Avatar of Aeolian


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2 mos ago
Current If you're ever disappointed, it's okay. All will be well. :) Let that bittersweet sting motivate you to create something wonderful.
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1 yr ago
Maybe I can make time for 1 RP. Right?
2 yrs ago
Going on an indefinite hiatus from this site due to burnout, mental fatigue, and long working hours. Thanks everyone for the amazing RPs I've been in over these many months!
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3 yrs ago
I hope everyone has been safe and well here. <3
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4 yrs ago
Taking a break to focus on school and work :) See you guys in a few months!


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I'm ready to kick bubblegum and chew ass.


Just waiting on our fearless leader. :P
Is this still open? I'm debating on an "anti-magic" Bahamut Aeon

I think you mean Aesir.

The human is the Aeon. :)

Our lovely GM will have to confirm, but I'm pretty sure it is. Although, I believe someone already submitted an application with Bahamut, soooo, you may want to look at one of the other ones that aren't taken OR create your own too, which is an option! :) You just have to send the picture and stats to our GM and she'll make one of those sweet Aesir cards.

I'm fine with both of those ideas! :)
@Aeolian Perhaps one of the elder Funérailles did the ritual for Vogel's father and our characters know each other in passing mention only?

It is possible. Funérailles are very rare and most still reside on their islands, so most people who are looking to have a Funérailles put their loved ones to rest would have had to travel to their island to have it done. Eve has only been performing Mer de rêves locally for Oakridge City citizens for the past two years. Which, depending on how long ago Vogel's father passed away, his body could have been brought to her island years ago. Eve took over as the official Funérailles for her island when she was 10, her grandmother having held the role for decades before she passed it down to Eve. So it is very possible that Eve's grandmother was the Funérailles who performed Mer de rêves for Vogel's father, but she probably would not remember that since she was still only a young child.

But, if an Elder Funérailles did perform Mer de rêves for Vogel's father, it would have had to have been several years ago, back when Eve's grandmother was still the official Funérailles, unless, Vogel's father was brought to a different Funérailles on a different island.

But, one of Eve's side characters, Marcus, is a regular patron at Vogel's bars I imagine. It is possible that Marcus may have mentioned Vogel in brief conversation. Marcus is the "life of the party" kind of guy, so drinking comes naturally to him. Eve certainly could have heard of Vogel during one of his many recounts to her about his thrilling life in the city, including his bar hopping antics. LOL
@Prisk Thank you! :) <3 Saranghae!

Also, because of Eve's role/profession, I assume most Oakridge city residents know of her, even if they haven't met her before.

BRIEF OVERVIEW OF EVE(for those who haven't read her profile):

Eve is a young 19 year old girl with a modest and nurturing temperament. She was born on an island that was taken over by the Unions when she was very young and was relocated to Oakridge City at the age of 17. She lives on the outskirts of Oakridge city in a Union Compound by a large lake, where her role as a Funérailles means that she performs Mer de rêves, which are essentially(funeral rites) ritualistic underwater burials for the deceased. Normally, these burials are performed at sea, but Eve is confined to performing them at the large lake. She has never been into the actual inner city of Oakridge, since the Union has prohibited her from leaving the lake compound.

Honestly not sure who Eve would know out of the cast considering her isolation. She may know someone if she performed Mer de rêves for one of their loved ones. She may know Artemis more personally if Artemis has brought her pastries at some point. But I don't know, what do you guys think?
@Prisk Can you change my character image on the thingy please?

I changed my characters appearance and turned him into a girl because I just realized how few females we actually had. LOL
Updated the first post in the character tab with a clickable cast.

So pretty!

I love how strategically placed the pictures are, with Eve and Zack being the close up portraits and their faces facing in the opposite direction.

It makes the whole thing look very symmetrical.

All that's left is your own character stuck in there somewhere! :)

Dont you mean one of the main characterS? :P
@Sync That's a good idea.

@Prisk And you should TOTALLY have a main character Prisk. What's the fun in only being a gamemaster without really allowing yourself get involved in the plot with your own character.
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