Avatar of Alfhedil


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6 yrs ago
Current This is why you shouldn't use an actual toaster to host a website.
6 yrs ago
[@Dnafein] Because people are salty about didney and have forgotten about the prequels.
6 yrs ago
*angry moth sounds*
6 yrs ago
Joke's on you Dagoth-Ur, I brought eighty bottles of sujamma.
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6 yrs ago


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@GamerXZ Got an invite sent to you.
@A Lowly Wretch I have sent an invite your way.
@Zarkun Looks good to me.
@DocRock I sent an invite your way.
@Anakin Should have an invite in PMs, can't promise I'll be able to tag you immediately, but will when I can.
@Anakin Chain Hero?
@Shard Gotchu covered.
@Shard We do in fact have magic. I can send a discord link if you want.
@Zarkun You're good to shift her over to the characters tab and post when ready.

Sena Alleron, The Seer

Interacting with: Koren Omi-Ren @Sep

Mandalore, The Citadel
Year Four, After Re-synchronization

"Ah, I seemed to have glossed over that it has been some time since you've been among your fellow Jedi." She commented in return, shifting her head towards the murals across the wall they stood before, sensing through the force the way the wall had been carved and painted to depict that which came before. Many times through the order's history there had been points just like the Shattering, where the order had been dealt a blow that threatened to undo it, but in all those other times it had endured. Debate could be held for hours on the circumstances that lead to the order fracturing the way it had, how millennia of distrust and constant pressure from not just the Republic but varied other public groups led to the inevitable. More than that… There was the distinct absence of this history of the many times the Jedi had been used to enforce the corruption of the Republic, or simply thrust into a conflict they had no knowledge of and made to side with one side or the other.

All that and more, she could go on until Koren had to take his leave, and perhaps longer, but he had offered her the opportunity she was seeking since she sensed his presence among so many other familiar souls. "I do not mind at all in the sharing of our new dual culture here within the Republic of Mandalore and the Enclaves, though as I'm sure you are aware, I do have many questions of you and where you come from." Just behind her, having kept lockstep through the short walk from the desk over to the mural, her guardians exchanged glances with each other once again. Though their faces could not be seen, only the silver of the masks, it was clear they weren't exactly comfortable with what she was doing, but continued with their orders nonetheless.

"The Hapans, or is it Hapan? Either way, the Hapans are not entirely well known beyond their nebulae, mostly by their own design and in order to protect their way of life as most seem to believe. From what I've read, the society is almost entirely matriarchal due to the supposed origin of the Consortium as a pirate state. When the pirates were wiped out, the women they left behind took it upon themselves to institute some manner of order in their absence and rather than reach out to the galaxy as a whole, insulate themselves from much of the chaos beyond their borders."

"Is that about right so far?"


Interacting with: Aroma Bel Iblis @Amalyra

Mandalore, The Tower
Year Four, After Re-synchronization

There was no small amount of excitement brewing within the towering Mando, partly as it seemed the young popstar was every bit as approachable as she had been put out to be, but that his girls would never believe that he got to talk to her. "Ah, not myself no." He admitted, then paused and came to a rest a few feet from her, not coming too close so she could retain some manner of personal space. "Well, not entirely at least. There's a few songs I can't help myself but to hum along with, but it's mostly the girls who absolutely love your music. Did you want to see them?" Without even skipping a beat he came down a little lower to be more on her level, pulling out a battered leather booklet from a pouch on his belt. As the clasp came undone, a series of thin slates came unfolding from the backing, each of them depicting a still image of multiple people.

"These are my girls, Sadhu and Dashi." Two rather pale looking girls waved from either side of the armored man in the center, neither looking particularly thrilled to have their picture taken, and least of all the woman standing off to the side who instead wore robes more reminiscent of the Jedi. "Ah, and that's my wife Besh. She's… Well, she's a little more strict with the girls, so I'm usually the one to take them to concerts and such. But don't tell her I said that. Oh! This is from Dashi's ninth birthday party just a couple months ago!" And another, with the older girl looking a little more pleased, though it seemed to be more in part due to the woman in the background appearing to lecture Ceph as the other girl's expression was largely concealed by copious amounts of cake.

He continued on through another eight slides, depicting various moments captured in time and showing no signs at all of stopping in his gushing over his two precious angels, until a small beep came from his helmet and he realized that not only did he have things to do, but he had forgotten entirely the reason he came over to meet with her. "Where are my manners? Here I am spoiling you with images of the two most perfect girls in the galaxy, and I have yet to introduce myself or even make the effort of assisting you. I am Ceph, of Deathwatch, and I had overheard that you are to be making your way to see the Mand'alor correct? Well, I do happen to speak often with Madam Secretary Suard, so I can get you to her office without all that trouble of going through the various envoys and such."

Verra "Solace" Alleron, The Diplomat

Interacting with: Dra'kal Sherom @Lmpkio, Airus Vel Aath @Apollosarcher, Ila'Iri Orini @rusty4297

Mandalore, The Citadel
Year Four, After Re-synchronization

Off to her side she caught Ila mentioning something to Airus, though the specifics couldn't be heard due partially to her focus on the spirit before her and that she wasn't exactly standing right next to them. This was all such a troublesome affair, a cascading series of unfortunate turns that she was becoming more and more certain would come back with misfortune in her future. Perhaps next time she has to deal with a holocron she'll just wear gloves… At any rate, the more she thought on things the more time passed, and the four of them were still within the room with a spirit several thousand years dead. Dra'kal was remarkably indifferent about the heritage of the holocron or her, though had understandable curiosity regarding it. That much she couldn't really fault him for, even if the moment he mentioned sharing of potentially useful information he got quite the response from the spirit herself.

"While I am not adverse to speaking of what is now history, or of the cultural differences between both time and ideologies… Our secrets are not on offer Kaleesh. More than that, my descendant has not yet even earned the right to them."

Now that was a curious piece of information, and added yet another layer onto things. Solace counted once more the security checks they had to go through for each step of dealing with this spirit. First the biokey, a way to ensure that knowledge important to the family line stayed within it or would be forever denied to either Sith or Jedi. It meant that what secrets she held would surely be of significance, and that the second layer depended upon their alignments to pass… Showed more so that she wanted to keep them from the Sith in particular. Especially when shown that she saw the Jedi as at the very least, not an enemy if not an ally. Now a fourth barrier shows itself, and she can't help but wonder if there might be more beyond that. Just what is it that her ancestor knew that would require such lengths in order to keep secure?

"I can only assume, Marisena, that such things you will not speak of to anyone except myself, assuming I pass your judgement?"

"That is correct, and as you might surmise, I will not offer such an opportunity to you until I feel you are suitably ready, and of course alone."

"Of course."

What a precarious mess this was. Here she was, with an ancient holocron effectively bound to her, and only willing to share sensitive information with her. This was really going to throw a spanner into her plans. There was that Corellian that she was intending to meet with at the Tower, no doubt already having spoken with Madam Secretary Jaessih and expecting a lengthy wait. Then there was… Shit. With all of what had happened, she had let slip the Hapan representative who was due to visit the Citadel… Now. He must already be in the main hall wandering about, no doubt chiding the Order for their lax ways.

"Airus, I've just remembered that I've got other business that needs seen to right away. Let the council know that Marisena here is willing to speak with both of us on historical matters, and do try to press upon them the significance of allowing me to retain custody of the artifact… Wait, I'm not going to have to prick my finger again to access you am I?"

"You will not. Simply speak my name, and I will appear."

With that the light surging from the capstone of the holocron ceased, plunging the room into darkness for a brief moment as the lights adjusted. The spirit wavered and dissipated in the fading glow of the holocron, sealing herself back inside to wait until summoned once more. With one hand grasping the handle of her parasol left by the door, Solace turned her attention to Dra'kal next.

"Good, then that is settled. Dra'kal, I will share what I can but make no promises on how relevant such information may be to your order or the Imperium. There will no doubt be some matters that will need addressed by our council, and more than a few I think a long time alone in reflection might not even settle. Your discretion is of course appreciated, and I will be sure to keep that in mind as this matter unfolds. There are guest quarters here in the Imperial wing that you are free to make use of during your stay, including a curated library and dining area that has been stocked with Imperial specific items. I do apologize, but I absolutely must be off to see to another foreign diplomat."
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