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6 yrs ago
Current First post after nearly a month of inactivity. Here's hoping I can get back into a good post routine before long.
6 yrs ago
“Just put on anything by Enya. No, not anything. 'Orinoco Flow.' On repeat.”
6 yrs ago
Managed to burn both my thumbs and index fingers pulling a tray of cookies out of the oven. I trusted you, oven mitts, and you betrayed me.
6 yrs ago
Thanks to having to move earlier this year, I finally get to experience snow for the first time since my early childhood. It's absolutely wonderful :)
7 yrs ago
RP’s that amass a good player base and have a good start only to suddenly die are why I have trust issues.


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How is it in every RP our characters somehow end up rivals of some sort?
So just to get an understanding i have to react to KoL recent post? That's what advancing the story correct? It's not a character specific thing.


Roland is a human. Duncan is the centaur. But yeah the administration would probably hate those two of they started associating more. Oh the shenanigans they would get into.

He's in school to learn, isn't he?
Roland Nightbreaker

While Duncan looked for a mat to sit on, Roland sat taping his fingers waiting for the principal to make her announcement. The tension in the great hall could be seen in the students faces and heard in their whispers. Some were completely clueless asking if anyone knew what had happened while others retold rumors they had heard. Many had some slivers of truth, but none touched upon the unthinkable demise of a student. Roland slowly put his hand on his stomach as his frustration turned into nauseous pains. He wanted to tell them, but he wouldn’t risk spreading more fear and panic to the terrified crowds. They’d need to hear it from the principal herself… Or the vice principal.

As Ms. Reiko took the stage a hush fell over, everyone wanted to hear as she gave the answers they so desperately wanted. Once she confirmed their worst fears, Roland glanced around at the students to see their reaction. Some gasped in shock while a few others solemnly turned their gaze to the floor. Roland, however, to his surprise, didn’t jump to fear and despair, instead he clenched his fists and looked towards the stage with passion burning like the fire ignited in him. He wanted action. He wanted justice for their fallen comrade and would do anything to see it done.

He continued watching as Reiko announced the new rules and regulations that he predicted would be put into place. With each one his anger rose. He knew they were only thinking of their safety, but he wasn’t here to play things safe. Finally, when asked if there are any questions, Roland looked directly at the crimson mage and yelled, “Yeah I got a few."

The heads of the students and staff all turned to him as he leapt out of his seat and spoke in an almost thunderous voice. "Why are you making us be watched over like children? Aren’t we here to learn how to stand up and fight for ourselves? We should be standing our ground. Show whoever did this we aren’t afraid like real Dawnslayers! Not cowering around the staff and hiding in our dorms at the first sign of danger!”

The young Nightbreaker knew all eyes would be darting between him and the vice principal waiting for her to silence him or dole out some sort of punishment, but he didn’t care. He wanted them to know he wasn’t going to take such cowardice restrictions sitting down.
Unless we were planning a time skip I could have Roland stand up and yell how stupid this all is. That might spark some reactions (like the teachers telling him to sit his ass down.)


I'm thinking the ranger as well since there are already a number of humans and close range fighters. Aright, one woodland sharpshooter coming up!
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