely. He stood right next to her, picking up her hand. "D'you tell anyone yet?" he asked her, turning his eyes towards the ring. His business-frown had turned into a smile as he returned to face her. He couldn't believe he would soon marry this beautiful woman.

But the mood was ruined by Harry's call. "C'mon boys, we have to talk!" he yelled over the soft music. All the members started towards the office. "I'll be right back okay. We can go get something to eat afterwards" he smiled, planting yet another kiss on her lips. Once all the members - excluding the Prospect - were in the office room, Harry started to explain their next move. Isabel was standing beside her husband, her hand on his shoulders. "Can you give us a minute baby" Harry said, looking upward at her. "Yeah baby" she responded, kissing him then walking towards Tony. She kissed her nephew on the cheek and whispered, "I don't like that girl" like she always did. It was the same thing over and over with this woman. Despite Eva helping out with member injuries from time to time, she still didn't accept her as one of them. But that wasn't first priority right now, the group had bigger issues to settle.

Once Isabel left the office, the door was shut and locked. "Were going to take out one of the Asian's storage facilities after we receive our payment" Harry started, Tony's face already going against what Harry said. "We make it look like the Africans, just like Obinna asked, and that'll be that."

"It's not that easy Harry" Tony interrupted. "If we get caught...........everything goes to hell!" he urged. "And if they figure out it's us, they'll bring the fight to Gastown, we cannot let that happen."

"It wont" Charles said, always on Harry's side. "Charles is right Tony, we wont let that happen. We'll have Craig here deal with it like he always does, take Charles and Prospect with him. It's simple explosives right Craig?"

"Easy" Craig responded with his smokey tone. The guy nearly always had a smoke between his lips, going through two to three packs a day. It was ironic because he was usually in tip top shape despite his nasty habit. Of course, all the members had their occasional smoke, but nothing like Craig - he was unique. But anyhow, the debate continued with Tony speaking next. "We don't retaliate for other groups, it's not how we do things. This, this is just going to go bad. One mistake can cause us not only a contributor, but a friend. We do not retaliate."

"Call it a message. If we don't do this, we lose our gun business period. Obinna wont sell to us if he thinks we don't have his back."

"Obinna doesn't care about that, for him it's all about the money. He's not going to just give up on us because we don't deliver, he's not an idiot, he needs us to keep his business running smoothly" Tony added.

"He obviously has someone else he's selling to, or else why would he be sending guns through Providence?" Charles asked, not awaiting a response. "So he has another form of revenue that we don't know about. So if we don't do this, he'll cut us off without a doubt."

"Then I think its time to have a little talk with the Russians" Tony said. "Huh?" Harry asked, not understanding Tony's motive. "We have the Russians do our little dirty work. They have something against the Asians right? Why not have them take out the Asians' storage? It'll keep our hands clean. We just tell them where the shipment was taken to after we receive the money."

The group kept quiet and listened. They also seemed to think it was a decent plan. "But if that happens, the Russians will probably steal the weapons rather than burn them. They'll be armed for a war with the Asians. We can't have that happen either, they'll bring the war to Crown" Harry affirmed.

"Let's worry about one problem before we worry about the next. Let's just tell the Russians, anonymously so it doesn't bite us in the ass. That'll at least give us time to think of our next move. I just don't see an upside of doing this ourselves. So many things can go wrong guys, it's far too risky" Tony finished before calling for a vote.

"All in favor?" Harry asked. "Me, Aye" Harry agreed. Charles and all the others did too, an unanimous decision. The meeting was declared adjourned once all the members left the room. Harry leaned on the door-frame as Isabel went to him. "So what happened in there?" she asked him. "Nothing baby. The boy's changing" Harry whispered. "It's that nurse he's been with, she's getting to his head" Isabel responded. "Did he tell you?" Harry asked his wife. "Tell me what?" Isabel asked, Harry pausing and not saying anything.

Tony in the meantime had walked up to Eva, taking her by the hand. "Let's get outta here E" he said, but was interrupted by Jasmine. "Sorry to interrupt Tony, but.....I'm a little worried about Maria, she wasn't feeling good last night and didn't show up this morning for work. I couldn't get a hold of her either, so I was wondering.............if.......you could go check up on her? I told Isabel, but she didn't really think anything of it" he stated, raising her shoulders without the knowledge of what to do about the entire situation.

"Yeah, I'll go check up on her. Thanks Jasmine" Tony nodded, taking Eva with him outside the bar. He turned to her before getting on his bike. "I'm going to check up on Maria. I know you two don't get along for God knows what reason, but...........I could use your help E. If she's sick then I prefer if you were there with me" Tony disclosed, his hand still interlocked with hers. "But if not, I completely understand. I don't want to put you in a situation you're not comfortable with."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by czechmate46
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Lancaster Render - Tommie's/parking lot - Baylen Denney

Lancaster couldn't help but be grateful when Baylen agreed to join him to patrol the warehouse. Lancaster was a large, strong man and would never admit it it, but he was wary of being at the warehouse alone at this time of night. As they began to make their way towards the front of the bar, Baylen began to ask questions.

"For the first day or so, things were just being moved around. Y'know, stuff wasn't where it was supposed to be. Then a crate went missing one day. Nothin' too major, just some ammunition. Then this morning, I go into the warehouse to find a crate half pried open and a crowbar on the floor next to it." Lancaster sucked in some air and sighed bitterly. He knew for a fact that his mind was not playing tricks on him. He made damn sure that he had that warehouse memorized. If anything was even an inch out of place, he'd know about it. To have something of this extent happen right beneath his nose flustered him. That crow bar he found must have belonged to the culprit.

Lancaster waited to the side while Baylen had a talk over with Charlie, probably flirting with her. But Lancaster simply wasn't listening, he was immersed into his thoughts and worries. This funny business at the warehouse needed to stop. As soon as they could possibly find the creep and put him in his place. After Baylen finished talking to Charlie, they set out for the parking lot and jumped into Lancaster's car. He lit up a cigarette before starting up the engine and offered one to Baylen. "Need to calm your nerves? 'Cause I sure as hell do," he laughed nervously.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Eva was thinking to herself when she heard the door open, she glanced over her shoulder and saw Isabel walking, making her roll her eyes and just turn back the way she had been. Great. She’d spent the first 2 years she’d known Tony trying to be nice to the woman but the last year she’d given up. Why be nice to someone who hates you for no reason? Eva had learned to just not care. Isabel hadn’t seemed to notice the change in her demeanor towards her, which had just made it that more obvious to Eva that no matter what she did, Tony’s aunt would never respect her.

Why are you here? Tony isn’t here, he’s out on business with the boys, so maybe you should wait for him at your little castle princess. You don’t belong around here hun, so I suggest you get going once you finish that drink, it’s on the house Isabel blurted out at her before walking away, Eva’s middle finger staring at the woman’s back until she closed the office door. Eva just shook her head with a light sigh after lowering her hand, glancing up at Jasmine.

”Thank you,” Eva said kindly, a sincere smile on her face while she waited a bit longer and heard roaring engines getting louder. She turned to the side on the stool she was on, leaning her elbow on the counter while the guys started coming in. She smiled and waved cutely at Charles when he raised his glass to her, glancing back to the door as Tony walked in. She kissed him back and shook her head at his question, opening her mouth only for Harry to yell out a call to a meeting. ”Sounds good babe,” Eva said happily when Tony said he’d take her out. She slid off the stool and pulled the back of her shirt down, then putting her hands in her jacket pockets while she waited once again.

She yawned and moseyed around the bar until she felt Tony touch her, and then slid her hand from her pocket so he could take it. She opened her mouth to say something but was again interrupted, this time by Jasmine who said Maria might be in trouble. Eva did her best not to roll her eyes, knowing Tony would of course go check on her, when she was probably just fine. And of course, he agreed, pulling her with him. She gave an obviously fake smile to Tony as he got on his bike outside.

”Um, yeah. I guess. Whatever,” she sighed softly, taking his helmet and putting it on before getting on his bike with him. If Maria really was in need, he’d be calling her anyway. Best to just be there in case so she didn’t have to drive up afterwards anyway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SheriffLlama
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SheriffLlama In Trench I'm Not Alone

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Thomas - Alley Behind Tommie's - Demaro/Frank Bertinelli

Thomas stepped out of the bar, exiting into the Ally right behind. He saw Demaro standing beside a man in a black pinstripe suit and two large men. While large, neither of the men were Demaro's size, and Thomas took a confident guess that whatever firearm was hidden in their jackets weren't as large as Demaro's either. "Mister Swindle... A pleasure to see you, my friend."

"Bertinelli, 'friends' is not how I'd define our relationship... You did, after all, threaten to rat to the cops on me. I think we both remember Mr. Kinner here's mood when he finished handling your boys..."

"Eh, I fired those losers anyway!"

"Alright, I'm positive you didn't come to reminisce about old times. What do you want, Frank?" Thomas ordered. Bertinelli was the only man who annoyed him more than Sal Moreno, and that was quite the feat. Thomas hand hovered over his side incase the need arose to draw his weapon.

"I've come to ask for you help, Thomas." Bertinelli gave him a look, alternating from his former smug look. "I need your help."

"With what?" Thomas replied curtly.

"You're a larsonist, Thomas... You're the king of thieves in Crown City." The man said, smirking at him. "I need your help with a favor... An old friend of mine... he had some important information. He stored it in the Crown City Bank."

"So? Ask him to withdraw it-"

"He's dead. Sal Moreno put a bullet in his chest three weeks ago." Bertinelii said with a healthy amount of poison in his voice. "Now it's locked in the Private Vaults until a family member or relative claims it. And of course, he has no family left."

"Sal Mor- That means you boys are the idiots who banged up Anna Moreno?" Thomas accused, confirmed by the smug look returning to Frank's face. "Moreno came after me cause he thought I'd screwed his daughter." He shook his head in aggravation. "Alright... So, I'm a larsonist, you need something that's in a PV... How much are you going to pay me to get this?"

"I think we can agree on something around twenty-five grand?" Bertinelli asked, his eyebrow rising. Thomas shook his head, purely dignant. The man chuckled lightly.

"Thirty-five, you got a deal."

"Ah, C'mon Swindle." Bertinelli exclaimed. He rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "Thirty grand, how bout that?" Thomas looked at Bertinelli for a moment, considering the drop. With a sigh, Thomas shook his head, extending his hand.

"Thirty it is, Bertinelli." The two men shook hands, and one of Frank's boys produced a manilla folder, handing it to Thomas. "I'll call you tonight after we've got everything arranged. Don't screw me over, Francis." As Demaro and Thomas walked back inside the bar, the latter man handed the bouncer the folder. "Make copies of these and get them to Baylen. Tell him I need him to confirm ASAP."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Danielle - alley behind Tommie's - Thomas

Danielle has been taking some garbage out when she heard the voices. Making sure she stayed hidden around the corner, she used her well-developed talent of eavesdropping.
She heard the whole deal go down with Bertinelli. Thomas was actually going to do something this big? Of course it didn't surprise her that he would, the part that surprised her was that he was doing it for Bertinelli of all people. Money really did talk.

Once Bertinelli left she squared her shoulders and came out from her hiding place. "Hi Thomas," she said innocently, then cocked her head after Bertinelli. The corner of her mouth turned up in a small smile. "Sounds like a lot of fun," she commented, letting him know she had heard everything. She lifted her chin and put her shoulders back. "I can help. I can do a lot of stuff. I'm a great actress, a fairly good lock-pick and an excellent pick-pocket. What do you say? Give me a shot?"

She realized she was revealing things she hadn't told Thomas before. He didn't know anything about her past and this was bound to make him start to ask more questions, but she was bored always working at the bar. Plus she wanted to prove herself valuable. When you were valuable to people they wanted to keep you around.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Rookie - Gastown Police Station - Detective Brewer

The rookie just stood there for a second as the detective took the luxury of sitting in his chair. He didn't even register his question yet, staring at the man's facial features. He had numerous scars on his face, making the rookie's eyes widen. And instead of answering his question, the young lad decided to go another route.

"I'm Officer Sully sir. James Sully. I'll be your partner from now on" he introduced. In a way, he did answer the detective's question, just indirectly. The lad turned around and looked for a chair. He took one from someone else's desk and rolled it towards Brewer's. "So, here's the file Chief Lakey told me to get for you. It's on the Angels regarding the incident that occurred years ago in Gastown. The shootout with the Irish or something like that. It says in here......." he started, opening up the file and placing on the desk as he read.

".....that there was a testimony. It says that the Angels fired back in self defense. Apparently the Irish shot first, so it was deemed constitutional for the Angels to fire back on their own property. And because they did not use handguns to return fire, there were no charges against the Angels. And I always wondered why they called themselves the Fallen Angels, never understood it. I mean, none of them are angels at all, they've all had criminal records. I mean, some for more serious crimes than others, but not really saints if you ask me. Maybe they were angels before they went to prison? What do you think Detective? Should they just call themselves the Fallen instead? Because that sounds pretty cool too. I don't know, if I had a biker gang, I'd call them.....ummm......probably something like......Super Bawlers or Night Raiders. Yeah, that's badass!" the rookie trailed off.

Not only was it obvious by his actions and words that he had just been released from the academy, but he looked very young too. He had this.....baby face that revealed so much about him. It was pitiful, and the Chief knew it, so stuck him with Brewer.
Tony - Maria's Home - Eva

The way she responded made Tony understand how Eva felt with his decision. He was going to tend to the Maria problem instead of taking her out to eat like he had said. The was she took his helmet was also a sign of her discomfort with the situation. But in the end, Eva agreed to go with him, which also showed her loyalty. Maria was family to Tony, to the MC, so she wasn't to be left to rot. Even though she was not an official member, she was part of The Florence, and The Florence was part of the Angels, therefore she was one of them - on paper or not.

Before starting his bike, Tony turned his head and gave Eva yet another kiss, stroking her arm with his. "I love you" he smiled, his own way of thanking her for what she was doing. He then put on his gloves, turned the key, pressed the ignition and pulled the throttle, quickly taking off with his beloved. He road down the street with concern for Maria. It wasn't like her to skip work twice, especially when she was already on watch by Isabel. With the desire to join the club, there shouldn't be any kind of reason for her to act this way. Tony already knew Maria wasn't sick, she never was. She was a tough woman, one that nobody could mess with. So with her missing like this, Tony couldn't help but think in the worst case scenario - that someone got to her.

After a fifteen or twenty minute ride, Tony pulled up to the parking lot near Maria's apartment. He cut the engine off and quickly climbed off his bike. "Stay close" he told Eva as he had her follow him to the apartment door. He reached behind him for a pistol, clinging to it with his right hand, his left holding Eva back as he knocked on the door. "Maria?" he called as he knocked, but there was no response. "Stay here" he ordered Eva as he slowly turned the doorknob to see if it was open - which it was.

Once fully turned, he quickly opened the door and pointed the gun in all directions, surveying the scene. In shock, his arm just died and fell back to his side - gun still in hand. "Eva! Get in here!" he yelled, running towards Maria's limp body. "Oh shit!" he cursed aloud as he placed his hands on his head. There was glass all over the place, scratches on her arms and legs. There were empty tequila bottles, some empty, others broken. But what made everything even worse was the little packet of drugs in her loose hand.

Quickly he knelt next to her, picking her up using the strength of his upper body. He took her to the small couch next to the table and placed her there. She didn't seem to be conscious when he moved her, so he checked her pulse, sticking his fingers at the end of her jaw. With eyes wide, he turned to Eva. He didn't know what to do, had never dealt with this kind of stuff. Even as a child when his parents overdosed, Tony tended to just run rather than stay and watch them go through the process. "Please E, do sumthin. I don't know" he pleaded as he backed away from her and smacked everything off the table. "Dammit!" he yelled, punching the wall. "Why? Why would she do this? Drugs?! In Gastown?! Fuck!" he yelled again as he backed into the same wall he punched. "Nobody hears about this alright. This stays between us three. If Harry or Isabel find out, they'll kick her out. The Florence is all she's got Eva. Dammit!"

He then heard a moan and ran back to Maria's side. "Is she awake?" he asked, still uncertain of the situation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 1 yr ago

Gastown Police station, Brewer and the Rook

Brewer couldn't help but chuckle to himself this kid reminded him so much of himself as a rookie. Brewer studied him a bit more a baby face recruit fresh out of the academy probably didn't know his ass from the barrel end of his gun. "Fallen Angels are angels who fell from gods grace, and these guys fell hard, right on their ugly mashed up faces." He said, his desk was littered with Styrofoam cups full of coffee some were even beginning to collect mold. Brewer looked through the cups found one with no mold in it and drank it down and studied the Irish case file. Something didn't add up, or maybe Brewer just wanted something to not add up.

Brewer stood up, "I don't know who you pissed off to get stuck with me kid, but we are going for a field trip get your high heels and evening dress on." He said putting on his jacket and pulling the keys out of the jacket pocket "With any luck your going to learn how to be a detective and a grade A asshole." Was the last thing he said before leaving the rook sitting there as he headed for the garage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Eva - Maria's Home - Tony

Eva simply kissed Tony back, giving a bit more of a sincere smile at his words and mouthing ‘I love you too’ back to him. She held onto him as they rode, deciding to cheer herself up by thinking about eloping to Las Vegas or something fun instead of a big fancy wedding. The time passed quickly that way, and soon they were on the other side of town at Maria’s apartment. She handed him back his helmet, running her fingers through her hair as he got off and nodded. Like she was going to stay far away from him out here? This wasn’t exactly where she normally hung out. Even the person she was coming here to help would probably beat her senseless on her worst day. So, Eva took his hand and squeezed it reassuringly before walking to the apartment and watching him go in in front of her.

Eva! was all she heard before she quickly went inside, crinkling her nose a bit at the smell and disorder or the place, but otherwise finding Tony right away. ”What? What? she said, worried he was hurt or Maria was dead. Even she wouldn’t wish such a thing on her or anyone else. Eva came in just in time to see Tony lifting Maria and putting her on the couch… or furniture. Whatever it was.

Eva furrowed her brow, feeling herself going into nurse mode, especially since Tony appeared to be freaking out just a bit. He put his fingers to Maria’s neck, but then didn’t tell Eva if the woman had a pulse or not. So with a small sigh, she stepped forward and put her own fingers to Maria’s neck, finding a pulse. Good, she was just stupid, not dead, she thought to herself. Eva jumped at Tony knocked crap around and yelled, punching a wall. ”Calm the fuck down, Tony. I’m not telling anyone, and you’re not helping by yelling. Freak out later,” she said in scolding tone of voice but not without some care for the situation. ”It’d be nice to have some of the stuff I have at the house,” she mumbled, still frowning. ”But honestly, she’s still breathing and that’s all that matters. We really can’t do much but monitor her breathing. If it gets too slow or tries to stop I’ll give her rescue breathing, otherwise I’d need naloxone or at least the charcoal pills I have at home,” she said to Tony, ignoring his question about Maria’s wakefulness. If the woman woke up, they’d know it. So, Eva sat back on the floor, folding her hands in her lap and watching Maria to make sure the girl did breathe or at best, wake up. In the back of her mind, she thought she could have done better about helping Tony not freak out, but honestly she was more concerned about keeping her own cool so Maria didn’t die.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blox
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Blox Eye. See. You.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Baylen - Tommies/The Swindlers Warehouse - Lancaster

Baylen listened to Lancaster describe what was happening in the warehouse, taking every piece of information as truth. Lanny knew the warehouse like the back of his hand and then some. He did more inventory checks than were needed and would know of any detail changed in the layout of the warehouse. He even made Thomas log what he came or went with to ensure a thorough inventory accuracy.

Baylen got in to the passenger side of Lancaster's car and turned to him as he offered one of his cigarettes. Normally he stuck to pure alcohol for his poison but this was a special occasion. "Fuck yes, man" he said taking the cigarette and lighting it up. He inhaled softly, coughing slightly as his lungs were not used to the smoke. Normally it was his liver that took the beating. "Let's get to the warehouse, take a look around and double check all entrances. We'll double board up the windows then get back to Thomas for a follow up. There's not much we can do besides this until morning anyway." Baylen leaned back as Lancaster started the car and drove towards the warehouse. "You know" Baylen said after a moment of silence. "What's ironic is that our warehouse is being stolen from. Normally we're the ones who steal. And yet nothing major has been taken so it's not a grand heist. It's almost as if someone is sending a message, a warning. Who the hell would be doing that? And why?" He didn't know if Lancaster had any ideas but talking allowed helped him try to understand what was going on. They just needed to make their trip quick and efficient and get back to Thomas.

When they pulled up to the warehouse everything looked normal, quiet, and dark. Baylen reached in to his jacket and pulled out his glock, getting it ready just in case. Even though they were still in the car he kept his voice low as when he spoke to Lancaster. "Let's do a perimeter sweep before entering. I'll take the left, you take the right. We'll circle around to the front and enter in from there."

With that he slowly got out of the car, dropping his half burnt cigarette to the ground and crushing it with his heel. He then quietly began walking towards the warehouse towards the left side, gun drawn.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sully - Detective's Car - Brewer

The rookie followed his current commanding officer, walking right behind the man's heels. He was so close he accidentally stepped on his shoe a couple times. When the detective turned with a malice face, the rookie apologized with his hands raised up. "My badz" he would say, then put his hands in his pockets as he continued to follow. Once outside, his mind started to wonder what they were about to do. The detective said he'd learn something on their little scouting trip, but Chief Lakey had told him to keep Brewer on check - he didn't want him doing anything stupid. In addition to that, he was to report back to the Chief regarding everything Brewer said and did. Mainly if it happened to be illegal.

As the two reached the car, the rookie shouted "Shotgun!" as a joke, one that Brewer didn't seem to take lightly. "So, where are we headed?" he asked after sitting in the passenger seat. "Are we going after the Angels? Cuz they haven't done anything? Wait! Are we gonna spy on them? Chief Lakey told me it wasn't a good idea to ever get involved with the Angels, they have a reputation of getting out of things despite their actions. He said that it'd be best if I never even mention them. People around here trust the Angels, they think they keep Gastown safe from all those other gangs outside our town. Chief Lakey seems to trust them too. I think it'd be best that we investigate something else, maybe those Asian guys in Providence. The Yakuza gangsters or something, I forgot their name. Those Asians are crazy you know. It was said that they cut off the heads of the Russians back in 2011. They never got tried for it due to inconsistent evidence. Someone cleaned up the scene before the cops got there" the rookie kept talking. He just would not shut up.
Tony - On the Road

With Eva explaining what she needed to get Maria back in good shape, Tony decided to take action. "I'm going home then, get you what you need. Stay by the phone just in case I need to call you" Tony said as he walked towards the front door. "I wont be long" Tony called out as he closed the door and rushed to his bike. He jumped on and tried to get going, but forgot to put the key in. "Damn" he cursed, digging through his pocket for the key. Once he got it, he started the machine, backed up, and started accelerating. He reached high speed within a couple seconds, rushing down the streets yet again, not worried about his surroundings.

He cursed as he nearly crashed against a car, the driver honking at him loudly. He had overreacted to the entire situation. He saw Maria's overdose as a near death situation. Eva on the other hand had acted calm and collective, knowing how to deal with that sort of thing due to her profession. Unlike Eva, Tony never went to school and got an education. He struggled all his life just to survive, learning to cook for himself and do his own chores by a young age. It wasn't because his parents weren't there at the time, it was because they were always stoned or overdosed like Maria. So in a way, seeing Maria in such a state brought back nightmares.

In addition to that, everything he said at her house was true. If Harry or Isabel or any of the members found out Maria brought drugs into Gastown, they'd ruin her, maybe even kill her for that matter. By doing this she betrayed the MC and what they stood for. The thought alone pissed Tony off, but he didn't want to blame her. She was one of his closest friends, was there from the beginning, so thinking she's a traitor was too much for Tony to handle at the moment. His main concern was to first get her back in shape, then question her decision.

Anyhow, he soon started to reach the house, running yet more stop signs as though they didn't exist. Nothing was going to stop him now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 1 yr ago

Detective Brewer and Sully, The Brewer Mobile and The Florence

This rook was fucking annoying, but Brewer let it slide the kid was new, the kids question was answered when they pulled up to the Florence "Nope no spying i was curious as to the ballistics of the Irish and Angels case." He said "And you've got to revisit the scene in order to understand whats happening. So your going to stand where the Angels would of been standing, and your going to direct me to where the Irish would of been shooting from. Besides the chief told me they had a good beer here." He said and parked the car out of the way of any of the bikes and got out.

When both were standing in position he was looking at the rook from a good distance away "So rook what does this say about the shooting?" He shouted, from across the way. Because from where he was standing basic shotguns would be out of the equation, with those ruled out, only hand guns and rifles would of been in on it. Rifles would be okay as long as they were semi-automatic, but hand guns were a no no.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 8 mos ago

The Florence - Brewer

"What the hell is he doing?" Isabel asked Charles who stood beside her. Both persons were looking out the window at the pushy detective and his rookie partner. "He looks freaking nuts!" Charles exclaimed, fixing his shades. He placed his hand on the window and continued to stare. "I'm going to go get Harry" Charles said as he started to walk towards the office.

Isabel cursed again as she continued to watch the detective do his crazy detective thing. She looked back to see Harry come her way. "That asshole is stalking us I'm telling you" she told Harry as she pointed. Harry looked out the window with a grunted face. "Call Tony, get him down here" Harry told Charles. "What about Craig and Thomas? You want me to call them too?"

"No, they should be with the Russians right now, we don't want them to get distracted. Remember, don't tell Tony about the meet" Harry stated with integrity. Isabel nodded in agreement along with Charles. If he knew that they met face to face with the Russians, he'd be against all their future judgement. "Just get him down here right now, I need more leather in the premise. I'm going out there" Harry stated as he lunged himself through the front doors with force.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" he questioned the detective. "You're scaring away business with that ugly face of yours" he added with a smile, walking up to the high ranked officer. Despite his authority in law, he didn't fear the man one bit. It just irritated him that he was the one after them right now. "I suggest you get in that old thing of yours and get out of my property" the old biker suggested, pointing at the man's car. "Take your pet there with you too" he laughed, pointing at the rookie who was ticked by the joke.
Charles - On The Phone - Tony

In the meantime to the drama at The Florence, Tony had reached home. He opened the door quickly, forgetting to close it as he ran towards the restroom in the bedroom. He looked through all the prescription drugs, but couldn't find what Eva had said to look for. Actually, he forgot what he was looking for. "Damn!" he cursed, the speed of his movements intensifying his own failure. "Where is it?" he questioned himself, being clumsy and accidentally knocking other drugs into the sink. He grunted as he attempted to put everything back in place.

Suddenly his phone started to vibrate, Tony thinking it was Eva wondering where he was. But once he looked at the phone number, he recognized it was from The Florence. "Yeah?" he answered. "Tony! It's Charles. Harry needs you down here asap" the angel stated. Tony placed one of his hands on his head. "What the hell's goin on?" he asked Charles. "That damn cop showed up outside the bar. Harry wants to make an impression, but nobody's down here" Charles answered. "Dammit!" Tony cursed again, putting the phone aside for a second. He pulled it back up to his ear. "I can't right now, I'm dealin with sumthin."

"Harry needs you now Tony. You have to get down here. Brewer is an MC problem. You're VP for a reason" Charles persuaded. "I can't right now, but I'll get there when I can" Tony finished as he hung up and dialed for Eva.

He awaited her answer. "Hey, I can't find the.........whatever it was, the naxo-Naolix-Naloxine. I don't know. I don't see it, where is it?" he asked her through the phone.
Back to The Florence

"So? Is he on his way?" Isabel asked Charles. "He ain't coming" Charles answered as he started for the front door. "Prospect! Let's go!" Charles called out as the two Angels walked out and met up with Harry. All three men were usually armed, pistol in one of the two inner pockets of their vests. "Everything good" Charles whispered to Harry. The President didn't even answer the question, he had his gaze grazed upon his enemy.

"So what's it gonna be Detective? Are we gonna have a problem?" Harry asked with a smile upon his rough face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Eva - On the phone @ Maria's - Tony

I’m going home then, get what you need. Stay by the phone just in case I need to call you Eva looked at him like he was crazy, quickly hurrying to get standing. ”Tony!” she yelled at him, but it was met with the slamming of Maria’s door. Bewilderment on her face, she growled, pouting as she kicked some of Maria’s shit aside and crossed her arms. After a moment to calm down she, still not happy, accepted this was best and pulled out her phone. She stood next to where Tony had laid Maria, turning the volume on her phone up high so she’d make sure to hear it if he called.

It seemed like forever before she heard it ringing, and she answered it immediately. ”Yeah babe?” she said, waiting as he said he couldn’t find the naloxone. ”Okay, it’s under the sink babe. It’s in a pack with the word NARCAN across the front. It might be under something but it should be easy to find, ok?” she said calmly, watching Maria’s chest move up and down. Sure, she wanted Tony to hurry back, but like before, she knew panicking would only make things worse.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by czechmate46
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Lancaster Render - The Swindler's Warehouse - Baylen Denney

Lancaster worked on his cigarette as he and Baylen drove to the warehouse. His nerves were only calmed slightly, as he was unsure what would be at the warehouse to meet them when they arrived. Part of him hoped the culprit was there so he could catch them and put an end to this. But another part of him was hoping they would arrive to find nothing, as whoever was doing this could be traveling in large numbers. He also feared that he might not be able to contain his anger and that his trigger itch would land him in a sticky situation.

Lancaster nodded, agreeing with Baylen's plan. He was good at talking things out and establishing plans. He just hoped this would go smoothly. He chuckled bitterly at Baylen's remark about the stealers getting stolen from. "I don't know, man," Lancaster said, keeping his tone low. "All I know is, whoever is trying to fuck with us, they're gonna wish they were never born." While Lancaster could be described as passive aggressive when it came to most things, things like this brought out the violent side of him.

Getting out of the car, Lancaster nodded in approval to Baylen before pulling the shiny pistol that had been tucked in his belt, and began to stalk along the right side of the warehouse. The air was rather bitter and the small bits of grass around the perimeter were rather damp but that didn't stop him. Lancaster was determined. As he scaled along the side of the warehouse, he noted indents in the damp grass, leading up to an area that the ground appeared to be covered with gravel. This definitely wasn't here a few days ago.

"Baylen!" Lancaster called out in a whisper, hoping that he wasn't too far on the left side, and that he would hear him.
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