Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Terminal
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Terminal Rancorous Narrative Proxy

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The Lord of the Turquoise Scheme
Red God & Master of the Stray Palace

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Chapatrap
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Chapatrap Arr-Pee

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Hello. I'm quite interested in the concept of this RP and have an idea for a possibly Yuwanist/Red God (whichever there's less of) nation. I was thinking of a cultural group of multiple races, all centred around a celestial being that claims to be the last of its species, somewhere deep in the forests. I'm open to changing the idea as necessary (I could twist the idea and make them Justinian-affiliated, for example), assuming there's space for another nation and assuming that no one has pursued this idea already.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Serpentine88
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Serpentine88 Writer of Overly Long Character Sheets

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

here is the most recently updated map (on the discord not OOC)

The tannish-colour without any names is empty space available for players. The large Tannish space to the west is mostly a good idea to be Justinian in, as its within the Justinian sphere of influence and you'll be surrounded by Justinians. You could theoretically be a 'last stand' type Yuwanist or Red Pantheon there, but not a good idea if you want to play a stable, powerful or low-risk nation.

If you want to go Red Pantheon, I suggest the far north-east. If Yuwanist, north-east or that island above Lamash(orange in the east) is available. We currently have a lot of Justinians and Yuwanists but still need more Justinians to fill in that empty space in the west. You can be the other two factions if you want.

There are currently some forest based nations already (one is a Justinian nation that conquered dryad/satyr/nymph lands while another is a Yuwanist wood elf democracy). This does not make the idea unusable though.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Chapatrap
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Chapatrap Arr-Pee

Member Seen 9 days ago

Thank you. I'll begin working on an application and I'll pop into the Discord to run a few things past the GM's later on also.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by CollectorOfMyst
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Thought I might as well show some progress, but it isn't much. It's also going to shed a little light on the things I've been having difficulty with (First nation rp, anyone?). When I finish it it's gonna look much prettier, too.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Chapatrap
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Chapatrap Arr-Pee

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The Birchmen Confederacy

-Population: 10 million
-Faction: Justinian (Heterodox)
-Capital: Great Crest
-Government Type: Tribal Confederacy (with a Theocratic leader)
-Government Description:
The Birch Tribes are a loose tribal confederacy of various races and species. They are united in their following of the Birch Man, an ancient prophet of an extinct race who, through a pact with the Justinian, wishes to revive his species and re-establish a utopia for his fallen people. The Birch Man is the overall leader of the Birch Tribes, which number in the hundreds. Under him, various tribal and sub-tribal leaders follow his orders, united in the belief that the spirits of the Birch Man's fallen race inhabit their bodies. The Birch Man calls a Clan meeting every five years to discuss the Matters of the Forest. All the tribes are autonomous and have the right to leave the Confederacy as they wish. Not one tribe has left the confederacy since its founding 200 years previous.

-Head of State: The Birch Man
-Currency: N/A (Many currencies are used by various tribes, no unified currency exists)
-Language(s): Aemerine is the predominant lingua franca but hundreds of ethnic languages and the ancient language of the Birch Man, spoken only by him and his closest followers, are all present too.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Serpentine88
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Serpentine88 Writer of Overly Long Character Sheets

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Here is the current map claims:

We are currently looking for Justinian nations (kingdoms, crusader states and so on) to fill in the empty western space! All those interested, sign up before it gets filled in!.

In other news, my NS is going very well and soon will be posted in here. (you can see it in my test archive if you want to see its progress)
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Klomster
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Klomster The man, the myth, the legend.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Something that came up in chat but might not have reached you @Serpentine88.

I was considering changing the name of the land "The Bloodied" to "Former empire of Zul".
Since this more appropriately reflects the current state of the land.

A land without leadership, with everyone fending for themselves. With a massive roaming army needing supplies. With old enemies on its borders. Whom have already taken some land after the fall of Zul.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Serpentine88
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Serpentine88 Writer of Overly Long Character Sheets

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Just a small update, my sheet is coming along nicely, should hopefully post it in a few days.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

More still needs to be added, but overall, I'd say the sheet is done.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Publius
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Publius First Consul / 245 - 2529 a. u. c.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Quick note, due to IRL things (i.e. flights) and lack of access to discord (longer story) my activity will see a drop off for a short while. Not long or intense enough to drop out, but ya, that's a thing.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Klomster
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Klomster The man, the myth, the legend.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Lol, the heroics of Yaten reminds me of my character in Formaroth.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Thanks, I feel flattered :)
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Serpentine88
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Serpentine88 Writer of Overly Long Character Sheets

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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Some dragons residing across the world, I'll put this somewhere once this is over. Feel free to ask for resident dragons in your country.

Mania the Egoist
Location: Principality of Evernix
Breath: Lightning

Lair: Mania's Redoubt, a Fjord bordering the northern sea and relatively close to the former empire of Zul. A trail a few meters wide goes through the rock and leads inside the otherwise isolated fjord and is used by those making offerings to Mania and the ocasional challengers. It is unfortunately too narrow to bring siege engines and likewise the sea access brought many ships to their unfortunate end and a graveyard of vessels from many era was formed in the ice and rock, a warning for those who would think to access the redoubt. The fjord is filled with caves and said caves are littered with gold and other precious items aquired by the dragon. Some think there may be tunnels to infiltrate the caves from the outside but if such a thing there is, it is quite well hidden.

Bio: Mania is despised by her kins for much more than just being another dragon, but for having sided with Karkarth the betrayer in the great Draconic war. She was young and he offered an easy access to establish power and was thus seduced by his words. Her faith in him wasn't great enough for her to stick around when defeat drew near however and thus she retired at the edge of the world, terrorizing the locals to reamass a treasure through the centuries and enjoying their pleas for mercy and how they stroke her ego. This was what Princess Leah used to convince the dragon to become a 'protector of the realm'... at a price, of course. Mania is thus an ally of the princedom but a fickle one. After all, every time she leaves her lair she risks something happening to her hoard and thus asks a premium every time despite knowing great care is made to make sure nothing happens to her by the local authorities as people can only guess the length she'd go to recover her treasures and an ally could quickly become a major problem if that should happen.

Dravidian the Filthy
Location: Concilio Union
Breath: Toxic cloud

Lair: The filth, a particular patch of swampy forest on the eastern border. Anyone could wander without knowing there but they'd notice the eerie lack of animals in these parts, mother nature knowing to stay out of the way of the sleeping giant. There is no lair, Dravidian sleeping right in the open. One would think this would make him vulnerable but to slay a dragon one has to first find him. His green scales perfectly fit in his suroundings and the only hint that you are getting closer is the armors of the knights fallen next to a tree or the copious amount of weapons and gold half sunk in the mud around the dragon.

Bio: Dravidian doesn't care. After the war he decided to just go home and live from day to day, sleeping and hunting when he's hungry. There is no reasoning with him except the most basic idea of bringing offerings so he takes the easiest course of action and eats them instead of you, ignoring those he doesn't believe a danger or don't annoy him. Villages are sometimes at risk of his attacks but this is merely if he encounters one before any other game, woodland creatures being as good as any other to feed him.

Versund the Avalanche
Location: Concilio Union
Breath: Frost

Lair: A great glacier between two mountains, 'Versundvaag' as the locals call it. A treacherous climb where each slipery step can make one fall to his death. The lair itself is an horror show of frozen knights and treasures as well as victims kept for later consumption.

Bio: Versund never did care about Axohaan, others would solve the problem and if he wanted to steal eggs, well, Versund was male so what did he care! He remained in the north for all his life, feeling no need to have wanderlust except for the few times he went out to satisfy his bestial reproductive urges on an unfortunate dragon weaker than him. Locally however, he is legendary, going out every few years on massive rampages to refill his treasure and his freezer of victims for later consumption. The locals know: This he is long due to go out. At some time, very near, Versund will write another bloody tale to his legend.

Karthe the Eternal
Location: The Turquoise lord's domain
Breath: Fire

Lair: The use of powerful magic has severely damages some points of the Fount, but its sheer mass prevents its collapse. One day, the holes will magically repair themselves but the scale of the destruction means this will take quite a time. Thus there, with a view facing the Eastern world bellow, Karthe lives. The dragon is a relatively recent occupant of the location and his hoard, while sizeable is small in comparison to most other dragons, consisting of trinkets gathered from pillaging the palace and all around the world. Among the riches however, his most prized possessions are the bodies of would be dragon hunters he collected over the centuries and bothered to move around his lairs without ever devouring, just keeping them as a souvenir.

Bio: Karthe isn't just any dragon, he is a son of Karkarth the betrayer and was one of his lieutenant despite his young age during his claim of dominion over dragon kind. His claim however failed and Karkarth as well as the few survivors of the would-be empire fled far away, Westward to what would become Sacrosanctia and Archonnen. He considered himself the de-facto leader of two dozen dragons that had survived but who only stuck together by fear of being taken out one by one by vengeful survivors of the battle of Mount Erebus. Still, this allowed the dragons to maintain a small dominion in the West through terror and force.

When Justinian came, Karthe wasn't concerned with the affairs of the gods but that quickly changed as Justinian surged eastward and religious zeal pushed its humanoid slaves to rebel. 'The Great Eleven' as they were known (the others had died of old age and infighting) mercilessly repressed the rebellions but eventually half fled eastward realizing they couldn't face Justinian's advance while the others were slain one by one by resurgeant dragon slayers. Karthe was too proud to do so at first but after 2 close encounters with dragon slayers and his mountain besieged by siege engines, he left to settle in what would become Abery. This time he mounted a much more active resistance, becoming a plague to Justinians trying to conquer the region and elaborating his lair only to lure slayers to their doom but eventually after many other close calls and his lair once again besieged, he thought of leaving but was nearly killed at the last minute and only managed to limp out, being forced to hide for weeks before leaving with some other hunters boldly following him until he made his way to the Fount to rest some more.

Karthe survived his wounds and at first welcomed the calm of the tower, bared some occasional annoying visitor of the mad landlord, but nothing a burning inferno couldn't quickly solve. From high above he could observe what was happening bellow, occasionally even kidnapping ordinary people to tell him about the world and what became of dragons. It was at this point he was shocked and surprised that dragons didn't count for anything much. That they would soon fall to the land of myth and ultimate irrelevance. As he now had too even before his death. This is bothersome.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by CollectorOfMyst
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She... she's perfect! May thunder rain down upon you all!!!
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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