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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Celia Mockett~

@WeepingLiberty@Dark Light

Celia followed along quietly, not entirely keen on making much conversation as usual. She was honestly more interested in that visitor they were getting. She was curious as to who it could have been. Likely another witch that would be tiring to deal with, but she wanted to know anyways. Well, she could always find out after this little quest. Would be easy enough to deal with whatever it was they were sent to kill. She cast her eyes to the ground, watching her feet move herself forward with about as much haste as she could muster from them. She didn't like fighting for a plethora of reasons, namely of which was simply because she was admittedly lazy. Of course, there were others but Nymphadora interrupted her thoughts with a rather annoying question before she had time to dwell on it.

"...not all that good with magic." Celia replied as her eyes moved from the ground to Nymphadora, unblinkingly staring at the other witch. It seemed Nymphadora didn't know about the...other thing, either. Well that was fine. She didn't need to know and it'd be tiring to explain. "Blood magic...a little, but nothing flashy. It's tiring. Don't worry, I can manage...have for the past seven years...sorta, heh." She yawned again, stretching her arms as if preparing for some workout. If pressed, Nymphadora wouldn't get anything else out of Celia regarding any sort of capabilities she had. It'd be much easier to show them anyways.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ellion
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Ellion The Knowing

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

And That Is How It Ends

collab and concerning @Rune_Alchemist@Viciousmarrow

The injured girl was like a dead weight on his arm. Clearly her fighting spirit had been damped by the claws of the gnome.

But at last they made it, the slaying of the head gnome had stunned the crowed of gnomes considerably and many where slayed in the few moments that followed.

It should have been peace, they should have been done with it all.

Then a haunting voice filled the area, . "The girl who tosses flames... She thinks to underestimate us. I want her dead." It was only then that his eyes flicked from the injured hunter/gnome to the woman who 'tossed the flames' and his heart dropped at what he saw.

Phoebe Longhurst. He should have known that the fates would be so cruel.

He didn't have time to dwell on it as Phoebe released the fireball.

The effect was instant, the hunter was dead. And, after a brief moment, the rest of the infected collapsed. Till only those fully in the world of the living remained.

In the light of the flames, both from bodys and alchemy remnants, the was no hiding from her. Shifting his weight to better support Madeline, he give Phoebe a small smile "Hey..." he said, unsure what else to add.

Phoebe smirked. For something that was so confident, as usual they fell to the righteous flames of God. The inquisitor leaned on her sword, quite satisfied with the outcome. The acrid smell of burning flesh not bothering her at all, or the fact she had essentially murdered someone that could have possibly been saved. Perhaps she had arrived exactly when she had needed to, to save these hunters? Well, she wouldn’t question God or how he worked.

And then God just had to go and ruin her good mood. Her head swiveled to the source of the voice, mouth slightly open as she looked at the man who had addressed her.

“Oh this is just great. Just what I need, an apostate showing up in a town I’ve been sent too. I must have broken some commandment unwittingly for this sort of special torment.” Obvious sarcasm aside, she sheathed her sword with a loud clunk…and promptly decided to ignore him and focused more on the other hunters. “Someone start looking for injured and get them some medical attention!” The inquisitor shouted, shouting commands to the other hunters out of small habit.

@Superboy@TheDoctor@Dark Light@Noxx@Deos Morran@Fetzen@shagranoz@WeepingLiberty@13org@Bright_Ops@Bright_Ops
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Serene's Folly

With impeccable timing, and the gnome ordeal now over, Kyzler made himself known. His appearance and attire was obvious of his trade. A hunter.
His outfit held an array of weapons, tools and trinkets in every place he could put one, weaved through belts, in extra patches and pockets, ect ect.

He came onto the main floor through the back door, but he did not come alone. With a thick heavy rope taught tightly over his shoulder he dragged a half subdued hog tied gnome behind him. Making his way to an appropriate sized corner table he got straight to work.

There was the loud cluttering smash of cups and cutlery as Kyzler cleared the table with one foul swoop. Then a thud followed as he replaced the items with the gnome instead. Skilfully he reworked the ropes and soon the wriggly creature was bound to the table. But rope was not enough.
With purpose designed pitons and a heavy headed gimpy, the hunter proceeded to nail the creatures limbs to the wood.

The following sounds were proof the creature was not only still very alive but defiantly aware of pain.

Kyzler worked with an intense efficiency and practiced skill. Moving on from one thing to the next without pause or hesitation.
In his hand he found a keychain of different shapes and material holy ornaments, one by one he flicked through them and pressed them against the gnomes skin and mentally noted the reaction.

Throughout the whole ordeal he maintained a rugged roguish charm and carefree playful demeanour.
He wore a pleasantly gracious smile that was equally teasing and daring, and some what infectious. This was exceeded only by a steely gaze that tore right through the flesh as it sank into the deep depths of the soul.

"Yor all a pitiful excuse for hunters." He says with a slightly raised voice, to no one in particular but the room. His ever so slight accent giving faint hint of his hidden ancient Irish ancestry.

"But if ne'one got a problem with what ere I'm doing to our friend 'ere? Say it now!."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Noxx
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Samantha Trainer

@Ellion @Deos Morran @13org @shagranoz @Rune_Alchemist @WeepingLiberty
[@Every hunter near Seren's Folly]

A girl kicked open the tavern door nearly breaking it in the process and in walked Samantha with a pouch full of coins and a big smile on her face, from the looks of it everyone still thought she was just a human nurse girl or something even the fact a black cat was hanging around her. Having stashed her broom out back so no one could find it, she arrogantly walked her way to the bar counter and flung several pieces of coin across the table and started to list off several things she wanted several were ingredients of some kind, but the rest was just food for her as she hadn’t eaten in days being so unheedingly broke all the time.

“Give me some chopped meat and a large mug of mead and some milk for the little guy here, ” she shouted leaning against the bar counter and watched as the hunter poured in.

For whatever reason, hunters loved to get drunk and party after accomplishing anything something she’d never really understand, but she wasn’t going to complain, if they were drunk and stupid the chances of her being found out were slim to none unless someone found the magic broom outside. While eating, Samantha decided on her next move, she may have sold out of her fake potions to the villagers, but the hunters themselves didn’t buy anything and she could only assume they were loaded. She could tag along with this bunch and try and catch every piece of silver and gold from them hell, even copper was spendable, the only real problem is that goody good witch outside if she ratted her out or offhand mentioned she was a witch things could get bad fast. Sighing and drinking the last of the mead she spun herself around on the stool and looked out at the crowd.

“So, who needs to see a doctor?!” she shouted, ready to actually be a doctor now to earn trust
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

This is my new home ?

The struggle was over. The ground was littered with the smoldering or not smoldering remains of dead gnomes and soaked in their blood, but none of the hunter's or whatever they were seemed to grasp the need of cleaning up the mess. Jared did. Even at low temperatures the carcasses would soon start to rot and then the job would quickly become even more ugly. The ground water and the adjacent lake could become contaminated, illnesses be the consequence. Or maybe the contangion was able to survive and continue to do spread its evil effect ? Who knew... Or were these people a bunch of assholes leaving the job to the ordinary, native villagers ?

However it wouldn't hurt if he'd delay action by a few minutes, go into the tavern and make sure he'd have ranted a room before there was none available anymore. He needed to sleep somewhere, and preferably somewhere not situated out here in the cold. Only taking off the facemask and not the hood, Jared entered the tavern named Witches' Paradise. Not having seen it from inside previously, it took him a few moments to orientate himself.

Then he headed towards the counter, having to hold his hood in place with his fingers because it was rubbing against some of the crossbeams of the ceiling. The high chairs in front of the table that usually required their users to put their feet of the ground in order to sit comfortably were a much better and way less hilarious alternative than putting himself down onto one of the ordinary ones. It was to hope they wouldn't crack.

Jared didn't know either Abigail's or Marcus' name, but the former one seemed to be in charge of the bar here so he decided to adress her: "Greetings. I'd like to have a large mug of beer - and rent a room. Is one available ? A cheap one would suffice." He'd have to pinch pennies here until he found another source of them. Wasn't there some kind of job board over there ? Jared made a mental note to investigate it later. Also he made a mental note about staying away from that corner table where... some crazy man... was... dissecting... one of the gnomes... as it appeared. Was there any place even worse than a tavern filled with people who wanted to relax, drink and eat to do this ? He instinctively regretted not having turned his head the other way around to get the job board into his view. It would have saved him the discovery.

"Maybe you should lend this man over there a hand... And reassure that everything's properly disinfected after he's done." Jared lowly said towards the woman who claimed to be a doctor wanting to help, nodding towards Kyzler and his doing in the process.

@Superboy@TheDoctor@Dark Light@Noxx@Deos Morran@Ellion@shagranoz@WeepingLiberty@13org@Bright_Ops@Bright_Ops
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Emmerich Jaeger

Interacting with:@Superboy@TheDoctor@Dark Light@Noxx@Deos Morran@Ellion@shagranoz@WeepingLiberty@Fetzen@Bright_Ops@Bright_Ops

After the gnome issue was dealt with, and the transforming hunter dead, Emmerich had no reason to stay like that anymore.
"It vas a delightful night indeed." he said laughing as he took off his mask. Almost instantly, his posture changed, and the creepy and sinister aura that hovered over him disappeared as suddenly as it started.

"*sigh* Every time you get out somesink happens, doesnt it? Kruel and rusless as alvays... At least try to not get my kloses dirty next time..." Emmerich said to the mask before putting it on a pocket inside his overall. "Zee hunter kould still be saved..." he mumbled to himself, looking to the scorched remains of the hunter and kneeling down examining the remnants of some gnomes.

"Going avay or stayink silent is not an option... I vill need to explain myself to zee osers..." he thought to himself, looking to the mangled bodies on the floor and trying to clean his clothes from the foul smelling blood.

As he walked back to the tavern, he looked around for Avalon. He didn't know if she would look for him after what his other persona did, but he hoped she would. He didn't know why, but he felt... different. He felt like the beast inside him was under control when he was with her, he felt that it stopped trying to claw and gnaw its way out from the back of its mind.

It was getting worse each day. He knew that the beast was part of him, but each day that passed he feared that the beast would take control.

With those grim thoughts on his mind, and a weird warm feeling on his chest he kept searching for Avalon, but was interrupted by a very... unique sight.

Under another hunter, there was the most intriguing creature he ever saw. A hybrid. Part dragon part girl, and apparently, she was using some very powerful magic. His scholar side took over almost instantly, curiosity growing stronger as he walked hastily towards her, with his eyes shining.

"Little miss, don't be afraid, kould you ansver me some questions? Vat are you? How vere you born? Are your parents witches or humans?" he yelled, asking the little girl.
His posture and aura were completely different from before, he had the eyes of a scholar: excited and happy when staring at the unknown...

"*ahem* I'm sorry." he said regaining his composure.

"I don't sink she is very komfortable under your weigh. No offenses, of kourse." he said with a chuckle, offering his hand to the hunter.

"Zee fight is over, now its time for zee mediks to do zeir vork. If I'm not mistaken, you vere yelling somesink about healink and taking kare of zee vounded, yes?" he said to the hybrid girl, looking to his burnt hand. "I vonder if you kould heal my hand later."

"Maybe you vill be able to help some of zem, but i must warn you little one, be kareful. I'm a scholar, so its only natural for me to be attrakted by you, but there are some around here zat voulnt be komfortable to have a vitch around zem. Your life may be in danger... I'll try to make sure zat no one looses zeir mind ven zey see you at zee tavern, but i kant promise zat i vill be able to stop zem. Its your choice: you can eiser go to zee tavern and try to heal zee wounded and earn zee hunters' trust or run away." he said, genuinely worried about the hybrid girl.

"Vell, i cant run, nor change vat happened... I believe i owe some explanations to zee oser hunters. Meet me at zee tavern if you care to hear zem..." he said to the hunters nearby, heading towards the tavern, but still searching with his eyes for Avalon.


Interacting with:@Superboy@TheDoctor@Dark Light@Noxx@Deos Morran@Ellion@shagranoz@WeepingLiberty@Fetzen@Bright_Ops@Bright_Ops

" Get down!" the nearby hunter yelled, throwing himself over her, kocking her down

"Ouch! Why would yo-" Shai was protesting as she heard a whistle and felt two big bolts passing over hers and the other hunter's head.

She stood there, laying on the ground, in shock for a while.

"T-thank you. You saved my life." she said, her eyes wide open.

When she looked up again, everything had happened so fast... Fire everywhere as a weird woman yelled, scorching and killing many gnomes.
Just as she looked towards the hunter that she was trying to save, she saw it burning inside the flames.

"No... The doctor said it could still save the hunter..." she mumbled as its flesh turned to ash in the hot flames.

She kept looking for the terrible scene in front of her, the fire, the dead hunter... It was too chaotic, too many things were happening...

“Someone start looking for injured and get them some medical attention!” Shai heard the firebomb woman yelling.

Shaking her head, she recompose herself. "Right... the wounded. Umm, mr. Hunter, thanks for saving me but... you are... kinda heavy..." she said trying to push him off her.

"Little miss, don't be afraid, kould you ansver me some questions?" a voice with a heavy accent called for her.
Looking around for the owner of that voice, she jumped as she saw the sinister and creepy man who was dancing around the battlefield, only... there was something different with him this time. It was almost like it was a completely different person. His eyes were shining, and he appeared very excited and glad as he walked on her direction

"Zee fight is over, now its time for zee mediks to do zeir vork. If i'm not mistaken, you vere yelling somesink about healink and taking kare of zee vounded, yes? I vonder if you kould heal my hand later." the odd hunter said to her.

"Oh yes, i mean, i can heal your hand and the other wounded hunters. After i help the other who are more wounded I'll sure look for you." she said, still wary and unrestful about the odd hunter.

"Maybe you vill be able to help some of zem, but i must warn you little one, be kareful. I'm a scholar, so its only natural for me to be intrigued and attrakted by you, but there are some around here zat voulnt be komfortable to have a vitch around zem. Your life may be in danger... I'll try to make sure zat no one looses zeir mind ven zey see you at zee tavern, but i kant promise zat i vill be able to stop zem. Its your choice: you can eiser go to zee tavern and try to heal zee wounded and earn zee hunters' trust or run away."
Although the hunter appeared to actually be worried about her, his words fell on her like a cold shower, opening her eyes. She was not safe. The hunters were as dangerous to her as the gnomes were. Yes, she met some hunters that were trying to protect her, but she didn't know what the others would do.

"I know... But i need to heal the wounded ones before going away. It was for this exact purpose why i came here." she said, afraid of what could happen to her.

Finally being able to squeeze her way out of the heavy hunter's body, she got up and ran to the other hunter nearby, he apparently was in a lot of pain.

"I'm sorry for being so indelicate, but he is suffering." she said to the hunter that saved her.

"Now breath deeply, try to be calm and stop trying to fight against the magic, let it out, I'll absorb it." she said, slowly touching his forehead with her hands. His skin was very hot, but thanks to the water the other hunter poured on him, wasn't hot enough to burn her hands.

She started to siphon the excess magic out of his body. Something was indeed wrong with it. It doesn't seemed to be his magic. It was something wild, full of hate and that existed only to destroy things.
As she siphoned the excess magic out of him, Shai's hands started to get hotter and hotter, as the magic passed through it.

"Argh! It burns!" she gasped, letting out a cry of pain as she jumped back, falling on the ground.

"What... is that?" she asked, surprised.
"What do you have inside you?" She asked, afraid.

Calling two of her cards, she put them in front of her hands, shielding her against that strange magic.
Touching him again, now with the cards in front of her hands, she started the process again.

"It might take a while, but hang on there. It will be over soon."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Whoami
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Whoami All things atmospheric...

Member Seen 4 days ago

Tera Valenci

It took Tera a moment to realize that the ground was holding the undead down. It was only after realizing her desperate kicking and attempts at making distance were working that she saw the roots. Then she heard a voice just next to her ear and realized there was a small fairy standing on her shoulder. She yelped again in sheer surprise, but stopped herself from batting her away. "I saw the wrecked carriage on the main road, was that yours? Are you alright?" the fairy asked. Tera didn't speak, she just nodded to the first question and shook her head for the second.

When the fairy looked over to the undead Dale, it gurgled and groaned ferociously. "H-he... But, he's dead. What in the name of Oberon is going on, who would do such a horrible thing?"

Tera was shaking as she came down from her shock. Still cold and soaked from the strange torrential downpour earlier, and covered in mud and dirt, she certainly didn't look like anybody important. Had she been wearing an intricate dress, she might have passed for a girl of nobility, but her travel leathers spoke for her as a young adventurer. She shivered some more, her arms crossed over her chest. It took her a while to finally say something to the fairy, "Th- thank you... I would have been done for if you hadn't shown up..."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by shagranoz


Member Seen 3 days ago

The wounded... right. Kalisel kept what few medical supplies she had in a small hip pouch. Nothing fancy, just a few bandages and some medicinal herbs. First, she looked herself over. A few cuts and scratches, none of which deserved the term "wound", and a massive bruise on the back of her right knee that she could not remember how she had gotten. A few minutes rubbing that, and she already felt much better.

As she stood up, she watched a young woman with scales draining some sort of mystical energy from a man. Though she was no longer attuned to the supernatural, she wasn't an idiot, either. She slowly walked over to the two. "Excuse me, but mind if I ask what's going on here?" The tone of her voice wasn't accusatory- merely curious.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Draco Russ

Currently: In Seren's Folly (Outside)

Interacting:@13org@Ellion@Superboy@Deos Morran@shagranoz

Danger dodged, Draco rolled off the witch and took a moment to get back onto his feet with a small ache of pain in his knees that his medications and potions couldn't take care of. The thank you was appreciated, but Draco still took a moment to offer the younger woman a small bow as he said in return You're welcome.

Looking around the battlefield again, he couldn't help but frown a little at the sights he saw. Granted he had seen plenty of sights like it (oftentimes worse) but he couldn't help but feel the futility of the carnage that had taken place. The attack was ill planned and the slaughter that had taken place because of it couldn't have possibly made it worth it to the gnomes...

Emmerich had returned and managed to suppress whatever instability that was plaguing his mind... for now at least. However, while he would have to keep an eye on him for the time being to judge if he would need to be dealt with at some point Draco noticed that he currently had bigger concerns. The fire wielding woman that had put down the infected hunter with fire was clearly a zealot; Worse, she was a fire and brimstone zealot. He had seen her kind before and they tended to be troublesome before they died. He was going to have to keep an eye on her as well...

Walking behind the dragon tailed witch, he shadowed her a little as he said softly "I think it might be a good idea for me to stick with you for the time being..." Exactly why this was a good idea didn't need to be explained he hoped.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Kill the Spyder

Concerning:@WeepingLiberty@Rune_Alchemist@Dark Light


Chapter 1.7
Chores and duties

(@ the Fortress )

As the monster hunting trio headed towards their destination Arden followed at the back of the small group, keeping out of site, out of the way and unheard. As he was taught to.
Nonetheless he held a faint smile on his face, someone was concerned for his welfare. Be it inadvertently due to care for their own or not, it was still a foreign concept.
He also relished in being referred to as an apprentice, compared to his usual titles apprentice was quite uplifting. It's true he had been learning what he could where he could, but Miria was far from an educating mentor with her appetite for, well, other things.
But thanks to what knowledge and experience he could drain from her and her resources, coupled with his many tireless hours of clandestine training, Arden's blood magic had since superseded his mistresses awareness.
He kept his true talents, like his training, hidden.

So when he heard Celia mention blood magic an excitement grew within him. Quickly filling the silence he took his turn to answer with a simple short yet safe reply.

"I am the son of a witch and share my mothers blood, I will be fine."

Arden used old formalities to both answer and avoid the question. He had learnt that some of the elder and more ritual bound witches didn't like males to refer to themselves as such, instead believing it was more than just magic that made a woman a witch.
So Arden played it safe and kept his cards to his chest. After Celia's reply hopefully his own wouldn't draw too much of Nymphadora's attention.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Blind, Bound and Backward Otherwise known as: Introducing

Shout out to [@Mexillion]

Allaria could deal with a lot of things. She had mastered the cold, quenched her thirst and someone retained a somewhat sane mind and yet, nothing crippled her as much as hunger. The small funds she had scraped together from thieving had afforded her a number of meals so far but in a town full of poor peasants trying to find their way through life, there wasn't much pickings. And so, she moped in the local tavern for quite a while.

She had already taken the image of another; an older man who looked more accustomed to the inside of a tavern. It kept her safe for the most part as there weren't many people who could peer past her spells.

The barkeep was strict but fair and let her stay in a smaller room at a decent price. All in all, she shouldn't have been complaining but Allaria enjoyed nothing more than wallowing in worry and self-doubt. That worry would have kept up all day if it wasn't for the sudden entry of a certain individual. Her hearing was superb but it wasn't her hearing that intrigued her. Whoever this person was, they had something magical in their possession. Magical items were worth a lot - like eat well for the next two months a lot.

Whatever it was, she wanted it. She had grown sick of hunger, frankly. Sinking back in her chair, she let her senses sharpen and pick up the details she missed. There were several other patrons in the tavern but they wouldn't be any help. Letting the sounds envelop her, it occurred to her that the barmaid was filling drinks to lift out. Biding her time, she waited for the familiar flip of the entrance to behind the bar before she threw her plan into action. Picturing something grotesque in her head, she quickly crafted it - it wasn't professional but it would do. Within a moment, a loud scream filled the tavern and the barmaid leapt backwards, the beer following in a sharp arc. Collapsing into the stranger, the stage was set and Allaria leapt into action.

Moving to her feet in what appeared to be the drunken blind beggar jumping up, she was on the incident in a moment. Without much thought, her hand seized the source of magical energy and snapped it away. She had already turned for the door by the time she had secured the amulet thing and without further ado, she took off.

The barmaid was very pretty, that was certain. Clearly he wasn't the first one who had shared a similar thought, based on the way that the Inn Keeper kept a very sharp knife on hand that he would 'unrelatedly' pull out and sharpen whenever anyones hands or eyes lingered too long on his daughter.

But what was the man anyway, not a true threat. Should Al been interested in his daughter beyond the visual appel, there wouldn't have been a damn thing that the man could have done to stop him. The mere act of trying would surely end in his death.

A scream halted him musing, followed by a crash that sent him sprawling across the floor and a heavy, sweet smelling weight on his chest. It was a waste of beer, but the moment had to be enjoyed. While the girl was less than a witch, the feeling was still the same. Soft curves in all the right places, his to take and hold should he wish. Not that he'd dare do that to a witch without her permission, but the barmaid was hardly a witch.

It was in that moment that he noticed its absents. The small, sun emblemed pendant, a final parting gift from his father. Although Al could sense the power in it, its true purpose was still a mystery. Had his father known its purpose, he didn't share it with his son. That didn't mean he welcomed its absents. Nor did he plan on taking pity on the little rat who stole it.

Shoving the sobbing wreak of a woman from him, he glanced around the tavern to see the door slam shut. "Fucking Bitch," he growled. This was not how he planned to spend his afternoon.

Surpisingly, the thief was easier to track once outside of the tavern. A light scent filled the air. The closest description of the scent would be 'the smell of lightening striking' not the burning that came after, nor the rain that came before. It was a very faint scent, but similar to the odor that always hung around his mother and sister. The problem was that there were still enough people that he couldn't say for sure which one was causing the smell.

The last thing he needed was to alert who ever it was to the fact that he was following, and a few times who ever it was took a turn and Al would miss her. But eventually he was able to trace the pattern. Wherever the scent was, the same old man stood as well. Biding his time, Al waited until there were few people around, in an area of town that could care less if an old man got the shit beat out of him. The locals would probably pick the old man's pockets later to see if Al left anything behind.

With a sudden jolt of energy, Al sprinted, catching the old man around the neck and forcing the pair of them into the allyway. [color=FFD700] "Good Afternoon friend,"[/color he growled, holding him up by his neck. [color=FFD700]"Now, what is a nice old man like yourself doing with something of mine?"[/font]. Al bared his teeth, leaning in closer. "One might think that a wise sorcerer would be smarter than to piss off a person in a place where his head it literally worth its weight in gold,"

Allaria wasn't quite sure how she navigated the busy streets of the town but she did. Sound was a wonderful thing and something about each street and alley seemed to pull her aside until she was certain that if there was anyone tailing her, they had long since disappeared. Sighing a somewhat relieved sigh, her hands fastened around the amulet and she let her fingers gently identify it. It's shape was odd but she could feel the power coursing through it. It would earn a good amount of gold and if it didn't, there were always hunters who would be interested in the previous owner.

A sudden jolt and a pair of hands around her neck dragged the air from her as she immediately kicked, to no effect. Due to the fading noise, she was sure she was dragged into somewhere quiet, somewhere dark. This wasn't good. Keeping her mouth shut, her senses suddenly went dull as she was slammed against a wall, the hand around her neck the only thing holding her up.

Allaria suspected reasoning wouldn't get through to this one so she did her best to quickly construct something. A guard - like the one that had stopped her on her way into the town. It wasn't pretty and it wasn't detailed but the light was low so it was enough. "Who goes there!?" A voice sounded as her apparition rounded the corner, his hand on the hilt to his sword as he edged into the alley. It was a gamble but it was her only chance.

Al stiffened as he heard the guard apporach. There was something off about it, or perhaps it was the mere fact that the old man's magic flared just moments before the guard appeared. "Well," he said, growling, his voice lowering. "Best give it back while you still have the chance to escape. Any halfway decent guard round here would take you happily off, very little proof needed, they are very trigger happy here," Truth, he might just chuck the old man at the guard if it really came down to it. Wizard or not, youth was always faster than aged.

It seemed as if he had bought it for a moment. There was a flicker of worry or annoyance across his face as her construction rounded on them. Allaria bit her tongue. She needed the food - the hunger was becoming painful and by all reasoning, the amulet would take that hunger away for a long time. She was going to fight. "Here I am, an old blind man half starved. There's no evidence for my sins. But you, you're a different case. Let me go and I won't have you taken to the stake." Her magic covered her voice but it couldn't cover the shakiness, the fear and exposed nerves.

"Your move awfully fast for a blind man," he said, tightening his grip, painfully aware of how close the guard was now. "The evidence for your sins, is hanging in your hand. Now...when this guard gets here, the question is...who will have the button. As it stands that person isn't me," There was something off about the old man, it was as though he was afraid. "Make the choice...now,"

She was becoming very aware of the tightening of his hand around her throat and the spluttered breathes she was trying to breath. The guard was on her side but as she kicked and kicked, things became... weird. The guard stopped very suddenly as he came into their field of view. Instead of drawing his sword he jumped forward a few paces. His mouth opened but only a jumbled mess spewed out. The projection was failing and she knew it.

There, out of the corner of his eye, he saw the guard...falter. "So that was the spell that you were casting," he muttered. "I was worried it might be something harmful. Now, since you showed me yours, I guess it is time to show you mine, now tell me, ever been on the bad side of a fire bug?" It was then that he started applying heat, slow growing, but his hand was getting increasingly hotter.

The pressure on her throat was already bad but it was a walk in the park compared to what was coming. As his hands continued to heat and heat, her skin slowly became unbearably hot and the pain overpowered any problems breathing. Almost naturally, her tight grip opened and the amulet cluttered to the ground but the damage was already done. Almost like the rain was washing dirt from her skin, she began to change. Features softened, hair brightened and her body gently fell back into shape. Within a minute, it was no longer the blind man but a bright haired girl who would have screamed if she could muster the breath.

The second he saw the change, Al dropped the girl as though it was he who had been burned and not the woman. His eyes shot to the floor, his head dropping. "I'm sorry ma'am," he muttered. "I didn't realize...that you were a witch," Although he noticed the charm on the floor, he didn't reach to take it. "I know it won't repay the sins I've commited, but if the charm is something you require, then it is yours should you wish it. Among anything else you deem worth my crime," Why the fuck did a witch hide herself as an old man.

She crashed to the ground, lungs begging for air as her hands clutched at the burnt skin on her neck. She knew it wasn't bad but it hurt a great deal. Letting out a low cry, she quietly held herself close to the wall. The pain was all that she could process - his complete U-turn had yet to become apparent. Her murky eyes darted everywhere and the fear was obvious but he was harmless at that point.

Eventually, after a painfully long wait of her pulling her breathing back to normal and trying to stop herself from crying in front of this wizard, she spoke. "The inn. I want to go back to the inn." She murmured quietly.

"At once, do they know your face m'am, or just the old man?" he said, reaching down to help the girl to her feet, trying to take most of the weight onto himself "If it hurts mistress, I have some ointment if you'll allow me to treat you,"

She had no idea what was going on but she wasn't about to turn down something that would numb the pain. Standing slowly, her blindness was apparent as she clutched at his arm until she had her bearings before standing. "No, just the old man. And yes, I would... appreciate that."

"Then, perhaps we should wait until you are well enough until we appear," he said, reaching into his pocket to retrieve a ointment. "It'll be a tad cold," he said, spreading it over the burn. While he was, in essence, fireproof, there had been more than a few incidences that made it more than a need. "M'am, I understand that if I am far too out of place by asking. But why did you take my amulet?"

The ointment brought a welcome relief from pain as her skin cooled almost immediately. Sighing softly, she relaxed into the cold of the wall. He was no danger to her so she could afford to bear a few weaknesses. From what she could see, this one had been conditioned but she wasn't certain. "It would fetch quite a price and I needed the coin for food. Blind girls aren't particularly profitable, you see."

As the ointment worked into her skin, she carefully raised her hand to her face and let magic flow. Almost immediately, the worst of the scars faded and her features softened in an intelligent illusion.

"If things are so bad," he said, straightening up. "Then why are you still alone? It was my understanding that witches banded together for survival, usually from hunters, but I suppose for a hot meal as well," True, some witches chose to be alone. But those were the crazed, the wild and the inhuman. A few might stay away for reasons of pride, but real need, most of them put away their pride and would find a few sisters that would be willing to help.

Her magic slowly seeped through her face, the murky waters of her eyes dissolving into a solitary blue. She still was blind as a bat but it looked a bit better than scars and white eyes.

"I heard about a coven up north. Up in the forests near Seren's Folley. They say they're trying to awaken old magic and their leader is a healer. I thought... well I don't know if it's true but if she becomes stronger, she can deal with this." She waved at her eyes casually, her head still turned away from him. "Why are you alone?"

"Dad wanted a new wife, new life. He didn't kick me out or nothing, but you could tell I was weighing him down. He did suggest...well... he suggested I also head that way. To the castle of his youth," He said smoothly, in a way that almost sounded rehearsed.

While the last thing he wanted was company, he knew he couldn't very well leave her alone. " I know I've done nothing to make you trust me Ma'am, but if you require it and to repay my debt of harming you, I could help you get to Seren's Folly,"

"I know the feeling." She grumbled, casting a thought back to the family that had so readily accepted an imposter. Within a moment, she had threw the memory away again. It was no use to her.

Reaching up, she grimaced as her fingers graced the cooling skin of her neck. It still hurt like high hell but it was getting better. Casting her face up to where she reckoned his general direction, she thought over it before hastily agreeing. Pursing her lips, an eyebrow flew upwards. "I think taking me there is the least you can do. Dinner would be a start though." She added, a small smile dashing across her lips.

What a pain thought Al, there had been a large part of them that hoped the girl would be too proud to accept his help. He didn't want to have to waste time caring for her, not when it would be so much faster to just be on his own. Then there was the extra work and the unnerving feeling she gave him consistantly starting just past him, like she saw someone or something behind him. But...of course she was blind and could see nothing. "Very well, would you care to return to the tavern? Or is there somewhere or something else that you'd rather eat?

"I can think of somewhere..."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 7 mos ago


Witches Paradise

No complaints, well ok then.
Kyzler proceeded to take out a marked spindle of string and record measurements of the creatures height, size, teeth and claws. He had coloured viles on the table next to a running sand timer. He dug dirt out from under the monsters nails for examination and then he moved onto the messy job of examine its stomach contents.

There was much to learn.

"Oi beanstalk!" he calls out to the giant as he caught him begrudgingly looking his way. How many more were out there? What was the count? Kyzler asked, never taking his focus off his work on the table.

Blood now stained his hands and was splattered lightly on his face but the man held his smile, whistling a broken tune as he worked.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ellion
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Ellion The Knowing

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Spare the Rod

There was a loud commotion coming from the front. It wasn't terribly uncommon for hunters to try and get the party going again after the hunt. In her younger years, those times were welcomed, but in her later years, well, she had gotten real tired of their shit.

Tonight was one of those nights. The voice, male, seemed to be dragging along some kind of growling creature. Then, suddenly, there was a second voice, female and bossy. Taking out anger on the poor door.

Sighing, she shoved open the door to see three hunters. One dragging around that was no doubt a living gnome, the second too tall to be allowed and the third, some bossy little girl.

"What the hell," growled Abby, loud enough to make sure she was heard over the rest of them. "You!" she said, rounding on the boy hunter. "I don't know who you are or where you come from, but this is a proper establishment. People eat here and I will not be having you chopping or experimenting on anything in here. If you should feel such a need to play with your gnome, clean up your mess and take it to your damn room,"

"And you," she growled, turning on the girl sitting at her tavern. "Maybe that behavior is acceptable is other taverns, but if you expect service, you DO NOT kick in someones door and coming in yelling like you are some big shot, demanding to be fed, " She then dropped her voice down to a low murmur " You aren't, trust me I've seen them and you aren't even a small fish in a small pond in comparison. So, if you would like to receive service march right back out that door, you may come in when you are ready to act like a respectable patron and not a second before, do I make myself very clear?"

"Now, as for you," she said, rounding on the giant. "Room 12 is open, just up the stairs and to the left. Marcus will see to your drink if his lazy ass ever bothers to get in here to help

@Dark Light@Fetzen@Noxx@WeepingLiberty
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Noxx
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Samantha Trainer

@Ellion @Deos Morran @13org @WeepingLiberty @Fetzen

Samantha was taken aback at least she pretended to be putting her hand on her head and nearly falling out covering her face so she could roll her eyes. She didn’t like normal people, for this reason, they liked to talk entirely too much, especially the ones who run stuff, well witches were kind of the same way, but in a more magical way and they were easier to get along with. Leaning back far in her stool nearly falling out, if anyone was paying attention they could see a devilish smile as she had just gotten an idea when the incognito witch sprang back to life and jumped the stool.

“I am appalled good madam, I come to you as a paying customer from a battlefield and were treated to this customer service?!” she yelled, another act of hers as she walked backwards dramatically towards the front door stumbling over several misplaced objects “I didn’t see you out there yelling at the gnomes for driving away business or helping the hunters” she shouted ‘accidently’ bumping into a random warrior “Oh sorry good sir” she said patting him on the back picking his pocket and using shadow magic to make it easier emptying the pouch of coin and putting it in another hunter's pocket.

“If you were actually watching the others instead of me, you’d have caught this man stealing from this fine gentleman right here, I sure saw him when he walked in!” she yelled snatching the pouch again, this time only in plain view and throwing it on the table, thus starting a fight right then and there in the tavern over literally nothing while Samantha scooting away with the silver in her own pocket. The young witch continued this little song and dance of hers all around the tavern using light and darkness magic in small ways to get away with stealing, then blame it on someone else entirely to start a ruckus any witch with a trained eye could tell what she was doing but to these drunken idiots were none the wiser. “Oh woe is me a helpless girl like me picked on by the tavern owner who can’t even stop common thieves” she shouted stumbling out the door.

About five seconds later Samantha kicked open the door again and walked herself right back to her original seat at the bar counter, spun herself around a little bit and flung the same amount of coins over the counter and ordered the exact same thing in the more informal rude way she could manage it all with a smug look on her face.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Deos Morran
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Deos Morran I am the Adorable!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Lusius Mathand


LUsius continued his fight, resisting the torrential anger trying to burst out from inside him. Yet still it was fading very slowly and when Shai spoke to him about standing still and that she was going to take away the magic in him he could only sigh internally. Not out of spite or anything, but that he couldn't sit still so her request was arbitrary. Regardless she was still able to lay her hand on him and he could keep his burden lessening, if only by a little. However, that was when the rage of the Burning Man seared her magically and Lusius could only watch as she recoiled in pain. He felt bad for her, that he hurt her as she was only trying to help him through his ordeal. But she didn't seem detered and when she returned with magical protection to drain his magical reserves the Burning Man took notice...

Feeling his strength being tapped and drained the Burning Man was furious. True, Shai wasn't taking nearly enough to ever be a problem to his great power, but that didn't mean he was going to be nice about it. After all his rage was eternal and now some stupid bitch was trying to steal from him! Well if she wanted his rage he'd give it to her...

Suddenly while Shai was draining the excess magic from Lusius a sudden and powerful surge erupted from Lusius right for Shai, it wasn't an attack, but it was just a willing rush of the Burning Man's rage magic right to her hands. So forceful was his "gift" that it would burn her cards and try furiously to shatter them, charging into her to hurt her. True with the amount he expended and through her protection it wouldn't even maim her, but it sure wouldn't feel good...

Yet after that was done, Lusius had enough control and the Burning Man was distracted on hurting Shai so he made his bid to take full control again, lashing out with his mind to subdue the Burning Man once again. Panting heavily from his vicious internal brawl with the devil Lusius went to his hands and knees, but then shortly got back up, clearly a changed man. Standing up he rubbed his head and then the pain and struggle of fighting was gone from him. Then in that same moment he went over to Shai, looking to not only thank her but also to help her with any harm he may or may not have involuntarily caused her.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 2 yrs ago



Inside the tavern had been relatively peaceful while the hunters were out, the sounds of battle ringing clearly throughout the town but at least that was outside. It gave Marcus time to clean things up a bit to prepare for the crowd that was no doubt going to return rowdier than when they had left. As predicted, once the sounds of fighting had died down, several individuals came bursting in through the door in a much less than respectable fashion. One girl literally kicked the door in while another man had the audacity to drag a living monster into Abby's establishment. He had opened him mouth to say something however Abigail beat him to it so he remained silent, but vigilant, while he dried off some of the glasses. His smirk however quickly vanished as the girl, responsible for almost kicking the door off it's hinges, decided to make a much larger scene.

Marcus probably wouldn't have taken much issue with her if she hadn't decided to challenge Abigail's merit as a barkeep. Setting the glass down in a rather irritable fashion, a hint of anger flashed behind his eyes despite the polite smile he maintained on his face. "If you will pardon me for a moment sir, I shall show you to your room momentarily." He nodded his acknowledgement to the patron whom Abby detailed him with making comfortable before turning back to the girl. Stepping around from the bar he approached her, literally looking down at the much shorter girl with a stiff expression. "This is a dangerous town my dear, plenty of unsavory folks wander through. My sweet Abigail prides herself in keeping her hardworking patrons safe and happy, considering you are neither from the lack of gnome heads you've brought forth, such pleasantries may or may not be extended to you. I don't take very kindly to strangers ordering her around like you own the place, nor do I appreciate you attempting to stir up trouble between our guests. Sticky fingers will gladly be removed if you aren't careful, love. Now-" He growled, swiping the coins from the counter and approaching the men she had been standing near before. "-Rule number one of being a pick pocket: No matter how skilled you think yourself to be, remember there is always someone better. Rule number two: If you are going to try and divert attention from your theft, try not to continue being the loudest, most obnoxious thing in the room." Slipping the empty bag from the dumbfounded hunter's hands, he filled it back up with the coins the girl had thrown across the counter and handed it back to the original owner who nodded silently. "Now, I believe Abby here gave you a choice. Either take your ungrateful ass outside and reenter with a little common decency, or shut up and take your business elsewhere. We have plenty of people here, your presence will not be missed." At this point in time Marcus' smile had completely vanished, leaving behind nothing but a challenging glare. "As for you..." He turned his head to stare at the man who had brought the live beast into the establishment for his experiments. "I do believe the point of a hunt is to kill the beasts. If you're having trouble I'm sure one of these fellas would be more than willing to give you a hand."

@Ellion@Dark Light@Fetzen@Noxx [@Everyone else in the tavern I'm not directly interacting with??]


Mia Edition

The small fairy smiled as the woman finally spoke up, nodding her head in acknowledgement of the thanks. "It's not a problem at all. I'm just glad I was able to help in some way. But you still haven't explained... What happened? Where is the rest of your travelling party, you can't have been travelling by yourself?" Suddenly Mia remembered the look of recognition the girl had concerning the moving corpse and shook her head. "Nevermind, we can save that for another time. For now we have to get you out of here. I know somewhere safe we can go, but it's still a ways up the road for one without wings. Can you make the journey?" She asked, eyes beginning to dart around nervously. The smell of magic was bound to draw the attention of several kinds of beasts that lived in the forest. It was best if they moved on, and soon.




Remaining silent while her companions answered, Nymphadora had to fight back a sigh. Naturally she would be put in charge of a difficult case, not only having a creature of unknown capabilities to defeat but two partners who didn't sound very promising. She could hope for the best, but she was also one to expect the worse and prepare for it. "Very well then." She pulled out two scraps of parchment and one vial from her bag, checking them over before turning to hand one parchment to either person and the vial as an addition to Arden. "On the paper I have given you is a magical inscription, or a magic circle if you will. I would not advise using it unless you have to as it's effects can be a little harsh. It's activation is fairly simple, only requiring a dab of your own blood to be smeared across it and then held in front of you. If executed properly it will create a temporary barrier between you and your attacker, however it's effects only last for a minute and a half at best. I know you two said you would be fine, but I want you to keep those on you just as a precaution." She explained before turning to glance at Arden out of the corner of her eye. "As for you, that vial... I want you to drink it when we get there. The last thing I want is Mirai hounding me that I got you killed despite it being her fault for sending you into the fray exhausted. It's won't last forever but should be enough to boost your energy through the fight. Oh, and keeping it secret is advised for both our sakes but I don't really need to tell you that, do I?"

@Dark Light @Rune_Alchemist

Avalon & Kyrso


It seemed as if someone had taken her advice after all, though perhaps a little more cruelly than she had anticipated. The smell of burning flesh was beginning to make her feel sick, but it wasn't anything she couldn't handle. Scooping up as many gnome heads as she could along side her beastly companion, she met up with Kyrso who had done the same exact thing. "Well at least we know we have some cash for a room tonight... Or maybe a gift for your new suitor." Kyrso chuckled, earning an eye roll from his twin sister. "Idiot. Come on, let's go cash these in and find somewhere to buckle down for the night. I'm exhausted." She growled, stalking past her brother toward the town.

"I would be too, dancing the night away like that. You two looked so sweet together I might cry. When's the wedding? Can I be the ring bear-oof!" Kyrso doubled over as Ava's foot made contact with his gut, eyes ablaze as she glared down at him. "Are you quite finished or do I need to beat some more sense into you? Geez, how am I related to you?" She grumbled after threatening him, turning on her heel to continue on without him. "Oh come now Ava, you know I was just joking." "You're not funny." "You don't mean that-oof... Okay maybe you do." The man groaned, finding himself doubled over in pain once again. The wolf keeping pace beside her seemed to chuckle at him, blowing air out his nose while his tail wagged merrily.

Something pulled Avalon's attention aside, back a little ways in the direction they had come from. Her eyes rested on a man dressed quite similarly to the one she had been fighting alongside before... Only this man seemed to have a completely different vibe... Again. It was the same one from the tavern before he had exited with that creepy mask on. "What a strange man. I just cannot seem to understand what goes on in that head of his. Not that it matters, the fight is over now and as hunters do, we will most likely head our separate ways." Her eyes flashed back to her brother who, at the moment, was grinning like an idiot. Feigning a lunge in his direction she watched as he jumped and tripped over himself, falling to the ground with a laugh. She was beginning to think strange was just the normal state for men. "At the very least, you should go thank the man. Face it, fighting like that... You would have had to retreat ages ago without his help." The boy flinched again as Avalon's glare deepened, but relaxed as the woman exhaled instead of hitting him again. "I suppose... Fine, but only if you promise to shut up about this." Kyrso crossed his finger over his chest where his heart would be, grinning the whole time.

Shaking her head, Avalon departed from her small group to approach the twisted man. "Emmerich was it, do you have a moment?" She called out lightly, jogging a few steps to close some of the distance but not seeming in any particular hurry. "My brother wouldn't quit hounding me unless I came to talk to you. So I just wanted to extend my thanks for your assistance earlier." The woman had to bite back additional insults from entering the statement as she was known for doing, thinking his actions completely irrational and idiotic despite their usefulness.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Revenge is a dish best served cold

Jared couldn't help but appreciate the tavern's owner's rant at the small woman, even though he suppressed it doing openly and prefered utter silence about it. The only indication was a subtle smile whizzing over his face, accompanied by a rocking motion of his oversized body that could very well be a bit of chuckling.

That person definitely had deserved it! But what would come next ? He had the feeling that she wouldn't give up that easily, despite the fact that her action had been uncovered by the numerous blatant errors she had made prior and during.

Jared gladly accepted the key to the room, burying it under his hand, subsequently pulling it across the table and ultimately letting it fall over it's edge and into his other palm. With the item secured in one of his inside pockets - and the one situated situated the highest -, the man addressed Abigail again.

"Hey... erm... can I have another mug of beer, please ? A big one. This has been a rather... disappointing... day so far." What a massive understatement! And he wasn't even British... He dug into his pockets, then presented Abigail with a number of coins he deemed sufficient for his requests, leaving the preicse calculation up to the tavern#s owner.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Ky @ The Witches Paradise tavern

Good things come in threes

"But I sleep there" Ky whined in reply to the barkeep in a manner that both stated the obvious and questioned her sense.

Beanstalk seemed to ignore him while another hunter entered the room and thought it their right to boldly address everyone. Another complaint about his work. Kyzler smiled smugly at the bastard as he squeezed the gnomes heart, causing it to spasm and fall still.
Could no one here appreciate his crucial work? But he let this digression pass, he had some solid notes and new things to attend to.

Meanwhile he was seemingly oblivious to the young girls loud antics as she paraded around causing mischief and mayhem, all to prove a point or simply torment the bar keep. Preoccupied Kyzler ignored the growing ruckus and continued to play with the toys on his bench. That in itself was a feat worthy of note, a true testament to his training and skill to be able to flawlessly conceal the grinding growing hatred seething through his veins like a vile sickness consuming his body entirely with a dark bloodlust rage.

He could have become a great actor if life had laid out a different path for him.

Tinkering away, he kept whistling his non existent song watching closely the suspected witch and anyone who neared his research. Ky ran a finger across the blades of his three silver throwing knives to confirm they were all there. He loaded the compact-one-shot crossbow bound to his wrist. A quick spot check ensured his vile's were in good condition and lastly with nimble fingers he checked the clasp of his cloak. All in order. Once he had his tools in place and there was adequate commotion for cover, Ky sprung his three step attack.

.STEP 1.
The first vile was gently lobbed up into the air, it arced over the heads of the other patrons and was set to crash at the feet of the witch. The second vile was lobbed at the roof with much more force, its trajectory sending it to explode on a rafter and rain down with a wide cloud of his own concoction.

Finely ground wolfsbane with a lavender powder laced with tiny silver sharpenings. It sounded simple and obvious enough but the trick was in the technique. The jar was to be pressurised just right to give the force to explode and spread the powder out. The lavender fine enough to cloud the area and be inhaled, the silver shrapnel sharp but light enough to be widely dispersed and the wolfsbane paste-like so it would stick on all it touched. They were the reasons each single grenade took countless hours and multiple mishaps.

.STEP 2.
With success or failure of step one, step two began as soon as the second vile left his hand. Diving into a roll and repositioning himself away from the first attack Ky takes aim with his wrist mounted crossbow and aims to put a poisoned dart into her leg. He only has one shot so he isn't trying anything fancy. The bolt is silver and the poison is a basic incapacitating agent. It would soon leave a human dizzy and drowsy, as for a witch, Kyzler wasn't sure.

.STEP 3.
He now charges the witch no matter the state she is in. "Witch!" He yells out loudly for all to hear as he moves quick and precise. As he nears her, with a flick of his wrist he flourishes his cloak, spinning it around to throw over the girl. The hidden underside netted with fine gold trimming and wolfsbane lace. Should it hit its mark he will instantly begin tying her up with the same skills used on the now dead gnome.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ellion
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Ellion The Knowing

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Narnia? I hope it is Narnia.

"Good things come to those who wait, Jenny," said Rose, taking a few step closer to the girl. With a slow, meaningful gester, she pulled a glove off her hand, using her teeth. Once free she caught Elaine under her chin with one of her fingers. For a few moments she did nothing but stare intently into the girl's eyes. She finally dropped her hand, giving her a small smile. "Of course dear one, my friends may always find a safe place in these wall. My ill-wishers tell a different tale," Using her free hand she took the bottle, after giving it a quick once over, she tossed it to her second in command for inspection. "That being said, we are off to open a door, if you care to join us,"

Catching the vial delicately, Mirai glanced at the liquid inside curiously. Potions and the sort certainly weren't her specialty, but she knew enough to be able to sense which ones were good and which ones were designed to do harm. Opening the small bottle she sniffed the mixture, crinkling her nose and quickly capping it close once again. "Friend.... For now." She stated, making a face at the bottle. Turning to her bat she motioned for the creature to stay put, Sunni's only response was to find a place to hang from and sleep.

"Yes, well... Neither one of you had better get in the way. This is extremely important and I don't want any of you witchlings to break anything." Mirai crossed her arms and glared at Elaine and Jenny in turn. Needless to say, social interactions weren't quite her strong suit.

"I'm suprised you didn't send dear Sunni to either make sure that your other pet didn't make a fool of himself or to give you a vivid description of his death," She said off headedly, leading the small group deeper into the castle. "Now, the purpose behind select this door when there are many is that it was only one sealed with seals of egyptian origin, which is what makes it intersting," she finished, stopping in front of a very uninteresting looking door.

"Poor girl needs to rest sometime. She works so hard, I thought she deserved a little break. Besides, Ardy-darling has your girl there with. At least he'll be of some use then." She laughed, glancing over at the door they had stopped in front of. "Egyptian huh? That is pretty interesting... You wouldn't happen to be fluent in such a script would you my dear Rose?"

"Not a word," she said, tapping the door with a bit of power surge, making the ruins flare to life. "So, any ideas?"

Mirai sat silently for a few moments before speaking up. "That kid outside, Rena. From what I heard, spent some time with those creepy shamans. Might know a thing or two, should we call him in?"

"That is one solution, go on then, call your less annoying pet,"

Nodding her head, Mirai turned to the others in the group. "In the meantime, you kids try to think of something clever." She said before making her way around the corner so as not to distrub them. Summoning a small wisp of flame, she whispered to it and sent it on it's way as a message to lead Rena to their current location.

@WeepingLiberty@shagranoz@Xiro Zean@Bishop
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Noxx
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Samantha Trainer

@Ellion @WeepingLiberty @Fetzen @Dark Light

Samantha couldn’t believe this tavern maid telling her off after she had gone through all the trouble to steal, frame and implicate an otherwise innocent man, she raised her finger at him at was going to give him what for in the verbal since when she felt it. A massive change in air current a table being flipped; a bottle being thrown all caused changes in the flow of air current of which she kept careful tabs on as it could mean the difference between life and death. She heard something along with that, liquid in the vile; holy water something she couldn’t manipulate well enough to save her skin, she was being hunted again. She couldn’t do anything about the one above now, but the one aimed directly at her would be child’s play, twisting her body around Marcus wrapping her leg around his she used his body as a way of sling herself over to the bar counter effectively dodging the holy water, landing on her chair as the glass broke and covered the floor, great she couldn’t get out of here the normal way but whatever.

Second vile had a much higher travel time, so it wouldn’t break when the first did, he threw them one after another so it would hit in the next couple of seconds, she’d be able to capture it in a bubble of some kind but that crazy hunter tucked and rolled with a shot of something aimed directly at her. Being that she just landed, she could jump again, but that would put her right in the way of whatever was in that other vile, so she decided to spin herself again taking in the winds from around the tavern and even some from the outside causing the door to break down but the windows remained, cracked but still holding. Samantha created a miniature tornado in the tavern, the silver bolt itself was indeed taken, but it had enough force to punch through the veil of wind and embedded itself in her upper thigh causing her to stagger off to the side

The second vile was indeed pulled down due to the change in current but now it was making a dive bomb right at her face, wonderful. Something was in that dart other than silver whatever it was she was getting dizzy, but not the point of incapacitation, bending her knees, she sprang her body forward, leaping over the hunter and grabbing the second vile plucking it right out of the sky. Coming down, she didn’t have as much grace as coming up smacking head first into a table and rolling out the doorless tavern.

“Stupid friggen hunter” she complained getting up nearly tripping on her own two feet, whistling to call her broom to come out of hiding and picking her up, grabbing the wooden frame she was snatched up.

She hated hanging onto the broom even in her current state of being so to rectify that the young girl stood on top of the broom and surfed the winds in the most drunken way possible, it wasn’t long till she lost control and went sailing right into the forest Hissy called home.
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