Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 3 days ago

Lachlan watched the Prince as he told him to keep an eye on the Crown Prince and smirked, "I fear more for your brother than I do for my sister if he disrespects her. She will teach him otherwise," His smirk faded a moment later, "However, I will keep an eye on him. There is little I can do for the Queen in regards to his enjoyment in other women but I will ensure that she remains physically unharmed by him... And I will do my best to make him think twice about seeking enjoyment in other women."

He bowed to the Prince slightly, "Thank you for the warning."

Then the sound of someone running began to echo off the walls. He turned to see who it was that was running to them and spotted Juliet. She came to a halt in front of them and noticed the Prince before she curtsied, "Your Majesty," She said, her breathing calm and ever. As she straightened, she turned her attention to Lachlan, "There was an argument... After you left... Prince Rowan pulled a sword of the Lord before the King came in yelling and whisked them all away..."

She hesitated a moment, "The Queen was not with him."

Lachlan grunted slightly at the last bit of information. He didn't like the thought of the Queen alone or with other guards. Guards he did not know or trust. He turned to the Prince, "Excuse me... But I must find my Queen and ensure her safety..." He placed his hands on the visibly shaken girl's arms, "It will be alright."

Then he was gone, running down the hall in search of his sister.

Juliet watched as Lachlan ran off before she turned her attention back to the Prince and curtsied once more, "My apologizes for cutting your conversation short... So much has happened... I knew Lachlan would wish to be with his sister..."

She held her hands in front of herself, "If you wish, I will leave you be, Your Highness."

It did not take Lachlan as long as it thought it might to find his sister in the gardens. He slowed his pace and walked quickly to her, "You are alright," He stated, although he had been certain that no harm really would come to her. Not on the first day. Not yet.

He waved his hand, shooing the guard from her side and took his place before holding his arm out for her to hold as they walked. This allowed of the two of them to speak quietly and not be overheard by the guard that seemed unwilling to leave.

"Lady Juliet was worried," He began in a usual tone, "There was some commotion. The Crown Prince apparently pulled a sword on a quite disrespectful Lord."

He glanced over his shoulder before he continued, his voice low and quiet, "I was just approached by Prince Caeling. He wished to speak of your fiance... Wanted me to keep an eye on him," He whispered, "I know that you are thinking of Sevaviel and the possibility of taking Cylla... But is this truly the best decision for you when the Crown Prince's own brother speaks of him in such ways?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by User
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Ten barrels of wine? Or was that five. Did the fat lump say five barrels or ten? It doesn't matter, with these bargaining chips alot can change for the short while in the castle. I know that I can gain the power of the most powerful men and women in this castle. he ones that are never seen but always there, who hear more secrets then the king or the prince. The people who can make the most money with secrets but are the most loyal.

The servants, the people behind the curtain helping me s=help the jumped up pricks not kill themselves. The cooks, the maids, the butler and the servants just to name a few. The people that the blood rulers ignore.

Anyway, side tracked. The servants love me, I give them the wine that they often just have to steal from goblets. "Right! YOU horrible lot!" I was already swingig in the room, the servant quarters is connected to the kitchens and the stores. "Great news, rationing of ten barrles of wine. In return you will be loyalty to me okay?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OfficerHeadbutt
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OfficerHeadbutt Child of the Fence

Member Seen 1 day ago

As Rowan’s father appeared, howling and hollering, Rowan stood for a moment, anger still brewing within him, until he eventually relented, releasing his grip on Robert and sheathing his sword. A scowl crossed his face, as he followed Alaric, falling behind Aldurin but ahead of Robert. They stepped into the private chambers of the King, and lined up like naughty schoolchildren. Rowan hardly paid attention to what his father was saying, though he definitely heard 5 barrels of wine being taken from him. This fuelled the anger burning inside him but he knew better than to talk back to his father.

Once they had stepped out through the door, he walked alongside Robert, as Aldurin seemed to have fallen behind. He turned his head to Robert, and quietly but firmly he spoke:
“ You should fear for the day I become King, Robert. Run along now, you glorified servant. When I’m King I’ll make your skull into a pot to piss in!” He stopped in place, as Robert continued onwards, rushing off to complete whichever miniscule little errands he had to do. As Aldurin stepped forward and spoke to Rowan, he listened intently.

"I feel I need to thank you for your support with that 'Rat Lord'. Though I do hope you're not so quick to draw steel where my Queen is concerned."

Rowan thought for a moment, thinking back to all the times during his journeys he had beaten, raped and even killed innocent women, all because their village had refused to join the Kingdom willingly.
And then, he did something that he was rather good at. He lied.

“ A true man would never lay hands on a woman, be she a commoner, Noble, or a Queen. Emilia would never come to harm by my hands. You have my word.” Rowan stated convincingly.
In a sense, he wasn’t lying, because he knew that violence towards Emilia would not be tolerated. He was a brute, rapist, and a thug pretending to be a respectful, noble and brave Prince.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers ❝𝖰𝗎𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗈𝖿 𝖶𝗁𝗂𝗌𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌.❞

Member Seen 27 days ago

Queen Emilia

Emilia listened to the King and nodded her head while taking in a quick whiff of one of the flowers. She turned heel and faced him while he continued on speaking. "Well, I..." She couldn't even finish after having someone fling the gate wide open and report to the King that trouble was going on at the castle. Emilia hoped that one of her guards didn't kill anyone on the first day. Men. So quick to draw and sword these days and not talk things out or listen to reasoning. Her eyes went towards the King as he departed to check upon the matter then eyed the guard before her. "What has happened?" She asked him but he didn't reply as she raised a brow. "No disrespect, your Majesty but just know that your people are safe." He said with a firm nod.

Her eyes gleam when she saw her bastard brother come in the garden now. "Yes, Lachlan, I am okay. Thank you." She looked at him then at the other guard, whom he shooed away as he left with a nod of her head. Something definitely went down and she was going to hear about from Lachlan, she could just tell. "Speak to him in what ways, Lachlan?" Emilia was really getting tired of people questioning if this was what she really wanted. "Yes, this is what I want and this is what I'll have. I will marry Rowan and he'll take the throne of Sevaviel since King Alaric isn't going anywhere soon." Emilia sighed softly as she held a hand up at Lachlan. "Sorry, just a bit frustrated and need to be in my room." Emilia started to walk away then turned to face Lachlan.

"Care to escort me, dear brother?" She said with a soft smile. When Lachlan came by her side, she'd link her arm with his and walk out of the garden grounds and towards the castle grounds. "I really wish to speak to Rowan soon as he is my husband to be and I spoke with everyone else but him." Emilia muttered towards Lachlan as she'd unlink her arm from his. "Please find him and escort him to my chambers before dinner. Thank you." She walked up the stairs and to her room then sat down on the foot of her bed.

She'd await Rowan's arrival in her chambers as she must hurry her conversation with him up so that she could change for dinner.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jozarin


Member Seen 11 mos ago

"My lady, I do believe I have some time to spare. Would you like to see the gardens?"

The gardens were lovely, with high rosebushes in red, pink, and white. Clusters of crocus and bushes of bluebells sat at their feet. Fruit trees draped with vines lined the walls. Rows of flowers sprung up just in front, and the grass was lush. 'Streams' of still water intersected the garden. A large pond in the centre was filled with lilies, and a single boat sat at the edge. Soft grass covered the ground, crisscrossed with smooth pathways of irregular cobblestone. They crossed the streams at small wooden bridges. There was only sparse furnishing: only a few benches were present at the side of the pathways.

It would be a pleasant diversion from the unpleasant business of earlier. Growing up, he hadn't much appreciated the gardens. Now, though, it was among his favourite places in the castle grounds. He had responsibilities, though, and not much time for the pleasures of noble life.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 3 days ago

Lachlan took a deep breath as Emilia informed him that she wanted the marriage with Rowan. He knew that she did but he feared she might be thinking more of the power the marriage would provide and less of the happiness a marriage to give. Of course, it was rare that Royals got to marry for happiness. He just didn't want to see his sister hurt by the man who would make a promise to love her. As much as he wished to inform her of things he had heard outside of court, where people felt more free to speak their minds, he knew it would do no good. His sister's mind was set... The best he could do now was protect her and ensure that Rowan brought her no harm. At her request, he smiled and nodded his head, "Of course, My Queen."

He walked with her to her chambers and moved his arms behind his back as Emilia dropped hold of his arm. He watched her as she requested that Lachlan fetch the Prince for her. He took a deep breath and nodded, "If that is what you wish," And turned to leaving.

Catching the door and stopping himself, he looked back at his sister and sighed, "Emilia," He said quietly. He rarely used her name, as it was a sign of disrespect and as a Bastard disrespect could quickly turn to his head getting lopped off. However, the few times he did, he brought forth something serious or important to him. He took another deep breath and looked at her, "Not all good men are good... I want you to remember that... There are somethings that even I can't protect you from..."

Then he turned and left her be and went in search of the Crown Prince.

It took him slightly longer than he would have liked to find Rowan, as he hadn't a clue where he had gone off to. He bowed as he approached the Lord and Royal, "My apologies for interrupting... Her Majesty, Queen Emilia wishes to speak with you, Prince Rowan... She's asked for me to escort you to her rooms."

Juliet was slightly taken back by the offer to join the Prince in the gardens but nodded her head. After all, who was she to deny a Prince's request. She gave him a small smile, "That sounds like a fine idea, Your Highness."

She placed her hands on her stomach as they walked through the castle and out to the garden. She was tense, after the events of earlier and now being in the presence of a Prince everything was a little manic. However, as they began their walk through the gardens, she began to relax. She took her time in smelling each flower that was unfamiliar to her. The entire garden was spectacular and clearly made for a Queen. She wondered if this were a display of love by the King to make the gardens... Or a display of wealth. She had seen the Sevaviel King sometimes shower his wife in gifts after he paid visits to his Mistress. However, rumours of Mistresses often spread quickly and she had never heard of such from the King of Thirmos.

As they reached the pond, she quickly walked over to it and crouched at the water's edge, her skirts fanning around her. She reached out and touched the water, notably attempting to reach one of the floating lilies but found it just out of her grasp. She turned and looked at the Prince before she carefully reached under her skirt and removed both of her shoes. Standing again, she lifted the front of her skirt enough to prevent them from getting wet as she took two steps into the water. Closer to the flower, she leaned over and smelled it before straightening again. She turned to face Caeling and smiled, "Your mother's gardens are stunning," She moved out of water, "I've never seen a garden quite as large as this before..." She looked around again, "I believe I could be lost for hours here..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWildBunnii
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TheWildBunnii The Obsessed Latina

Member Seen 11 days ago

Isabel stood in the corridor by the main entrance looking out at the last details of decor before their guests arrived. As usual, she was the keeper of the castle and of special royal events within. A handful of servants rushed back and forth, completing the last of their task while avoiding the long tail of beautiful gold and purple sprawl across the floor. "Charles! Tell me what's on the report today," she command. The elder ambassador and chief diplomat surface from the crowd, with a handful of papers tuck under his arm as he avoided the on-going traffic.

"Yes, your Majesty. Today we ha-"

"Dear girl! You are going to crush the poor roses," She steps forward towards the young maid holding three vases of freshly cut roses, leaving for room for the flowers. The vase closest to the middle was being damaged by the young woman's chest. Isabel reached for the middle vase, her finger brushed along the crumbled petals." Get new set for these, child. Just carry one at a time. We cannot afford to waste another minute."

"Yes, your Majesty. Forgive me, your Majesty." The young maid apologetic bowed towards the older woman before rushing off to do as she was command.

"Continue, Ambassador."

"Yes, your Majesty." With another bow, the man resumes his report.

A guard shuffled past her, covered head to toe in cold iron and chain-mail. A metal dome-shaped cap protected his skull with the Jameson family crest stamped on the front. The guard had a heavy beard, brown and twisted in itself. The guard was armed with an iron spear, which he used as a walking staff, and a wooden parma. The guard gave a bow and continued his patrol through the corridors.

A gentle smile reached her lips, rising her fingers to her mouth to hide the rising pleasure within her. The images of her husband wearing his royal armor with the family's crest close to his heart. That man sure hid his well muscular body underneath....

" Your Majesty?"

"Hm?" Her soft eyes glance over to to face a confused ambassador,"that will be all." The older man nodded, and with a small bowed, he left to carry on his duties.

Not a moment too soon, the room filled with the members of the royal family. It as then it had occur, she had missed breakfast once again. Isabel grabbed the skirts of her dress and approaches the king, her ladies in waiting never to far behind. "Good morning, my dear," she greeted, placing a polite kiss upon his cheek before taking her place beside him.

The royal horns trumpeted informing all of the arrival of the new royal family. Queen Isabel watched carefully as they were approached by the young queen. "Welcome, my dear. It has been far too long," Isabel smiled warming, giving a bit of comfort to the poor girl. It has been years since Isabel stood where the young queen were. A married teen walking into her new home.

To everyones surprise and hers, the king stepped forward, and embraced the young queen. A soft sign escaped from her, disappointment displayed upon her face. The man could never really follow court etiquette. However, it will not be the last of her hounding his ear off about it again. The gathering came to an end with the King escorting the young queen to speak in private. In announcement, Isabel welcomed each and every member to the castle before departing.

Her delicate fingers moved over the strings with a grace that had come from many years of painful lessons. Still, looking upon her, most thought it effortless, fluid, and as easy as the breaths she took to sing the seemingly wordless tune that accompanied the music. There was no one else, other than the every ladies raised and taken from their family, to serve their queen every wish. The strings vibrated under her touch, releasing a sweet melody. The court will be buzzing with talk of the upcoming events of the royal family. Isabel could understand why. After all, so many things could happen, and there were great opportunities that could arise, come better or for worse.....


Rowan, could he managed to keep out of trouble until after the wedding?

The queen let the wordless sound fade, and continued to play, letting her thoughts wander. Rowan, the eldest son of the royal couple. It was not long she remembered the last three months of her pregnancy, she was bedridden. All feared to lose the royal queen and child she carried in her womb. Still, she did not understand where they have gone wrong in raising such beast...

Isabel heard footsteps out in the corridor. The queen bought herself back to the place where she would start the wordless tune, and decided to sing the lesser known words of the sweet lullaby she had sang to each of her children. " Little child, be not afraid. The rain pounds harsh against the glass. Like an unwanted stranger. There is no danger. I am here tonight," She took a deep breath, shifting in the stool "...And someday you'll know. That nature is so. This same rain that draws you near me. Falls on rivers and land. And forests and sand. Makes the beautiful world that you see. In the morning," A warm smile played on her lips "...For you know, once even I. Was a little child and I was afraid. But a gentle someone always came.To dry all my tears. Trade sweet sleep the fears and to give a kiss goodnight, " It made the smile that was playing on the corner of her lips blossom before she continued singing. "....But it's dark and it's late. So I'll hold you and wait 'til your frightened eyes do close."

Her voice faded, and went back to the wordless humming with the music before her fingers slowed, and stilled. Isabel placed her hands on her lap, turning towards the door, curious to see who had come to interrupt her.

" Forgive me, your Grace. I have news," Isabel heard as a dark breaded man approached her. You knew the man as one of your person guard, given by the king. The man the definition of stalwart warrior; strong, brave and battle-hardened. Isabel nodded, the soldier quickly walked over to her and leaned down, whispering about the events that took place just minutes ago. The queen shook her head, letting the news settle before grabbing her skirts and exiting out the door. She rushed for the Keep and reached the doors of the King's cabinet.

The men in chain-mail covered the door, came to a great surprise to see the present of the queen. " Your Majesty! You are not allow-"

The queen came to a halt at the door, her anger raising for the fact they did not let her pass. " I demand to see the king at once."

" He is quite bus--"

" I could careless if the man is being processed as God by the pope," Isabel spoke in a hush tone. Her face mere inches from the guard's.

" Get. Him. Now."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jozarin


Member Seen 11 mos ago

"Then let us be lost!"

He couldn't afford more than a few hours, and would probably be called away within the first. Never mind, life could wait, and they could sit among the flowers. Caeling went to the wall, and plucked an orange, which he tossed to Juliet.

He got one for himself, sat on a bench, and bit into it, lazing in the beauty of the garden.

It had been built generations earlier, but only in the previous few decades had it thrived. Cael's father had planted the bushes, and organised the pond and fruit trees in the early period of Rowan's youth. It was to be a going away gift to the queen, as his father was unable to be present as often as he would like.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jozarin


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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Grave
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Demon Grave Bored, and Slightly Psychotic

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lord Aldurin Ranold of Sevaviel

Lord Aldurin eyed the Crown Prince as he replied. His piercing brown eyes taking in everything about the man before him, every word, every flick of the eyes or twitch of muscle. The Prince seemed to be speaking honestly, at lease, as far as Aldurin could tell. Still there was something off that he couldn't put his finger on. Even so, without evidence he could not act, though he did believe one thing, this prince was no fool, and would likely not harm the Queen no matter his infliction. Yes, he knew better than to do anything against her lest he sign his own execution.

"Well spoken, Prince Rowan, but words by themselves mean nothing if the one speaking them does not abide them. Do not mistake me as a man of threats and violence, I simply have no tongue for courtly speech and political games. The name's Lord Aldurin Ranold of Sevaviel, and I am my kingdom's Lord General," he said in a gruff, blunt manner, though the last bit he did at a little bit of flourish to a small bow to the Prince, though he wore a wolf's grin. "And this is, Whisper," he added, gesturing to the large grey wolf at his side. She looked up at her name and swept her tail against the stone floor lazily. It was also at that particular moment that Lachlan approached them and spoke to Prince Rowan about the Queen wishing his company.

"Then I shall take my leave, and Lachlan, do remember our sparring will you?" Aldurin said, his brown eyes unnoticeably motioning towards the Prince at his side. With that he was off, his black cape billowing out slightly behind him, and Whisper his ever present silent shadow.

Aldurin headed back towards the entrance way to see what the others of their party were about. He wished to keep a keen eye out for all of them, lest one of his pups be sprung upon by vile bear. He would have to die before he let one of his own befall tragedy on this voyage.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OfficerHeadbutt
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OfficerHeadbutt Child of the Fence

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rowan listened carefully to the words of the Lord, his eyes showing great interest. Aldurin was a man who Rowan could see was not to be crossed. Rowan was a good fighter, but the scars on Aldurin’s face and the look in his eyes suggested he was a man who’s experience in combat would greatly outmatch the Prince’s.
“ Courtly speech and political games have never been my strong suit either. I believe actions speak far louder than words.” He replied, turning to look down at the beast by Aldurin’s side as he introduced his companion.

“ The wolf is surely a great beast. The perfect combination of elegance and brutality. A perfect metaphor for Lords and Kings. I do wish I had a Lord I could depend on; like you, Aldurin. Sadly I am stuck with that disrespectful sycophant Robert.” He said, as he eyed Lachlan coming down the hall towards them.
“ Though I suppose, once I am married to Emilia, I will be King of Sevaviel, and you will be a great Ally to have by my side.”
He finished, as Lachlan arrived.

"My apologies for interrupting... Her Majesty, Queen Emilia wishes to speak with you, Prince Rowan... She's asked for me to escort you to her rooms."
“ No need to apologise, Lachlan. You were given a duty to come collect me and you waste no time in doing so.” He turned to Aldurin. “ I look forward to speaking to you more. You look like a man with some interesting stories to tell.” He finished, before turning back to Lachlan.

“ Let us waste no further time. I would not like to keep Emilia waiting any longer than I already have.” And with that he made strides forward, heading with Lachlan towards the Queen’s quarters.
“ So you are part of the Royal Guard of Sevaviel? You have down well for yourself, as a bastard. No disrespect, of course. I imagine you have worked hard to prove yourself as worthy of your position.” Rowan spoke. He couldn’t really look down upon Lachlan as a bastard. The chances were good that Rowan had a few bastards of his own, though this was not information he was about to share out loud.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 3 days ago

Sir Lachlan

Lachlan was slightly surprised by the Prince's willingness to follow. Then again, he supposed that had he not interrupted under the Queen's orders things might have been different. He turned and walked down the hall back toward his sister's rooms. As the Prince began to speak, he glanced over his shoulder to look at him. Once more, he was surprised by the Prince. This man did not match the man he had heard on the battlefield or of the man that even his brother had told him about. He had a silver tongue and Lachlan didn't trust it, he really would need to keep an eye on him. He nodded his head to the Prince, deciding it best to show the man the same respect that he was showing him, "I have, Your Majesty. Although my father never claimed me, I consider myself lucky that he favoured me. Of course, favour gets you few places in court... Especially once the King was dead."

He bowed his head slightly at the thought. He had spent many of his younger years with his father. In the last few years, they hadn't been as close. Not with Lachlan traveling the country and helping to quell any civil unrest. It made him wish some days that he had not taken the course in his life that he might have had more time to spend with his father... Had he, he'd be dead now though. He was too much in the public eye as a good man to be cut down now.

Realizing he had been wrapped up in his thoughts, he looked at the Prince again, "It would seem that I am not the only one who has done well for themselves. Prince or not, I've heard much about you on the battlefield," The comment was thinly veiled before he quickly continued as though it were nothing, "But please... Do not worry about disrespecting me. I've been called a Bastard since birth. There are some, I'm sure, who believe that to be my given name."[/b][/color]

As they reach the Queen's rooms, he knocked lightly before entering, "His Majesty, the Crown Prince of Thirmos, Prince Rowan."

Lady Juliet and Prince Caeling

Juliet smiled at the Prince as he suggested that the two of them get lost within the garden. She picked her shoes off the ground and walked over to him, "I believe I might get in trouble if I am the reason the Prince has gone missing," She said jokingly before she took a seat on the bench next to him.

Placing her shoes next to herself, she moved her hands to her lap and closed her eyes as she inhaled deeply. She stayed like that for a moment before opening her eyes again, "Thirmos... is a beautiful country... Or it at least seemed so from the carriage. Everything seems to be so beautiful.. Although, maybe it is because it is new..."

Caeling chuckled. "I think I could keep you out of trouble. I have an understanding of responsibility to my lessers that my brother seems to lack."

Thirmos was indeed beautiful, and Caeling had seen much of it as a squire, then as a knight. There were rolling hills and ruins, and there were great forests and rivers. The folk were diligent, and the animals graceful. Yet, there was danger. The places of beauty could hide the worst of thugs, and the graceful animals could turn vicious.

"It is not just that it is new. I have lived here many years, and I did knight work out in the countryside, and each year I see more beauty."

Juliet pondered the thought of travelling a countryside before she shook her head, "This in the first time I've been out of the castle in years... Of course, it isn't to thrilling to go from one castle to another," Her eyes drifted down her lap as she played slightly with her skirts, "It's humourous... The first time I got to see more of Sevaviel, I was leaving it."

She took a deep breath and looked about the garden, "I suppose I face the same fate here. That is the fate I recieve as a Lady..." She looked at Caeling, "Sometimes I wonder what life would be like as a man. If I would have seen more of the world. If I would know more," Suddenly, realizing the course of her words, she gasped, "I do like my life though as a Lady... I just... My apologies, Your Highness, you most likely have little care for my curiousity."

"Your curiosity is not without merit, but you must understand, that beauty hides danger. Some day, you might get to see it, but for now, it is too dangerous for a fragile lady such as yourself."

Caeling himself loved the gardens as much as the rolling hills and forests of the countryside. At heart, it was the people who he loved outside the castle. Part of what he loved, though, about the land, was the danger, and leaving comforts. This was something that no fragile lady could enjoy.

A small quick laugh escaped from between her lips before she quickly quelled it. Of course Caeling didn't know that she wasn't exactly as fragile as she looked. Although, even if she could fight, she often did do her best to avoid any conflict. Even earlier that day she ran from the Crown Prince as he attacked the Lord. Maybe if she were out in the world and not living with people of better standing she would be less timid. She covered her mouth before she looked at him, embarrassed by her outburst, "My apologise once more, Your Highness. I should not have laughed," She ran her fingers over the small calluses that made her hands rougher than a lady's hand should be, "My mother would never refer to me in such away. It is refreshing being viewed as such."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers ❝𝖰𝗎𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗈𝖿 𝖶𝗁𝗂𝗌𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌.❞

Member Seen 27 days ago

Queen Emilia

As soon as Lachlan left, a few maidens came in to help her get ready for the dinner that was taking place later that night. One maiden ran her a bath while another went through her assortment of clothing to pick out the perfect dress for her to wear. She thanked them for all that they were doing and had only a matter of minutes before Lachlan brought Rowan in. She was undressed by two maidens from her arrival gown then she walked over and sat in the tub, having a quick wipe through before stepping out. The maidens stared at her as she eyed them. "I am dripping wet. A towel, please." She commanded to no one in particular but one of the maidens scurried and handed her a towel, which she wrapped around herself after drying off.

Emilia walked over towards the vanity section of her room, sitting down as the maiden walked over and started running her fingers through her hair. "Anything special, my lady?" Emilia turned to the left then turned to the right while now facing forward and looking towards the maiden in the mirror. "A bun, please." She muttered as the maiden nodded her head then started brushing her hair and tied into a bun of perfection. "Nicely done." She commented while standing up now and dropped her towel.

The maidens quickly came over towards her and started dressing her for the dinner. She was nearly fully clothed when she heard the knock upon the door and heard the announcement then saw Lachlan as he entered. The maidens bowed before them both as Emilia spoke. "Thank you, Lachlan. That will be all for right now. Thanks goes to you ladies, as well as I love my gown and hair for dinner. You're dismissed." The maidens curtsied at her dismissal then bowed their heads again towards Lachlan and Rowan before departing. She waved Lachlan away then walked closer to Rowan, closing the door and leaning against it.

"You've been quiet towards me since I arrived. I know your father, the King, stole me away but I would've at least expected a hello." Emilia said while still leaning against her chamber door, looking at Rowan with a raised brow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KnightsTemplar
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The King and Queen of Thirmos
(KnightsTemplar and WildBunni Collab)

Alaric watched a moment as the sun that had greeted him that morning was now slowly dropping below the western mountain range and smiled to himself, what would of been a near disaster, had now presented him an opportunity he could not pass up. Deep down he wished Rowan had sliced the little weasels throat, but that would of led to civil war amongst the other Nobles who looked to him for protection, he to them for their resources and men-at-arms to fill the ranks of the Army, he only wished Rowan would realize Kings power came from those who served the Crown loyally and not merely by birthright.

A knock at the door stirred him from his thoughts and he turned to see one of his Royal Guard stick his head around the edge of the solid oak door,"Forgive me Sire, but her highness the Queen wishes entry", the man said with bowed head.

"By all means, give her entry", Alaric replied wondering how it was she had heard the news so suddenly, which was the only reason she could of been her and not overseeing the Dinner preparations. He made his way across the room to embrace her as she pushed her way passed the Guard and looked up at him,

"Issy, my beloved, to what do I owe this surprise visit?", he quipped as he embraced her then motioned for her to sit.

The Queen gracefully made her way passed the guards, her face showed little of the raising anger bleeding within. When she appeared, her eyes cast down to the floor, her arms rest perfectly close to her sides while her body lowered into a curtsy. Isabel would have fought her way past the Royal Guards, if Alaric denied her passage. Stubborn, others called it. However, Isabel thought of it as determination. Even though, the throne belonged truthfully to King Alaric. It was Isabel who has managed to keep the kingdom thriving while her husband's absence. Both royals have played huge parts, bringing Thirmos to success.

"Issy, my beloved, to what do I owe this surprise visit?"

"Your Grace," she spoke when they were left alone. Isabel gasped as she was pinned by strong arms. The energy of a powerful coiled leader surrounded her. Her body felt a flame while her lust which until now had been easily subdued, flared to life. Over the years, her heart still beats passionately for him. How much she hated and adore, the way he made her feel even in such an age. "Alaric," Her petite body tense under his embrace, pushing her inner demons at bay. Unable to resist the temptation, she looked up to inspect the face of her beloved, focusing on the tall stature man. How she loved this man so.

Her green eyes flashed with anger as Isabel remembered the reason she requested an audience with him. Her hand came down his chest, a small warning that she was not in a playing mood. The hit did absolute nothing to the man, not even a flinch. "Do not be coy with me, Alaric." she hissed, ignoring the pleasant offer of the sit. " For all that is holy, tell me you have our son limbs being tore apart?"

Of course not, the spoiled brat had managed to escape with nothing but a lecture from his father. Isabel placed her hands on her hips, exhaling the breath from her lungs. "If it isn't Cilla. Rowan, will be the death of me." Isabel care little who was to blame. Just that actions must be taken. No matter the status. " Alaric, take action or I will."

The fiery temper, the determined glint in her sultry green eyes, the way she strode into his chambers to stand defiantly before.....even after all the years together, she still stirred his desires and made him feel like a young stag experiencing his first rutting season, for a moment as she stood before, he concidered gong to the oak
door and slamming the bolt shut and then ravage her till they both collapsed from
exhaustion, but by the tone in her voice, she was not of like mind.

"Your Grace...is it now, well then, I'm to believe word has done reached my Queens ear, of our Sons latest rush to rash conclusion to draw sword and not the use of his brain, I declare woman, were I to have your network of spies within the very walls of
Cylla, I would have no need of this Alliance to make it mine".

He bite his lip to keep from chuckling as her small had pummeled his chest as she vented her frustration concerning Rowan. He lifted a hand and brushed back a sew strands of her long blonde tresses, then brushed his fingers across her cheek,

"Without limbs, I fear he would still have the tenacity to bite, but I beg thee patience my dear, our Sons rush to act an anger, as presented my with opportunity to be rid of two birds with a single stone, something that was better seized upon then having the boy drawn and quartered, come sit, I have need of you thoughts to my plan". Alaric waited till she sat then paced back and forth as he began to unfold his thoughts and lay them bare to her,

"As your aware, Roberts egotistical and arrogant manner is becoming worse and more tiresome to me then Rowans impetuousness, however Robert still manages to hold the confidence of the other Nobles and I have been at wits end to understand why... now indeed I had reason enough to dismiss him as Chamberlain for his treatment of the Sevaviel, but losing his position simply for being rude to them would give him grievance enough against me to go to the other Nobles, whom many as you know were young Knights during the border wars between the two Kingdoms and who are still now opposed to any Alliance between the Kingdoms and would cause me more problems then needed".

Now, as for the five barrels of wine, though said I to be gift, was meant more as a means for Robert to hang himself, for if he does as I suspect he will with the wine, he will besmirch his own honor and reputation, giving me just cause to remove his head and not risk the Nobles allying against the Alliance, which if I am to take Cylla, I will need to combined might of both Armies".

Alaric paused and stood before, "Now what say you to this?, or would you care to mull this over after we've dined and entertained our guests?".

The small muscles of her brow crinkled, at the mention of the formal way of sleuthing. This was their home, while nobility ran course through her blood, she will do all she could. Even, if it meant stealing a couple of workers to keep an eye on all it's residents. Although, it was indeed a bad habit for a lady.
Alaric tightened the space between them, slowing her trail of thoughts. Once more, he gestured to the chair across the room. Her feet wouldn't obey, with a small tugged of her husband. She allowed him to guide her over the chair, her fingers bent around the fabric of her skirt, confusion displayed on her face. Obediently, Isabel sat down and placed her hands onto of her lap. Her eyes rested upon him while he paced from one side of the room to the other.

The mention of the narcissistic lord caused the woman to rolled her eyes in response." Lord Robert has build a good name for himself in the Court." she stated, the answer is right in front of them." There are two forces that rule this world; fear and greed." Isabel fluidly rose to her feet and placed her hands on his chest." I hope we act in time before one of us fall by his hand. You have my full support as long. Of course, you honor his beheading in my name, hm?"

Isabel brushed passed him, stopping just by the door. She turned, admiring him from the distance before the doors swung opened and exit. " I will see you at dinner." Isabel continued onwards without missing a step, the ladies followed behind.

Queen Isabel was the embodiment of a pure Thirmos woman. Her golden hair was pin to her head in tiny braids, and her skin was pale it appeared translucent, though it was unblemished and glowed with health. She wore a beautiful burgundy velvet, embroidered with beads and tiny pearls along the neck, sleeves and front accents, hung off her slender frame, enhancing her femininity. Golden cuffs circled her wrists and throat, and upon her head rest true accessory that helps set a queen apart from her subjects by virtue of beauty, elegance, and style: her crown.

The feast in honor of Queen Emilia was underway and the atmosphere in King Alaric's court was jubilant. Hundreds of revelers ate, drank and danced in the Great Hall, while the sound of laughter and music rose to the rafters. The preparations were made weeks in advance before the arrival of Queen Emilia. Isabel observed the festivities from his Majesty's table at the end of the Great Hall. It was all too familiar a sight for the queen: the drunken lechers clumsily pawing at the young, voluptuous women on the ballroom floor, the older noblemen of the court cheering them on and slapping their behinds in congratulations for their lewdness, the elderly women exchanging disapproving glances with one another... it was a scene of pure debauchery brought on by drink; a typical evening of festivities in her husband's court.

Isabel had been attending these gatherings like these from a young age and it was always the same: a parade of gluttonous imbeciles. The only real pleasure she derived from these gatherings was listening to the heavenly music played by the court's musicians. Aside from the pleasant company of her family, there was no other reason she could think of to stay past the end of the feast, except for those magnificent compositions pouring out of the musicians' instruments, flooding the hall.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Grave
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Demon Grave Bored, and Slightly Psychotic

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lord Aldurin Ranold of Sevaviel

Reaching the entrance hall Aldurin was surprised to see that everyone had seemingly scattered to the winds. It was to be expected of course as he couldn't expect everyone to stay put while he was about with he King and the Prince. The great castle seemed suddenly large to Aldurin though without knowledge of his people's whereabouts. "Nose to the ground, Whisper," he said quietly to his wolf companion. It was a small command that she knew to be aware of danger. He wasn't an overly cautious man, but times like these, where rat lords scurried about and potentially violent royals brandished steel, he had cause plenty to be wary.

Whisper nudged his hand, snapping him from his grim thoughts. He realized he had been standing in the entrance hall, apparently with a face of murderous intent about him, as the few staff in the area were looking at him like frightened sheep. Aldurin sighed heavily, there was nothing he could do at this moment. All he could do was be patient, hope for a better outcome, and keep his nose to the ground for any trouble. Running a hand through his black mass of hair he took a breath. Then snapped his piercing gaze to one of the cleaning women. "If I'm not mistaken there's to be a dinner tonight for our arrival. Please see a bath brought to my assigned room. I doubt your King and Queen would appreciate a man smelling of the road sitting at their tables." He said in tone he hoped was polite. Judging by the woman's reaction, it wasn't. Aldurin sighed again and made his way to his room.

It wasn't a long walk to his room from the entrance hall and once there he saw that a bath had been drawn and was steaming in the center of the room. A young servant girl was waiting timidly by the tub. Aldurin shook his head and wiped his hand down his face. "I don't need you here. Go on," he said, slightly frustrated. The girl sheepishly tried to make an excuse, but left quickly as Aldurin shot a hand towards the door. He thought he saw a look of relief upon her face. As soon as the door closed behind her Aldurin went to where his bags where and opened them up. Pulling out a fresh, if wrinkled set of trousers, shirt, and underclothes, placing them upon the bed before getting undressed and getting in the bath. Whisper jumped in with him, causing him to laugh loudly as she splashed hot water onto the carpets. The bath did wonders to release the tension in his mind, especially as he sat there washing Whisper.

The water had gone cold by the time Aldurin and Whisper were done with their bath, and time was short to get to the dinner. So Aldurin put on his clean clothes then shook off his leather and chainmail. Sending dust into the air as he beat the ornate leather chest-piece. He donned the heavy chainmail shirt and strapped the leather chest-piece over top. Then sliding his knee high boots up his legs followed by his black, wolf fur collard cape, and finally his armored leather gloves before strapping on his wide sword belt, the ornate sword in the scabbard. Once dressed he gave Whisper a quick brushing, making her gray coat shine. He did nothing to tame his own mass of hair. "Well, that about does it," he said to Whisper, who responded with a short bark. With that he was off to the dinner, Whisper following behind.

The dinner itself was to be expected, though the debauchery brought a piercing glare to Aldurin's eyes whenever his gaze passed over the dance floor. Whisper was laying behind his chair, gnawing on a large cow femur that Aldurin had requested from one of the servers. The steady sound of gnawing and bone cracking behind him was calming in a way. As for himself he was enjoying the spread of fine dishes and drink, especially the ale. Which he was told by the servers it was requested by the King himself. "I must say, King Alaric, you have quite the tongue for good ale," he said loudly so the King could hear as he was seated a bit down the table. A pleased smile upon his scarred face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OfficerHeadbutt
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OfficerHeadbutt Child of the Fence

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rowan stepped forward, until he was stood in the middle of the room. A trick he had learnt from his father, standing in the middle of the room would subconsciously show people that you were in control. Of course, the Queen was probably not susceptible to petty mental tricks, but it had become a force of habit for Rowan.

“Well…” He said, thinking to himself for a minute.
“I suppose I thought it best to allow you and my father to discuss matters privately. As the two of you walked away I did say I hoped we could speak later on, and it seems that time has come, now.” Rowan turned his head away from her for a moment, surveying the room, before turning back to look at her.

“Do you remember that time, so many years ago when you came here, when we were both still children? Our fathers sat us down and told us that one day we would be married to each other. And I still remember what I said. ‘Do I really have to marry her?’ “ Rowan reminisced, letting out a small chuckle.
“But in the time since, it seems you have grown into an intelligent, stunning woman. A woman I will feel privileged to wed.” He said, with a glint in his eyes, and a smile on his face. Little did Emilia know that behind that smile lay the silver tongue of a snake.

“The Kingdoms of Thirmos and Sevaviel will be united. And in time, I believe it may be in our best interests to take down Cylla.” His tone changed, as he spoke of more serious matters.

“That Kingdom of southern savages have been a thorn in the sides of both of our Kingdoms for too long. But with the combined military force of Thirmos and Sevaviel, they would stand no chance.” Rowan realised the risk of his forwardness about his wishes for war against Cylla. He had no idea whether she would agree with him or be wholly against it. But he felt he had to speak freely with the woman who would soon be his bride and Queen.
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