Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Leisy Takigawa

The selection of berries inside the Spinda-ful Berries Cafe was as wondrous as ever, stocked with everything from the outrageously cheap Razz berries to the ridiculously pricy Custap berries that promised an increase in both speed and mood.

Per usual, Leisy headed towards the selection of Nanab and Wepear berries that were known for being ingredients in Poffins. ”They also sell smoothies if you’d like one,” Leisy told Raven, pointing up at the store’s menu. ”I don’t know if you’ve ever tried their Spinda-red shake, but it’s amazing,” Leisy said, grinning. ”They only use red berries in it. Or, you could buy a few poffins? They taste kinda like fruity bread, if you’ve ever had one. I’m paying, so feel free to spend. Just… don’t be unreasonable?” Leisy said, laughing.

Leisy left the boy to his shopping, picking a berry box up and beginning to fill it with Pinap and Nabnab berries. Bidein chittered on her shoulder, looking hungrily around the store. Shooting him a knowing look, Leisy patted Naunet’s head as the Piplup tried to reach the berries on display. ”Alright you two. If you can’t behave, you’re going to have to wait in your Pokeball.”

After filling the box, Leisy slid it close before looking around for Raven and Oliver.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Raven Heartwood - Central City


"Nu-uh, we're splitting it remember?" Raven pointed out as he looked at the remarkably diverse menu. Hm, time to load up. Raven likewise grabbed a box and let Oliver indicaite which berries he liked and got a few of each, noting which ones the were for future reference. Some poffins were thrown into the mix as they sounded pretty good and Raven decided that he would also get teh recommended smoothie. By the time he was done getting everything Leisy was done as well. Raven held up the fruits(berries) of his shopping, "Alright, I'm ready to go, you good too?" Oliver was staring intently at the box of food, clearly making sure he missed nothing. His meal would not escape!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Central City
A City Sidewalk


Nick woke to something very heavy upon his chest. His eyes were slow to open, but when they finally pulled apart, he discovered the reason behind his awakening. His new buddy Munchlax had awoken before him, and the little guy was obviously getting hungry for breakfast.

"Munch Munch." The little blue Pokemon gently nudged. Nick couldn't be mad at his new friend. He should have put him in his Poke Ball if he didn't want this interruption. After all, Pokeballs do put Pokemon in a state of suspended animation. At least that's what he heard from one of his friends when he was younger.

"Okay okay. Give me a minute to get ready." Nick walked around the Poke Center bedroom as he collected his things. The morning sun shone brightly through the curtains despite their attempt to block the invading rays of light. A quick glance at his Pokedex revealed that he was waking up way later then he had anticipated. Munchlax's internal timer must be more reliable than his own; he would keep this in mind for future reference.

Side by side, the duo walked downstairs to the Poke Center's public cafeteria. Luckily they were still serving their free continental breakfast. Nick ate like a bird while his Munchlax ate enough for three or four Pokemon it's size. Nick decided to leave before they overstayed their welcome. Nick started to walk back home to see his parents one more time before he finally left the Central City area. He didn't know when he would see them again; his Pokemon journey could take many days.

As Nick walked, a thought struck his mind. He looked down at his content buddy as he spoke quietly, "I haven't given you a name yet have I? How about... 'Little Man'? I call you that enough as it is." Munchlax smiled in agreement, obviously feeling the endearment in Nick's voice. "I suppose that name will become rather ironic after you evolve. That's fine though. I love irony and sarcasm. Those are my second and third languages."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

An eastbound path through Central City took Olivie and Buck through the heart of the commercial district. Here, extravagant advertisements peered at pedestrians from every angle, and one could scarcely find a single place to look that wasn't agog with colorful imagery. No stranger to this jungle of glamour, showiness, and bustle, Olivie plotted a course down its main avenue, where a sidewalk of purple bricks framed a bizarre, mint-green street. The entire place, she had to admit, oozed personality, but it certainly came off forced and a bit disingenuous. Still, she could not fault those who made a living on this avenue: every day, people flocked to this part of town to purchase, be their objectives everyday items or boutique products. Someone like Olivie, who had all she needed at the moment and whose interests lay elsewhere, did not linger for long.

Only once did she stop, at a point where a torn-down building had been made into a little plaza full of small stalls, just like one would expect to find at an amusement park or marketplace. In particular, the brunette's eye was caught by an odd-looking creature sitting alongside a man behind the counter of a caricature-drawing stall. Her curiosity invigorated by the sight of the critter, Olivie withdrew her Pokedex from its place on her thigh ring and flipped it open to see just what the new Pokemon was.

“Smeargle,” the device told identified. “The Painter Pokemon. Smeargle marks the boundaries of its territory using a body fluid that leaks out from the tip of its tail. Over 5,000 different marks left by this Pokémon have been found.”

Before she continued on her way, she cast one more glance at the Smeargle. No doubt, given its location, the man beside it had taught it to paint caricatures. Olivie had zero interest in anything like that, so she wasted no time in moving on.

By the time she could no longer see the flamboyant colors of the commercial district's artsy avenue when she looked over her shoulder, Olivie could see the edge of town not far ahead. Following along the side of the road, she passed the invisible boundary that lay beyond the fences of the last few buildings, then stopped. To either side of the road as it sped away from the city lay vast, green fields that swayed gently in the wind. Since Central City had something unusual for a substantial urban center in that it still cultivated surrounding farmland, these particular fields must, Olivie assumed, be scheduled for an off-season on the crop rotation. Such practices prevented the farmers from inadvertently exhausting the soil's nutrients. Very little trivia about farming passed through the girl's head, however. Her focus lay squarely on the defeat and/or acquisition of new Pokemon. Her newly-purchased balls were practically begging to be used.

”Here we go,” she declared, getting Buck's attention. The next instant she plunged herself into the field, veering sharply away from the road to wade out into the bladed lake of green. Though the sounds of the city still reached her, the chirps of Bug-type Pokemon captured her attention. They blended with the whistle of music through the grass to create a simple but pleasing ambiance. Every once in a while, the sound of feet could be heard in the tall grass around her, but Olivie could neither identify nor confront any Pokemon that sensed her first and opted to flee. Instead, she hunted for a likely spot, leaving a trail of crushed grass behind her that Buck could trod happily upon as a personal highway.

A smear of brown lay in the middle of the field, and after spying it Olivie made her way there. When she grew close, she discovered that the thing she'd spotted was a miniature granary—an open-air shed-like structure meant to keep tools and harvested crops out of the rain until they could be picked up. This one looked to be completely derelict, but a collapsed granary made for a choice opportunity in Olivie's mind. Surely some Pokemon lived here.

Her guess proved correct, for as she stepped out of the grass into the little clearing in which the neglected shed stood, dark shapes moved within its inner shadows. A wicked smile appeared on Olivie's face as she reached for her fighting gloves, and Buck, now knowing what that meant, waddled around her until he stood between his trainer and the partially-destroyed structure.

Out of the granary moseyed two Pokemon, both in a threatening, defensive stance. The first, a round, bipedal bug with a blue carapace and a long horn, glared at Olivie with yellow eyes. Its companion attempted to look as fierce, but the cartoonish roundness of its eyes prevented it from achieving this. With an air of absolute confidence the girl brazenly ignored the insects' display, instead consulting her Pokedex briefly to figure out exactly what these loathsome little freaks were. ”Karrablast and Paras, huh? Hope you little worms don't crush too easy.” Though they may not have understood her words, the bugs reacted to her town with aggressive hissing noises. Olivie cracked her knuckles, though she resolved to let Buck go first. Time to see what her partner could do.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Leisy Takigawa

”Ready,” Leisy said, thanking the clerk as the uniformed girl handed her back her Pokedex. ”Are you fine with eating on the road?” Leisy asked, turning back around to look at Raven. ”It’s still early in the day, but a trainer can never have too much time. Or so they say?”

The pair exited the cafe, Raven enjoying his drink and Leisy divvying up the multicolored poffins she bought. The colors reminded her of macaroons, although the poffins were less sugary and more bread-like than the french dessert. Bidein passed on the poffins, choosing instead to peck up a few berries. He was currently living like a king on Leisy shoulder, taking his pick of Orans from the box of the blue berries Leisy was holding up for him. Naunet, on the other hand, took hearty bites of her pink Pecha berry poffin, eyes shining in delight at the treat.

Almost to the city limits, Leisy spun around to face Raven, eyes wide. ”Oh! Totally forgot!” she said, pulling out her Pokedex and scrolling through the menu. ”I wanted to join a organization today. Read up on them this morning during breakfast. They get you bonus trainer points,” Leisy said, showing the boy the guidelines for organizations. ”What do you say, Raven?”

Shanae Eller

”One Pokeball please,” Shanae said to the young man behind the counter of the Pokemart, smiling both in amusement and sympathy as the clerk quickly whipped out said items. Although she was a familiar face as a prominent upper-level figure in the Central City branch, Shanae had never abused her position to get items. That is, items that cost trainer points. Regular money she took discounts for—how else was she to afford the outrageously expensive home-improvements?—but trainer points Shanae believed trainers had to earn themselves.

As a fully-converted believer of how practice will quickly overtake talent, Shanae applies said rules to herself. Although she’d often stared longingly at the evolved forms that graced the Central City Pokemon Stadium, Shanae had held back from requesting items for quick evolution because of her belief in the experiences and bonds between trainer and Pokemon. Of course, that her Houndour looked cuter as a black-and-red puppy rather than a full-fledged skeletal wolf helped, especially when he was brooding.

Thanking the flustered boy behind the counter, Shanae led her train of Pokemon out of the shop. Oh, I think rules were that trainers could only have three Pokemon out inside the shop? And they all had to be able to safely fit through the door, Shanae thought in amusement. Well, I guess there have to be some perks that come along with being VP.

@balthazar007 Shanae bought a Pokeball
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Raven Heartwood - Central City


Raven agreed that eating on the road was fine with him and they went off. It was only by the time that Raven finished his smoothie when he realized that they didn't really have any reason to be travelling together. All that happened was they'd had a battle and gotten some food. Though technically it would be pretty hard for Leisy to cash in her favor if he wasn't around. Raven shrugged to himself, he didn't have anything against it. Another berry flew into the air and was expertly snatched and quickly consumed by Oliver. They were almost out of the city and Raven had just thrown his smoothie away when Lesiy suddenly whirled around and talked excitedly about joining an orginization. Raven read the guidelines she showed him and shrugged, "Sure, no reason not to right? How do we find them though, is there some sort of list or something?" Raven asked, finding the concept interesting. It'd be cool to join a group and get rewards for it, after all one could always use more trainer points.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Leisy Takigawa

”Um,” Leisy said, smiling awkwardly, ”I have no idea actually. Maybe there will be a directory or something somewhere? The city hall? Or maybe the Poke Corp building,” Leisy said, brightening. ”Since they manage the organizations, they probably have an information desk or something. Maybe a whole floor even!” Leisy said, excited again. ”Let’s go—to the tallest building in Central!”

The pair made their way towards the Central City Poke Corp building, Leisy’s eyes tracing the intimidating structure up and down. The building represented the organization perfectly: far-reaching and intimidating. Security guards stood outside the building, which made sense considering that the company was the most prestigious in the region and perhaps even the world.

”Would you happen to know where we can get information about trainer organizations?” Leisy asked the secretary at the front desk. The lady behind the counter adjusted her spectacles, peering at the two trainers.

“You two new?” she asked, offering them a polite smile. “Help desk is on the third floor. Up you go.”

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 3 mos ago

♪♫♪ Cecilia "Cici" Taylor ♪♫♪

Location: Central City


Whew. Tommy did want to leave early after all. "Yep, that's fine with me," Cici said, feigning a relaxed attitude. "That's where I was considering going. I don't have much left to do here anyway, except stock up."

She wondered what Feyhollow would be like. Would Tommy be surprised that it was also her first choice? She figured it wasn't the kind of location people would expect her to be interested in, and yes, she'd probably feel a little out of place there, but it would be the best area to get an Igglybuff or a Cleffa. That and the songs of the fairies were supposed to be some of the most hauntingly beautiful sounds it was possible to hear.

It was better to face the future than to dwell on the past. The problem was, how could she leave the past behind while being reminded of it? Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Sarah get up and leave. Cici looked away, trying to block out years' worth of memories from her mind.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KiritoAsuna
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KiritoAsuna Murderer of darkest night

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Excited to get a start on what came next Damian followed cillian happily our of the pokemart. As that left he tapped cillian on the shoulder "I almost forgot" he said with a sigh"I don't want a water type Pokemon ".

Damian smiled at the boy reassuring his sincerity. Hi didn't think the boy would be too happy. He seemed really amped to go hunt water Pokemon. Damian wouldn't mind catching a water type but he had his team that he wanted already picked out. He wanted to go all the, way with the group he had knowledge on. The thing was, he knew he could@Dusksong
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Cillian Weiss

”Oh, okay then,” Cillian said, pausing. ”Do you have anywhere you’d like to head then?”

Cillian glanced down at his contrasting pair of Pokemon, deciding that although it’d be nice to get a few more Pokemon, he’d be able to hold off for a while. ”Maybe we can head to a nearby town or something? I think there’s a town—Feyhollow—that has a different variety of Pokemon.”

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Raven Heartwood - Central City


Raven laughed at Leisy's akwardness that was quickly overridden by her enthusiasm and he found himself once again following her, only this time into a rather impressive building with people to match. Raven piped up after the nice lady told them where the help desk was with a word of thanks and made his way to the elevator. He looked at it for a moment and then looked at the stairs with a grin of his face. "Yo Oliver."

Oliver's head popped out of the hat and leaned over untill he was staring upside down at Raven's face. "Race ya up those stairs, first one to the third floor gets this Mago berry." Raven said, briefly revealing the alluringly sweet berry before it vanished back into the box. Ears perking up at this information Eevee jumped down and they both got into runner positions at the start of the stairs. "Oh, hey Leisy, you wanna play too?" Raven asked, not wanting to leave her out of things, but eager to race.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Leisy Takigawa

Leisy’s eyes widened, pausing as she stopped in her tracks. ”Um, actually I was thinking of taking the elevator,” she admitted awkwardly. Per usual, the impressive Poke Corp building had an equally impressive set of staff and technologies, and the uniformed boy who manned the elevator was already peering at the two trainers curiously. However, the bespectacled secretary had said that the help desk was only two flights up, so…

”Sure, why not,” Leisy said, grinning as she looked down at her Pokemon. Bidein’s face spoke of indifference as he flourished his wings with a flap, and Naunet’s was a mask of betrayal. ”Oh Naunet,” Leisy said, crouching down with a sympathetic frown. ”I’ll carry you if you want?”

Naunet shook her head no, and Leisy hid a secret smile—she was so cute!—before turning her attentions to Bidein. ”Alright Dei. We all know who’s going to win with those wings, so you’re out.” The Fletchling chirped in protest, launching off Leisy’s shoulder and with a twirl before landing staunchly on the railing of the stairs.

”Head start it is then,” Leisy translated, glancing at Bidein to see if she’d translated correctly. ”Whenever you’re ready,” Leisy told Raven, amused at how enthusiastic Oliver was about the berry race. Big, black eyes of competitive determination contrasted with his furry white coat, but it suited him nonetheless.

Shanae Eller

Shanae didn’t really know what to do with her time, but she’d figured that it’d been a while since she’d eaten out with her entire team. The Wailord Buffet was perfect for such occasions, offering both unlimited food and space for a full-bodied team. Many a champion had dined out there, bringing their teams full of Alakazams and Salamence’s there.

”How do you all feel about a quick brunch break?” Shanae asked, looking at her team. Six pairs—well nine, if you count all of her joltick’s eyes—stared back at her with everything from boredom to flat out confusion. ”Okay, clearly not hungry yet,” Shanae observed. Her Aron immediately turned its ice-blue eyes onto her with a glare that communicated raw anger for putting off his mealtime. ”Alright alright!” the woman laughed, bending down to pat the metal Pokemon’s head in apology. ”Off to brunch we go.”

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KiritoAsuna
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KiritoAsuna Murderer of darkest night

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Damian's looked at him confused. "fayhallow? What's that? " he asked in complete confusion. What was this boy talking about. This was a city he had never once heard of in all of his travels. How is it that this is possible.

Damian than looked up and smiled happily. He no longer cared where they we're going as long as they we're going somewhere. Maybe there we're an abundance of eevee there or something. He hoped so much to find one. Next to growlithe eevee was his number one pick for a Pokemon. He wanted to evolve it for an umbrion. Damian knew the coolest nickname.

"why the hell not..let's gohe said happily. With a smile he started walking off in a random direction. Having no clue where this place was he just kept walking waiting for cillian to correct him or just lead the way. @Dusksong
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Cillian Weiss

”Feyhollow—the town towards the south of Central,” Cillian said, raising an eyebrow when Damian expressed confusion. Perhaps the town was too small and isolated for most big city residents to notice? But, as Cillian had discovered in his research, it was the vaguest, most outlying towns that were most often home to rarer species of Pokemon. In the case of Feyhollow, that meant fairy Pokemon, but the reported sightings of the rock and ground type Pokemon in the towns nearby caves was not to be discounted, nor was the presence of the ever-present poison types that had mysteriously decided to boycott the forests around Central City. Cillian wasn’t looking forward to getting chased by Beedrill this time around, but the prospect of a cave Pokemon was hard to resist. Who knew what was hiding in those caves that seemingly stretched for miles into the mountain?

Cillian was jolted from his thoughts when he realized that Damian was already on his way out of the city. The boy was going in the right direction, so Cillian jogged to catch up. Never been to Feyhollow, huh? More like been but not willing to tell me. How’d he figure out which way was south so quickly? Cillian thought, frowning as his Pokedex confirmed that the pair of trainers were indeed heading south. Intuition? Cillian thought dubiously before shaking his head. It wouldn’t do to question Damian’s familiarity with the local area since it’d already been established that Cillian was the tourist. It’s a good upgrade from boring ol’ home sweet home though, Cillian mused, looking down at his two Pokemon that walked beside him. A very good upgrade.

”So,” Cillian started as the two trainers stepped off pavement and onto dirt road, ”what’s your story? I’m just starting my journey since I graduated from high school earlier this year.”

Shanae Eller

Shanae smothered a hiccup with her hand as she exited the cafe, one eye on her Aron and the other on her Trapinch. Sometime during the meal Dius—her Trapinch—had done something to offend Turris—her Aron. Since her Pokemon couldn’t speak, she had no way of knowing exactly what he’d done, but Shanae had a sneaking suspicion that Dius had stolen some of Turris’ specially-ordered Poffin. The Aron was quite picky and, Shanae had to admit, quite pampered.

”Alright you two, break it up,” Shanae said, squeezing between the two Pokemon before the Aron could freeze the Trapinch with another icy glare. ”Seriously, eating is supposed to be a happy matter. Don’t you agree, Tori?” the trainer said, appeasing to her Igglypuff Amatorius. The Igglypuff looked nonplussed for a moment, hopelessly caught between two of his stronger teammates’ glares.

Seeing the pink Pokemon’s plight, Shanae scooped him up and cradled him like the circular balloon-shaped baby he was. ”There there Tori. We can’t have both Dius and Turris bullying you at once—they’d make rocks quiver. One day, at least,” Shanae added, grinning at her adorable Pokemon. Her Houndour, Ebon, snorted quietly, no doubt muttering to himself about how ridiculous his trainer was acting, but Shanae didn’t bother addressing that. As her first Pokemon, the stiff puppy could think whatever he wanted, but Shanae knew that he adored her at the end. And she, him.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

When it came to choosing her little partner's first target, there was no contest. If the blueberry-colored runt called Karrablast thought it could act tough when it saw the dynamic duo of Olivie and Buck, a thorough bludgeoning seemed entirely excusable. ”Alright then, pipsqueak,” she told it. She threw her hand out, her thumb and index finger extended to form an 'L', before pivoting the hand downward and tucking the index finger away to execute a thumbs-down. Her Bidoof followed the path of her arm and nodded menacingly, acknowledging the Karrablast as his target. Thanks to the time she spent with her nose tucked in her Pokedex, Olivie knew exactly what to say next. ”Beat it blacker and bluer! With Hyper Fang!” Buck gave a fierce chatter and barreled forward, his mouth wide open to bite.

However, the Karrablast attacked first. It fell down onto all fours and charged, horn extended. Olivie watched, suddenly grasping the severity of the situation, as its greater speed and reach caught her Pokemon right in the middle of his attack. The points of its horn pierced Buck's nose, causing the surprised Bidoof to stagger, but the assault had scarcely begun. By wiggling its head back and forth, the wild Karrablast whipped its horn from side to side like a sword cutting to and fro, striking Buck three more times. The final scratch barely missed his eye, but when nothing followed it, the resolute little brawler threw himself forward. His huge buckteeth chomped into the Karrablast's carapace, preventing it from escaping and earning a pained hiss. While the bite surely hurt, Olivie could see that the fight would go nowhere if she allowed her single-minded Bidoof to stay like that. Instead, she smacked the bottom of her fist into her other palm and called, ”Use those muscles of yours, idiot! Throw the bug and then Take Down!”

Filled with the thrill of the fight, Buck obeyed. He gathered his strength to pitch his body violently, throwing the Karrablast back about a foot. It landed on its side and rolled onto its back, where it could only rock helplessly in an attempt to regain its feet. The Bidoof then scampered toward it and, with little regard for its own safety, used his jaw with the weight of his head and the power of his neck behind it like a hammer with which he cracked down on the Karrablast's lightly-armored stomach. A wheezing sound escaped from the bug as it stiffened, but Buck reeled away, moving as if drunk. After attacking in such a risky way, Olivie imagined, he must be seeing stars. The Pokedex had informed her that the move called 'Take Down' involved the Pokemon who used it executing a brutal but reckless strike that hurt itself more often than not. Perhaps, with some training, he could use a Take Down that didn't hurt him quite so much.

Before Buck regained his senses, the Paras, which had been sitting on the sidelines as if to spectate the duel, leaped into action. As it crawled toward the rodent, it shook its body, scattering motes of purple powder from the mushrooms on its back. The sight of these wisps wafting toward Buck filled Olivie with sudden panic—and rage. ”Buck, move now!” she yelled as she began to move, noting her partner's adept dodge of the slow-moving cloud in only the most cursory manner. Her attention lay on the Paras instead, which was now spinning to look at her. Before it could properly process he threat, she'd already grabbed it by one of its pincers, and when she held it in front of her face it could clearly see her wrath and tremble.

The tightness around Olivie's eyes, the hard slant around her eyebrowns, and the bunched muscles on her forehead all hinted at her fury as she growled, ”You puny bitch! What gives you the right to sneak attack my buddy when he's fightin' fair and square, huh? If you wanna fight so bad, I'll do it!” She let the Paras go, but it did not get much of a chance to fall. The very next instant, her gloved fist cannoned into its back like a hydraulic piston. A sputtering noise could be heard as it shot straight into the ground, kicking up a little bit of dust as it skidded to a halt. With clenched teeth, Olivie demanded, ”Buck, rack up your second K.O with Headbutt!”

No sooner had she given the command than Buck, too engrossed in the battle to care about attacking a hurt opponent, hurled himself at the Paras to slam his head right into it. Olivie watched, satisfied, as the bug flipped end over end to land right be her foot. With the toe of her shoe she upended it onto its front. Its blank eyes gave off the impression that it had been knocked clean out. ”Way to go! Gotta make sure these creeps learn they're lesson, eh, Buck?”

That said, she knew full well that class was still in session. About two meters away, the Karrablast had righted itself. Something else had happened, as well; from the shadows of the derelict granary, a third Pokemon revealed itself. This one resembled a little green ball with darker-green ridges all over, clublike arms, dark eyes, and a mouth that looked like it had been stitched on. Olivie did not know the creature's name, though she guessed it was a Grass-type Pokemon, but she instantly saw something she recognized in the way it bore itself. Standing with arms crossed and eyes narrowed, the Cacnea looked mean, tough, and commanding just like the leader of a gang of schoolhard bullies might. Pointing a finger, Olivie declared. ”I'll bet five bucks you're the ringleader of this little crew. Well, it's no great shakes, but you've caught my interest. After we mop up the blue beetle, you're next, big boss.” Plus, if he even came close to living up to his image, the surly Cacnea would be coming with her.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Shanae Eller

Some time passed before Shanae and her team of six arrived at the city perimeters. She looked over to take in her full team. There was Ebon, her stubborn Houndour that didn’t let her capture him without a fight; Turris, her Aron that withstood claws and teeth in battle and seemed at times indestructible; and Dius, her mischievous Trapinch whose hobby was to annoy his teammates without regard. These three Pokemon had won her many a battle during her first few days as a trainer, standing up to both greater and weaker Pokemon. Of course Shanae always made sure she was putting them into fights they had a chance of winning—no amount of wishing would allow Ebon to best a Tentacruel twice its level—and they’d come through for her every time.

After a break in which Shanae rediscovered the wonder of being a trainer, she’d gone and captured Amatorius, her shy but nonetheless adorable Igglybuff; Alcedo, her quiet and understanding Joltik; and Otiosus, her oddly calm Lotad. In a way, one could divide Shanae’s team into a before and after, a tough and adorable bunch.

The contrasting trios of Pokemon spoke of her life, and Shanae wasn’t embarrassed the least that she still had yet to evolve her first Pokemon. After all, she’d had to take a break to build up her life. And she’d done well, if she did say so herself. Rising up the Poke Corp chain of command was no easy feat, even if you were part of the family. Though, Shanae supposed, it would have been harder if she hadn’t been born into the industry,

”You lot ready for an adventure?” Shanae asked playfully, causing her Pokemon to look up at her with surprise. It'd been a while since the woman had felt this free, and her Pokemon knew that better than anyone else. A grin on her face, Shanae pointed down the dirt path. ”Race 'ya!”
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KiritoAsuna
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KiritoAsuna Murderer of darkest night

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Damian's body perked and he came to a complete stop dead in his tracks. The boy reached into his pocket and pulled out a wallet. Upon opening there was an ID card prominently placed. As any other ID card would there was a photo of him with his name, DOB, ID#, ETC. The most prominent thing on the card was the job description for the ID. It read "Pokepagent coordination judge"

With a smile Damian began to explane the ID as his other hand in a fist with thumb extended pointed towards himself. "I am the head judge for the infamous pokepagent" He said with a spry attitude. "at the end of the last pageant season an old friend gave me a pokeball and a brand new pokedex. He told me I needed to go out and do something. He told me I was too young to sit around all year" Damian said the last sentence sadly.

Truthfully Damian enjoyed his job as a judge. He got to set up the events and happily judge who was the best. Nothing was better. The recieval of the pokeball was his favorite thing ever dispute all that because it was from a close friend. The man may have been an older gentleman but he was still a friend. Now damian was determined. He wanted to be a great trainer and still judge pageants until he could become a full gym leader.

Damian looked up and smiled"I still do judge pageants though. And one day I plan to become a great gym leader and have someone by my side as the preliminary tester for all trainers who want to battle me. I don't wish to be the greatest or beat the elite four. I just want to be a pageant judge and a gym leader" the more he spoke the more he got into his story and the more excitement came from his voice. Damian let out a small chuckle, he knew he had been talking for quite some time so he looked up at the other boy.

"well that's my story" he said with a small chuckle. "what about you?"

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Raven Heartwood - Central City


Raven was surprised that the Fletchling seemed to want to participaite as well but certainly wasn't against it. "Ready... set... go!" with that Raven blasted up the stairs at astonishing speed, his natural dexterity allowing him to bound up the stairs effortlessly, sometimes four at a time. Oliver seemed surprised at his trainer's quickness but vigorously pursued him, his shorter legs making things difficult but he was still only a step or two behind. Raven grinned, surprised that he was actually faster than Eevee, for now at least. Three floors later might be a different story, plus Leisy and her Pokemon.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Cillian Weiss

Cillian’s eyes widened as he scanned through the card, impressed. Before Damian, the most impressive person he could have boasted about meeting was the mayor of his nameless hometown, and the old man had terrible memory anyway. Now, Cillian could say that he’d met a “Pokepagent coordination judge,” whatever that meant. Well there’s another topic for me to research, Cillian thought in amusement. If a trainer like Damian ran the contest, Cillian wanted to know more.

Upon hearing Damian’s words about sitting around all day, Cillian recoiled a bit. Perhaps Pokepagents weren’t his thing. Cillian loved the freedom and experiences a trainer had, the ability for them to journey far and wide, discover new things and meet new people and Pokemon. Nonetheless, knowledge was knowledge and it was always nice to know more about the world.

”Next time you have a pageant, be sure to tell me,” Cillian told the boy with a grin. ”Sounds interesting. I might enter myself. That is,” Cillian said, ”if my Pokemon are up for it.”

The Mudkip shot the notion down with a flat look, and Hazmat just gave him the usual goofy grin. ”And, that’s a no,” Cillian translated with a laugh. He sombered up when Damian started talking about his aspirations, reminded off his own lack of direction. What did he want to do?

”Well, I already told you where I was from,” Cillian said with a weak laugh. ”As for the future, I don’t know. I’m just trying to be the best trainer I can,” Cillian admitted, looking down at his two Pokemon again. Yes, he was one of the people that had dreamed of challenging the Pokemon League and becoming champion, but looking at his Pokemon now Cillian realized just how far from that goal he was. ”I suppose we’ll just have to see what the future holds,” he finished lamely, slapping on a grin. ”To Feyhollow we go.”

Shanae Eller

Walking down Central’s main road reminded Shanae of her early days as a trainer. She waved and smiled at passing trainers, talking with a few that recognized her as the leader of the HHG. Huh. There aren’t many HHG members in Central, are there? Shanae thought, scrolling through the members’ geographic locations in her head. Indeed there seemed to be very little guild members in Central. In fact, there may very well be… Zero, Shanae realized with shock, stopping in place. Yep, that was right. The most recent members had moved along in their journey weeks ago, and other members were too wrapped up in their lives to visit Central, even with their bird Pokemon more than big enough to carry them over.

This dilemma, Shanae thought, is absolutely unacceptable. Spotting the nearest two trainers, Shanae sauntered up and plopped herself in front of them.

”Hello boys,” she said, looking the two up and down. They seemed to be journeying together and—by the looks of their Pokemon—just starting their journeys. Much better than trying to pull experienced and therefore prejudiced trainers in, Shanae thought with satisfaction. ”How would you two like to join the Helping Hand Guild?”

A skilled advertiser, Shanae expertly whipped out a poster for her guild and held it up in front of them as Ebon rolled his eyes and sat down knowingly. This was going to take a while.

”Our mission is to establish an organization in which trainers will help each other,” Shanae explained. ”Our mission statement is this: ‘We recognize that, as trainers, we are stronger when we help each other, so we aim to form bonds and connect with fellow trainers. We vow to treat all with respect and never turn away from a fellow trainer in need,’” Shanae explained, pointing to the two-liner emblazoned on the poster in metallic gold. Looking at the pair of trainers again, Shanae raised a brow. ”What do you think? You two in?”

@kiritoasuna -- both by Cillian and Shanae
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Collab Post

Leisy Takigawa

Leisy took her first few steps up the flight of stairs quickly, stopping to look back at Naunet. The penguin was half-hopping, half boosting herself up the flights of stairs, one step at a time. ”Oh Naunet,” Leisy said, jogging back down and squatting with her back to her pokemon. ”C’mon, get on,” she said, glancing back. The Piplup hesitated before jumping on with a faint whumph. Leisy smiled as she resumed the journey up the stairs, her passenger bouncing up and down as she did.

At the top, Leisy crouched down to allow the Piplup to jump off before straightening so that Bidein could perch at his usual spot on his shoulder. ”Did you win?” Leisy asked, looking at the Fletchling in amusement. Bidein looked affronted, responding with a rough shake of his feathers. ”No? Well then, next time you need to fly faster,” Leisy said, pretending to be strict before giggling. ”Just kidding, Bidein. You’re the winner in my eyes. Who won by the way?” Leisy asked, looking over to Raven and Oliver. By the grin on the trainer’s face, she could guess the outcome. ”Surely the human didn’t beat down the adorably stubby Pokemon?”

Looking around, Leisy spotted the desk above which a sign reading “Pokemon Trainer Help Desk” hung and walked over. ”Excuse me,” she said, catching the man’s attention. ”Would you be able to tell us where we can find more information about Organizations?”

Raven Heartwood - Central City

Raven and Oliver both left Leisy behind as soon as she stopped to help poor Naunet. The race was intense to the end but at the last moment Eevee seemed to pull ahead and reached the third floor first. Raven laughed and tossed the berry to Oliver, "Alright buddy, looks like you got the best of me." Oliver however was not impressed with the offer and pushed the berry back at Raven. Raven laughed again, more subdued this time, "Guess you really were paying attention, I thought I'd played that perfectly. Guess I should know better by now." Lesiy arrived and Raven shrugged with a smile: while Oliver looked both pleased at being called adorable but angry with being called stubby. "Ah well, it's- I think we call it a tie. How's that sound Oliver?" Raven threw the berry into the air and somehow it fell back down in two parts, one in each hand. Raven offered one half to Oliver, "Deal?" Oliver looked like he didn't want to accept it, but now the sweet scent had spread through the air. Unable to resist the tantalizing scent he gave in and quickly devoured the offered half before clambering back up Raven. Raven consumed his own part with equal gusto and then followed Leisy to the desk, curious to hear the man's explanation.
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