Avatar of AzureKnight


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My blade carries with it the harsh frost of the wintry winds. Dancing with the rage of a blizzard, its speed matches the transience of an icy petal.

Welcome traveler. I see you've stumbled upon my profile, nice to meet ya.

About Me
I'm just your average 9-5 schmuck. I do my work, pay my bills, and contribute what I can to society. I also happen to enjoy binge-watching/reading anime, manga/light novels, tv dramas, and pretty much anything that catches my interest. I'm also an avid gamer, my favorite genres tend to change with time. Right now it's probably JRPG, hack-slash, and fighting.

Favorite Anime/Manga/Light Novels
- Rurouni Kenshin
- Hunter x Hunter
- Fate/Zero
- Kyoukai no Kara
- Overlord
- Re:Zero
- Yu Yu Hakusho
- One Piece
- Konosuba
- Various Gundam series
- Naruto
- Bleach
- Trigun
- Cowboy Bebop

Some of my favorite games
- Devil May Cry
- Disgaea
- Blazblue
- Guilty Gear
- Tekken
- Persona 5
- God Eater
- Tales of series
- The Legend of Heroes series
- 7th Dragon series

I originally joined this site several years back, having gotten my feet wet only recently at that point as an RPer. I was recommended this site by a pal of mine (@PaulHaynek) and joined a couple of his RPs. However, due to RL stresses I had to take a break from the world of RPing and took sometime for self-reflection. After a 2 year absence, I'm back in saddle and ready to further stretch my creative muscles. As for what roleplays I like, I enjoy anything action-oriented. I'm fine with any settings for the most part, though I'm more inclined toward the magical and sci-fi. Also, I've gained a sort of preference for RPs that allow users to play as multiple characters, but solo is fine either way. Here's a list to give a better idea of my tastes.

- Fantasy/medieval
- Dystopian
- Steampunk
- Sci-fi
- Apocalypse/Post-Apocalyptic
- Generally anything anime/manga related
- Adventure and Combat oriented
- Romance here and there is fine too

That's all for now, reader. If you decide to post an interest check for an RP idea, you just might find me posting a character profile ready to be reviewed. Don't be afraid to give me a shout if you'd like a Co-DM to bounce ideas off of as well.

Until then.

Most Recent Posts

@PaulHaynek @Lmpkio @13org @Restalaan

First off allow me to say this...

Yeah, so I meant to post last week but...things didn't go how I had originally planned. Life's been hectic for me as well, so I understand perfectly. I hope things get better for you though, 13org. Take care of yourself.

Second - Paul, I recently happened upon an image that I feel better suits what I had in mind for Vară's demon form to look like. I updated her profile accordingly. Think you could put this new character sheet in the Char tab whenever you get a chance?

🔥Vară Riemsianne🔥

@PaulHaynek @Lmpkio

Vară took the streak to their destination as best she could, not expecting the sudden chill and snowy trail they had to take. She used a bit of fire magic in order to aid Haley and herself in keeping warm. She couldn’t help but feel sorry for the poor excuse for a mule that the crazed boy was riding. Honesty with how skinny the creature’s legs were Forde should be the one carrying it. But she digressed, Vară reluctantly listened to Forde’s explanation of events passed, understanding that it may be important for the quest.

After some more walking, they happened upon a smoke stack in the distance. Seems they’ve arrived at a camp of sorts. Good, she thought, Vară didn’t do well with heights and steep slopes. Haley suggested that Titanica transform into her kaiju form and clear out the hole camp.

“Well, having seen the might of your form first hand as well, I agree with Haley that you’d be able to clear all of the louts out rather quickly. However, if you feel a different approach would be more effective, I’m all ears.”

While the demoness wanted to get this resolved asap, she won't actually mind a bit of a tussle. As a form of 'venting' so to speak.


@13org @Restalaan

After Freyr was able to convince his fellow Vieran to allow them passage, the group made its way up a spiral pathway. After sometime, they made it to the exit, and Nagare bore witness to the Viera village – Freyr’s birthplace. Highly curious, she took in as much of the scenery as she possibly could. The buildings and even the very pathways seemed as though they were intricately crafted. Nagare was about to move a little closer to the fountain to get a better view. She stopped, however, when she saw the stares of the village natives.

She was understanding of their glares; outsiders have more than likely never been within the walls of this village. They probably haven’t seen a creature quite like Nagare either, at least not often. Some of the stares were that of simple curiosity, others were that of disdain. She made a note to not let it bother, though. After all, by all accounts they shouldn’t be here, they were only granted passage by the good graces of the guardsman.

Nagare listened closely as Freyr explained to them that the men in their society patrol the outside and guard the village from threats, calling themselves Wood-Warders. She thought it was odd that they weren’t allowed to live in the village unlike the females.

“Um, Mr. Freyr? If I may ask, why aren’t the males allowed to live in the village? Also, I’d like to ask if you were a wood-warder before you left your home as well? If I’m not overstepping my bounds, that Vera person seemed to know you personally. She also didn’t seemed very happy to see you again…”
I have a couple of days off coming up, so I'll have something up soon
I have a couple of days off coming up, so I'll have something up soon

Got something special planned for the princess?
🔥Vară Riemsianne🔥

@Lmpkio @PaulHaynek

Following Titanica to their destination, Vară admittedly had trouble with the titan at some points. She dreaded walking across the grasslands, trying her best not to get grass stains on her stockings. While walking through the ruins, she would trip and stumble on some old rocks from time to time. Part of her wanted to ask Titanica to take some breaks, but ultimately decided against it. Not only did they have a quest to complete, but she was afraid of how the woman would respond to her - although Vară doubted she would even listen to her regardless. After all, her partner seemed to be too busy following the scent trail her powerful nose apparently picked up on. Vară could do little but follow the directives of her comrade, lest she become lost in a sea of old rubble and cobwebs. While the young demon didn't pride herself on tracking scents, she of course could sense human mana like all mamono. She began to sense the essence of a human as they drew closer to the sound of shoveling earth. However, something was off about the mana Vară was sensing. Something that didn't sit right with her...

Sticking close to Titanica, they soon found themselves in front of the person causing the shoveling noise. A young man who looked to be as old as Neil, who also had a similar messy hair style and petite stature. Though in Vară's eyes, that's where the similarities ended. This boy was extremely unkempt and obviously took no pride in his appearance. She could clearly smell the unpleasant body odor emanating from the boy, he probably doesn't remember the last time he washed. His entire person was covered in dirt and grim, and he had a creepy - almost deranged look in his eyes. Much to Vară's disgust, this was more than likely the Forde person who submitted the request. A fact that is quickly proven by the boy's rude introduction.

Vară turned to find that Haley had followed them, wanting to offer her aid in the quest. Turing back to the boy, the fire demoness had the misfortune of watching someone rob a grave for the first time. The mere thought of it made her sick to her stomach. Ugh, what is wrong with this sicko?! She said to herself. After listening to Haley and Forde exchange a few words, Vară learned that apparently the person whose grave he was robbing had taken half of a map from him. He then goes on to say that it's the dead person's fault that he is half-crazy and lost his sense of proper hygiene. Apparently the experience left him with a large disdain for people in general...

"Well, I certainly don't anyone holding a weapon to your head, especially that person whose grave you're robbing! So unless his ghost is haunting you beyond reason, I fail to see why you lack the common sense to take your smelly behind to a bath!! At least half of you must realize that." Snapped the demon to the boy.

"Hmph! Normally I'd burn a disgusting grave robber like him to a crisp, but after traversing so far I'd like to settle this matter completely. I'm sure my partner here feels the same way." She responded.


@13org @Restalaan

Following Freyr to the outskirts of the kingdom, Nagare along with Ditzy were led to a massive forest which seemed to stretch on as far as the eastern sea.

Nagare began to feel something coming from the forest, some type of ancient energy. It made her feel alittle uneasy at first, Freyr was probably used to it. Freyr confirms this by saying that the forest is as alive as the three of them were and had a will of its own. She followed Freyr's advise and stuck as close to him as possible, watching Ditzy like a hawk to make sure they didn't get separated.

"I remember the other members talking about how you went berserk once, I'm glad that you're alright after the experience. I certainly hope my magic doesn't cause you or your kin to undergo that same ordeal!" Said the ice dragon.

Arriving in a portion of the forest covered in a thin fog, Nagare immediately felt that something was off about it. Freyr said that the village entrance was close by, but it felt like they'd gotten lost amongst the sea of trees. No doubt due to the mist having some mystical properties.

"I can clearly see that your kin have some amazing spellcasters in their ranks. I doubt anyone from Varjo could make their way through this maze."

After some time, the three arrived in front of an enormous tree. Nagare watched with intrigue as the roots and branches twisted themselves to take the shape of a gate of sorts. This must be the village entrance. She thought.

Before they could enter, however, the ice dragon immediately felt a surge of murderous intent coming from behind them. A fellow Viera had appeared, bow and arrow ready to pierce, a made it her mission to prevent entry into the deeper part of Freyr's homeland. She had hide her presence well, Nagare couldn't sense her until she made herself known. The best thing to do was to remain calm and answer her questions. After all, they came in peace.

"My name is Nagare, an ice dragon from the eastern mountains. Freyr wanted to return to his homeland and speak with his village elders. We are his friends and wanted to accompany him on his journey back." Politely replied the young dragon. Hopefully Freyr would be able to ease the tension.
OK, finally posted. Sorry I couldn't get that out before your recent updates.


The princess turned to the sudden greeting to find Mira standing there. Mira seems to have, of course, heard the news - how the princess was defeated in the semifinal round by Seleth. The upset rattled quite the many, most of all Lisia herself. Mira asked if Lisia wanted to join her in getting food. Mira probably thought that the loss wounded her spirits, understandably so, but Lisia already told herself that she wouldn't let it affect her. There was also the fact that Lisia's mother told her to return to the castle immediately after leaving the infirmary. The Queen's words still stung, so much so that her defeat seems insignificant, Lisia knew it'd be best to not keep her waiting.

"Oh, hello Mira!" Happily replied Lisia, masking her shaken esteem. "Indeed, I was defeated by Seleth. She's alot stronger than I though at first, I shouldn't have taken her skills for granted." The princess looked away from Mira for a moment, pausing her speech. She then begins walking in the direction of the castle, but not before turning to the eastern mage again.

"I apologize, Mira, but I have to return to the royal castle for right now. There's a bit of family business I must attend to. Forgive me, I promise that if fate permits it I will set aside time for us to converse and further enjoy one another's company! Oh, and don't worry about me, one loss isn't enough to get me down. I'm not sure if I'll make it back in time for the final match, if I don't please cheer on Varjan and Seleth. I'll be rooting for both of them!"

With a slight wave of her hand, Lisia bade farewell to her mage friend and undertook her trek to the castle. She wouldn't admit it, but her heart was pounding with anxiety. She shudder to think what her father had to say to her, much less her mother.



Hisana sat on the table, legs crossed, as Anna gave her final orders. The picture of Enishi and the other masked mage faded away from the poker cards Hisana was holding, dissipating into crimson sparkles. After folding the cards in her hand, they vanished without a trace.

"So, you DON'T mind if I butcher him after all. That's a relief, I was afraid that you might have been smitten with him. I would have felt terrible having permanently separate you from your betrothed...💧" Said the fight manic in a sarcastic, yet ominous tone.

With that, the dame hopped off the table and headed for the door. But not before one last utterance. "Annabelle, darling, I really am going to miss those pretty eyes of yours. I suppose it was fun while it lasted.~❤️ Said Hisana, as she made her way out onto the streets. She supposed that she would have to find a way to get to Keith. No doubt he's being detained somewhere, she thought. Using her elastic alchemy and deft acrobatics, Hisana made her way up a nearby rooftop where she overlooked the night sky. She had some fun in this kingdom so far, even meeting Enishi again. However, at this point it just wasn't enough for her. She was only able to kill one person so far, albeit one of high importance and standing. Something else was needed, something more...dramatic. That's when she though about that one boy. What was his name again...? Oh! That's right, his name was Varjan. She had remembered the boy who was to be her opponent during the second round of matches. She was told that the boy was a prodigy and that she would more than likely be crushed if she'd faced him. All the better, she could use the entertainment.

It was settled, after she killed Keith and before she went to Enishi again, she would see just how strong this Varjan boy really was. It'd be best to wait until after the tournament, when there are no longer any rules or constraints. She could cut loose as much as she wanted. Truthfully she couldn't care less about killing Keith as a means of following orders. Hell, if it proved to be too much trouble she could just turn on Annabelle and fight her instead. She's probably handy with that knife~♤ She thought.

Stretching a bit, she thought about what to do next as she stared at the moon shining in the sky. If no one bothered her, she would kill some time until the next where she would make her next move.


@PaulHaynek @CitrusArms @smoken @Frozen0Titan

Seeing the masked mage take his leave, Enishi was glad that the civilian did not wish to get himself involved with the investigation. Though he was alittle little disappointed that they were losing such a skilled fighter. No matter, though, Keith was detained and they were at the pivotal point of busting this drug ring. Of course, the bounty hunter had some few questions for Keith himself.

"Thank you Athos-san, but as I said Hisana is my target. I'll handle her myself." Replied the bounty hunter.

Having made his way to Keith's cell a little after Lumina did, he starred into the eyes of the captured convict. He was a bit taken aback by the mercenary's words of disaster befalling Razelia. It seemed that even he didn't know the exact cause, but he didn't sound to be joking despite his disposition. After his explanation, Enishi has his turn at asking questions.

"Greetings, brigand, you can call me Enishi. Although, I'd rather we skip the formalities and get down to business." said Enishi, who shot a gaze so cold it could rival his icy sorcery. "I understand that in addition to working with this Orlov woman, you were also alongside another. Does the name Hisana ring a bell? The young woman who we saved you from getting sliced up from? Athos-san tells me that Hisana wants to kill you, and that she'll be coming after you. If you're truly willing to cooperate with us, then it will make it easier for me to deal with that woman. After all, I can't see you being enthralled by the notion of being stabbed, sliced, or otherwise decimated by a flurry of playing cards."

While he did agree to assist in the kingdom's investigation of drug abuse, Enishi fully meant to capture his target once and for all. And with Keith's help he hoped to make that goal easier.
I should have my post out in the next couple of days. Sorry for the delay.
🔥Vară Riemsianne🔥/❄️Nagare❄️

Not keen on engaging in intimacy...? That's an understatement, seeing as how Titanica threatened to mangle her corpse beyond recognition if so much as an utterance got out about that one night. "Sigh. Whatever, thanks anyway..." Vară weakly replied. She took one last sober look at the Kaiju woman before heading off to bed.

Nagare decided to turn in soon after, feeling it was better not to say anything after Freyr made his statement.

The next day, Nagare and Vară helped themselves to Morgan's tea, both finding it quite refreshing. The two found themselves amidst conversation, haven't not had the chance to do so being busy with quests.

"So on your first quest to had to help two homeless people get arrows from some Eastern noble? And you almost got skewered by his samurai guards?" The fire demon was intrigued by Nagare's story.

"Yes, it's all true. I admit I was a bit nervous, but I had absolute faith in Mr. Freyr's marksmanship. Plus, Ditzy was there to help me out as well. Said the ice dragon after finishing another sip. "But I'm honestly more impressed by you, I heard that you saved Neil from being attack by one of those Varjan soldiers!"

"Hmph, of course 'twas nothing for a renowned demon such as myself. That boy should count himself to have been saved by my grace." Boasted the heiress, proudly placing a hand on her chest.

"Actually, I heard that Neil was only put in danger because he had to save you from a fatal blow. Perhaps it would be wiser and safer to pay more attention during battle. What would Neil have if you'd been gravely wounded...or worse. Honestly, we were lucky in that battle. Sure, Mr. Freyr was there to aid me when I was surrounded by soldiers, and Yang's combat abilities and agility aided in freeing the prisoners, but if we keep being reckless like this we may not last long. I shudder to think what would've happened had Titanica not been their. Even then, they had a warrior that was strong enough to damage her thick hide. I hope Ozzy was right in saying that Varjan wouldn't spare too much effort in targeting us." Nagare stared at her tea cup, her sober expression reflected in the liquid.

Vară was somewhat taken aback by Nagare's feelings of unease. She didn't want to admit it, still trying to lift her spirits from the recent events. She did realize that her haughty attitude hasn't done her any favors, especially toward a certain someone. Speaking of which, the two noticed that Titanica had announced she'd be taking the next quest involving Ravager's Rest and Ozzy and Yang decide to take the second part of Liberation At Any Rate.

Vară looked at Titanica, as she proclaimed that those involved in yesterday's skirmish should participate, she then turned to Nagare.

"Vară, I've noticed that you've been apprehensive towards her lately. Said Nagare, as she also shot a glance at the kaiju woman. "I understand that you may have been offput by her demeanor, she can be quite...intimidating. But it's easy to tell she not a bad person at heart. I think it'd be good for you to go with her on the quest, you could learn more about her and mend your misplaced feelings. Besides, isn't it good practice for nobility to settle their dues?"

Vară finished her tea and looked at Nagare with an annoyed expression. "Cursed dragon, I'm getting tired of your infernal sense-making. Very well, I'll go with her. I kinda do want to learn alittle more about her, and yes, it's only right that we finish business. But! Know this, if I end up dying during this excursion - I will haunt you day and night for eternity!" Said the fire demon in an ominous but intentionally jovial tone.

"That's fine, it'd be interesting to have a best friend that's a ghost!" Replied the ice dragon in a cheerful rebuttal.

Vară then made her way over to the slashed Ravager's Rest quest post and marked it with a flame insignia, signifying her acceptance of the mission. She then turned to Titanica "Hello Titanica, I'll shall be joining you on this quest today. Um...I hope we make quick work of this quest. Oh, and I hope we work well together!"

Nagare, also finishing her tea, made her way over to Freyr. Though, not before she thanked Morgan for the tea. Freyr was waiting for anyone who wanted to come with him to his home woods to step forward.

"Good morning, Mr. Freyr. If you'll have me, I'd like to accompany you on you journey back to your birth woods. I believe traveling with you and Ditzy would be a wonderful experience." Nagare wore a gentle smile on her face as she greeting Freyr and Ditzy with a polite bow.
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