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5 yrs ago
Current "To fear death is to fear the beginning of a new book in a series of many." a qoute from myself


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In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon
Location: Landing of the River Port
Interactions: @princess

The amora’s propellers were slowing as it lowered toward the landing pad.“Hey Risa darling, it is time to wake up, we are here.” Kyran said, nudging her awake and stretching his arms. Once it landed, he helped her stand up, traversing off the amora. He looked around in awe at the surroundings. It reminded him of the area in Roshmi near the dock where his father and he would go fishing. It gave him a sense of nostalgia. “This place is really nice isn’t it? Do you think Elsea will be here? I really hope she is safe...” He said to Risa. “Where should we go first? Maybe find an inn?” Kyran asked her, rubbing her back. However, before she could answer, a brown wolf emerged from the woodland nearby.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon
Location: Main Road from Roshmi
Interactions:@Tae@13org@Dezuel@hide on mana

Caelan looked at Koto with confusion, “What do you mean? Ooh these are the clothes I had before I came to this place, this is called Avalia? Hmm. Weird name. Thought it was called Raemiala. That was the name of the place our DM named the world we played Dungeons & Dragons in.” He said thoughtfully. ”DM stands for dungeon master, the guy who tells the story.”

The two girls were questioning him now and seemed wary of him for some reason. He had no idea why he was being interrogated. ”I hid in here cause I needed to get out of that city we were at. I didn’t know what was going on but after some party the other night, everyone’s been crazy and it’s under martial law now or something. Not my vibe, ya feel me? I have had the worst week in my entire life. When I got here I was chased by an owlbear into the city and I had to hide and steal nasty bread and dirty water all week to survive. Thinking of all that makes me want to smoke a joint, ugh… Now that I’m away from people I can finally use it...” He shook his head after his explanation, taking out a joint from his pocket. He put it to his lips and flicked his fingers at it out of habit, thinking he had a lighter in his hand, but really he didn’t have one. A spark of flame ignited the joint from his fingertips. He took a puff from the joint and breathed out in relief. It took a few moments before his eyes suddenly widened, ”Wait. What!?” He looked and at his hand that he had used to light it and shook it away in fear of getting burned. ”Bruh… Guys what is going on here?”
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon
Location: River Port-Surfside Cafe
Interactions: @Helo@Potter

Vaeril let them speak and listened. The boy was clearly trying to come up with things, trying to match the story given by Lucia and giving cover to his so-called name. “Well I grew up in the Moon Elf village as well.” He smiled as his food had finally been delivered. “Thank you,” He told the waitress before continuing to talk to the two. “Yes, anyways I was at the ball and just about every ball in the last few centuries. I am the one who hosts and sets them up, but I could have never expected what had happened this time. I didn’t think it would be infiltrated so easily by Aklenroth’s forces. I just hope this rebellion can do something about this, I plan on doing what I can to provide for its cause.” He said. Vaeril had eaten his garlic lobster soup fairly quickly after and decided he wanted to go check some other places out. He paid the bill once it came, the total had come to 30 amas, smiling at the two, ”This is for letting me join you for lunch. I’ll cover it.”

Vaeril stood up and pushed his seat in, “Well, would you two like to come with me to check some other stores? I will gladly pay for something you two want.”

In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

The two creatures were stalking the group for some time now as they had entered their territory. Twelve feet tall and 2000 pounds of beak and claws, covered in brown fur and feathers, and beady eyes that rapidly searched their surroundings, these owlbears were large and in charge of this area. Known for being aggressive, they had spotted the five and immediately began hunting them. Now that they were getting close to the den, the owlbears decided it was enough and split off to enclose on their prey. The owlbear in front decided to show itself first, letting out loud screeches and roars. It moved forward on all fours slowly then stood on its hind legs, showing its great height as it towered over everyone before lashing at the group with its large clawed paw. The other owlbear stayed hidden for now.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon
Location: The forest, now closer to River Port
Interactions: @Helo@Tae@Potter

Ezeri listened to Elsea and forced herself to smile back. She did not have the resolve to tell them this creature wasn’t obeying out of its own free will, more of a false form of it but over time the bond would become natural, so she didn’t say anything, nodding her thanks to Corvina’s kind words. She looked at Cade next when he spoke, “Ah. Well I am not anyone special but thank you for thinking highly of me. I enjoy your company too… Err.. Anyways, unicorns seem very nice and less dangerous than when I am used to. I suppose we shouldn’t stay in one area too long. I do have a question though where were you heading in the first place?
She asked as she went to the side and jumped quite high and swung her self on top of the unicorn with Melzor perching on it's head holding onto the horn.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon
Location: River Port-Surfside Cafe
Interactions: @Helo@Potter

“Ah...I see, well nice to meet you Lucia and Frodo, I will gladly sit with you two.” He said, before pulling up a chair from another table and while he did this, he cast a spell to talk to “Frodo” in his mind

“If you are going to pick a name try something more elven.” Vaeril could see through the lie: his hair, facial structure, skin art, and his hesitation to speak after he introduced himself. The young man was stuffing his food to avoid speaking. Vaeril was old and had seen all many trying to lie their way through things and it was not hard for him to notice the signs.

Vaeril sat down and picked up the menu casually while he had done this, not looking Leon in the eye as he had spoken to him telepathically. ”Think I’ll try out the soup.”He told them with a smile. “So tell me about yourselves.”
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon
Location: Main Road from Roshmi
Interactions:@Tae@13org@Dezuel@hide on mana

Caelan was shaking underneath the blanket as the cart traveled along the road. It was a relatively smooth ride and it wasn’t too bumpy, otherwise, he might not have stayed concealed. The noise of others entering in the back scared him; he did not know what was going on and was too nervous to listen to the conversations around him. Caelan sat for a moment until they hit a larger bump, causing him to stretch his feet to prevent himself from falling, simultaneously stepping on the edge of the blanket causing it to fall and reveal the man underneath. He still had on a beanie and had a black cloak over his very unusual clothing, at least to an Avalian.

“Uh... uhh Hello.” He said in a nervous tone, looking at a group of four others around him. Caelan was at a loss here, he was unsure whether to jump out and run or sit in place. After a moment he decided to play it cool, “The name’s Caelan. ” He clicked his tongue and gave them some finger guns. ”Was just taking a nap… You guys have any idea where we’re even going?” He looked around at his surroundings in confusion, but slowly he remembered that he had jumped on a random cart in Roshmi, happy to just go anywhere else other than that shithole. “Who’s the DM up in this place anyway?”
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon
Location: River Port-Surfside Cafe
Interactions: @Helo@Potter

Vaeril had let Darius go enjoy himself and stood upon the beach looking towards two beings who were sitting on the deck of a Cafe. He was interested in the staff that the elven girl had and he could feel the very familiar magic coming from it. After a moment of watching her pull it closer to her and adjust her quiver, he decided he would go and speak to them himself. Vaeril made his way to the deck where they were sitting.

“Hello there, My name is Vaeril, I couldn’t help but notice your staff,” He said to the elven girl. “That staff is one I could never forget as I had made it myself. Would you mind letting me know where and how you came to own it?” The fact that he knew the past owner of the staff and was very close to them only brought more curiosity upon him. The importance of this staff was immeasurable to him and he hoped that she would not just lie to him.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon
Location: The Pretty Flower
Interactions: @princess

Kyran emerged from the other room in a new outfit, including a hat he had cut holes in for his ears, hearing Vereon call him to come out and see something. He came out and watched as Vereon lead Risa out the door. A glimpse movement outside the window made Kyran move over to it and peek behind the curtain to see Helio outside on a throne. He gritted his teeth let out a small growl as his sense of danger peaked and his hair stood up pinning his ears back. He was sitting on bloodied hands; it was revolting.

Kyran came down the stairs. The room was more crowded than he expected and Risa was touching the hands of an enormous orc. He moved over to take her hands and pull her close.

“We need to sneak out and leave as soon as possible. I don’t want to be here longer than needed. I can feel myself clouding up which is the same thing that happened outside Roshmi.” He told Risa and then looked her up and down, both surprised by and enjoying her new attire, ”Woah, you look… great. The socks with straps have a nice appeal.”He smirked, perking his ears up.

Kyran shook his head and grabbed Risa’s hand, pulling her towards the backdoor of the bar. He was getting her out of here as soon as possible and did not care for goodbyes to the others, giving them a simple wave as they moved out the door. He immediately began walking her around the backway, pulling her hood over her head more as they did. They arrived at the amora dock. Not many people were boarding onto as it was a special order one-way trip to River Port. It would just be them and about three merchants. He put his arm around Risa and guided her to a seat. Kyran then placed his lance down and sat beside her, lying her head onto his lap, stroking her hair. “We will make things right; this will not be our normal any longer.”
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