Angelo quickly looked at the scene that just fell before him the apocalypse, zombies were biting innocent people and while Angelo didn't feel that bad about the principle getting bitten some of these other students were still so young and could do so much more. Angelo turned to see a zombie getting close to him and Angelo immediately picked up his iron chair folded it and beat the zombie down with it. Angelo just took a life, he just took a life and it wasn't even the worse part. Now Angelo had to think positively and he just thought, left for dead....CHARGE! Angelo thought to himself and he kept swinging his chair to get through as he started running out of the auditorium. okay things you need in a zombie apocalypse are food, weapons, and medicine food in the lunch room and Angelo wouldn't know what to take however weapons are everywhere so Angelo wouldn't need to worry about that but what he did know about was medicine. His mother was a nurse and while Angelo only had basic training in bandaging it was still better then having nothing. Angelo would need to group up with others and while Angelo was intelligent some medicine would sweeten the deal so he made a rush towards the nurses station grabbing a fire extinguisher along the way to bash in whatever zombie came near him as Angelo ran like he never ran before...