Avatar of AzureKnight


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My blade carries with it the harsh frost of the wintry winds. Dancing with the rage of a blizzard, its speed matches the transience of an icy petal.

Welcome traveler. I see you've stumbled upon my profile, nice to meet ya.

About Me
I'm just your average 9-5 schmuck. I do my work, pay my bills, and contribute what I can to society. I also happen to enjoy binge-watching/reading anime, manga/light novels, tv dramas, and pretty much anything that catches my interest. I'm also an avid gamer, my favorite genres tend to change with time. Right now it's probably JRPG, hack-slash, and fighting.

Favorite Anime/Manga/Light Novels
- Rurouni Kenshin
- Hunter x Hunter
- Fate/Zero
- Kyoukai no Kara
- Overlord
- Re:Zero
- Yu Yu Hakusho
- One Piece
- Konosuba
- Various Gundam series
- Naruto
- Bleach
- Trigun
- Cowboy Bebop

Some of my favorite games
- Devil May Cry
- Disgaea
- Blazblue
- Guilty Gear
- Tekken
- Persona 5
- God Eater
- Tales of series
- The Legend of Heroes series
- 7th Dragon series

I originally joined this site several years back, having gotten my feet wet only recently at that point as an RPer. I was recommended this site by a pal of mine (@PaulHaynek) and joined a couple of his RPs. However, due to RL stresses I had to take a break from the world of RPing and took sometime for self-reflection. After a 2 year absence, I'm back in saddle and ready to further stretch my creative muscles. As for what roleplays I like, I enjoy anything action-oriented. I'm fine with any settings for the most part, though I'm more inclined toward the magical and sci-fi. Also, I've gained a sort of preference for RPs that allow users to play as multiple characters, but solo is fine either way. Here's a list to give a better idea of my tastes.

- Fantasy/medieval
- Dystopian
- Steampunk
- Sci-fi
- Apocalypse/Post-Apocalyptic
- Generally anything anime/manga related
- Adventure and Combat oriented
- Romance here and there is fine too

That's all for now, reader. If you decide to post an interest check for an RP idea, you just might find me posting a character profile ready to be reviewed. Don't be afraid to give me a shout if you'd like a Co-DM to bounce ideas off of as well.

Until then.

Most Recent Posts

🏮Location: Mizu Port
🏮Interactions: @13org @Allycat
🏮Font Color: f26522

Fu's fireball hit its mark full on, prompting the man to let out a feminine yelp that even got a chuckle out of little Echo. The man, now furious with anger, prepared to make a counter attack against the kitsune. While she didn't have her blade with her, Fu was confident that the spells she currently had access to would be more than enough to deal with a few goons. However, Fu had sensed another presence that had made its way behind her. Both her and the man turn to notice a beastkin standing at the scene, and he was shooting a menacing glare at the thugs. After spouting curses, the man made a hasty retreat and took his friends with him.

The man had threw the pendant on the ground before leaving, which Echo quickly took back. The grateful girl thanked Fu and the beastman with a large smile. Echo then seemed to ponder for a moment before jetting off somewhere, quickly leaving before Fu could even get a word out. After a minute or two, Echo then returned with two gemstones in hand. Fu recognized the gems as a Tourmaline and Tiger's Eye, the kitsune received the former as added thanks for her efforts. Looking at the gem, she first thought of it's worth. She figured that if things got tight around the shop she could sell it. However, looking at the beaming face of Echo, Fu decided to change her mind. She thought it'd be better to keep it for its sentimental value.

"My, my, where ever did you get such pretty little stones? Aren't you full of surprises?~" Mused Fu as she patted the lass on the head. "Say, why don't you come back to the shop with me? You could probably use a rest after that ordeal, plus you're sort of dirty and could use some cleaning up." She then turned to the beast man who joined the fray from earlier.

He was quite the interesting fellow, his physical features immediately marking him a canine beastkin, although the features where rather different than what Fu's was used to seeing. The black fur along with the ears and snout gave him a jackal-like appearance, and his foreign garb was a point of intrigue.

"Hello sir. Those men who attacked this little girl fled as soon as they saw your gaze. I was fully prepared to engage them myself, but I suppose we owe you thanks. I wasn't sure if I could have fended them off and protected Echo here at the same time."

Giving the man a look over, she continued.

"You don't seem to be from around here, if you don't mind me saying. If you'd like, you could accompany us to my humble shop. I could tell you about the ins and outs of the town over some green tea, think of it as thanks for helping us out." She said in a serene tone. "Oh my, where are my manners? Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Meifeng Fu, owner of a small occult shop where I sell fortunes and mystic wares." Said the kitsune with a polite bow and a cute wink. "The little girl who just gave you that Tiger's Eye is named Echo, she's something of a little sister to everyone at the port. She likes to give out gifts as a sign of thanks, she's also mute so please don't mind her if she doesn't respond with words."

"So, tell me stranger, do you have a name?"
@Darkmoon Angel

Back. I'll get a post out in a few days or so. Stay safe and I hope there isn't too much damage to your area.
Back. Gonna get a post out soon.

Time/space manipulation huh? Wonder what else this prodigy has up his sleeve, I'd like to have Hisana fight him at some point.
Yo peeps, I'm back in town. Gonna go ahead a get a post out soon.

@Rune_Alchemist @CitrusArms

Listening to Seleth's explanation seemed to have calmed the princess down a bit. Though, the points that Mira and the other brought up did make sense. Seraph Academy's prodigal son, taken out by a simple projectile? Such a thing was unheard of, almost to much to believe. At any rate, Lisia also heard shouting coming from the adjacent room. The princess recognized the voice belonging to the father of the Caldeyron household, and he didn't sound pleased. Seleth promptly made her way there, despite her injuries. Lisia was about to protest, but Seleth completely ignored her and walked on. Worried for Varjan as well, Lisia quickly followed.

There standing in the room were Cellon Caldeyron and a fox beastkin, with Varjan lying in his bed. Seleth along with the beastkin told Sir Caldeyron to lower his voice or leave. Noticing that Seleth was still shaken from her injuries, Lisia positioned herself to support her, whether if she protested or not.

"Sir Caldeyron, I'm afraid I must side with them, I must ask that you show more consideration for the other patients in this hospital. Or, would you rather discuss things with security?"



Immediately, almost reactionary, Hisana pulled Keith's body in front of her in order to block the blast. However, something happened that took even her off guard. "W-What?", was all she could utter when the not-dead Keith grabbed her by the hair and pulled her in front of Enishi's attack. All Hisana could do was watch as the frozen shockwave washed over her body, her limbs growing numb from the sheer cold. I...I wanted the fun to last so much...longer... she though to herself as consciousness soon left her. She was now completely frozen from head to toe, and at Enishi's total mercy.

Enishi looked at Keith in disbelief, not many people get back up after being stabbed by one of Hisaan's cards, let alone act like nothing happened in the first place afterward. "Keith, I witnessed you get stabbed in the face. You fell dead to the ground and your blood spilled out. How can you be here alive?" questioned the bounty hunter.

Pausing for a moment, he turned to Hisana and decided there were more pressing matters to attend to. Having finally subdued the killer maiden, Enishi moved in for the kill. "I suppose I should thank you for your cooperation, but this woman's fate ends with me I'm afraid. You should do as I said and leave this kingdom at once, before either the city officials or myself change our minds."

At that, Enishi began walking toward Hisana, blade still in hand. He intended to pierce straight through her hard with his katana, and if nothing or no one interfered with the act, Enishi will have another target marked down in his bingo book and settle a long score.

I had Paul update the profile pic for the princess, finally found a pic that I feel better suits her.
Just wanted to let everyone know that I'll be heading out of town next week, so I may not be able to post until near the end of May or early June if that is OK. If possible I'll try to get a reply out sometime this week.
Hey, just got a post out. I also wanted to let everyone know that I'll be heading out of town next week, so I may not be able to post until near the end of May or early June if that is OK.
@Darkmoon Angel

You can just keep them on the sidelines for now. Thanks for your understanding.
🔥Vară Riemsianne🔥

@PaulHaynek @Lmpkio

Doing her best to hide the tears that began forming up under her eyes, Vară reluctantly joined her companions on the long track back home. Thankfully, everyone was in agreement of stopping some where to get food. Haley had led them to a tavern at a local town called Ambran. Once there they used some of their payment to enjoy some nice food and drink to recharge after the excursion at Coldstep Pass. Vară barely paid attention to her surroundings while enjoying the dessert items on the menu. While walking through town beforehand, she did notice the odd looks the locals where giving them, she guessed that in this supposedly neutral town they weren't used to seeing mamono here. She didn't let it bother her, though, she was just glad to be back within civilization again.

Aside from the on lookers, even her comrades may give her a strange glance at all of the spices she was putting on her sweets-filled plate. But, at this point she was too busy stuffing her face to care. However, her attention was suddenly piqued by the charming voice of a cloaked figure. She quickly turned to see an estranged man, his face hidden by an obscuring hood, though shrouded in traveling robes she could see the armor the man wore under.

This man had heard of The Guild, Wait, THAT'S what it's called?, she thought to herself. He wanted to chat for a little bit and even offered to pay for their meal. Hearing that someone heard of and was impressed by the actions of her and her guild further lifted her spirits, and leaving her tab to someone else sounded even better. For better or for worse, Vară decided to indulge the traveler.

"Greetings and salutations fair traveler. Brace yourself, for you now stand in the presence of none other than Vară Riemsianne, heir to the esteemed Riemsianne clan of noble fire demons." She said with a boisterous tone. It doesn't surprise me that your ears have caught wind of our doings, any group that I am a part of can only expect greatness to follow!"

"However...", she continued, "I do believe it is proper etiquette to introduce yourself before asking various questions. Tell me sir, what would your name be and what has brought you to these lands?"


@13org @Restalaan

Nagare promptly followed her comrades to find Nera. At this point, Nagare could clearly hear the forest's voice, it was leading them to where Nera was last and it bade to save her. What really worried her was the strange, rough feeling magic she was beginning to sense as they went deeper into the seas of trees. It definitely wasn't of this area, it felt like the magic that humans use. At that thought, Nagare began to worry that their worst fears have come to pass. After reaching a clearing, they find Nera trapped in what appeared to be some sort of magical barrier. Nera was surrounded by slain soldiers who Nagare immediately recognized as Varjan soldiers. She also noticed that Nera wasn't quite herself, what with the sigils imbued on her body and her snarling like a rabid dog. "It's true, they really have come. But, how did they find their way into the forest? Nagare grimaced to herself. She analyzed the barrier for a moment.

It was a roughly 20m grayish dome that had surrounded Nera and the corpses. On fives sides on the ends of the barrier, dark crystals engraved with red runes could be seen. Nagare, and Freyr as well, deduced those must be the source of the barriers. However, she began to sense magic forming up from behind them, but before she could warn her friends they themselves were also trapped in a barrier as well. At that point a man who had the look of a mage appeared before them. His demeanor and tone of voice were enough to identify him as a villain, a fact that he confirmed himself when he explained that he and a squadron of soldiers infiltrated the forest. Through his ramblings, it was revealed that he also was the one who did this to Nera and that he was able to find a way to move around the forest undetected. That explains how he was able to come so deep in the forest!

Ditzy pointed at the man saying he had the face of a bad person, and he began finding something to throw at him. "Who are you?! Release us at once and restore Nera to normal!" Demanded the ice dragon. Unsurprisingly it seems that her words fell on deaf ears. The man was pleased with what he had done and had muttered something about using Vieras as weapons and reporting back to his king. He also stated that he wised he could have stayed to see them all get killed by Nera.

Freyr, who unsuccessfully tried to break the crystals, was beaten to a bloody pulp by the feral Nera. She tend turned to Ditzy and Nagare as her next prey. The runes on her body glowed with an eerie light as saliva snarled from her lips. No longer the noble warrior they had met prior, she was nothing more than a savage predator fueled by primal instinct. Ditzy put down his sandbag and taunted Nera into rushing him. "Ditzy, what are you doing? Why would-" Her words were cut short by Nera blinding advance, she was already practically at the hobgoblin's throat.

One thing was clear to Nagare, they needed to find a way out of the barrier. Freyr's brute force couldn't get the job done, but Nagare thought that perhaps her ice magic could. Freyr was still unconscious, much to her dismay. If anyone would be able to calm her down, he had the best chance of doing so. However, right now all she could do was hopefully make a hole in the barrier long enough for either her or Ditzy to get through and destroy the crystals that formed their prison.

"Ditzy, I'm going to see if my ice attacks can make a hole in this barrier. If so, I'll try to destroy the crystals from the outside. Please, be careful!" At those words, Nagare once again entered into her true dragon form. She thought it would be more effective to start off strong, she needed to make this hole as quickly as possible.

With that in mind, she fired a massive blast of frost, hoping that it would disrupt the flow of energy coming from the pillars and create a distortion large enough to jump through.
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