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6 yrs ago
Current First post after nearly a month of inactivity. Here's hoping I can get back into a good post routine before long.
6 yrs ago
“Just put on anything by Enya. No, not anything. 'Orinoco Flow.' On repeat.”
6 yrs ago
Managed to burn both my thumbs and index fingers pulling a tray of cookies out of the oven. I trusted you, oven mitts, and you betrayed me.
6 yrs ago
Thanks to having to move earlier this year, I finally get to experience snow for the first time since my early childhood. It's absolutely wonderful :)
7 yrs ago
RP’s that amass a good player base and have a good start only to suddenly die are why I have trust issues.


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Roland Nightbreaker

“No problem at all! I'm always glad to-” Roland was cut off by the sound of a horrendous scream echoing through the school. Instinctively Roland ran to the nearest window and surveyed the immediate area. Nothing. The forest was too far and too thick for him to see anything. Even then he only had a vague idea of where the scream came from. Still, he couldn’t just sit around and ignore someone’s cry for help. His strong sense of duty implored him to jump into action.

Duncan must have felt the same as he asked if they should go check it out. “Yeah. If someone’s hurt I've gotta be there. Responsibility as a healer and all.” Roland explained holding up a glowing hand to show his powers. “We can't wait for the elevator. Better use one of the ramps.”

Pulling out his map again, Roland located the nearest set of ramps and made a beeline to the ground floor. Once there he followed the signs to the nearest exit ready to run out the doors and go from there. It never occurred to him, however, that the exits might be guarded by the staff. After all, the scream had only just been heard, no way the faculty could organize that fast unless they could get their orders telepathically or something.

@Silver Carrot
@Crimson Raven

You're not alone. Had to do a reverse image search to find out it was a "Macho brace".

Physical Education

“Alright let’s all settle down.” Trad said realising the shirts vs skins joke was starting to get out of hand. “No one has to take their shirt off if they don’t want. I’m sure there are other ways we can tell who the real members of our team are.”

Just as the words left his mouth, coach Roy silenced the masses and presented a red and a blue brace for the teams to distinguish themselves. “Coach, we’ll take the blue ones.” Trad called to the to the prophet of protein before returning his attention to his team. “It might be best if we all wear one so we don’t get tricked by the doppelganger over there. Those who want can still go shirtless, I mean, I don’t really have a choice at this point.” Trad laughed as he looked back to the tattered remains of his shirt. While he had no regrets over his spectacle, the inconvenience it posed was started to dawn on him especially considering this wasn’t his last class.

Oh well, he was having fun living in the moment, and right now it was football time. After a few second of contemplation over what information he had, Trad began. “Alright, Selena, Krysanthe, Cian, and Sepia. I want you running offense. You’ve all got the speed and skill to get in and make reliable shots. Sand, Yun, and I will be on defense. Sand, shepherding is allowed in this, so use your semblance to put some extra force into your pushes. Yun, your semblance is going to have to be a judgment call. You can save it for the end like you said, or if you think we need it for any play during the game go for it.”

“If anyone else has a semblance they think can help or has a different idea let’s hear it now. Not sure how much time we’ll have to readjust things once we get going.”


Thank you. You are a kind and benevolent god.
This probably won’t be a surprise to anyone and actually might seem moot at this point but I figure with the thread moving soon I should officially say that I’m dropping out of this RP. I’ve had a great time and have been hesitant about doing this because I enjoy RPing with all of you, but after much reflection I no longer feel like I’m a good fit for this.

I would, however, like to stay in the Discord with you all because I do enjoy everyone’s company, but seeing as it is technically a “War of the Three” Discord I understand if you need me to leave that as well.

I get it!

Hmmm. Well, it might be best to use the current plot device to your advantage. Have her be somewhere or do something that will draw attention to her reaction. I.E. if she gets startled, have her carrying a tray in the cafeteria that she inadvertently throws in fear.
I'm still struggling to find somewhere to fit. I'm getting bad at this...

I might be able to help with that. Having trouble finding a scene to join or just not sure how to get your character involved?
Roland Nightbreaker

Roland looked behind to make sure they weren't blocking the hallway. Seemed people had seen Duncan get stuck on the stairs and were going around. ”Nah, looks like we’re good. Now let's see...” Roland walked around the centaur eyeing his position on the stairs. ”Obviously going down isn't an option. So let's try this.” Bracing himself on the stairs Roland reached out for the centaur’s front legs and explained his plan before grabbing them. ”Alright, I'm gonna grab your legs and lift. All you have to do walk backwards and you should be-”

"You guys are aware that there are elevators, and other accessible ways around the school right??"

Roland's view snapped to the girl standing next to them. Her gaze, on the other hand, was fixed on the stairs below, no doubt checking if they were clear. ”I’m sure there are.” he replied not appreciating her assumption their predicament on the stairs was on purpose. ”Now if you'd like to be helpful you could come here… Or leap over the rails and completely ignore us.” Roland said unamused as the girl jump the bannister and walked away without even giving them a second glance.

”Whatever, let's get back to getting you off these stairs. On three, ready? One. Two. THREE!” Roland grabbed hold of Duncan's legs and lifted. Pushing the centaur up the stairs and back on even ground. ”Whew! There you are. Now let's find you one of those ramps. Oh, name’s Roland by the way.”

@Silver Carrot@Cerces22
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