Avatar of ActRaiserTheReturned


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7 yrs ago
I did not hit her, it's not true, it's bullshit I did not hit her I did not! Oh, hi Mark!


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Hm, I dunno. Something like this has the potential to get pretty broken pretty quickly.

Bump. Also, yes you're right, but role playing in general is very hazardous in certain ways.
Hm, I dunno. Something like this has the potential to get pretty broken pretty quickly.

Anything big has the potential to get broken very badly. Like the Soviet Union.
The multiverse theory is real. Many, if not all of the pop culture, fiction, alternate realities, you can think of exist. That said, you are a normal human on regular earth who is recruited into the Reincarnation Wars. You unlock your past "souls" or lives that you have lead before. They can be anything from anything, within the rules listed below. So your past souls could be Goku, Harry Potter, and Bart Simpson. You unlock those characters skills and abilities. So you would have magic and super saiyan powers and the ability to ride a skateboard. You then use these powers to partake in the RW, which are essentially fighting people like yourself who want to be a large threat. (Like being a destroyer, conquerer, enslaver, whatever) the multiverse. For some of the settings we will visit, some of them include the DC Injustice universe

Before I lay down the example for character sheets, I will give a link to the Discord. For players that dont' use discord, I will also make use of the OOC section. :D

Rules for Past Lives:

You will begin with 3 past lives you're the reincarnation of and unlock more later (a maximum of 10). Try to keep the power level at about MCU top tier characters like Scarlet Witch, Thanos, etcetera. Or, you could start with characters at around top tier Jedi and Sith at maximum (To be clear, I don't mean the enormously powerful Sith and Jedi like Grandmaster Luke and Valkorion/Sidious, although the film version of Palpatine could be fine), but could be the reincarnation of even more powerful characters, eventually. Other rules are, you can't start as the reincarnation of characters that would make no sense for you to be. You can't, for example, be both Darth Vader and Sidious at the same time, they are both alive at the same time.

Character Creation:
Home: (Like where in the world they are from)
Any relevant details:
The Past Lives: (You start with three past lives.)

Name: Dick Warlock
Age: 80 years old
Home: Maddisonville, Ohio
Profession: Celebrity Impersonator
Relevant Details: Dick Warlock is a celebrity impersonator. He is known for being a rather sweet old man by now, and is reputed to be hard working and a decent actor.
Past Lives: Michael Myers, Warlock (DOTA 2), Ariel Augustus (American Horror Story)

Tai & Agumon

Location: Field, Digital World -> Control Centre, Paradox Engine
Mentions: Ben@Mintz, Danny@Crimson Flame, Merlin[@ActRaiserTheReturner], Terra@Dead Cruiser, Bruno@Lewascan2

It had been almost a year since Tai last visited the Digital World. With all the demands of starting high school in the Human World, Tai had been so overwhelmed that he hadn’t left Odaiba, much less his world. But with summer break, Tai finally had some free time and made it a point to visit Agumon and his other Digimon friends. And that’s why he was now lying down on his back, placed right next to Agumon.

Tai was relaxing on top of the bright green grass, a fresh breeze blowing across his face. Next to him was a small yellow dinosaur creature, his best friend Agumon. Further down the field was Tai’s human friends and their Digimon. It was really nice for all of them to come and be all together. As much as Tai wouldn’t like to admit it, he had been drifting away from his old friends like Sora, Izzy, and Matt. He figured that it was just a part of growing up, your relationships change.

But one person who Tai was still as close as ever with was Agumon. The dinosaur Digimon had fallen asleep next to his partner and best friend, the field of grass making a nice bed. As Tai stared up at the clouds, he too felt sleepy. But then his rest was disturbed by a loud gurgle coming from Agumon’s stomach. Tai just chuckled as the Digimon stood up.

“Tai, I’m hungry,” Agumon complained, “Do we have any food?”

“Maybe Joe packed something?” mused Tai as he too got up, “I mean there’s those purple fruits on the tree over there.”

“Alright, let’s go get some!” said Agumon cheerfully.

Tai and Agumon then walked over to the tree with the purple fruit, finding that it was just out of both of their reach. Without asking for permission, Tai grabbed Agumon and lifted him up toward the fruit.

“Tai, be careful and don’t drop me!” shouted Agumon.

“I won’t,” replied Tai with a chuckle.

As Agumon reached out with his claws to grab one of the plump fruit, it seemed like the digital sun got brighter as it got into Tai’s eyes. The light continued to increase in intensity as it messed with Tai’s equilibrium. Before he knew what was happening, Tai and Agumon began to tumble. Only to land on not the green grass, but a cold metal floor.

“You OK Agumon?” asked Tai as he pushed himself off the cold metal floor.

“Yeah Tai. And I saved the fruit!” responded Agumon as he took a bite of the purple fruit in his hand.

As Agumon munched on the fruit, Tai looked across the big room, seeing a gathering of other people. They all appeared Human, save some kind of crab Digimon who was mentioning something about a Paradox Engine. Tai got to his feet, Agumon joining him as he finished eating. The pair then began to approach the others.

It was then that Tai saw the white haired boy phase through the floor, meaning that he too could be a Digimon, just a Human looking one. Tai then wondered if the old wizard looking guy was also a Digimon. Maybe that meant that the others were there Human partners.

“Hey! Is this the Human World or Digital World? We’re not really sure how we got here or where this is? That Digimon mentioned a Paradox Engine? Is that like a Digimon as well?” asked Tai quickly.

“Shouldn’t we introduce ourselves Tai? You taught me about manners, remember?” interjected Agumon.

“Right,” muttered Tai as he scratched the back of his head, before speaking louder, “My name is Tai, and that’s Agumon.”

Tai hoped that these guys were friendly as he really didn’t feel like getting into a fight here. Plus he tended to assume the best of everyone when he met them. But he couldn’t assume the best of the situation as the manner in which he arrived here was similar to how he left summer camp and ended up in the Digital World, those five long years ago.

The Archmage of Britain almost rolled his eyes,but decided against it. "I am Merlin, the Wizard. This is an ironic pleasure to meet you." His annoyance finally subsided. "I promise that I'm not as grumpy as I look all the time. I didnt' mean to make myself an enemy of anyone. The problem is just that I have so many enemies already. I still have little clue of what's going on." The wizard remembered his youth in the days of Camelot for just a moment. "No, I still have no clue what's going. Except for a mention that we're in some kind of Matrix." He told anyone who was listening. "I am a wizard. I use the powers of the world to weave my spells and magicks at will."
"I take it that this advanced form of science is likely a form of magick as well, I wouldn't be surprised."
The multiverse theory is real. Many, if not all of the pop culture, fiction, alternate realities, you can think of exist. That said, you are a normal human on regular earth who is recruited into the Reincarnation Wars. You unlock your past "souls" or lives that you have lead before. They can be anything from anything, within the rules listed below. So your past souls could be Goku, Harry Potter, and Bart Simpson. You unlock those characters skills and abilities. So you would have magic and super saiyan powers and the ability to ride a skateboard. You then use these powers to partake in the RW, which are essentially fighting people like yourself who want to be a large threat. (Like being a destroyer, conquerer, enslaver, whatever) the multiverse. For some of the settings we will visit, some of them include the DC Injustice universe

Before I lay down the example for character sheets, I will give a link to the Discord. For players that dont' use discord, I will also make use of the OOC section. :D

Rules for Past Lives:

You will begin with 3 past lives you're the reincarnation of and unlock more later (a maximum of 10). Try to keep the power level at about MCU top tier characters like Scarlet Witch, Thanos, etcetera. Or, you could start with characters at around top tier Jedi and Sith at maximum (To be clear, I don't mean the enormously powerful Sith and Jedi like Grandmaster Luke and Valkorion/Sidious, although the film version of Palpatine could be fine), but could be the reincarnation of even more powerful characters, eventually. Other rules are, you can't start as the reincarnation of characters that would make no sense for you to be. You can't, for example, be both Darth Vader and Sidious at the same time, they are both alive at the same time.

Character Creation:
Home: (Like where in the world they are from)
Any relevant details:
The Past Lives: (You start with three past lives.)

Name: Dick Warlock
Age: 80 years old
Home: Maddisonville, Ohio
Profession: Celebrity Impersonator
Relevant Details: Dick Warlock is a celebrity impersonator. He is known for being a rather sweet old man by now, and is reputed to be hard working and a decent actor.
Past Lives: Michael Myers, Warlock (DOTA 2), Ariel Augustus (American Horror Story)

Ganondorf looks around, very clearly annoyed. He was going to land a killing blow on that blonde, blue eyed fairy boy for the last time, and then suddenly, he's in Hyrulian field! Or at least, he thinks it's Hyrule's field. There were only other creeps around the area with him. Suspicious, he immediately grasped a good hard hold on his conjured Sage's Sword, and was ready for a fight. "What the Hells is going on here?"

"Okay, all of this power is as great as obscene magic. You're telling me that this the work of some advanced machinery?"
"I've seen impressive displays of power with technology but this is beyond impressive." Merlin states.
"Something about this just doesn't seem right."
<Snipped quote by ActRaiserTheReturned>

Alright, rundown time. First off, hider, my guy. Second...Maybe pick a more recognizable picture of ganon? Most people don't know him as a wrinkly old sorcerer anymore; heck, even pig ganon would be more recognizable lol. And now, the powers. That I can't obviously understand/need questioning/need nerfs.

  • Can Only Be Harmed With White/Holy Magic - Well, obviously, a big no since pretty much no one is normally capable of those things lol.
  • Teleportation - I believe Ganon is only capable of short-distance warping, correct? If so, no issues. Otherwise...Definitely weakened.
  • Necromancy - You mean...Like, all the undead enemies in Zelda? Or like, honest-to-God Necromancy? If I can get that clarified, it'd be nice.
  • Invisibility - ...Ganon can turn invisible? Far as I can find online, this isn't apart of his power set...Unless you're referring to that Shadow of Darkness thing, in which case...I mean, ya made its own section lol.
  • Banishment to the Dark World - Yeah....No. We've got more than enough worlds here already, thanks. xD
  • Magic Resistance - Similarly to others with this ability, it'll be softened, but still around; you'll handle magic better than most.
  • Healing/Regeneration - As long as it isn't too strong; the good guys still need to be able to put him down, or they'll be fighting him for hours.
  • Clairvoyance - Well, depending on the potency of said clairvoyance...Maybe. He better not be peeking into the future or anything though.
  • Portal Creation - Again, not something I can find...And regardless of the validity, depending what these portals can do, they might be too much. Hard to say, would like clearer definition.
  • Curse/Spatial Manipulation & Dimensional Travel - Probably best for all of these to be ignored. The first two because they're way too vague and possibly ridiculous (especially Spatial Manipulation), and Dimensional Travel because, well...If he could, there would be nothing stopping him from ditching this place lol.
  • Attack Reflection (Magic) - Again, like his Magic Resistance, would be nerfed; would find it harder to deflect magical assaults.

...Alright, I think that's everything. My only other concern is, well...Ganondorf isn't exactly known to be the best team player (shocker as a bad guy, I know), but I'm afraid he could end up solo and leave you with little RP opportunity. I could be wrong, but that's just my thoughts on the matter. If you can address these concerns, then I'll see about accepting him.

On Necromancy, Zelda has some undead enemies, I'm thinking of Stalfos and Re Deads that are creations of his, if I remember right. Ganon would definitely be responsible for making those with necromancy.

Also I guess your portal creation and everything else that's banned is gone then, that's still fine, Ganondorf is a power house regardless.

As for Ganon not being a team player, he can just pretend to be, and that should work out.

I was thinking that if he ends up alone I could actually role play his death/partnership with the enemy IC.

Is this image of him better?

Name: Ganon

Nicknames/Titles: Ganondorf, King Of Evil

Age: ??? Millenia

Gender: Male

Affiliation: Villain

Personality: A schemer, but also a ruthless dictator and monstrous cur to his absolute core. He works well both as a brazen dictator and a manipulator.

Biography: Eons ago, the god of evil, Demise was defeated by Link the Legendary Hero. Demise left a curse on Hyrule, that his hatred would form into a wicked blight on the land of Hyrule, and would try to conquer the world every time he was reborn.


Other: (Where to put anything these broader sections might've missed)
Wielder of the Triforce of Power.

As for my favorite super power, my answer is the same. Magic.
I haven't done text rp before, but it seems fun. If you're cool with a noob. Ik she'll probably need some culling, so feel free to tweak as need be, GM!

Agatha just may be more powerful even than Merlin.
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