Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EchoicChamber
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EchoicChamber Something Forgotten

Member Seen 11 mos ago

“God damnit, lady,” Stride grumbled. She spun the wheel, turning the behemoth of a vehicle around a street corner and listening to the engine purr with the movement. “Look, I know immortals n’ shit get a buncha money stored up after a while, but it’s kinda...fuck, I don’t know. It’s just kinda weird for ya to be wantin’ to drop so much cash on me, y’know? ‘Specially since we just met n’ all.” Her hair had once again become animated, swirling as if it had been caught in a storm.

Regardless, Stride found herself driving to the Crescent Moon in spite of herself. The lady sounded like she was still very much on emotional thin ice after what had happened- and for good reason, really- and the last thing that she wanted to do was wind up making Cienna start to cry or something because she refused to eat breakfast with her.

After going through a particularly congested spot of traffic, the hummer rolled to a stop, and Stride cut the engine before turning to her companion. “Well, we’re here.” She’d just order one of the cheaper meals off the menu. Or try to convince Cienna to let her pay for herself. Or something.

It was just...uncomfortable to imagine getting something like this for no price at all.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Abel was a deep sleeper. At least, in his human form he was incredibly hard to wake up, his eyes shut with a peaceful expression on his face. His sleeping self lightly rolled, exposing his one tattoo on his back. His arm curled behind his head with his other folded over his side. It looked incredibly uncomfortable, but considering how he was still deeply asleep, to him it must be fine. He had no idea his soul mate was peeking at him....and probably wouldn't until he actually woke up.

Abel's nose started working before his brain did. Nostrils flaring and taking in the smells of his soul mate and the smell of cooking eggs. His eyes slowly opened and in confusion he didn't quite register why he was on the couch instead of in his bed. Then, slowly his brain caught up and he was sitting up with a yawn. One that, if someone was to look closely exposed the fact that his canines were slightly pointed. He ran a hand through his hair and managed to stand and pad his way into the kitchen.

"Good morning" While his voice had a groggy deepness to it, the tone was clearly cheerful. He lightly made his way to the fridge where he pulled out a carton of almond milk and poured himself a glass. "Since you're cooking I can at least pour your drink...what would you like" The more he woke up the less gruffness was in his voice. He was by no means a morning person, but having his soul mate here made him have a much better mood then most mornings.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Owen still was unhappy that Abel had spent the night on the couch. He had wanted him to sleep on the bed next to him. It would have been nice to have someone sleeping next to him. He liked the idea of having someone warm next to him. That couch looked terrible and Owen was not the type who cared about being proper. He turned his head and smiled at Abel.

"Morning, handsome. I am just going to say this new rule. If I ever stay over again, you are staying in the bed with me.
I am not taking no for an answer, Abel. You are sleeping in the same bed as me!
" He said as he smiled at the other man. "Gotta say I like this shirtless version of you. I mean you look great in those sweat pants. Could make a guy jealous." He teased as he watched the man for a minute before he talked again. "Almond milk is great. Why didn't you go to the bed with me last night? I promise I don't bite. Unless you are into that kind of thing."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Abel blinked at Owen, almond milk still in hand. His head tilting before he managed a chuckle. "Okay." He was not expecting that response. If anything he thought he was being somewhat polite. Maybe he was too old fashioned.

Abel soon found a blush flare up. "You're not so bad yourself" The tease was accompanied by a half smile. It was clear that he was already very comfortable around Owen. Which was strange to him, but then again why wouldn't he be. Abel grabbed an additional glass and poured milk for Owen.

Abel took a few moments to find the right phrasing. "I didn't want to make you uncomfortable.....and I was worried that I might hurt you" he capped the carton and put it back in the fridge before leaning against the counter and facing Owen. "From here on out I'll share the bed...just be forewarned I get extremely warm" Another head tilt. "Well since I clearly have some making up to do...what do you want to do today? Whatever you want" He had completely avoided the biting part....still faintly blushing from being teased.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Daemanis
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

While they drove Cienna would listen to Strides complaints and take note of them, it was true the fact she was long lived had granted her a measure of security with her finances, though she could not, nor would she attribute it all to her age, No a lot of her money had come from using her magic to aid people or to fulfil requests back when she was with Emerald. It had net them both a lot of money, so much so in fact that Cienna should she decide so, would never have to work again in her life. A small sigh would escape her lips as she thought of a way to respond that would not upset the sense of pride she felt Stride was holding to so dearly.
“There is only so much you can do with money” she would say with a small voice after hearing Strides Proclamation that they had arrived. She would open the door, and would spread her wings rising to a height of approximately 5’ before turning to face Stride.
“If it bothers you so, how about you consider this payment for helping me out?” she would visibly flinch at her words, reinforcing the fact that she absolutely hated the fact that she needed help at all. She would move towards the door of the restaurant a practiced motion now she opened it and heard a familiar voice, one of the Waiters greeted her with a “Hey Little wing!” a nickname that he had given her a long time ago, such has the period of time she’s been coming here for meals has been.
“Table for two” she would comment in response, her face becoming truly impassive now to hide the pain she held inside.
“As you wish, the usual?” he would ask with a casual air.
“for me yes.” She would says before adding “Can you bring a Menu for my friend.” she would pause as if finished before quickly adding “A written one” it had occurred to her that they might have brought a braille one as they were used to blind patrons here, and the fact that Cienna was blind might have added to a little confusion.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EchoicChamber
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EchoicChamber Something Forgotten

Member Seen 11 mos ago

“Yeah,” Stride admitted, “but money sure as hell can help ya get things that make you happy.” Not everything, of course. Money didn’t buy you true friends, after all. Money didn’t get you a good and loving family without any work. But, as Cal had pointed out, “Have you ever seen someone cry on a jetski?”

She followed Cienna into the restaurant, glancing around at all the fancy looking folk gathered around. While Stride wanted to point out to the fairy that she really, really didn’t need to pay her back for something so small, Cienna looked like she was squirming out of her skin at the fact that she had to take help from anybody. Like she hated owing anyone anything. It wasn’t unreasonable. Plunking down in her seat, Stride grabbed the menu handed to her and began to flip through, eyeing the prices uncomfortably.

After a minute or two of scanning, Stride tossed the menu upon the table, and waited until the server had returned to the table some time later. “I’ll have the cheesesteak and a glass of Coke, if ya don’t mind.”

She handed the menu back to the server and leaned back, drumming her fingers upon the table. “So,” she drawled, not wanting to wait in complete silence, “what are ya gettin’, anyway?” There had been many, many things on the menu, and ‘the usual’ hadn’t pinned anything down in particular.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Daemanis
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Cienna would smile as she heard what Stride had ordered, she would admit the idea of trying the Cheesesteak had once crossed her mind however she knew what would happened so she always restrained from it. When stride started up conversation again she noted the slight edge on it, implying that she seemed to be feeling somewhat awkward.
“I get a Ceaser Salad, with no meats in it.” She would answer truthfully as she listened to the goings on around her as well as facing stride directly to appear as if she were paying full attention to her. “I love the way they make them here” she would add as if to clarify why she would order something as mundane as a Caeser salad enough to make it a ‘usual.’
Her normal drink was a variant tea that she hadn’t managed to find anywhere else, a salted caramel chai tea, it was quite by chance that she had discovered this delicious blend as it normally was not listed on the menu.
The first time she came into the Restaurant another customer, whom happened to be a table near to hers had it and the smell drifting over towards her had piqued her interest. The Waiter was quick to explain that it was one of the items that they had on their ‘hidden’ menu and that they were happy to get it for her.
Cienna would make small talk with Stride to stop her from feeling awkward, even enquiring as to her species. She normally would have a strong sense about species thanks to her fey blood, however when it came to the woman who had been so helpful to her she had no idea what she was and that had piqued her interest. She was about to ask further when she heard the kitchen door open again and the ever so small gust of wind that wafted over to her from the kitchen door, that very few would even realize was there, informed her that their meals were on their way.
“Breakfast is served.” She would say for the first time since the prior night a slight sense of what would appear to be a sense of humour appearing in her tone.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EchoicChamber
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EchoicChamber Something Forgotten

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Stride squinted beneath her goggles. “Ya one of those vegans or some shit like that?” It was hard to see how people could manage giving up meat for an extended period of time, really. She could see why people did it, of course, but she couldn’t see herself being able to give up burgers anytime soon. Or steak. A lot of things, really.

She held the chitchat for as long as Cienna kept it up, leaning back in her chair with an informality that held little place in a restaurant like this. At the fairy’s question of what she was, exactly, Stride pulled her mask down a little, allowing her to see the scales that clustered across her cheeks. “Mom was a human, dad was a gorgon.” And that was that. She rolled the fabric back into place, then rubbed her hands together as their meals were laid out upon the table.

“God damn,” she mumbled to herself. The cheesesteak had wound up being a lot larger than she had imagined- longer than her own head. But Stride certainly wasn’t one to balk at a meal. Hefting the thing up in one hand, she used the other to unmask herself before taking a bite. As soon as she had torn a chunk away, the mask went up again, only coming back down until she had swallowed.

Down. Sip. Up. Down. Chew. Up. This went on throughout the entirety of the meal until, eventually, Stride finished, groaning and pushing the plate away. “That was a helluva meal. Thanks again, lady. I’ll get the tip, since you’re payin’ n’ all that.”

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Daemanis
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

“Ya one of those vegans or some shit like that?”
“I wouldn’t say that I’m a Vegan…” she says before pausing for a little “More that I have to avoid most meats, with the exception to fish.” The tone of honesty not belying the fact that she actually did enjoy red meat. She would smile deliberately showing off her fangs, a typical sign of a carnivorous species.
“Mom was a human, dad was a gorgon.”
Her eyes would widen in response to a perceived shock, something that was ingrained as a habit into all creatures that had eyes. “you mean you have wings too?” she would ask the note of curiosity overwhelming in her voice. She had read at one point that Gorgons were often winged females with snakes for hair. The truth of this she had never verified well, she had never encountered a gorgon, or well not that she was aware of.
“God damn,”
She heard Stride say as their orders were placed down before them. It was at this point that Cienna realized exactly how hungry she was. Having all but skipped her dinner the night before and then using a lot of magic in her darkened rage. She was famished and if any noticed her wings would quiver a little behind her back as she began to pick apart her salad using her wings and the slight breeze they generated to ‘see’ her food. Barely a word was spoken as she sat there eating her salad in her pedantic method. If asked she would say that the salad was as good as it had ever been though in truth she could barely taste it and all too soon her plate was devoid of all vegetation.
Cienna had noted a peculiarity to the sound of strides eating, a sound of fabric moving over what she might say is scales or maybe it was rough skin? She was not entirely sure though it did pique her curiosity no the meal was done she decided to ask about it.
“Do you wear a face mask?” the question in and of itself full of innocence.
“That was a helluva meal. Thanks again, lady. I’ll get the tip, since you’re payin’ n’ all that.”
“I don’t see a problem” with that Cienna would say with a nod as she made a signal and the waiter came scurrying over to them “Can I get the cheque please” she would ask as gently as she could before adding “As usual best salad in town.”

The waiter would smile at that and state that he would let the chef know before almost prancing away to fetch the bill for the pair, returning not long after with it.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EchoicChamber
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EchoicChamber Something Forgotten

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Fangs. Not the regular, reliable canines of a human, but the well and proper fangs of a vampire or certain demons or, well, like gorgons. Stride eyed them curiously, then gave a grunt of recognition. “One of those fairies, eh? Guessin’ meat don’t really sit well with ya if you ain’t eatin’ it.” She took a swig of her Coke, wiping her lips clean with her sleeve. There was no judgement or scorn on her part- after all, in her line of work, she both worked with and apprehended all sorts of folk. Fey were just a part of the batch when it came down to it.

Stride scratched her back lazily in response to Cienna’s question, as if feeling for wings before pulling away. “Nah. If we’re s’pose to, I don’t got ‘em. Genes fucked me over on a lotta stuff.” She shrugged, then took another swig. The next dig took her by surprise, and she found herself looking up at the fairy with sort of incredulity before pausing.

Oh, right. Blind. Given how well Cienna could “see”, she had forgotten that she couldn’t actually see.

“Yeah,” Stride said. “Yeah, I do.” She dug her wallet out of her back pocket, thumbed a few choice dollars loose, then patted them onto the center of the table.

For the sake of her own pride, she kept her eyes off the bill as much as possible.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Daemanis
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

“One of those fairies, eh? Guessin’ meat don’t really sit well with ya if you ain’t eatin’ it.”
“you could say that” she says as she reaches into her top pulling out her purse and removing a solitary bill placing it on the tray for the waiter to take.
”Like certain other fairy races, especially those of my species, if we eat meat… we…” she takes a deep breath trying to explain why she avoided meat before giving up and just saying ”well it causes really bad changes in me.”
She would hear Stride placing her money on the tray and the waiter thanked them before heading off to process their payments.
“Nah. If we’re s’pose to, I don’t got ‘em. Genes fucked me over on a lotta stuff.”
That was somewhat of a let down, she didn’t know any other winged species though, with the size of the city and how little she actually knew that was to be expected.
“Well I guess that we all have our negatives” she spoke without thinking much, however referring to the fact that most species found things they didn’t like about themselves. [color=darkorchid] “I mean that we find within ourselves.” She would add after realizing that it could be misconstrued as an insult.
After a few moments she reached inside her top producing her phone and holding the home button opened the voice command controls.
”Time.” she would speak into her phone, to which it would respond with a monotone voice that sometime had passed during her brief trip away from the hospital.
She jumped up her wings spreading quickly. “I… I.. I have.. to go…” She quickly left the restaurant without waiting for change or even really saying good bye, she flew to the library and quickly heading to a section she was all to familiar with and found a book that she thought Julie might like the sound of, not that she could possibly know but it seemed to be a fit to her.
She spoke to her friend who happened to be working behind the counter briefly, a young woman who had very near sight, or so she had been told, and then she left the library. She was not only flying but using her wind control to allow her to fly faster than she normally would, the path home from here she could travel without any problems having done so more times than can be counted.
Arriving home within a short measurable time she would head upstairs and would head to her bedroom to get ready to go out again. She chose a new outfit, one that was a little less revealing, at least by her own set of standards. This outfit covered a little more of her small chest but still left little to the imagination.
With her clothes chosen she headed for her shower, remembering that she had bandages on her feet she was careful to unwrap them and to remain hovering while she showered herself. Being forced to land once her wings became water logged. She would wince in pain as the hot water hit her extremely sore feet.
Stepping out of the shower she would almost cry with how much her feet hurt, she would dry herself and rebandage her feet before tracking down her dryer. She would spend a time sitting there drying her hair and her wings with it. Time again began to pass her by as she readied herself to go out. Soon enough she was out her front door with the book and her usual stuff. She pulled out her phone and dialled the number for a taxi service, which hadn’t occurred to her while sitting out the front of the hospital, but now showered and ready to go out she informed the call centre she wanted to go to the hospital and was informed a taxi would be over immediately.
With in an acceptable period and a short taxi trip later she found herself back at Julies bed side and felt her emotions drop again.
“I’m sorry…” she whispered taking Julies hand again in hers.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by GoodLuckTuck
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GoodLuckTuck They/Them

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Erin watched Cienna come and go, and then come again. She apologized to Jules, even though she was unconscious. She was so confused. Why was this fairy so fascinated with Jules!? She gave a sigh to herself.
"It's not your fault, Dark Fairy," Erin spoke in a flat voice. She would appear only to Cienna in the other chair on the opposite side of the bed. Erin was looking at Jules, with something hard to define in her eyes. "And this isn't the first time this has happened in her history. I don't think you truly understand how long she's lived for."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Daemanis
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

"It's not your fault, Dark Fairy,"
"And this isn't the first time this has happened in her history. I don't think you truly understand how long she's lived for."
Cienna would jump slightly hearing Erin’s voice as she sat in the chair besides Julies bed, she would slowly raise her head up and turning to face where the sound came from. Her eyes showing the true depth of her sadness again she could feel the time lock spells power weakening as it was supposed to however it was still more than enough to counter the passive pull of darkness that any dark creature had on her.
”How can it not be my fault?” she asked, her voice low, not even sure if she was really hearing Erin or if it was all in her head as her wings reported no physical presence in the room that wasn’t there before, and least of all none other than herself and Julie who were living creatures.[
”It was me who disappointed her enough to make her want to jump.” she would whisper her head falling again. This was the truth of what she felt, she had messed up more than anything and was terrified of both Julie never waking up and of her waking up and telling her to leave. She would let go of Julies hand her own seeking out the book that was now residing on her lap, gripping its edges tightly.
”I… I…” she stammered closing her eyes and shaking her head as if to clear the fog from the early morning grass ”I don’t want this.” A strong statement, the only statement that she could think of to describe the turmoil that was her emotions.
”I’m sorry to you too Erin.” she would look back towards where the sound came from ”by no fault of your own you were… I… I mean… I could have hurt… you too.” she wanted at least someone to know she didn’t mean to hurt anyone, that it’s the furthest from what she wanted. ”I guess… I’m still a burden she would add almost to herself.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by GoodLuckTuck
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GoodLuckTuck They/Them

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"It was most definitely not you, okay?!" Erin snapped, looking up to the other chair. She shook her head, trying to calm down herself. "You didn't disappoint her. It's just...." For once, Erin struggled for words. "Being...on this planet for more than five thousand years...it does things to one's minds."
"I don't want this."
"This? What's 'this'? Is it me? If it's that then Jules doesn't want 'this' either. If you mean a Soulmate," Erin stopped, giving a laugh. "I-I didn't want that either, okay?! Jules isn't just some Soulmate that happens to you...." Erin looked back to Julie, heating rising to her cheeks. "I-It's hard to explain. You'll...you'll just understand. You can't outrun a Soulmate. A-And that's not even the worst part."

Erin began to laugh now. And not some evil or mischevious laugh. She actually laughed. And tears began to fall down her face from the emotions that swept over her. She reached out to Julie's other hand, holding it and squeezing it lightly in her own. She kept looking at the immortal's face
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Daemanis
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

"It was most definitely not you, okay?!"
"You didn't disappoint her. It's just...."
"Being...on this planet for more than five thousand years...it does things to one's minds."

Cienna would listen with eyes closed, she was trying to hold back tears, she couldn’t help but feel that it was her, as Julie tried to kill herself after the events that took place the night before, she hadn’t made things better for her soulmate, instead she had made things worse, made her miss her time her home.
While Cienna knew what it was like to be long lived she had only experienced just north of 200 years she had lived through many changes and sometimes felt the pull of times but she could honestly say that she had never wanted to die, but that could be attributed to the innate curiosity that nearly all fairies possessed, they wanted to see what comes next no matter what, it was incredibly rare that a fairy wanted to die.
"This? What's 'this'? Is it me? If it's that then Jules doesn't want 'this' either. If you mean a Soulmate,"
"I-I didn't want that either, okay?! Jules isn't just some Soulmate that happens to you...."

To be honest Cienna didn’t know what she meant by not wanting this, she didn’t want Julie or Erin feeling pain, she hated the fact that fate had made it so no matter what option she took she would cause pain, though her duality itself seemed a perfect match for the pair on paper it was disastrous on her emotions when dealing with the aftermath of it all, and she felt that this might be the same for Erin.
"I-It's hard to explain. You'll...you'll just understand. You can't outrun a Soulmate. A-And that's not even the worst part."
Cienna felt something inside herself drop as she faced Erins voice again.
“you… You…” she stuttered as he mind raced faster than her mouth could form words “You were Julies soulmate.” No sooner than the words had left her mouth than her wrist started burning again. Like before, If she could see she would have noticed the tattoo on her wrist had shifted slightly, while the dates had remained the same the name above the dates shifted in a state of flux as if by magic, if anyone looked at it they would notice Erins name was now in place of Julies, though Julies name was very faintly there below.
She would instinctively grab at it to stop the pain that had appeared quickly and if Erin was looking at her she may have noticed the movement and the slight glow from beneath her hand. This confused Cienna as she had never even heard of a soul tattoo burning twice, she couldn’t sense an insect near her wrist and felt slightly panicked. Had Julie died? What was going on. Her fingers holding Julie’s hand moved to her wrist, and felt the pulse steady below. No she hadn’t died… then what was this.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by GoodLuckTuck
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GoodLuckTuck They/Them

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

“You were Julie's soulmate.”
Erin's head snapped up, looking over to Cienna. She watched as Cienna winced and held her wrist, and then checked the pulse of Julie.
Erin sniffled, using her free hand to wipe the tears from her eyes. She gave a chuckle of nervousness. "And I had almost forgotten so many times. Jules did though. She thinks some ancient gods cursed her or a witch-doctor or something. She thinks she's cursed...with me...." Her voice broke and a few more tears fell down the cheeks of Erin, but they were silent now. She muttered a curse under her breath.
"Why the fuck am I even telling you any of this.... We were the first Soulmates of time. I-I was a greedy and selfish demon. I-I didn't want her to leave me." The tears grew louder now. She turned to Julie, and rested her head on her stomach.
"I'm sorry, Julie," she whispered, reaching out and stroking her hair. "Everyone after that you loved...and even now...." She was talking to Julie now, although the immortal human couldn't hear her. She never could if Erin or anyone tried to tell her what had happened so long ago.
"So it's not your fault she jumped," Erin said, louder now so that Cienna would hear if she hadn't before.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Daemanis
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Cienna looked down feeling disgusted with herself with fate and wanting the burning in her wrist to stop not knowing what it even meant.
”I… I’m… I’m sorry…” Cienna said letting Julies hand go again her inner turmoil almost trumping the desperate burning in her wrist. ”I’m sorry that fate has done this, maybe I can still help you.” she said as she rose up from her chair her wings carrying her. ”I can use my magic to restore you to your own body” she knew the costs of doing so and honestly didn’t really care, her movements would uncover her wrist which burned and glowed as she moved towards where she heard Erin’s voice coming from.
She wanted to reach out and touch the demon she could hear crying but not knowing exactly where she was or even if she could. She would hover beside the origin of the sound her wrist demanding she do something and not even knowing what it meant she would ask
“What does this mean?” fear could be heard in her voice, had the tattoo vanished, had it changed.. why did it burn again.
The silence that she perceived around them may have lasted a second or a million years as she waited for Erin to respond to her question. Nothing in any of the books she had read could possibly prepare anyone for encountering a soulmate not to mention the tattoo breaking all the known rules. It made her feel even worse for knowing now that Erin was Julies soulmate, then what was fate thinking putting Julie’s name on her wrist. She already had a soul mate so wasn’t it against the rules for it to give a second?
These thoughts and many more passed through her mind in a fraction of a second.
”Can you… Can you tell me… your story…” she asked her tone soft as she looked down hovering, she would appear to shrink with in herself.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by GoodLuckTuck
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GoodLuckTuck They/Them

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

”I can use my magic to restore you to your own body."
Erin chuckled and then gave a sniffle. "It's not that easy, fairy. Don't you think I -we- have tried that before? Besides, it was of my own doing...." She continued to look at Julie, watching her chest rise and fall with every breath. It was nice to look at Julie through the outside for once instead of from Julie's perspective. She was distracted by Julie's beauty that she didn't notice Cienna right next to her until she spoke.
"What does this mean?”
Unwillingly, the demon turned her attention from Julie's pale face to Cienna's outstretched arm. She could see her name in the language of demons on the wrist, glowing. She wondered what the fairy was on about until she remembered her blind condition.
"It's my name, in Abyssal," she stated. "Underneath that is Jules'. If Jules were in control, then my name would be shadowed under hers."
”Can you… Can you tell me… your story…" the Dark fairy now said, and Erin looked at her once more with interest. It seemed every time they encountered each other, Erin was interested in this fairy. She chuckled again, wiping at the remaining tears on her face. She stared at Cienna for a moment, drinking her in. She turned back to Julie and looked at her face as if thinking about long ago. Giving a sigh, she spoke.
"If you have the time, the patience, and the skills. I know that Jules and I do. We have all the time in the universe. In telling you my story I must also tell Jules' story, which then turns into ours." She turned back once more to Cienna, wondering why one would be so interested in not just Julie but her as well.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Daemanis
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

"It's not that easy, fairy. Don't you think I -we- have tried that before? Besides, it was of my own doing...."
This would take Cienna by surprise, she hadn’t known that spirit bonding magic could be strong enough to outdo the magic of the Fairies reanimation techniques. That is unless Erin wasn’t just a spirit. That would change the magic and make it all but impossible to separate the two as not only did they bind their souls but their physical forms into one. She would take a deep breath as she processed the possibilities her mind all but spinning. ‘What could lead to someone doing magic like this.’ She thought to herself.
"It's my name, in Abyssal,"
"Underneath that is Jules'. If Jules were in control, then my name would be shadowed under hers."
”I thought that you could only have one soulmate…” she blurted this out without even thinking she had never heard of a situation where to names had appeared on a person before not to mention that the tattoo could change, nothing like this was recorded and her head reeled as the information sunk in. Erin… AND… Julie were her soulmate so two souls bound together into one complete, two sides of the same coin.

"If you have the time, the patience, and the skills. I know that Jules and I do. We have all the time in the universe. In telling you my story I must also tell Jules' story, which then turns into ours."
Her small hand would reach out to where she thought the demons voice was coming from, her hand would become enveloped within an ethereal glow, it would appear her hand was reaching through a veil to any that were watching what she did. This was a unique ability to her, and her alone, or so it has appeared as this power had never been documented anywhere and no other fairies she had met had heard of it. She would close her eyes slowly exhaling to calm her nerves as placed a hand on the where she hoped that Erin’s shoulder would be.
Her shaking hand would find Erins’ shoulder the burning in her wrist would immediately vanish she hoped this gesture would help to calm Erin but it did more for herself than she could have guessed it would. Cienna felt calm wash through her as if she had finally found something that had been lost and she wasn’t even aware of it. The moment her hand touched Erins shoulder the time lock spell would flash and dissipate however Ciennas equilibrium would seem to be calmer than before.
”I’m sorry Erin…” she would squeeze the shoulder her hand had found ”I should have known…” she wasn’t sure why but she felt that she should have known how scared and alone the demon felt all this time. A compulsion within to try and help this creature that made one half of the hole of her soul mate. Her restrictions as a dark fairy meant she could never truly heal, or use the light magics hurt for probably the millionth time since she was forced to decide.
”I’ve got as much time as we need, please.” She would implore Erin with a soft voice, her curiosity was evident in her words, however it seemed to be more than simple curiosity driving her atm, but more of a need.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by GoodLuckTuck
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GoodLuckTuck They/Them

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

”I thought that you could only have one soulmate…”
"As did I," Erin said in reply. "But I believe that because Jules and I share a body, the universe is confused."
As Cienna's hand touched the shoulder of Erin, she completely froze. She stopped breathing and acknowledging everything. She hadn't been touched by another willingly in a very long time.
”I’m sorry Erin.... I should have known...."
The fairy gave her shoulder a squeeze, and Erin was still frozen. Three tears fell silently from both of her eyes, and they recognized the fairy again.
”I’ve got as much time as we need, please.”
Erin cleared her throat, softly pushing the fairy's hand off of her shoulder as the fairy softly spoke. She stumbled on words for a moment, trying to come back to reality.
"W-Well," she began, remembering herself. "You might want to settle yourself in," she said, looking over at the clock. She stood up, leaving her seat for Cienna. It was less of an act of kindness and more of a restlessness within Erin. When the Dark fairy was ready, Erin looked to her and then settled on Julie's resting face before beginning.

"I must start from the beginning. And when I mean the beginning, I mean my origins. I appeared in a small corner of Hell that is impossible for mortals damned to it to find. Demons are not born but are thought up of by their parents. I'm not about to give you a lesson in the world of Demons. I have many brothers and sisters, but I am the eldest of them.
So there I am, a Demon in Hell. My family specifically is known for driving humans to sin. It's our specialty, you might say. I grew up learning the profession, ya-da ya-da. Now, Demons aren't really known for, ah, love. We're told to find another and create our children, and it doesn't matter that much. To my surprise, many millennia ago, a name appears on my wrist in Egyptian hieroglyphic. Asking everyone, they say they have no knowledge of what it means. A brother of mine suggests I travel to Egypt in search of what it means. And so there I go."

Erin paused for a moment as she simply stared at Julie's face. A faint smile appeared on her lips, and she began pacing the room.
"When I arrived there, the marking began to glow and burn faintly. I was still confused. I turned to a local woman, barely understanding their Coptic language. I grasped the words 'holy', 'gods', and 'temple'. I understood that I was to go to their temple, something Demons do not like. Before I could begin walking on my own, the woman flagged down two guards and I was escorted to the 'temple'. I found a Pharoh there, and I was commanded to show him my arm. I did so, and he began to laugh. He yelled something into another room inside the temple, and a woman walked out. No, not a woman. Julie Ambers."
Erin stopped speaking again and paused in her step, tearing her eyes from Julie to look at Cienna to see what she had made of the story so far.
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