Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chenzor
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Roberta had certainly intruiged Robyn. She looked carefree, seemed to have some smarts and wasn't judgemental at all. She had talked to Robyn of her own free will, something nobody else had ever done before. Maybe this place wouldn't be so bad after all. To her better judgement, Robyn already felt some sort of attachment to this 'Rebound' character. Maybe because she had always been alone she was quick to trust Roberta, when nobody else had ever treated her like a human being before.
Shaking herself free of the thoughts, somewhat ashamed of them, Robyn stood up and grabbed her tray. "Sure." she said, trying to hide a smile. She kept her answers simple as she didn't want to seem too enthusiastic about anything. She was already terrified of scaring her off, like so many before.

Once on the way there, Robyn started to notice less people actually looked at her sideways than before. Sure, there was the occasional stare and whisper, but it was such a clear difference. Walking with somebody who obviously didn't seem to mind made her look like she fit in more. Or maybe Roberta had been here for a long time and people respected her? Either way, Robyn enjoyed the short stroll a lot. She didn't talk, but she silently cherished this moment of feeling... Well, somewhat normal for a change.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Karl Kadaver
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Karl Kadaver Roleplay Zombie

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Leo's cheeks suddenly turned bright red. Was Nat flirting with him? This kind of thing wasn't too uncommon, Leo supposed that she was bored with watching the monitors and making announcements all day. After his charge dove under the water, he snickered as shook his head and removed his shirt. He knew, from experience, Nat's little trick of "bubbling" her mouth to allow herself to breathe underwater. However, he was ready this time. Normally, he didn't use his powers to play Nat's games, but he made an exception this time. He took a deep breath, and dove into the spring.

His vision under the water was blurry, but he made out Nat's silhouette at the far end of the pool, and started swimming toward her, grinning as he did so. Got you this time, Nat.

Toby took notice that Gallus seemed alarmed by his presence. He always wondered what the bird's problem was, and was about to ask Jace about it before Artemis responded. "You're the cute butcher who butchers my friends aren't you?" Toby just about swallowed his tongue when he heard those words. He had a feeling that something like this would happen, but he didn't expect her to be so brazen about it. But then, something made him not get up from his chair and leave. Did she say he was cute? What an odd thing for someone who hated you to say...

Then, as if Artemis knew that she might've offended him, she blushed heavily and asked if he had come to talk to Jace. Then, she said that she would leave him alone if he wanted. Toby couldn't let this opportunity pass him by. He had to leap into action!

"Wha- No! I'm, uh..." He suddenly became tongue-tied...was he losing control of his human form, or was this how teenagers really acted? Toby didn't know for sure, but he took a breath and looked Artemis in the eyes. Her beautiful, fiery eyes. "Actually, that sounds like a great idea." He smiled at her, almost forgetting that Jace and Gallus might be glaring a hole through him at this point. "Let's get some pancakes. I didn't even have breakfast yet." A lie, but it would be a good way to get her alone...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

With breakfast out of the way, Oscar wondered at his next course of action. He decided to visit the lake, to practice prolonged control of his telekinesis. Throwing the remnants and returning the dishes, he started off. He didn't bother to grab swim wear, since he didn't plan to get wet. He floated along as he normally did, always wanting to flex his psychic muscles. As he neared the waters, he detected some feelings of embarrassment and intrigue from someone.. under water? This place was always stranger and stranger to the psionic. It seemed two people swam under the surface, playing a strange game of tag

"Got you this time, Nat"

Leo's thought echoed through Oscar's mind as he stepped onto the water's surface, using telekinesis to merely push against the water's edge to give the appearance of water-walking. He wanted to hone this parlor trick, knowing that such refined control of where and how hard his telekinesis was focused would help him in other endeavors as well. He took off at a brisk march, making it nearly to the center of the large body of water.

Kenny yawned, the large helping of food he'd consumed gifting him with a large case of sleepiness. He patted his stomach happily, before leaving the mall altogether. What should he do now? Kenny had no need to practice using his power, unless he had suddenly become a masochist. It needed nothing of the like, so he settled on taking a leisurely stroll for the next hour, before making his way to the gym. Only a fool worked out right after they ate, almost inviting their body to vomit the barely digested food.

Ms. Dawsons's home was indeed beautiful, but Kenny had an ominous feeling. Yes, their freedom was essentially taken away, but even worse was the lack of motive for their abductions. And nearly ALL of the kids had arrived the same way. It was insanity. Who was this mysterious warden and benefactor? How did she have the resources to keep this place concealed and in working order? These questions and more bubbled to the fore of Kenny's mind. It would take smarter people than he to figure it out and the newcomer wanted to meet those people. His wish was also a tad selfish as well, it had been a long time since he'd really talked with anyone and his need of companionship was starting to become dire. He missed his family, especially his sister, and wondered if any of them missed him, the freak.

On his roundabout wandering, he chanced upon Zaniel and Persephone in her garden, toiling in the rich loamy soil. This was something Kenny could do, having always helped his mother with her garden. He loved the toil, the smell of earth and the fatigue that came with an honest day's labor. He walked up, standing outside the garden's perimeter and calling out to the pair. "Hello! How's the garden turning out?!" He gave a friendly smile, hoping to make at least one friend at this god-forsaken place. The garden looked spectacular as a point in fact, with lush growth and each plant with a healthy vibrancy on their skins.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Adamina
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rebecca looked up from her tower of pancakes, baffled at the scene unfolding in front of her. She had little time to react before one, then both of the boys had stormed off, one in hot pursuit of the other. Wow. That red-eyed - Albino? - guy is most definitely entirely new to the Home, and already so abrasive? Wonder how long before he ends up in infirmary... she thought as she munched on, wiping a trickle of syrup from the corner of her mouth. Then again, I guess developing that kind of superiority complex is easy when you're so much more... powerful than everyone else. Good God, they should try appreciating the little things. Like these pancakes...

As she finished her breakfast, Rebecca looked around the dining area. People were beginning slowly to trickle out of the mall. Rebecca had heard of a class on power control at the gym. Maybe that's where people were heading? I sure as hell could benefit from a class like that... I've been here for months without getting much better at not having... accidents. It's kind of embarrasing, actually. Determined, Rebecca decided on her next destination; the gym.

After a pretty uneventful short walk, she arrived to find a few people already there. Notably, the white-haired kid from before, along with a man around her own age who she'd seen around. Silas, right? He was on a treadmill, but of course, not the center of attention. The arrogant kid seemed to be messing around with his powers, sending a nearby basketball flying, bouncing off some kind of barrier surronding him, and flying through a hoop. Showoff... she thought, not convinced this was anything but arrogance. She rolled her eyes at his little show before turning her attention to the other guy. She carefully approached him. "Hey... You're Silas, right?" she said. "You see that kid over there? He's so arrogant. I kind of want to mess with him a bit." she said, giving a sly smirk.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Temporary
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Temporary You See Nothing

Member Seen 19 days ago

Unknown location

Tess kept drifting in and out of consciousness for a while; they had given her a powerful drug to keep her asleep, though she had developed a surprising resistance to anaesthetics and related things to keep one asleep. Though they must have had a long distance teleported, as every time she woke up she felt like she had been on a plane for a few hours; she hot terrible plane sickness.

The final time she awoke was in a lavish room with comfy looking furniture and beautiful architecture. This must be... Miss... Dawson's... Home- the thought was cut off by her falling into a deep sleep on the cold hard floor of James's apartment.

Test one complete without error. Full body redirection field analysis complete. Kinetic energy increase complete, error margin 0.2. Commencing test 2 James thought, slowly analysing his equation and processing the information. That same girl came in again, and again gave him a funny look. Huh... She might think I'm a show off... he thought, making sure to use every piece of data on her available to create a conclusion. He walked over to her, and heard a small piece of the comment to Silas.

"...so arrogant... ...mess with him..."

Oh, so she did. This gave a whole new light to his experiments. He assumed that everyone would have his level of power, and thought that experiments like this would be normal. Was he wrong? Were there people in this place that had weak powers. If that was the case, James would have to reconsider doing experiments in public places. In order to diffuse the situation before it escalated, he approached the girl and Silas.
"Sorry about looking like a show off. I had some calculation I needed to run, and that was the only real way to test them." he stated, trying hard to prevent any violence. That was the last thing he wanted. "You're Silas, right? The names James, but the SPD refer to me as Collider. And you're- sorry, I don't know your name. I should've asked before. Nice to meet you both!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RawrEspada4
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Taking a quick drink from his coffee he nodded as Zinnia spoke. "Ahhh, just a week. That makes sense." He smiled as he spoke, her stuttering having relaxed him a little; a sign that she too was a little nervous. Pausing a moment before continuing he began to peel his banana. "As for what I do... Well they call it 'Conflict Resolution'. Which is really just a fancy way of saying that I break up fights." he said it with a nonchalant tone but really the job was more than a little worrisome. As he finished he took a moment to take in his table-mate. She was definitely attractive by just about any standard and this was only made more so by her red hair. Having listened to her talk it was also obvious that she wasn't from America. But the most distinguishing feature at the current moment was the look that she was giving her food. "Hey everything okay? You are giving your food a look as if it had just let you down, surely you can't be that.... Disappointed with your food." The word disappointed was tinged with questioning itself as Iron wasn't quite sure if that had been the right word for the look she was giving her food.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mega Birb
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Mega Birb Blessed Birb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zinnia nodded. "I miss the food from home, and I don't suppose the cooks take requests." She sighed and pushed the fried piece of bread away, sipping on the juice she had left. She looked up at Iron and got up, blushing slightly. "You know, you're the first one here to show me any kindness... would you mind hanging out sometime?" She looked down and clasped her hands in front of her, awaiting the imminent rejection from him.

Aaron smirked. "You want showing off?" He picked up basketball and took many steps back, ending up at around half-court, and took a shot. The ball bounced off the backboard, and into the basket. "Now that's showing off."
He strode to the side of James and crossed his arms, looking over Silas and Rebecca, sizing them up, guessing their powers. He had no idea about the boy, but the girl... based on her clothing and hair, Pyrokinesis. He was probably wrong, but a guess is a guess.

Jace looked a little alarmed. A possible developing relationship between the butcher and the resident environmentalist? No way. He finished his plate and got up, bad mood furthered by his closest friend in this place flirting with the one who kills what are basically her children.
Gallus quickly flew off to the other animals, wanting to be among those that really understand his fear.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bai Suzhen
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Bai Suzhen

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Roberta arrives at the gym to find it busy, which is a surprise so soon after breakfast, and she says as much to Robyn, before adding "Anyway, if people are already working out, it can't have been that bad..."

"You been assigned a job yet? I'm an instructor here, I suppose... I can give you a hand if you need it, but so long as you don't break anything or cause trouble, you can do whatever really." She's certainly ignoring telekinetically redirected basketballs, and a couple of kids just lying on the aerobics balls.

Finally, Roberta checks the signup sheet, to see if anyone has requested some personal training. She'd rather not, but doesn't want to lose meal privileges and have to cook for herself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kangutso
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Kangutso The High Dracomancer

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A short time after Silas started walking on the treadmill a pair of guys walked in, one of them immediately grabbing a basketball. Not even a minute after them, a girl came in in time to see the former practice his powers. Then she spoke to him, that was odd, only one person had his name that he knew of, and she expressed doing something to the one she called arrogant. He was about to say no and qask how she knew his name when the boy came up and apologized before introducing himself as James.

The number of people was getting uncomfortable for him, especially since James had a criminal record apparently. Just as he was about get off and get away to do something else, the only way off ended up being blocked by a third one. They may not have meant to do it, but it didn't make him feel any better. Then the woman named Roberta entered and he thanked himself. The RMP had told him to sign up for personal training as a way to recover, and that he would sign him up if Silas didn't. So in the back of his mind he hoped he was the only one to have signed up. "Excuse me," he said as he got off, lightly pushed through the trio, and started making his way over.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Airalin
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Airalin Cunning, cold, and cuddly

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Lyra's eyes widened as the waiter informed her that he wasn't a waiter at all, and that she would have to help herself. She opened her mouth, only to close it again a few seconds later. Who the hell did this guy think he was? Did they really expect her to get her own food? Ridiculous! She was a lady - even in her imprisonment, she was to receive the best treatment at all times. She would not, would not, accept anything less!

Her small fists formed balls and she gritted her teeth as she met the boy's gaze - only to find that he had fetched her a muffin while she had been processing her shock. She sighed, trying to regain her composure. A lady was not supposed to yell in public. Snatching the muffin from the boy's hand, Lyra closed her eyes and took a small bite, chewing thoroughly and savoring the taste as best she could. Her fury had not been extinguished, of course; it was merely flickering. But, by the time she had finished her muffin, she was able to retain her dignity.

"Someone will get me my food or I will unleash my abilities upon you all," she said simply, then took a slow sip of grape soda. She was not a servant, and she didn't at all appreciate being treated like one! Mother and father had paid for their neglect; Miss Dawson, whoever she was, would do the same if she didn't get her act together!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RawrEspada4
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Alternating between taking a couple bites of his banana and drinking his apple juice he took in Zinnia's problem with the food. It was an understandable issue, although one Iron hadn't actually ever contemplated. He had always thought that the food offered was of a fairly decent variety but now brought to his attention it wasn't difficult to see that it was pretty bland. He started to think of ways to solve Zinnia's issue with the food but didn't get very far, as her next utterance threw any thought of food from his mind.

"You know, you're the first one here to show me any kindness... would you mind hanging out sometime?" The question was asked as Zinnia stood from the table.

Iron's immediate answer wasn't an answer at all, rather he nearly chocked on his banana. This in turn issued forth some rather unpleasant sounds that Iron was hoping Zinnia didn't take personally. The combination of near choking and the question itself took the tinge that Iron was previously showing and dialed it up to bright red. As he cleared his throat his mind raced 'Is she asking me out? Or does she just want to hang out? Does it matter? Does my answer change either way? No... Not really.. I don't thinks so anyway..'

"Umm yeah, that actually sounds good. Really good. Maybe uhh meet up at the bar, or even the beach after work? If not today then maybe sometime," Iron's nerves made themselves apparent in his speech despite him trying to maintain control of them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 2 mos ago

First Alex thought she was merely spoiled. An entitled brat who had to learn her place. And he sincerely hoped he did just that. But apparently it had no effect. Not even the little nicety of bringing her a muffin didn't seem to help. Once she threatened everyone in the room, Alex got even more serious about her. He had little to no control over his own ability. He also didn't know what she could do. So many powers were so different. Should he dare to infuriate her? But then he realized it wouldn't matter. He could play servant for her here, but someone else, somewhere else might not. She was a ticking time bomb.

"Look around girl. Do you think you would have to dine with your own servants?" he asked calm. Hoping a reality check would help. It could easily blow in his face though. "Do we look like we are dressed to be servants? I hate to say this but we are not servants. We are kids. With powers. Just like you. And just like you, we were put here against our will. Now I reckon you come from a wealthy place. You probably had a lot of servants giving you everything you wish. But those servants aren't in here. And nobody here is paid to serve you. So nobody will. I'm sorry that you have to hear this but that's the truth. You have no servants here because nobody is paid to serve you." His voice wasn't firm or harsh, but sweet and calm.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shinigami94
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Focusing on his training Azai didn't pay attention to his surroundings, but Luka was wondering around the lake exploring the world, and chasing butterflies. He stopped to the sight of someone floating on the surface of the water, yet he didn't want to approach he was a dog who hated the water. Nevertheless he approached cautiously observing the floating man, sniffing and licking the water thinking maybe it's the water. Luka felt a bit threatened so he ran back to Azai who was busy with punching practice on the tree. Luka arrived barking and pulling Azai's trouser, so he stopped to see if there is something wrong with Luka. He looked around to the man who was foucsing hard to stay on the water surface.
He didn't want to break his concentration, so he just stood back him and watched observed him to see how long will he stay focused...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Temporary
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Temporary You See Nothing

Member Seen 19 days ago

Aaron had walked in, and thrown a basketball into the hoop from the halfway line, claiming it to be 'showing off'. If anything, it was him just trying to steal the spotlight. Then Silas (or Jack?) got a strange look on his face as he was surrounded by some fairly normal people; or at least as normal as you can find them. Then Arachnid and Scribble walked in, and Silas took off towards them. A rude gesture, but James didn't particularly care; his head hurt, and it wasn't the first time.
"Argh, fuck..." he said, slightly under his breath, trying to conceal it from Aaron but failing. Calculations racing through his head, he slumped to the ground, eyes wide and his body slightly trembling.
"Accessing data bank, vault 17: Username, Collider, Password, Tess. Accessing power calculation, 13% power due to influx. Accessing power shortage, engaging command Start_Reboot_Manipulation. Serial code: 42as567gh, running command Log_Delta_Bios_Reboot." he spouted, running sudden and extreme calculations. The ground shook and the treadmills began to run at extremely fast speeds. The basketball hoop on the other side of the court began crumpling, and the body of it slowly shaking and collapsing in on itself; the basketball on the side crushing in on itself as well.
"Force manipulation detected, sudden shutdown of data detected within sector 9au. Commencing debug tool and virus removal. Beginning calculations in sectors 6b, 18hn and 238mmk using 291 million characters, using gravitational and astrometric units for basic imput." The very ground around the gym shook as the gravity exerted on it began to shift to a lower concentration, approuching -3g. Some of the glass windows shattering under the pressure.
"Basic memory and central memory overload detected. Approaching data storage limits. Possible conflux of energy detected in Beta Alpha Echo at location 7b-9bbj-op09. Bot dispersal for immediate shutdown of CPU activated. Effective, immediately. Full core sweep initiated for possible energy leaks. Commencing program X_Shutdown_System. Shutdown imminent. Entering rest mode." And with that, James fell to the side, hitting his head against the floor and the causing the gravity to return to normal.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bai Suzhen
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Bai Suzhen

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Roberta gives the approaching Silas a nod, and when his motivation is explained, she begins firing data at him. It's a good way to separate the posers from those who are serious, and it's a good way to cut down on the amount of work she has to do, without being accused of not doing her job.

"Right. Physio, I can do that. Sounds like you want a balanced regimen. If you spend all your time on the bikes, you won't give your whole body a workout. It's important to warm up before any exercise, stretch your muscles, and if you start to cramp stop and take a break. Now, let's get your weight and height so we can do BMI... Unless your powers mess with that?"

Before she can get an answer, however, things start rumbling, breaking and generally going wrong. She's already leaping into action, but ends up caught in a patch of intense gravity and slammed into the floor. At least she's got the physiology to handle it.

When the disturbance stops, she picks herself up, clears her head, and spots the unconscious James. As she checks to make sure he's still breathing and not bleeding, Roberta yells to the gym (her mouth stretching larger for extra volume)

"Gym closed until we fix this mess. Help out or get out! And someone give me a hand getting this guy to a doctor."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Mega Birb
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Mega Birb Blessed Birb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zinnia slapped Iron on the back a few times as he choked, hoping to dislodge the banana that was currently caught in his throat, and looked up as an actual response was given after a few final coughs. "We could meet at the beach, I guess. I was never one for the bar atmosphere." She smiled and started to walk away, but stopped after a few seconds. "...And thank you." She resumed her walk, intending to head for the gym. She'd heard of a class on controlling powers starting soon, maybe she could help? She had good control over her power, so maybe she could impart some advice to the less-fortunate.

Aaron looked up as James said something. "Argh, fuck..." He heard, then smirked a bit before turning around.
"What, can't handle a little compe-" He opened his eyes, having blinked mid-turn, and whipped his knife out of his pocket and shoved it into the nearest electrical socket, short circuiting the electricity in the building and preventing anything from bursting, and shutting down the treadmills before they exploded. All that was left was to wait out the hellish storm.
The electrokinetisist stood as the ground stopped shaking, then bit his lip at the sight of James. He picked the boy off and took off at a mad sprint towards the infirmary. 'You better pray Jace is there, kid...'
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kangutso
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Kangutso The High Dracomancer

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Silas listened to his trainer as she spoke, a passive look on his face, then she asked a question, "No, they do-" He was cut off by a rumbling nose, the sound of multiple treadmills moving very quickly, and the sounds of metal crumpling and glass shattering. Roberta went to do something, but was smashed against the floor like a rubber ball. It was then he noticed James' computer-like speech. Fortunately for Silas, while the gravity had increased, the patch he was in only forced him to his hands and knees, much more and he would've been injured.

It went on for a couple more minutes before James seems to shut down, in other words, passed out, and everything stops. Silas slowly stood himself up, a bit shakily but not bad, and watches Roberta check on James before she yells to the gym. "I'll help you with him," He said, feeling like it may have been his fault that James had an episode. He walked over to Roberta to help her with James. Before either of them could pick him up to carry him, the other boy ran up and carelessly picked him up before sprinting off with him. Hopefully he didn't make things worse for James.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chenzor
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Robyn just tagged along as Roberta did her tour of the gym. Or well, it wasn't much of a tour since as soon as they stepped in, one of the other attendants (Robyn wasn't sure what to call them) had unleashed his powers one way or another, Robyn couldn't keep track of what happened. Roberta was slammed to the ground due to some gravity thing that Robyn had no idea about, and she was shocked. She hurried to help Roberta up. "W-what's going on?" she says looking around. Roberta didn't really seem to need her help, but Robyn had no one else to cling to so she stuck close. In the aftermath, there was a bunch of broken equipment and an unconcious James (although Robyn didn't know his name).

Roberta yells into the gym with a volume Robyn didn't think possible. Robyn was stunned. She hadn't seen it coming. Everyone had reacted, and Robyn had stood there. Was this the destructive power of what most about everyone here could do? The electrical equippment was fried. Chaos.
Roberta was standing there, waiting for a response from everyone, and Robyn realized she would have to do something. "I-I'll stay and help!" she said. "Just tell me what you need and I'll do what I can!"
She was nervous, but in a way eager to help out. She had made a new friend, and she was gonna help her out!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 17 days ago

Monica’s smile widened slightly when he said she got his name right, just glad that it wasn’t some other J name. She didn’t look like a fool her first time actually trying to be social to someone other than the guy at the lounge in weeks. “My morning has been pretty well actually. It helps that it’s really pretty outside today. How has your morning been so far?” She asked starting to relax a little as she talked and ate, it also helped that Jack didn’t seem really bothered by her sitting with him. If anything he seemed happy to be talking to her. Honestly she hadn’t talked him very much before, always feeling a little intimated by him for a reason she really wasn’t sure of.

Maybe it was just because of how friendly and talkative he seemed whenever she saw him, it seemed like he was the totally opposite of her. It wasn’t that Monica didn’t want to be one of those friendly types of people who could talk to everyone like it took no effort. She just wasn't that type of person, if anything she was that awkward girl that had a habit of saying things that made people look at her weird. So she would rather keep to herself for the most part. Monica looked up at him as he stated the obvious, before looking around the room. "Yeah, it is really uncomfortable with all these people isn't? I mean its nice to know their are so many non normals." She said still looking at the others, before looking back at him. It really was nice to know she wasn't the only one.

"But you kind of feel like you say one weird thing and..." She snapped her fingers and spark of flame showing as she did. "...everyone looks at you like your a creep. It's kind of what I thought an actual school would be like. If this was a school you know." She said looking at him for a moment before shifting uncomfortable picking a another piece of bacon, realizing that might have been a weird thing to say and she sighed rolling her eyes at the little spoiled girl.

Emmett ignored the angry tone of Jasmina's greeting knowing that if things got really bad and he had to he could simply teleport away. "No, not really. Just needed some place to sit." He answered still cheerful tone taking a few bites of his toast, not going to let it ruin the good mood he was in so far. Something she really did have a hobbit of doing. It really wasn't his fault that normally he had trouble with staring at her, with the way she dressed. Still he tried to train his eyes away from her, especially when she was in the type of mood she seemed to be.

The change of her tone was a bit of surprise and he couldn't help but glance up at her in surprise before training his eyes back on his plate. "I was actually wanting to work on and figure out how to copy myself." Emmett answered his tone still rather surprised about the change, it wasn't normally for her to be nice to him anymore.

"I've actually gotten better with my teleporting, I didn't end in yours or anyone else's apartment this morning." He said sounding a little proud of himself before frowning. "Although I did get my foot stuck in the ground already." He added after a moment of thought. Pushing his luck a bit and trying to make small talk with her in the first time in two years.

Zaniel frowned a bit at her answer about the need for sunlight, he didn't found it weird, if anything with her powers it made sense. Still it made him feel badly for picking on her with his shadows. "That is really something you should have told me Persephone, instead of saying I would hurt your plants." He said his voice taking on the annoyed, and protective tone that he sometimes did only with her. He would just have to find some other way to pick on her from now on.

Zaniel looked at the plot that she pointed at before looking back at Persephone. He looking her over as she promised to reward him and smirked a little bit. His mind going to the gutter before he could stop himself, but he quickly shook his head clearing the thoughts away, doubting anything would ever happen between the two of them. After all everyone seemed to get along with her, to the point that he disliked some of guys in the home. "What kind of reward are we talking about here?" He asked as he starting walking over to start digging.

Zaniel had finished the first row and was starting on another when someone hollered over at the two of them about the garden. He looked up at Kenny with blank look. Why don't you just piss off. Zaniel thought to himself, but as he opened his mouth to say the words he looked over at Persephone and stopped himself. He at least tried to behave the best he could around Persephone, knowing it always upset her when he was a plain out asshole. "It's going good." He yelled back answering before she could, going back to digging. Still he had a feeling Persephone would go talk to the guy, which meant he would have to as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Airalin
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Airalin Cunning, cold, and cuddly

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Girl? Had this dumb boy really just called her girl? His impudence knew no bounds! He was the absolute worst, worse than a stain in a brand new dress! She could not tolerate such horrific behavior; if she did, who knew how many others would treat her in a similar fashion? It was time for them to weep - everyone nearby! Their darkest thoughts would come to the surface, and there was nothing they could do to prevent it!

Lyra made no motion as she activated Sorrow, and her sway was entirely imperceptible. Only those who knew of her ability had the faintest chance of identifying her as the source of the stray thoughts. But there would be several victims; in a crowded place like this, that couldn't be helped.

Though she could not entirely disguise her scowl, Lyra's tone remained steady. "I am a lady, and I would have you treat me as such," she said, taking a sip of her soda, "And it simply cannot be true that I am expected to serve myself. I must stay here, with my teapot; otherwise, it will be stolen for certain. If Miss Dawson wishes to keep me here, she must attend to my needs, so there have to be servants for me somewhere. I don't care if they're getting paid - they cannot simply forsake their duties!" Lyra's cheeks reddened only a shade as her stomach emitted a dull whine - that muffin had not been enough. All the more reason for her to convince this wayward miscreant to return to his post, now!
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